Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (60 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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But Harrison was unstoppable and for every
ounce of force she pushed into him he matched with his own and a
little more.

Already she could feel the first tendrils of
orgasm licking around her, pulsating through her hungry clit and
making her wetter than she could have imagined.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God…" she moaned,
shuddering as the first searing orgasm wracked through her. When he
body went limp she opened her eyes to see that he had stood up to
remove his shirt and reveal the rippling torso she had fantasized
about a thousand times in the last two days. He loosened his belt
and pants and then came down on her again, positioning himself with
care between her waiting thighs and then softly thrusting himself
into her exposed pussy while his head buried itself to her neck and

She watched as the motion of his slow thrusts
sent his pants shuffling down over his perfectly formed,
exquisitely contracting muscular ass. It sent her wild with desire
again, causing her to moan out his name and provoke his painful
lust for her even higher. She hooked her toes to his belt and
pushed his pants and shorts down with her feet. The tip of rigid
and quivering cock slapped hard against her ass and then fought to
enter her. It was like nothing she had ever felt before.

So this is what being fucked by a Demovic
boy is like.
She thought. It was excruciatingly better than she
could ever have imagined it to be and he wasn't even inside her

Bu that didn't last for long. It was
precisely this penetrating moment he had anguished over for days;
the first sensation of his cock marauding slowly inside this
mystery woman and then fucking her inside out.

He was going to take it slow, concentrate,
bury this moment deep in his memory so that he would never forget
it as long as he lived.

"You." He pressed the massive, swollen tip of
his bulb to her folds. "Are." He entered her and she screamed

"Harrison…" But he wasn't even near

"You are fucking mine now." He hissed into
her ear as he pushed ever deeper inside her, making her scream
incoherently. "You're mine now." He repeated, withdrawing slowly
and then thrusting deep inside her again, but beginning to lose
control. The thrusts came faster now, but just as deep, and it felt
as though he would never stop, as though he were trying to fuck the
core of her being, her mind and soul as well as her body.

Her head was craned back in ecstasy, her
abdomen thrusting in unison to his, pummeling upwards as he pounded
down and then finally the bed-shaking orgasms came. Bella wrapped
herself around him, locking him inside her as though her hold on
him could stop time and make this moment last forever. She squeezed
her pussy tight around his still swollen cock and held her

But reality was only a heartbeat away.

"Why did you trick me?" He gasped into her
ear. "I need to know." He had been wracked with anger and
frustration since their date when she had taken him home, invited
him into her apartment and then brought him to the edge of fucking
her before kicking him out the door. She had allowed him to strip
half naked, told him she wanted him, but then suddenly all hell had
broken loose and she had begun shrieking wildly for him to get out
of her house. He had been so confused at the time and then so busy
with his duties as best man that he hadn't even noticed the missing
watch for two days. He had slipped on another the following day,
assuming he had mislaid the first one in his bedroom somewhere, but
when he thought back over the evening's events he was sure it had
gone missing in Bella's apartment and that the whole thing had been
a setup with the intention of stealing from him.

It hadn't stopped him from wanting to fuck
her brains out, if anything it made her even more frustratingly
tempting, but now he wanted answers.

"Tell me." He said, still holding her. "Or my
people call the cops and I go right out there and tell your friends
all about your past and about your little scam."

She looked into his hot
I-just-rocked-your-world post fucking, deep brown eyes and knew he
wasn't bluffing. Of course he would do it; hadn't he just got what
he wanted from her anyway? Now he could ruin her just for his
personal pleasure knowing he had already taken her in his family

"I didn't want to." She said at last. "I had

He gripped her hard and cursed under his
breath. had never been fooled like that before and it stung him,
provoked him and made him more determined than ever to bend her to
his will and make her his own. He felt himself begin to thrust
slowly inside her again and watched her writhe and arch her back
under his touch, drawing him deeper inside her and squeezing him

Would he be able to resist her? Would she
just fuck him and then go because he wasn't in control of himself
when she was around?

He could feel that she was reaching orgasm
again and he loved it that she came so easily, so frequently, but
he needed to get a hold on himself. This was about more than just
him. There was always the family, the corporation as well. With a
huge effort of will and he slowed his thrusting down, took control
of his own desire and by extension of hers as well. He continued to
move, slowly, just barely, keeping her desire alive but not
allowing her to go any higher than he would permit

"It's okay." He said, his hands pinning hers
in place. "I don't care about the watch, I just need to know why
you did it. You have to let me help you."

He lifted his head to look into her eyes and
her hunger for him grew like a tidal wave. Clamping down hard on
his manhood with her pussy she watched him close his eyes and arch
his back in painful pleasure. It was enough for her to slide her
wrists out from his and then, wrapping her legs around his back she
pushed wildly to turn them over.

He was far too strong and heavy for her but
obviously a part of him wanted to comply and in seconds she was on
top. She started to pull off her bridesmaid's dress.

"No," He said blearily, "I've been waiting to
fuck you in this dress since you got here."

She let it fall back down around her and
began to move and writhe on top of him. She leaned back onto his
legs, and felt his hot length stretch out inside her, sending
shudders of pleasure through his body and into her own. It wasn't
long before her climaxes were coming again and she clenched the
hardness of his cock until his teeming cum spilled inside her.
Their voices mixed in groans of pleasure and then she fell on top
of him; spent. She just managed to kiss his eyes, his lips, his
adorable forehead and jaw before pulling herself up again. She ran
her fingers through his hair knowing it would be the last and only

"I have to go to the ladies room." She
whispered. "I'll be right back."

"Don’t be long." He murmured, his eyes still
closed in the oblivion after their embrace. She knew she only had
seconds to act.

