Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (42 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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He had been informed that there was no
evidence one way or the other on the guy but that he seemed normal.
His instincts told him she had been bluffing all along.

"Oh he delivers alright." She said.
"Packages. Big ones. Straight to my door. All the time." She tried
to sound as suggestive as she could.

"Don’t even try Suzy. I'm an expert and I
know a bluff when I hear one. The guy has a girlfriend already so
either he's two-timing, or you guys have an open relationship,
which I absolutely do not want to hear about, or you lied to me in
order to pretend you have a boyfriend, which was, of course,
totally unnecessary."

Suzy was slowly turning red, realizing that
she had been found out and that even if she hadn't that her blush
would thoroughly confirm it anyway.

"Well I needed to make something up to keep
you away from me."

"Or to make me jealous."

"Keep away, I said. I wanted to keep you away
from me."

"I don't want to be near you. In fact if you
weren't insisting on working for me and weren't holding me to
ransom with a bogus threat of sexual harassment then you would have
been fired already."

"On what grounds?"

"Asking me in front of a personal friend if I
was going to fuck her is pretty good one."

Suzy went silent. That had been her alright.
She looked down at the ground.

"But she's your ex-girlfriend, you told me
yourself it was no big deal."

"Because you're Melissa's little sister you
idiot. Of course I wanted to give you a second chance, but I guess
no good deed goes unpunished. Not with you Price girls anyway."

"Okay." She conceded. "I was wrong about
that. Look, I just… I was just…"


She was silent again, still looking at the
ground. Zachary watched her, maybe this could be all patched up. He
could bed her tonight, get it out of his system and then they could
go their separate ways. No harm done. He was a fool to have let it
enter his head that it was more than that. Had he even done that
though? Had he thought about this as more than just sex? The
thought rocked him and when he looked at Suzy again he saw her
shoulders beginning to shudder.

It had all been too much for her, too crazy,
too mixed with sexuality, anger, frustration, jealousy and

The tears started to come harder.

Oh great.
Zachary sighed.
What the hell do you do with tears?

Normally he would just leave, slip away, ask
the woman to stop, shove a handkerchief in her face and then wait
until she was done. It was a common breaking up scenario. But this
was Suzy, a girl he had committed a whole lot more to and already
his whole family was being messed up by his mistakes--by their
mistakes. He couldn't just walk out the door on this one.

He came nearer to her and she felt his shadow
pass over her. It was like reality kicking in again. He was tall,
strong, powerful, immensely successful and had accepted her into
his world on good faith. She was just a nobody; a skinny little
girl starting out in life and she had used the one weakness he had
to wield power over him like some bunny-boiling psycho. At this
point she didn't even know if Melissa and Jason would ever speak to
her again. She had refused to speak to them all day and they were
the two most important people in the whole world to her.

"I wish I'd never gotten that stupid kidney."
She sobbed. "Everything's been crazy since then. I was better off
when I was sick."

The words stung Zachary deeply. Again, she
knew exactly what to say, and at just the right time, to cut him to
the quick.

He sat on the floor next to her and put a
strong, comforting arm around her shoulders. The soft fabric of his
hand-tailored suit pressed against the naked flesh of her arm and
she buried her head in his huge, muscled chest.

"Don’t ever say that Suzy." His voice was
softer than she had ever heard it before. "The person who gave you
that kidney might have sacrificed a lot more than you think."

She sobbed even harder.

"Of course. You're right Zach. You're always
right. I'm just being even more selfish. I'm so, so sorry about all
this. I'll come clean with Jason, I'll tell him nothing happened.
I'll do it right now."

"That would be great Suzy. Thank you. I would
really appreciate that. There's nothing to be ashamed of, just come
clean and tell him you came into my bed, dressed like you

She jerked away from him.

"I did not come into your bed.
came into
bed. You were sleep walking. I had to leave my
bed and then you followed me to yours."

He tried his best not to smile.

"Okay, whatever, just tell him we didn't do

"You don’t believe me."

"Of course I do."

"No you don’t. You still don't. You think
every woman in the world wants to strip half naked get into the
sack with you."

"Well isn’t that what
did last

Suzy jumped up, her loose dressing gown
revealing that indeed all she was wearing was one tiny pair of
cotton underwear. Zach's cock thrummed silently in response to the
teasing flash of intimacy.

"I'd call you an arrogant baboon but I have
too much respect for baboons. Just stay out of my bedroom tonight
and keep that filthy snake in its cage if you're even capable of
keeping it under control."

"If you want the filthy snake in the cage
then how about you keep those two sweet apples in the bag." He

"Apples?" She was incensed, apoplectic,
indignant. "In the bag? You don’t deserve my help, my sympathy, my
anything. Screw you. I take it all back. You deserve everything you

She stormed to her room.

"Suzy, I'm sorry. Look, can we just rewind
the last ten minutes and then start over again?"

Her door slammed in response and he jumped up
to follow her but then held back. All he needed was security to
barge in again if she started shouting and screaming. And what
would they find? Suzy half naked, him invading her bedroom. How the
hell could everything get so complicated in such a short time? Even
his own security people were being used against him now and all
because he just couldn't control himself where this infuriating
woman was concerned.

"Suzy." He called out.

He heard her shower go on.

"Shit. How can this be so hard? She just a
woman for Christ's sake." He shook his head in dismay and returned
to his own room, still at a loss as to how it had gotten so messy
and how he was going to bed her tonight and make everybody feel
good about it in the morning.

"I just still don't see what the big deal is
about fucking her!"

He slammed his fist against a closet

Then it came to him. Jason had been trying to
contact him all day and he had a good idea what he wanted. He
decided to give his brother a call.

