Read Subjugated Online

Authors: Emily Tilton

Subjugated (13 page)

“There’s a certain
je ne sais quoi
about keeping a girl in her panties when you fuck her, isn’t there?” enthused Joe Franklin. “Captain Clark has managed this beautifully. Just listen to young Jenna Caprio squeal, and look at the way her face shows her submission. That’s the expression of a girl who understands that if she tries to stop the officer from taking his pleasure in her tight little cunt, she’ll suffer much worse than she will if she does her best to be a good girl for her first fucking.”

Bradley gripped Jenna’s hips very tightly and thrust hard. Under him, she tried to escape the pain of losing her maidenhead, but her struggles and sobs just made Bradley harder, to his shame but also to his greater resolve. Neither of them could escape, and both of them wanted—needed—this terrible, exciting act. A moment of resistance, another hard thrust, and then his cock entered her wet young pussy at full length, and he couldn’t suppress a grunt of helpless pleasure. Jenna Caprio’s maiden cunt felt heavenly, its tight walls gripping his cock with a sweet sensation that made his head spin with ecstasy.

His hips came up against Jenna’s pert bottom, its cheeks covered with lovely red curling marks from his belt. That sensation, too, of possessing her that way and having her utterly at his disposal now—of holding her tight against his body so that no matter how she writhed, she only made his pleasure the greater as her cunt contracted around his cock—seemed to admit him to a paradise of dominant pleasure that he had never imagined could exist.

He wanted to be as gentle, though, as he could be. He wanted Jenna to get used to having a cock inside her before he enforced a true fucking upon her just-deflowered pussy. To continue his degrading comments would buy him a little time to make the experience less traumatic for the girl he loved and must subjugate.

“It’s nice and tight,” he said, “just like I thought it would be. Jenna?”

She gave a little whimper.

“Jenna, sweetheart…” Dammit. The
had just slipped out. At least his tone had been belittling, and they did say that General Dumfries enjoyed that kind of fake affection. “You have to answer me, or I’ll whip you again.” There. He had hit the right note, he thought with the reference to whipping. Not to mention getting himself even harder as he thought about whipping her while he fucked her.

“Yes, sir,” she sobbed then.

“How do you like having a man’s penis inside your little vagina?” The general also, they said, liked a quasi-clinical approach, with proper medical terminology brought in alongside the usual degrading dirty talk.

“It hurts, sir,” she whispered.

“Your pretty vagina feels very nice, Jenna. It’s the sort of vagina that gives a man’s penis a great deal of pleasure.”

Jenna gave a little moan in which Bradley could hear arousal mingling with discomfort.

thank you
, Jenna, when I compliment you,” he said sternly.

“Oh, God,” she wailed. “Thank you, sir.”

“Now ask me to teach you how to fuck, sweetheart. It’s time for me to take my pleasure inside your sweet cunt.” Bradley hadn’t thought he was capable of such degradation, but something about having Jenna in this situation brought out a deeply buried part of him. Despite the terrible peril and the great difficulty, he couldn’t help thinking with very pleasurable anticipation of their week together, when he would fuck her morning, noon, and night, and she would learn ways of pleasure she could never have imagined in the days of her modesty.

He gripped her hips even more tightly and began to move gently inside her. The pleasure, all up and down the length of his cock, in his hips as her prim young bottom moved against him, and even in his balls as his scrotum rubbed against her pussy-lips, threatened to rob him of his wits.

“There we go,” he said. “That’s fucking, Jenna. Ask me to teach you how to fuck like a good girl.”

She gave a wordless, questioning cry. Then she sobbed, “Please… p—please teach me, sir.”

“Teach you what?” Bradley asked, starting to thrust harder, and to move quicker inside her.

“Ah! To… to… to f—fuck!”


* * *


How had she said it, despite the pain and the shame? Despite the way the camera showed everyone she knew, and hundreds of thousands of people she didn’t know, how she strove to be a good girl when a man’s cock had torn its way into her pussy, and now came and went just as he pleased, to give him the pleasure he liked to have from a girl’s pussy?

That new word. Short, and filthy.
My cunt has a cock in it
. The burning pain every time he pushed in. The feeling of his loins against her punished bottom-cheeks.

How could she feel the rightness of it, despite everything that was so terribly wrong about it?

