Read Subjugated Online

Authors: Emily Tilton

Subjugated (20 page)

“Sir… sir… sir,” she gasped. “Please…”

“Please what, Jenna?” Bradley murmured.

“May I… please c—come?” Somehow she knew she must ask; it simply felt right.

“Yes, Jenna, you may come,” Bradley said, and she thought she could hear a kind of wonder in his voice. At the same time, as if he couldn’t help it because her pussy made his cock feel so good, he started to fuck her harder. Together with the feeling of his strong body all along her back, the rubbing at her clit, and the very idea that she belonged to Captain Bradley Clark, now, it drove her arousal over that strange edge she had begun to learn to find on Thursday in front of her mirror, and she gave an anguished shout of pleasure.

The climax under the cock that had fucked her awake felt very different from the one before the mirror; it felt like it belonged to Bradley rather than to her, and that made it even stronger, but also more shameful as she imagined what she must look like to her officer, turning as red as a turnip she was sure and squirming uncontrollably as he held her hips still so he could keep fucking her and fucking her through it all.

She felt her pussy contract helplessly around his cock, and that seemed to make Bradley’s pleasure greater, for suddenly his cock jerked inside her, and his right hand gripped her shoulder so hard that it hurt—a pain that suddenly she adored, because it meant she pleased him.

A grunt came from his chest, and he held himself hard against her, thrusting in so deep that his cock touched something inside that she could tell he wasn’t supposed to touch, because it made her gasp and feel that she couldn’t breathe.

But it only lasted a moment, and that, too, was a strangely wonderful feeling, because it meant he had put his cock so very deep inside her.

“Oh, Jenna,” he said, kissing her disheveled hair. “Oh, sweetheart, your cunt pleased my cock very much. I’m sorry—I know how sore you must be, but I had to have you.” To Jenna’s delight, although again the discomfort continued, Bradley didn’t withdraw from her pussy but kept snuggling her tightly against his chest.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered. “I’m glad you did.”

She heard a smile in his voice as he replied, “Why, sweetheart?”

“Because I belong to you, sir. When you want to have me, you should have me.” She surprised herself with those words, because she found that she meant them utterly.

“Good girl,” he said. “Did you like being fucked that way, lying on your side?”

“Yes, sir.” Tentatively, she took hold of his big left hand, which lay still between her thighs, and, when she found that he allowed it, she brought it to her lips to kiss it.

“Naughty girl,” Bradley murmured. “Do you want to taste your cunt?”

Jenna felt herself turn bright red. She hadn’t meant… but of course, she had been the one to kiss his hand… but how could she do that? Her pussy was a dark, secret place—yes, a place that she knew now was meant for pleasure, but how could she bear to

She shook her head, but Bradley chuckled and, without any real force, pushed his fingers inside her lips. “Suck them, Jenna,” he commanded softly.

She did, and the taste was terribly naughty, and somehow dark, but because Bradley had made her do it the suckling, rather like sucking his cock, made her pussy ache with longing for his commanding touch. She tried to show him that she had learned to give pleasure with her mouth, pretending that his fingers were his cock and trying to yield her lips and tongue the way she had begun to understand he liked her to do: reverently and respectfully, so that her mouth became a nice soft place for him to enter as deep as he liked with his manhood.

She heard him make a satisfied growl, and at the same time she felt his cock, still inside her though soft now, give a little movement, as if it were coming back to life. She giggled at the feeling, around the fingers that he had begun to move in and out of her lips, gently, as if to test her mouth’s talents.

“Naughty girl,” he murmured. “I think you should taste more of yourself. I’m going to lie back in bed, now, and you’re going to worship my cock with your mouth.”

Chapter Twenty-Three



The sunlight filtered in from behind the blinds, now. Bradley had managed to doze off until the light woke him, and had only then begun to caress Jenna between her legs. It was still early morning, but at least he could tell that she had slept soundly, and was ready for the sexual use he must make of her to preserve the appearance of a continuing subjugation—and must make of her because, with the excuse of the subjugation, he simply could not restrain his dominant lust. He had to have her, adorable and still innocent as she was, and he had to have her over and over and over; as many times as his cock could stand, he wanted it to be inside Jenna Caprio.

