Read Subjugated Online

Authors: Emily Tilton

Subjugated (18 page)

“Young Jenna will be taken into the town hall, and allowed to wash up. After Mrs. Trest makes sure she’s fit for more, she’ll ride with Captain Clark to Las Vegas by limo, to start her special week with him. I’m Lieutenant Joe Franklin of the Second Regiment of the Army of Western Liberation, and it’s been my honor to be with you today for Captain Clark’s excellent subjugation of Jenna Caprio, the army’s newest pleasure girl. From all of us here at army media, have a pleasant weekend.”

“Captain?” a voice said behind him. He turned to see Major Trest. “The limo’s set to arrive in five minutes. We’ll bring Jenna to you after we check her out.”

Could he keep himself from showing how he truly felt? Could she keep from giving something away? He suddenly wanted to tell the major that he had important business elsewhere and would meet Jenna in Las Vegas. At that moment, though, not to ride with her—not to be sure she would be alright soon—seemed impossible.

“Very well, major,” he said. “Thanks.”

“If it’s alright with you, we’ll let her shower as well.”

Bradley saw that Jacobs and Redfern were leading Jenna into the town hall.

“Sounds fine, major. Thank you.”

He saw the major’s glance travel downward, and he followed it to see the ruins of the red panties, lying next to the block where his men had degraded Jenna. Affecting an air of triumph, he bent down, picked them up, and tucked the lace into his pocket.

The limo pulled up at the bottom of the steps, as the townspeople turned to shuffle away into the beautiful sunset, turning the houses pink and giving the impression that nothing terrible could have happened in Springfield today. Jenna’s parents had probably already been returned to their house, and their neighbors would undoubtedly come to find them and bring them to someone else’s house to eat and drink and learn how to be merry again.

How could Jenna know the sign, though, unless one of her parents was an ally of the resistance? The price was terrible for them, but to have a subjugated pleasure girl as an ally represented the possible fruition of every hope for freedom cherished by men like Bradley in the face of total domination of the high command over life in the republic.

A staff officer got out of the driver’s seat of the long black limo and opened the door for Bradley.

“Well done, Captain Bradley,” he said. “The high command is very pleased.”

“Thank you, lieutenant,” Bradley replied.

“Is she a good lay?” The young lieutenant crooked a wicked grin at him.

Bradley forced a laugh. “Oh, yes. I’m going to have a nice week, I can tell you.”

“Do you think you’ll use the cunt more, or the ass?”

Dammit. Why did this smirking lieutenant have to confront him with the problem of his desire to dominate Jenna? “Soldiers fuck hard”—Sergeant Connor’s voice came back to him, rang in his ears. The shameful question had gotten him hard again. “Haven’t decided.”

He slipped onto the bench seat in the back of the limo so that he wouldn’t have to carry on the awful conversation, and the lieutenant closed the door behind him. Bradley waited for the man to get back in and renew the lewd talk, but to his relief the driver stayed outside, waiting for Jenna.

When they brought Jenna to him, and helped her into the limo to sit next to Bradley, she wore a fluffy red bathrobe. Her hair was wet from the shower, and her face looked freshly scrubbed, though her mouth was set in a tight line and her eyes darted around nervously. She moved slowly and painfully, though, on the seat, as if her bottom and her pussy were terribly sore.

Could he risk doing what he longed to do? Bradley looked into Jenna’s face and saw an uncertainty so great, a brow so clouded, that he couldn’t resist the impulse. Before the driver could get back into the limo, he took her in his arms and put his lips to her ear. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.


* * *


“Oh,” Jenna said in surprise. “Oh.”

The driver opened his door and got in. He turned his smiling face—a nasty smile, Jenna thought—back to them, to speak through the sliding window of the glass partition. “About forty-five minutes to Vegas, captain,” he said. “Just sit back and relax. If you decide you want to try your girl out again—lots of officers do—I promise I won’t tell my superior officer.” He chuckled.

“But there’s a feed from the limo, isn’t there?” Captain Clark asked, sounding surprised.

The driver shook his head. “You have your colonel to thank for that, actually.”

“Colonel Davies?”