It hurt, and yet even more than his hand, the paddle, and his belt on her bottom, this pain seemed to tell her that Captain Clark had claimed her, and that to belong to him made Jenna the good girl she wanted to be.

The ghost of pleasure, at the feeling of the cock moving in and out, mastering her over and over, told her that someday soon she might like fucking very much. Not now, because Captain Clark held her very tightly, and thrust very hard and without regard for her pleasure. But to have him inside her, because he wanted to be there—whether or not Jenna wanted to have a cock in her cunt—already seemed to her something vital, something for which her body and soul cried out.

She felt him reaching down along her flanks, and then he had seized her arms and lifted them, holding her wrists together in both his big hands. Now he used that grip for his leverage as he fucked her, releasing her hips.

“Can you hold your bottom still, Jenna?” he asked, increasing the intensity of the rhythm with which he drove into her pussy. “Show me, sweetheart. Show me how you can hold your bottom still for me.”

. He had said it again. What did it mean? Degradation, yes. Only wishful thinking, certainly, to imagine that he actually felt any affection for her.

She tried, oh, she tried to keep her wayward bottom still for him. But now more pleasure rose in her, and she found she wanted to move with Captain Clark, to ride his cock a little just as he rode her with it. She pushed back a little.

“Naughty,” Captain Clark said. “I’ll spank you for that later. Keep those hips…” But then his voice suddenly grew thick, and he gave a grunt that sounded so masterful that Jenna had to whimper in response. He held himself against her hard, tightening his grip on her wrists painfully, and she felt his cock pulse inside her. She gasped at the new, marvelous sensation, not knowing what it meant but understanding instinctively that it must be the male counterpart to the thing that had happened Thursday night when she played with herself in front of the mirror.

“Good girl,” he said softly. “Good girl.” Captain Clark let her wrists go, and they dropped to the mattress on either side of her calves again. Something in the way he spoke then made her wonder again what
meant when he said it to her, but then his tone changed again when he renewed his conversation with the viewing audience.

“If you couldn’t figure it out, I’ve just come inside little Jenna’s cunt. She’ll feel my semen trickling out of her pussy in just a little while, but maybe I’ve made a baby in there. Only time will tell.”

So that was it.
His seed

“Jenna here is a good lay. I can’t deny it. We’re going to have a good time today, my men and I.”

And now all the times he had made oblique little references to
his men
finally came into focus. How could it mean what it must mean? That the other soldiers… all the other soldiers…

“I’ll pull out now, and we’ll let Jenna take a shower and clean herself up. Then she’ll change the sheets on her bed, since she got this one a little bloody when I popped that sweet cherry just now.”

Jenna craned her neck to try to see. It had certainly hurt badly enough for there to be blood, she supposed.

Captain Clark chuckled. “Don’t worry, Jenna, you’ll see your maiden blood in a moment. It’s normal, and you’ll be ready for another fucking whenever I feel like having it.”

Oh, God.
That tone, that made her get so warm, and…

Another chuckle from the officer. “Folks, Jenna’s pussy just clenched on my cock when I talked to her that way. Little Jenna is learning fast.”

She didn’t think her face had even been hotter than it got then.

“Anyway, after the sheets have been changed, Jenna’s going to get her first anal. I know you won’t want to miss that. And don’t forget that the cameras will still be on her as she showers and changes the sheets. Lots more fun ahead for everybody—especially Jenna.”

. No. He couldn’t possibly. But Mrs. Trest’s words about a husband
being with
his wife in any way he wanted came to back to her.

He stroked her hip idly and then, gently, he pulled his cock out of her pussy. It felt much softer than it had been. Was that how cocks worked? After all, how could men walk around all day with something so hard between their legs? Their cocks would stick out, wouldn’t they?

His hand came down gently on her bottom, and she gave a questioning little whimper. The pain of the whippings had faded into a terrible warmth that seemed one with the warmth between her legs.

“Before I go, Jenna, I want to see your anus. Reach back and spread your bottom-cheeks for me.”

Oh, no.
Her hands trembled, but his belt had taught her obedience. She reached up and took her punished cheeks in her fingers, pulled them apart, and moaned at the sensation of the red lace, still there, under the fingers of her left hand. Even with so little experience of fucking, she knew somehow that to be fucked in one’s panties carried a special shame, as if the man who fucked you told you that he didn’t care that you had put on your underwear because you thought that your pussy and bottom wouldn’t be demanded of you for his pleasure.