Zachary Demovic, you are a genius.
congratulated himself.
Suzy Price, get ready to be entered, the
long siege has come to an end. Tonight's the night you finally get




"So has he fired her yet?"

Melissa was still marching around the hotel
room in her underwear. Jason had begged her to put some clothes on
but she had refused. That wasn't going to happen until her little
sister was safe or until his nuts went on fire, whichever came

"I'm working on it." He kept telling her,
trying not to look at the pair of legs that were becoming
increasingly, unbearably delicious to him as the hours wore on.
After being studiously evaded all day he was surprised when Zachary
called him of his own volition that evening.

"Where the hell have you been all day?" He
shouted down the phone.

"Shut up Jason. I have a plan that should
keep you, me, Melissa and everybody else happy. So start

"You better not be bullshitting me Zach."

"Just shut up and listen. Suzy's going to
make good and tell the truth about what happened last night, which
is nada."

"Okay, so this is definitely good. If it's

"I never went near her. I just woke up to her
screaming and found her in my bed beside me and she will tell you
that herself."

"How the hell did she get into your bed?"

"You can ask
that. The bottom line
is that once we get her to sign off on that then she leaves my
department. We are no longer working together, she transfers
somewhere else, anywhere else."

"What if she won't agree to that?"

"Don’t worry. The girl's confused and I don’t
blame her. This was a crazy idea to begin with and you and Melissa
are to blame for that, not me. Suzy is pretty sorry about this
whole thing and I know I can convince her that a transfer is for
the best, in light of what she tried to do to me. I won’t hold it
against her of course. That goes without saying. You know me, I
never hold a grudge. Especially not against a cute girl."

Despite initial skepticism Jason was
beginning to buy in.

"So far so good Zach. But there's one more
thing that hasn't been mentioned yet. What about this damn stupid
secret you insist on keeping? I don’t understand why you don't just
come clean and tell Suzy the whole story, then maybe--"

"No way. That's between you, me and Melissa
and I wish to hell I hadn't even had to share it with you two. Suzy
still doesn’t know anything about it and she never will."

Maybe it was better that way. After all, if
he wasn't going to fuck her then the secret wasn't so important
after all and little Suzy had enough to deal with already. A surge
of brotherly love went through Jason's heart. If Zach really hadn't
done anything to her then he had kept his promise. Few things meant
more to him than that. And his insistence on keeping his gift to
Suzy a secret? Maybe his little brother wasn't so bad after

"I know this is difficult for you Zach." he
said. "And I promise I won’t ever ask you to do anything like this
ever again. You're one of the good ones. Even if you are totally
fucked in the head."

"Shut up Jason." He said, trying not to let
the brotherly emotion get the better of him. "Just let me just be
the selfish asshole everyone thinks I am. Life is simpler that

There was a moment of rare awkward silence
between the two habitually brash young billionaires.

"I gotta go." Jason finally said. "Melissa
still needs some TLC if ever want to get her into bed with me

"TLC? Since when do
do TLC?"

"Stop busting my balls Zach, they're blue
enough as it is."

"Well that makes two of us. It hasn't been
this bad since high school."

"Yeah. Tell me about it."

"One other thing Zach, about Suzy's

"You mean her pretend boyfriend."

"Well pretend or not, the guy is on his way
to Hong Kong right now."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Unfortunately not. Seems like we
underestimated his concern for Suzy, just wanted to give you and
your security a heads up so the poor schlub doesn't get himself in
any trouble. The idiot thinks he's looking out for Suzy but we
couldn't get a hold of him to tell him to back off. If you want my
people can intercept him at the airport."

"No, don’t worry about. I'll take care of it.
Thanks anyway. Give my love to that crazy woman you call a
girlfriend. Gotta go."

He rang off and called his security team.

"Pick up Kyle Freeman at international
arrivals. Flying in from NYC. Bring him straight here. Tell him
it's to do with his girlfriend and tell him she's been begging to
speak to him for days. Let him know she's dying to get the hell out
of here but her crazy boss practically has her kidnapped in his
hotel room."

Zach Demovic smiled. It was all going to work
out in the end, just like it always did.

One floor below him Jason was still sitting
with the phone in his hand, looking at the floor. He raised his
eyes slowly as the pair of stockinged legs approached him.

"Did I hear 'blue balls' mentioned?" Melissa
asked him.

Jason struggled to master himself but it was
pointless. His cock swelled up inside his designer underwear.
Besides, everything was coming good again so he had every reason to
expect that he would be destroying the woman of his dreams in bed
again within the next ten minutes.

"I've got good news." He said.

"Oh really." Melissa stepped closer.

"He never touched her. It was one of his
crazy sleep walking things. Suzy will sweat to it and sign off on
it too."

"You mean he never slept with her?"

"Never laid a finger on her."

Melissa stepped in closer, her thighs sliding
in between his and parting them slightly. His cock throbbed into
angry life.

"I like the sound of that." She said.

"And I've got more good news."

"Oh really." She put her hands on his

"Oh yes indeed. She will be transferred to
another department in Demovic."

"Mmmm." Melissa moaned and slid her arms
around his neck.

"She'll do it voluntarily."

"Yessss." She slid on hand down his

"It will be very far away from Zach."

Her hand slid all the way down to his package
and caressed lightly. He groaned in response and then surrounded
her with his powerful arms, picking her up in one swift movement
and heading for the bedroom.

"At long fucking last." He growled.

When they reached the bedroom he threw her on
the bed, rid himself of his shorts and then took hold of her
ankles, drawing her butt and pussy in towards him.

"Not so fast." She said.

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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