Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (38 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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"The term is fuck buddy and no that is not
what they are. That's not something I really need. You however,
from what my security services tell me, haven't been near a man in
years, so maybe it's
who have the problem."

"That's nonsense, just ask my boyfriend,
he'll tell you. He'll tell you everything. All the juicy

Zachary waited. It was obvious he didn't
believe her.

"You ask him. His name is Kyle Freeman and
he's hot."

Zachary looked surprised for a moment. His
security guys were never wrong. She must be making it up.

"Are we talking about an imaginary boyfriend
here Suzy? Something of the mechanical variety for when you're at
home alone on the weekend?"

"How dare you talk like that to me. Kyle is
real. Very real. And he's hot. Way hotter than you. He lifts things
for a living so he's strong and he has a real job, not all this hot
air blowing you make your billions from."

"Okay. I'll call your bluff. I'll have this
Kyle Freeman checked out. What else can you tell me about him?"

"He's big. Very big. And all in

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. And he loves doing it."

"Doing what? Living in your head?"

"No. He loves doing
and we do it
all the time. In fact, I can’t wait to get done with this corny
trip and get back to his sweet arms so we can do it some more."

Zachary was already laughing openly but one
part of him was seething with rage.

You better watch out Kyle Freeman.
If you're real.

He took out his phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"I'm getting my guys on it. They'll have this
guy stripped bare in an hour. What's his address so they can pay
him a friendly visit?"

Suzy had no clue where he lived.

"If your guys are so good, let them find it

He smiled again. She wanted so bad to slap
that gorgeous smug face.

"I bet he's some old guy who delivers
groceries to your little pigsty and has trouble getting out of bed
in the morning." He chuckled.

"He is not." She said heatedly. God, how was
he so close to the damn truth already? Maybe he did have some kind
of killer sixth sense that made him successful at everything he

"He's young and hot and you can ask him
anything you want. Even about all the sex we have. It never stops,
he wants me so much. I couldn't tell Melissa because she watches me
like a mother superior in a convent."

"Is that so?" He held his hand up to shush
her. "Hey Ricky, it's me. Check out one Kyle Freeman. Allegedly
Susan Price's boyfriend. She says he's young, tall, good-looking
and lifts things for a living. She says he doesn't mind discussing
their sex life with people."

He listened for a moment.

"I know." He laughed. "Go figure. Anyway, you
find any dirt on him you let me know immediately. I mean anything
at all and you call me anytime, day or night. Don’t let me down. If
this kid's a liability I need to know." He pocketed his phone shut
and turned back to the trembling Suzy. She felt tiny and weak
again, helpless before the Demovic Corporation machine. Zachary was
one of life's consummate winners and a man of infinite resources.
She was penniless, utterly in his power and someone who had been
untested in anything except living through a life-threatening,
debilitating disease.

That was it. That thought.

She felt her power come back.

I can do this, I can take him.
He's going to underestimate me just like everyone does
and I'll come out on top in all of this.

"If that's all Zach, I'm going to bed now."
She said.

"That's all for now Suzy. Get a good night's
rest because we have another long day tomorrow before we head back
stateside and I want you looking your absolute best. You did well
today by the way. There was a lot of conversation about you in
Chinese. You never know, you might actually turn out to be good at
something if you can keep that dirty little potty mouth of yours
shut in front of my friends."

He left her standing in the hallway,
emotionally battered, sexually piqued, romantically confused.

She watched him walk away and then dragged
herself to her own bedroom. Closing the door behind she leaned
against it and then slid down to the floor in a heap. The jet lag
was catching up with her.

Oh God, I still have to call Kyle…

She had never done anything more than accept
parcel delivery from the guy before. He was a virtual stranger; how
could she possibly prep him for Zach's guys going through his life
with a fine and hostile toothcomb?


Chapter Eight

"You had better not be sleeping with her." Jason
warned his brother sternly. He was calling him from the cockpit of
his Gulf Stream where he was doing a little recreational
co-piloting. "Melissa is deadly serious about this."

"You really have nothing better to do in your
pathetic life than call me about this?"

"Forget calling you; we're on our way out
there right now."

"You what? Out here? To Hong Kong?"

"We're over Dubai now, we'll be there early
morning your time so get ready for a visit from yours truly and
from Suzy's very, very overprotective big sister."

"No kidding. I've heard all about her. No
wonder the kid is fit to blow."

"Fit to blow? What does that mean?"

"I'm fighting her off here. I mean, t8his was
one bad, bad idea Jay, I don't know how I let you talk me into
this. I'm locking my bedroom door tonight or at least putting a
chair under the door handle."

"Stop being an asshole. Just tell me where
you're staying and promise me you won't touch her. I know she's
cute but this is different, the girl is practically family to us
now and with what you did for her, well, I just don't think it's

"I didn't do it for her, I did it because it
was the right thing to do. And she might be potential family to you
but not to me. Even if you two ever do hitch up Suzy still won't be
my sister-in-law. Now unless I've gone completely crazy here, that
sounds like fair game to me."

"God damn it, stop talking like that. Do you
realize what's at stake here? You're putting my relationship with
my Melissa at stake here. She's not even having sex with me anymore
over this."

"I don't care about your sex life Jason. You
should know that by now, unless it affects Demovic corporation, so
keep your blue balls situation to yourself."

"Shit. You are one goddamn selfish asshole. I
don't blame Melissa one little bit for wanting to keep Suzy out of
your bed. Now listen to me, you made me a promise and I expect you
to keep it. So she's not family but you and Suzy have a unique
relationship and that won't ever change, so better think about the
ethics around that whole can of worms."