He lay back and watched the look in her eyes as she crawled toward his half-erect cock, her eyes only upon that. He saw in them the utter concentration of a gifted student learning a skill she knows will serve her well for the rest of his life. Bradley’s heart felt so light at the sight that he had a moment of guilt that he was forcing this brilliant girl to suck his cock and serve him so abjectly and shamefully.

Then, kneeling next to his hips, she looked up at him bashfully with a tentative smile. “Sir, may I kiss your cock?” she asked, and Bradley knew that somehow they must have been made for one another.

Thank God, for what he had decided he must now do—the things he must now say—would test their bond as greatly, he hoped, as it would ever be tested.

“You may kiss my cock, sweetheart. While you clean me off with your mouth, I’m going to tell you about something special that will happen tonight.”

“Yes, sir,” Jenna said, and bent to her task. The mere sight of her golden head bowing over his cock made him stiffen so much that she drew back with an “Oh!”

“Go ahead, Jenna,” he said. “Take it in your mouth now. It won’t be like the times you’ve given head before, because you’ll have to do the work now. Remember to caress my balls, too, and kiss them as well.”

With satisfaction, he saw her tremble at these degrading words. They were definitely putting on the proper show. Jenna opened her mouth, and then Bradley groaned at the lovely feeling as she began to suckle at his cock just as she had done at his fingers.

“Tonight,” he said then, “I will loan you to General Dumfries.”

Though he had told her about the necessity of it, he hadn’t of course made it concrete, as he did now, and Jenna trembled and made a little whining sound around his cock even as she sucked.

“Up and down on the cock now, Jenna,” he said. “Make your mouth a little cunt and pretend I’m fucking it.” Another distressed whimper as she began to comply. Having her face fucked by so many men the day before had certainly given her a working knowledge of what made a cock feel good, Bradley found to his gratification.

He continued, “A madam will arrive at four in the afternoon to prepare you the way the general likes. You’ll wear special lingerie and your hair and makeup will be done elegantly. Then I’ll put you on your leash and lead you to his quarters, which are one floor above this suite. Take me deeper, now, sweetheart. As deep as you can. That’s it. Oh, such a good girl.”

Bradley’s hands balled into fists with the extremity of the pleasure as Jenna took his cock much deeper than he had thought she could, and his cock-head came up against the back of her throat. The satisfying, wet sounds of a mouth well-filled with cock rose. Was it the best head he had ever had because Jenna was unexpectedly talented? No, Bradley realized—it could only be because watching the beautiful girl he loved, who might also love him, do that, and feeling her mouth on his cock, serving his pleasure, seemed to make the ecstasy rise to the heavens.

“General Dumfries will take you into his discipline room, while I wait in his living room.” Jenna made a startled sound and lifted her eyes to his. He had to manage this perfectly, he knew. “Eyes down, Jenna, and suck the cock. I’m going to take your ass in a few moments, and you need to get me good and ready.”

She cast her eyes down again to his loins, and now she bobbed her head a little frantically, as if trying to show Bradley that she wanted to please him even though he would deliver her to the tyrant. She made mewling sounds that made him think of adorable little kittens, and raised his dominant pleasure to such a height that he almost lost the thread of the discourse he knew he must deliver.

Breathing hard, and close to coming—which would not look dominant on the feed he knew at least a few officers must be watching right now, since he had told Jenna that he would have her anus—he continued in a voice that sounded very thick in his ears, “It will be hard for you, but the general will teach you exactly how to please him. If you defy him, your bottom will pay a terrible price.”

The kitten sound, like a question to which Jenna yearned desperately for an answer, came again. Her golden locks bobbed sweetly with the motion of her head, and her gentle fingers on his scrotum, cherishing Bradley’s testicles as if they were the greatest treasure she could ever imagine, drove him nearly mad with arousal. He would come, unless…

He put his hands down and seized her head, hauled it off his cock. “That’s enough of that, Jenna,” he said, as her terrified eyes met his. “Don’t think you can get out of your butt-fucking by making me come in your mouth.”