Gathering up his clothes, she pushed his cell
phone into her dress, found her travel ticket and then left the
room quietly. She walked slowly down the corridor to the first
corner and then began to run. Finding an open door along the way
she tossed his clothes inside and then continued on to find the
main entrance to the Demovic home.

Security topped her near the main entrance
but she suggested they call Mr. Demovic on his cell, which of
course they did. She felt the phone vibrate noiselessly within the
fabric of her dress. They had not been given orders to detain her
so she was allowed to go.

It was a short walk to the taxi she had
arranged to be waiting for her and the driver looked her over long
and hard as she gave him her destination.

"Port Authority Bus Terminal."

"Are you sure you want to go there dressed
like that?"

"I've got nowhere else to go."

The cab pulled out into the street and left
the leafy suburbs of the rich and wealthy behind.

Chapter Three

Suzy spent about ten minutes looking for her head
bridesmaid before finding her phone and calling to ask her where
the hell she was. There was no sign of Harrison either so she half
figured that something of a 'romantic' nature had taken place.

When she saw a recent message from Bella on
her phone a sense of foreboding came over her.

Hey Suzy, I am so, so happy for you right
now, but an emergency came up. Family stuff. You don't know how
truly sorry I am --
there was stifled sob at this point on the
voicemail --
but I have to leave right now. I'll contact you in
a few days or when you get back from Hawaii. I love you and tell
Melissa I love her too.
Another stifled sob.
God I love you

The message ended leaving Suzy in shock and
when she looked up to see Harrison entering the room dressed in
slacks and a sweater she knew something was very, very wrong. She
made a beeline for the younger Demovic brother.

"Harrison, what the hell is going on? I just
got the craziest message from Bella. And what the hell happened to
your suit? Why are you wearing those clothes?"

"Everything is okay Suzy. There's no need to
worry, everything is going to be fine."

"Did you do something to her?"

Harrison was quickly surrounded by Melissa,
Jason and Zachary.

"What's going on Harrison?" Zachary said. He
wasn't the greatest people person in the world but he knew when
Suzy was upset.

"The photographer is here." Melissa said,
looking at his casual wear. "What the hell are you wearing?"

A burly security guard handed Harrison a
plastic bag and whispered into his ear. "Found them in one of the
guest rooms sir."

He nodded and took the bag.

"I need to go and get changed." He said.
"Don’t worry about Bella. I have it covered. Go and get set up for
the photos."

He left before they had a chance to react to
what was happening. Jason and Zachary exchanged a glance as though
to ask which one of them should track him down and break his jaw
but their new wives held them back; no black eyes or bloodied noses
on a wedding day, certainly not minutes before the photos were
taken and certainly not here where cameras were recording from
every angle for the wedding video.

As they lined up for the shoot Suzy and
Melissa looked around frantically to see if Bella would arrive.
When Harrison reappeared with black clouds of anger across his brow
and took his place beside one of the other bridesmaids without
saying a word the sisters exchanged a glance, gave up hope, and
then set to putting on their best smiles for the camera.




Three Days Later


"This has got to end Harrison." Mrs. Demovic
senior was the first to speak.

Harrison looked around and remembered the
time his family had staged an intervention for his older brother
Jason when he had gone off the rails and started giving all the
family's money away. Now he knew how conflicted, defiant and
tortured his brother must have felt that day.

"It's your duty to tell us what happened.
There's a person's welfare at stake here." Jason warned him.

"Who the hell are you to talk?" Harrison bit
back. "You still haven't ever told us why you tried to bankrupt our
family and now here you are lecturing me about duty."

"It's time to grow up Harrison." Zachary
added. "Time to stop being a stupid little playboy and show some

"The geek speaks. You waste everyone's time
running around because for some absurd reason you wouldn't tell
Suzy about giving her one of your kidneys and then you propose to
her? Seriously Zach, when did you ever grow up?"

There was a silent standoff while the two
older brothers chewed on their own bizarre relationships to the
women they loved. Maybe it was a genetic trait after all.

"Okay Harrison," Jason said, "here it is. If
it will help us to find Suzy…"

Harrison looked at him, wondering what the
hell he was talking about.

"The reason I gave that money away was
because of Dad--"

"I don’t need to hear your confession Jason."
Harrison interrupted.

"You're going to hear it anyway, whether you
like it or not."

The room was deadly silent. Jason had never
told anyone, not even Melissa, the real circumstances of his near

"You might all think you know the origins of
the Demovic Corporation but you don’t."

"What are you talking about Jay?" Zachary
said. "What does this have to do with Bella?"

"Just shut up and listen Zach. You all need
to know this and if it will make Harrison come clean and help us to
find Bella then now is as good a time as any."

Zachary nodded his assent. Despite his
urgency to track down Bella, he was as curious as anyone to finally
have the mystery of his older brother's behavior solved.

"We all know that dad ran out on mom." Jason
said, looking over at Mrs. Demovic Snr. The dignified old lady
lifted her eyes for a moment to give her consent to Jason and then
directed her gaze back down to her gloved hands. Her son

"He left mom ill and with three small
children because he felt that a young family was tying him down and
getting in the way of his dreams of becoming a rich man. By the
time he was making money mom had received her heart transplant and
we had already formed our first company. We had things started but
we desperately needed seed money."

"Which we found through Ernst from a mystery
investor and who we eventually paid back in full." Zachary said.
Ernst Pitchford was the still the family lawyer and had made his
entrance into the family circle by supplying them out of the blue
with the first major investor to believe in the young brothers and
supply them with the capital they needed to get started in

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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