“Look at that asshole.” He laid a finger on it, and Jenna shivered and cried out in surprise and alarm. “You wouldn’t think I could put my cock in there, would you? But I promise you, folks, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Chapter Fifteen



Welcome back to part two of the home phase of the subjugation of young Jenna Caprio of Springfield, Northwest. If you weren’t able to join us earlier this morning, Captain Bradley Clark of the 35th Regiment has spanked, paddled, whipped, and deflowered Jenna, so far. She made a foolish little escape attempt toward the beginning of her subjugation, but she’s been obedient for the most part, though Captain Clark did have to use his belt to persuade her to give head properly.

“I’m joined now by Colonel Malcolm Davies, Captain Clark’s commanding officer. Colonel, what do you think of Captain Clark’s style so far?”

Standing in the hallway outside Jenna’s door, waiting for the proper moment to re-enter her room for the ultimate act of subjugation, Bradley couldn’t help holding his breath as he waited to hear the colonel’s judgment.

“Brilliant, Joe. Just brilliant. I have to say I’m proud to have such an able officer under my command. Especially for his first go at a subjugation.”

Bradley exhaled. Was the colonel serious? Bradley had felt through it all like some aspect of his body language or his words would betray his growing love for Jenna and make him appear weak.

“Now you’ve performed… what? How many subjugations?”

“Twelve, Joe.”

“Twelve! Lucky man.”

“Well, yes, I’ve been fortunate.”

“Is Captain Clark going about it the way you would with young Jenna?”

“Every subjugation is different, Joe. I think there are definitely some aspects of the captain’s performance I would have done exactly the same way—giving the girl the belt to get her to open her mouth, for example—but what I think makes Captain Clark’s style special is something I don’t think I could manage myself.”

“What’s that, colonel?”

Bradley felt his brow furrow anxiously, and his heart began to beat faster.

“I think the way I’d put it is Captain Clark clearly wants to guide his girl, Joe. Jenna’s clearly very sweet and likable. Captain Clark has adopted an attitude that shows he knows that, and that he doesn’t want her to think that her subjugation is happening because of any naughtiness on her part.”

The pounding in Bradley’s chest subsided. If only the high command saw it Colonel Davies’ way—but they must, mustn’t they? He thanked the colonel inwardly.

“And you wouldn’t do it the same way?”

“No, I have to say I don’t think I could. When I subjugate a girl, I start out by making it clear to her how naughty she is. Every girl is a naughty girl, after all.”

“Even Jenna there?”

“Yes, indeed. And in fact Captain Clark had her play with herself Thursday night, to show that. I would have started by paddling her for that act of self-abuse. But Captain Clark gave her a family-style hand spanking, and I think it was the right choice. He’s telling her, and her town, as they watch Jenna pay the price for their fault, that even though she’s a naughty girl who touches herself in front of the mirror, she doesn’t deserve what she’s getting today.”

“Ah, I see. It’s the town’s fault that she has to grow up so fast, and serve the lusts of Captain Clark and his men.”

“Exactly, Joe. It’s the opposite of my style, really. When I go into a girl’s house to subjugate her, I make it clear to her that I don’t care whether or not she had anything to do with the reason her town is being punished. She’s naughty in her own right, and she needs punishment and fucking, just like every girl does.”

“That’s what the manual says, isn’t it?”

Bradley’s heartrate accelerated once again. Even if Colonel Davies were sincere about finding his performance excellent, Joe Franklin had hit on a point that could make this style the colonel had identified something that could get both Bradley and Jenna shot.

“Definitely, Joe. But remember that Captain Clark cleverly had Jenna show that Thursday night. Today he has the opportunity to teach her to see her subjugation not only as a punishment for her town but also as the beginning of a new life in which she’ll learn to serve the natural lusts of men with respect and obedience. As the officers who choose her fuck Jenna, when she starts her new life at the Palace of Joy, she will learn to enjoy being used that way, and naturally grow more and more convinced of the rightness of the high command’s traditional values. She’ll please the cocks of many officers, and produce fine young sons and daughters when the time for that comes. She’ll end her active life as a secretary to the high command, and no work that a woman may do, after childbearing, is higher than that.”

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