“The same. He persuaded high command that officers should have some time to get to know their girls better, if you know what I mean. They say the general went for it immediately, because he likes knowing that girls like you—” and here he gave Jenna a horrible leering look, “—get what they deserve even though it’s against the regulations.”

Jenna didn’t understand what any of it meant, but Captain Clark hadn’t let go of her, and that seemed to make things better, even if he now had a troubled look on his face.

“Thanks, lieutenant,” he said.

“Welcome, sir,” the man said and closed the sliding window. The car started and they pulled away.

They sat in silence as the limo quickly left the town behind and headed out onto the highway, beautifully maintained by the army and kept nearly pristine by the travel restrictions imposed on the citizens of the republic for the past twenty-five years. Jenna looked out the window, wondering not at the sights, for the landscape really looked no different from what you could see by hiking out a mile or two from Springfield, but at the speed with which they traveled through them; she had never moved so quickly in her life.

Suddenly Captain Clark drew her to him again.
I’m sorry
. What had he meant? That strange, long day of punishment and pleasure hadn’t been his fault, and although Jenna was certainly very, very sore between her legs, she wasn’t sure anyone had anything to apologize for at all.

Especially now that I know that you’re an ally.

She looked into his face, and saw the same hungry expression he had worn in her room, before he had shown her his cock for the first time. He bent his face to hers and started to kiss her, holding her tightly in his arms, his left hand at the back of her head, so that she knew that trying to resist would serve her not at all.

Jenna gave a little whimper, and she felt her body respond as if none of the terrible deeds of the long day had happened; as if she were a fresh young maiden kissed for the first time. Her lips parted, and she felt the captain command her mouth completely, moving his tongue as forcefully as, she realized with a blush, he had moved his cock.

As they all had moved their cocks. How many men had come on her today? How many had spurted their seed on her face, her hair, her shoulders?

Was it the third team who had put the thing shaped like a cock, that vibrated when they turned it on, inside her pussy, and fucked her with it while one of their number whipped her and three more stood in front of her face, stroking their cocks? What had the announcer said? “They’re making the little whore shame herself, now. Listen to her scream with pleasure! Yes, Jenna Caprio, you like cock, don’t you, you little whore? You’re going to get a lot of it in Las Vegas, pleasure girl.”

The three had taken turns whipping her with the cat after that, handing the horrible thing off to each other and commenting on the prowess of the soldier currently punishing her.

Her mouth had gone very dry, and she had thanked God that they forced her to drink a whole bottle of water between the teams. Of course those bottles of water had meant that she had peed, there on the block, while the fourth team arranged itself.

“Oh, look, Jenna’s giving us a little golden shower,” the voice had said when the first few drops emerged, since Jenna couldn’t stop them, and trickled down under her. “That’s okay, sweetie, most girls do that. You just go ahead and let all that pee out. You’ll feel much better when you do.”

And she had, her face hot, knowing that her friends and neighbors watched the yellow water gushing from her pussy and down the block.

And the thought had made her pussy warm, posing again, even more terribly, the question of what Captain Clark had awakened in her.

The kiss ended, and now the captain’s lips were at her ear again. “I don’t know whether to believe him,” he murmured, “but it may be our best chance.”

Jenna’s heart beat wildly.

“Keep holding onto me,” he said. “Make noise from time to time, like I’m touching you between your legs.”

Jenna gave a little whimper in response, partly to obey and partly at the realization that she
him to touch her there, despite everything.

“Just like that. Good girl.”

Good girl
made her whimper again. His arms felt so comforting around her. Couldn’t she just be his good girl and not worry about this Plan Beta stuff?

“In Las Vegas, tomorrow night, I’m going to bring you to General Dumfries.”

Jenna whimpered in unfeigned alarm.

“Don’t worry. All you have to do is let him kiss you, and then resist him. I can’t explain, but I promise that it’s important, and you won’t have to do any more than that, whether the plan works or not.”

Another whimper.

“Jenna,” he said, so softly that she could barely hear it even with his lips a quarter-inch from her ear, “I love you.”

