Read Sublime Wreckage Online

Authors: Charlene Zapata

Tags: #Mental Health, #love, #abuse, #Life Choices, #New adult, #friendship, #Tragedy

Sublime Wreckage (17 page)

By the time everyone leaves I think I'm drunk. I've never been drunk before. My brain feels numb, my body feels like it could do anything and I think all common sense has left the building. Amanda turns up the music and we dance around the living room laughing at nothing at all. Vince informs us we are staying at his house because we can't go back to Amanda's house like this. He texted her parents letting them know we would both be staying over at a friend's house.

It's just after midnight and it feels like we have been dancing for hours. I raise my hands in the air to one of my favorite songs and close my eyes. I can feel my body start to sway and I might have hit the floor but two strong arms wrap around my waist holding me up.

"Maybe it's time to call it a night." I love it when he whispers in my ear. It makes my whole body tingle.

"Okay." I lean my head back resting it on his shoulder. We stay like that for a while slowly swaying back and forth. When the song ends, Vince grabs my hand guiding me down the hall into his bedroom.

"I put your bag in here earlier so if you want to change your stuff is in here. I think I'm going to crash with Tommy so you can have my bed. Amanda's taking the couch."

"Please don't leave. Can you stay in here with me? I don't want to be alone." I must be drunk because I can't believe I just said that to him. I go over to the bed and climb under the covers not bothering to change out of the dress. My shoes came off a long time ago so I don't have to worry about them. Vincent is standing by the door with a funny look on his face. Like he can't decide what to do. At least that's what it looks like from my angle. My head is hanging halfway off the bed as I contemplate throwing up or passing out.


"How could I ever say no to you? Especially when you look so adorable?" Vince takes off his shoes, pants and shirt climbing in beside me in just his boxers. I really wish I could appreciate his body but right now I'm a little fuzzy. I turn around laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around his waist. He lets his arm fall to my side then he gently runs his hand up and down my back. It's starting to put me to sleep. It feels amazing being in his arms. I can hear his heart starting to slow down. I take a deep breath inhaling his beautiful scent.

"This has been the best night of my life. Thank you so much for throwing me this party. Can we go to the creek tomorrow? Please?"

"Of course. Anything you want."

"Thanks Vincent. You mean so much to me. I hope you know that." That's the last thing I remember saying before I pass out.

Chapter Seventeen

I wake up feeling nauseous. Ugh. Beer sucks. Drinking sucks. My head hurts. After feeling sorry for myself for being such a dumbass it starts to hit me that I'm lying on top of someone. I slowly open my eyes and see Vincent asleep. He doesn't have a shirt on but I'm fully clothed. Thank goodness for that. At least I didn't do something really stupid. How did we end up in bed together? I don't know how much that matters right now because all I can think about is how perfect his body looks. I knew he had muscles but to be touching every sculpted piece of his chest is giving me chills. I can't believe we fell asleep like this. I want to stay this way forever. I feel so warm, so safe in his arms. There is no panic about being this close to him in such an intimate way. It feels right. I decide it's better to enjoy the moment then ruin it. I slowly drift back to sleep.

When I wake up for the second time the bed is empty. I can't believe the disappointment I feel. I sit up and look around the room but I'm alone. I see a glass of water with two aspirin sitting on his desk. I get up to drink the water and see a note with my name on it.

Didn't want to wake you. I know you probably aren't feeling great. I put your bag in the bathroom so take a shower and I will make you something to eat. Take the aspirin. It will help with your hangover. Vincent

He is so sweet for taking care of me but I really wish he would have just stayed in bed with me. Then I start to wonder what I look like after a night of drinking. Oh great. I probably look hideous. That's probably why he got up and let me sleep. I take the pills then head to the bathroom. I take a quick look in the mirror. It's not as bad as I thought. I do have a huge sleep line down the side of my face and my mascara got a little smeared but other than that I look decent. My hair did get pressed down on one side from sleeping in the same position all night but what do you expect when you use another human being as your pillow. I take a nice, long hot shower. I'm already starting to feel better. I get dressed in comfy jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. I decide not to put any make-up on today. I brush through my hair choosing to leave it down. As I open the bathroom door Amanda rushes past me to the toilet where she proceeds to throw up. Gross.