“N—no… no… s—sir. I—I just… j—just want to… I just want to please you!” Real fear looked back at him, and part of him regretted the necessity of this performance even as his cock demanded its full playing out.

“On your back,” he said severely, “with your little butt at the edge of the bed right down at the foot. Lift your knees and hold them open nice and wide.” As he spoke, he started to climb out of the enormous bed on the opposite side from where Jenna now scrambled to obey, so that he could take advantage of the posture he had just required.


* * *


As Jenna moved to obey Bradley’s command, her mind seemed frozen; she couldn’t stop thinking about the terrible things that awaited her in the general’s quarters. That she had Bradley’s whispered promise that he would keep her safe, along with the idea that this visit to the general would have something of vital importance about it, and she must let him kiss her and then resist him, only seemed to make the dread worse.

She reached the foot of the bed and sat on the edge. She lay back, her feet dangling over. Bradley stood looking down at her, his cock hard and glistening from the worship she had been so happy to give it because she loved him—
I love him,
she realized, stunned and somehow knowing that the flash of insight into her own heart had only come through the idea that they were in terrible, terrible danger.

Jenna suddenly remembered learning about General Dumfries in school. She realized that she could recall the historical sketch of the introduction to the
Manual of Traditional Values
almost word for word. She had gotten an A on the test in history class, after all.


Augustus Dumfries was born in Scotland in the year 2320, to a military family. As a young man, already sure that he wished to spend his life promoting traditional values, he traveled from the relative stability of post-collapse Great Britain to the increasingly wild lands of the Americas. At age eighteen, he began gathering around him the force that would one day be the Army of Western Liberation.

From the very start, the general inspired his men, some of them much older than he, with a zeal for traditional relationships between men and women. Beginning in Brazil, Dumfries’ Regiment, as the army was known before the War of Western Liberation in 2344-5 (the nickname ‘Dumfries’ Spankers’ was also used very early on both by opposing forces and by the soldiers of the regiment themselves), succeeded in creating stable communities wherever they settled, by ensuring that traditional discipline and marital relations returned to the populations of the collapse-ravaged lands through which they traveled.

General Dumfries dreamed from the very beginning of a nation that might rise from the ashes of the former Western states of the vanished United States of America. The turning point came when he and his regiment secured an underground facility full of war materiel. Renaming his force the Army of Western Liberation, and possessed of tactical superiority, he blanketed the surviving communities of the former Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico with leaflets explaining his views on traditional values and promising order if they would help his army unite the West.

The only remaining sovereign entity in the region, the Free State of Nevada, resisted for a time, but after General Dumfries won the battle of Las Vegas in early February 2345, the war involved only a series of engagements with small, inferior forces of outlaws, followed by a period of civil unrest as the liberated communities learned of their obligations and of the specific provisions of the general’s—and now, with the augmentation of Marshals Eriksen (deceased in the revolt of 2363 and replaced by Marshal Landau) and Manning, the high command’s—traditional values program.

Manual of Traditional Values
presents the ideas and standards that underlie the program that has brought peace and stability to the Western Republic. As a citizen of that republic, you are to familiarize yourself with its contents thoroughly enough that if questioned by an officer you will be able to answer his questions with respect and a reasonable degree of accuracy. Women, you have a special duty in this regard: you are to understand that you must obey officers of the Army of Western Liberation at all times, no matter how shameful or uncomfortable the order.

This ideal of female obedience is the guiding light after which Augustus Dumfries set out, and he said it best, we think, in an early address to his men, then a small band of warriors in the jungles of South America, with only the dream of a better world to keep them going: “I do not think that anything is so worth fighting for as the possession of a pretty girl who knows her place.”


Jenna looked up at Bradley.
A pretty girl who knows her place
. When she had first read those words in the manual, getting ready to take her history test, she had flushed hot with an emotion she could not name except that it made her want to close the book and not read any more. None of her friends actually read the manual, and relied instead on their notes from class. The history teacher hadn’t covered any of the things in the introduction, though, and Jenna had been curious.

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