Chapter Twenty-One



After that, Bradley loosened his arms’ embrace and let Jenna sit back, still with his right arm around her shoulders. He hoped that if the driver was somehow monitoring, they had delivered a satisfactory performance with his dominance and her whimpers.

Even if the plan failed, they would be alright, wouldn’t they? That was the way the plan had been developed, so that, with any luck, no allies of the resistance would be lost, and they would be able to try again the next time both a subjugated girl and her subjugating officer turned out to be allies.

Jenna, to his pleased surprise, snuggled her head into his chest, covered once again in the desert camouflage of his fatigues. He had been half expecting that she would react to the profession of his love with revulsion, but as far as he could tell she felt comfortable with him, perhaps even safe in the knowledge that he would protect her. He didn’t feel he could ask for any more than that.

But after fifteen minutes or so of silence, during which she seemed to be looking out the window at the darkening desert while he had been looking down at her golden head nestled against his chest, she turned her face a little awkwardly so that she could meet his eyes. “Sir?” she asked softly.

“Yes, Jenna?” Her eyes seemed full of doubt.

“Should I… I mean…”

“What is it, sweetheart? You can ask me anything.”

“Should I please you with my mouth? Here in the car?”

Bradley felt himself frown even as his cock leapt in response. “Would you like to do that, Jenna?”

“Well, I want to be a good girl for you.” The look in her eyes seemed unreadable to him. “So that… so that I don’t get, you know… spanked as much?”

“As much?”

“Well, I know you’re going to spank me, no matter what, and that’s okay because I know I’m naughty, now, and I need discipline to help me learn to be good. But maybe if I show you that I want to please you, you won’t spank me as hard, or use your belt?”

Bradley looked at her in surprise. Jenna’s mouth hung open a little, and her breathing came very quickly and shallowly. If the driver hadn’t been telling the truth, for him to refuse to let Jenna give him head would raise suspicion.

“Alright, Jenna,” he said, making his voice as stern as he could. “Get down in front of me, on your knees. You’re going to show me what you’ve learned today.”
If they’re listening, I need to show them I know my traditional values—that I learned Sergeant Connor’s lessons properly

Jenna nodded, and then, as Bradley gave into his lust at the idea of her serving him this way, with the need for deception as the excuse, and began to move her firmly that way, pushing upon her shoulders the way a soldier did when he wanted head from a pleasure girl, she gave a real, if soft, sigh of arousal.

If Jenna really did want to submit to him this way, they would have to succeed or be doomed not to find happiness—or at least not soon and probably not ever. Pleasure girls could marry, but only after five years serving the lusts of any soldier who reserved their services. Subjugated girls tended to be much in demand, having become minor celebrities through the live broadcasts of their defloration and degradation.

She knelt on the floor of the limo, between his knees. She bowed her head, perhaps remembering what Jacobs had said to her about looking an officer in the eye. Bradley unbuckled his belt, unfastened his fatigue pants, lowered them and his briefs. Jenna gave a little gasp as if at seeing his cock again and Bradley, unable to help himself when he knew to preserve the appearance of his dominance he must act thus, pushed her head down, and her mouth onto his cock.

The pleasure of the softness inside, and of the dominance of controlling her that way made him grunt, and he began to move her little head up and down, pushing her mouth further down the length of his cock each time. “There you go,” he murmured. “That’s it. Good girl. You’re learning.”

Muffled sounds came from Jenna’s throat, but the need to reclaim her from his men, and to make her swallow his semen as a token of that reclamation, came upon him so strongly that he couldn’t stop himself. “Hold my balls,” he growled. “I’m going to come down your throat.”

Jenna obeyed, and as soon as her soft fingers touched his scrotum Bradley shuddered with the ecstasy of having her that way, completely his—using her here in the car even though it was forbidden, and his cock spurted his seed into her mouth as she desperately tried to swallow it, while he held her head down, twining his fingers in her golden hair.

Instantly guilt overwhelmed him at having done that to her at the end of this long day, and he raised her head gently, expecting her to turn her eyes to him in reproach, but to his surprise she kept her head down, and began to plant tender kisses on his cock, his thighs, and his balls again. “Thank you, sir,” she whispered.

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