"Ethics? Since when do sex and ethics have
anything to do with each other? She doesn't know a thing about our
so-called 'unique' relationship so I don’t see any problem and if
you were so damn concerned with ethics then maybe you should've
told me exactly who my new PA was going to be. I can't believe I
let my guard down like this. The one and only damn time. You lost
any right talk about ethics the minute you pulled this bullshit on

Jason gave a harsh sigh. There was no talking
to his stupid, selfish, horny and emotionally challenged little
brother. Not when it came to his sex life at least.

"Just don't fuck her or my blue balls will be
the least of your worries."

Zach was silent for a moment. He was
exhausted from the long day, the jetlag from the trip and from the
burning, unresolved sexual tension with his new PA. He did not need
to get into a fight with one of the few people in the world that he
could say he trusted with his life.

He sighed deeply.

"Fuck this Jay. Okay. Look, I'm just tired
and you know I don’t like being told what to do. None of us do.
There's nothing to worry about, I have a plan already set in motion
that's going to fix this whole thing."

"Which should not include fucking my
girlfriend's little sister."

"Of course not. I made a promise and I'll
keep it. But… look, I'm coming clean here, I know it's crazy but
Suzy has changed a lot since I last saw her."


"Stop worrying, nothing is going to happen,
all I'm saying is that I remember he kind of different and I was a
taken off guard when I agreed to babysit her for you guys while you
took off on your sex-safari or whatever it is."

"Just a safari. With some sex obviously."

"Whatever, Suzy has definitely grown up and
filled out in, you know, all the right places and--"

"Melissa was right, God damn it, just control
yourself until we get there."

"She's a feisty little thing. Kind of a mouth
on her too but in a sexy way."

"Oh Jesus Christ."

"And I get the feeling that she's up for it

"The kid's practically a virgin."

"Uh, well, that might not be quite as true as
you think."

Jason said nothing. He imagined pummeling his
huge fists into his little brother's face. Nothing but absolutely
nothing would get in the way of his marriage to Melissa, not even

"She's dating some guy called Kyle Freeman
apparently and according to her they have this wild sex life." It
made him angry even to think about it. "The little bastard likes to
talk about it openly. God if I get my hands on that little

"Hold on, not Kyle, the delivery guy?"

"Maybe. Is he young, good-looking."

"Young yeah. Good-looking? How the hell
should I know? He's a guy. Yeah, the way the light reflects in his
eyes is heavenly."

"Well apparently the little bastard is flying
under the radar and Melissa doesn't even know about it."

"She does now."

"You can't tell her. Suzy told me in complete

"And you told me."

"Because you said she was a virgin which I
have reason to believe is very far from the truth. Now just don't
say word or so help me Suzy and I will be wiping the sweat off each
other's bodies in my presidential suite four poster bed when you
guys get here."

"And I will kill you if that happens."

"Just don't breathe a word to the Mother
Superior, okay?"

"To who?"

"The Mother Superior. Your girlfriend,

"You call her that?"

"Suzy does. Now promise me you won't tell

"Okay, okay, not a word, now what's your

"I need Suzy to quit. Badly. Don’t talk to me
about blue balls, this has been the longest day of my life. I can't
bear to have her around, I've never wanted to jump a set of bones
as badly as this, I don't know if I can bear it much longer but no
matter what I do she just won't back down. I tried to get her to
quit yesterday by turning up the heat but she's back again,
stronger than ever, chewing me out, bitching at me, swearing at my

"Suzy is doing swearing at your friends?
Little Suzy Price?"

"You betcha. I was saying good night to Wendy
Cho and Suzy out of the blue said, 'are you going to fuck

I took a lot to shock Jason. He looked out at
the clear blue sky and took a deep breath. Maybe there was more to
this than Melissa knew after all.

"You're kidding me?" He said. "I mean, for
sure the kid is a hell of a fighter but that just sounds

"I've never had one like her. That's what
happens when you hire friends of friends and don't go through HR,
thorough background checks and a dozen interviews."

"So did you fire her?"

"And have Melissa all over me for the rest of
my life? Not a chance in hell, but I know how I'm going to get her
to quit."

Jason winced at the thought.

"So what exactly is the master plan?"

"Turn the heat way, way up but this time it
won't be pressure to do well on the job. She might have some kid
boyfriend she fools around with but she won't know what's hit her
when Zach Demovic turns the pressure on. I've already started and I
think she's beginning to feel it."

"You mean like, coming on to her? That kind
of pressure?"

"Exactly. She's a good kid, anybody can see
that. She won't cheat on this little bastard Kyle Freeman and she
won't take a case against me for harassment because Melissa got her
the job. I won't lay a finger on her but I'll get her to quit, I
guarantee it. You can offer her a job somewhere else in Demovic,
God knows we could use someone with her attitude and smarts. She's
wasted as my PA anyway. I really do need someone who can take
orders and Suzy seems to have a constitutional inability to say the
word yes to anything I ask her."

"Zach, that sounds like exactly the kind of
half-baked plan only an idiot like you could come up with."

"Yeah, just like all those software dev plans
that made billions of dollars for us."

Jason sighed. It was already well past 1am in
Hong Kong, Suzy was by all accounts in bed and they would be there
by morning. His brother was a man of his word and even his craziest
of plans did tend to work out.

"Okay little brother, I guess I'll just have
to trust you on this one."

"Sure thing big brother. I don’t really think
you have any other choice."

Zach ended the call and rolled over in bed
wondering if his new PA had fallen asleep yet.


Chapter Nine

Kyle Freeman was in a state of high anticipation. He
had been delivering to the mysterious girl in Queens for about six
months and couldn't quite believe it when her much more forward
friend Bella had called him. It was his DHL cell phone number so
she must have held onto it after he had called Suzy's house for
directions the first time he had delivered there.

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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