"You okay?"

"Yes. Are you done in here? I need a shower." I just laugh and shut the door. She must have drank more than me. I feel kind of bad for her. That's when I smell something wonderful coming from the kitchen. It's bacon. I love bacon. As I round the corner I see Vince standing at the stove attempting to make breakfast. The poor guy has made the biggest mess. I see eggs on the counter, pancake batter dripping down the front of the cabinet, and something smells burnt.

"Need some help Slick?" He turns around with the cutest face ever.

"Please, please help me. I can't cook. I don't know what I'm doing." I can't help but laugh at him. He looks pathetic standing in front of the stove covered in batter. I walk over to check on the bacon. At least he didn't burn that.

"What's burning?"

"Oh crap. I forgot I put biscuits in the oven." He quickly gets a hand towel and pulls the cookie sheet from the oven. Yep. The biscuits are done. Not really edible though unless you like that burnt taste.

"Will you please go sit down and let me finish. If you don't get out of the way you might end up burning the whole place down! Go sit!" Vince looks at me trying to figure out if it's best for him to stop or help. Finally he goes and sits down at his little table in the kitchen.

"I was trying to make you breakfast. I didn't mean for you to cook for me. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It was very sweet. It's the thought that counts. Besides, I really don't mind. I like taking care of you for a change." I give him a quick smile while trying to assess the damage. I see the eggs he tried to cook in the trash. He burnt those too. He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't know how to cook. On the counter next to the refrigerator I see the pancake batter that looks more like water than anything else. I will have to start over with everything except the bacon. After about 20 minutes of cooking I have something that is edible. Amanda comes out from her shower ready to eat. Tommy joins us in the tiny kitchen. The food actually turned out pretty good given my circumstances. The biscuits had to be thrown out so I just made toast. All in all it's a decent spread.

"This is awesome. Thanks for cooking Maggie." Tommy says as he shovels another huge bite of food in his mouth.

"Anytime Tommy." Man can he eat. I don't know how they keep food in the house with the way he is inhaling everything.

"Don't tell him that or he will make you cook every time you come over!" Vince says in between bites.

This feels so normal. It feels good. Almost like we make up our own little family. Amanda and Tommy seem to be getting to know each other with small talk. After everyone is finished, I start clearing the table. That's when Tommy grabs my arm and tells me to drop it.

"If you cook you don't clean up. House rules. Go sit down on the couch. Vince and I got this." Amanda grabs my arm leading me into the living room.

"OMG! He is the nicest guy ever! Why haven't you introduced us?"

"I don't know. He is usually at work when you are over and you did have a boyfriend. I didn't think you would be interested."

"Oh I'm interested. I mean just look at him. Can you say my type? I mean the blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. It doesn't hurt that he is built like a professional football player. Do you think he likes me? Does he have a girlfriend?"

"I have no clue. I don't know what goes on in his love life. Why don't you hang out and get to know him?"

"I would love too. What are your plans for today?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe Vince and I can get out of your hair so the two of you can hang out alone."

"That would be awesome. Thanks Maggie." She is so excited. I'm glad she seems to be over the loser that broke up with her. I know she's ready for a more serious relationship. I can tell she is done with the temporary boyfriends. I just hope it goes well with Tommy. That would make things really awkward if my best friend hated Vince's best friend. After we go back to regular chit chat, Tommy joins us in the living room. I get up to look for Vincent. I find him putting away the rest of the dishes in the kitchen.

"Hey, want to head out to our spot?"

"I would love too. What should we do with those two?" He jabs his thumb in the direction of our two best friends.

"I say let them entertain each other. Maybe Tommy can give her a ride home later."

"Sounds good to me. How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thanks for taking care of me. you know how we ended up in bed together?"

"Well, it started with you begging me to stay and ended with me giving in. I hope you aren't mad. I didn't take advantage, I promise. We just fell asleep."

"Of course I'm not mad at you. You just did what I asked. I can't believe I begged you. I'm an awful drunk. I vow to never drink again if that's how I behave. But I have to admit, it was kind of nice." I can't look at him when I say things like that. All of a sudden I feel shy so I look down at the floor. Vince walks over to me and puts his hand under my chin lifting my face so I meet his gaze.

"It was nice. Very, very nice." I watch his eyes drift down to my mouth pausing there for what feels like an eternity before bringing them back up to my eyes.

"Let's get out of here." He takes his hand off my face but it never leaves my body. He slides it down my side then takes my hand. We say our goodbyes to Amanda and Tommy.

We spend the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon at the creek. I'm really falling in love with this place. The flowers have started to disappear as it gets colder and colder. But the trees surrounding this area have all turned into beautiful fall colors. I know it's the same place but it almost feels different. I can feel the change in the air. The buildup of winter coming. I can't wait to see the beauty Vince described when the creek freezes over.

"What are you thinking about?" Vincent looks over at me from his rock. We seem to gravitate toward the same spot each time we come here. It's become very comfortable.

"I was just thinking about turning 18. It's a big milestone. I wish my dad could see me now."

"I know what you mean. I think that's the hardest part of losing a parent so young. You don't realize everything they are going to miss. It hit me really hard when I moved out and started my own business. All I could think about was how proud my dad would be. But he isn't around to see it."

"Sometimes I wonder if they can see us. I have moments in my life where it feels like my dad is with me, watching out for me. Do you ever feel that way?"

"I don't know. Maybe if I let myself believe in something more, maybe I could feel him. I would like to think it's true. That they are watching over both of us. Maybe that's why I love coming to this place so much. It reminds me of my dad and makes me feel close to him even though he's gone."

We sit peacefully watching the sun glimmer off the water. I think we are both lost in thought. Remembering our fathers together. It's nice to have someone to talk to about my dad. Someone who understands because they have been through something similar. I finally tell Vince my stomach has to have food. He gets down from the rock and walks over to me. I stand up waiting for him to take my hand. It's what we always do. He usually holds my hand leading me back to the truck. But today he pauses, standing right in front of me.

"Maggie, I need to ask you something. I need for you to be honest with me. Can you do that?"

"Yes." That's all I can manage to get out. I swallow hard waiting for him to continue.

"Do you think that friends can have more without ruining the friendship? Because I don't know how much longer I can be around you without kissing you. But I don't want to lose what we already have together. You mean so much to me. I can't picture my life without you in it. So if you think we can't have more tell me before I kiss you." I'm stunned. I never expected those words to come out of his mouth. I mean I know we have chemistry. I know we both feel it but I didn't realize he was ready for more. I don't know how to respond. I want him to kiss me. I want it so damn bad. But I don't want to lose him either. I don't want to ruin what we have. I feel like I'm so cautious with every person around me, never letting anyone get too close. I don't want to be that way anymore. I want to let him in. So I do.

"Kiss me."

Vincent stares into my eyes for a moment trying to decipher if I mean what I'm saying. Making sure I really want this. I don't know exactly what he sees but I feel him inching closer and closer to my body. His lips are right in front of mine. I can feel his warm breath whispering into my mouth. He wraps one arm around my waist bringing my body flush against his. He puts his other hand on my neck wrapping it around the back of my head so I'm secure in his grasp. I couldn't move away even if I wanted to. But I don't. I want this. I want to know what it feels like to kiss your best friend. My heart is racing in anticipation. Every move he makes seems slow and deliberate.

I feel him inhale a sharp breath before his mouth comes crashing down on mine. I thought it was going to be a soft, sweet kiss but instead it's full of passion. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He kisses me hard and fast. My entire body is on fire. It's like being woken from a sound sleep to burning everywhere. Every place he touches me I feel it deep within my core. I have never experienced passion like this before. It's like we can't seem to get enough of each other. It's consuming every part of my body. I feel his hand grabbing my hair so I run my hands up his neck in response. And then the kiss starts to slow down. He starts giving me little kisses on my lips, then he moves to my neck, then my ear. Is he trying to drive me crazy? Because it's working. I don't even realize it until it's too late but I moan loudly in his ear. That starts the frenzy all over again. His mouth is back on mine devouring it. He tastes so damn good. I want this moment to last forever. Whatever line there was before we both just crossed it. I just hope we didn't make a mistake.

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