Read Subjugated Online

Authors: Emily Tilton

Subjugated (12 page)

Jenna’s jaw started to ache, and she felt her brow crease in alarm.
. What did it mean? Was it the same as
be with

The hand holding the belt came around the back of her head, seized her hair together with the belt. The captain’s eyes flicked downward, as if to look at his cock, and then he laid it upon her tongue. It felt so strange and shameful and big that Jenna made a gurgling sound of involuntary protest.

But Captain Clark said, “Shh, Jenna,” and then he thrust inward, far. Very far—too far, and Jenna gagged, but he held her head firmly and began to move his cock in and out. His breathing came more heavily. Jenna breathed desperately through her nose; she thought she would faint, but the big thing just kept moving, according to the pleasure of the officer who clearly liked the feeling of thrusting deep inside. He had both hands in her hair now, and he held her head still. Shameful wet sounds came from her mouth, and he said, “And so I fuck you, now, Jenna Caprio, so that you and your town will learn who it is who does the fucking, in the Western Republic.”

Chapter Thirteen



The pleasure of Jenna’s mouth was very great. As Bradley watched his cock come and go from it, and felt the delicious sensations that it always gave him to push deep inside a girl that way despite her inexperience, he realized that he stood in rather serious danger of coming. He would have to pull out soon and move Jenna to the bed to have the cunt, but her pretty face looked so enchanting with his cock claiming it that he couldn’t seem to find the will until the risk grew alarmingly great.

“If I’m not mistaken, young Jenna has begun to taste Captain Clark’s pre-come now. See there, as he draws his cock out how a little bit of froth is there around the head? Always a pretty sight, when a girl gets her first taste of sperm. Putting it back in, now. Very nice. Captain Clark evidently is in the mood for a nice, long face-fuck, and why shouldn’t he be, when he has a pretty girl like Jenna Caprio at his disposal. He may have to be careful, though. He’s got a cunt to fuck!”

The high command frowned very seriously upon officers who came before the defloration had taken place. Most famously, an officer had been demoted following a subjugation in which he allowed a girl to take her time getting to know his cock—not a bad thing in and of itself, but when she unexpectedly proved adroit, and brought him to orgasm ineffectually outside her pussy and indeed onto his own belly, the public consensus was that he had made the army look weak, and the discipline followed accordingly.

“That’s it, Jenna,” he said, stilling her head with his cock halfway sheathed between her lips. “You’re doing very well, and your mouth feels good on my penis. You’re a good little cocksucker already, and we’re going to teach you to be an even better one. You’ve got me good and ready now to fuck your little cunt, so you’d better get on your bed, kneeling facing the headboard. Then bend over until your right cheek touches the sheet and lay your arms back by your thighs. Spread those knees so that I can see everything I want to see.”

He pulled her head off his cock, then, and turned her face to look up at him. Jenna’s expression, as she panted with relief to have the difficult duty of fellatio over for the moment, her mouth still hanging slightly open so that he could see a little of the foam he had made there on her tongue, seemed in its raised brows and flushed cheeks that his words had inflamed her just as they should.

“Do I need to whip you again, Jenna?” he asked softly.

She shook her head, her breath coming even more quickly. “Please, no,” she whispered.

He changed his tone abruptly. “Then get up and get on that bed and show me those panties the way I want to see them, ready to be pulled aside for a man’s favorite thing.”

Jenna’s body seemed to tremble uncontrollably as she tried to rise, and she fell to her knees again. Bradley simply watched her, as did the cameramen, one on her face and the other on her backside, undoubtedly getting very nice footage of a well-disciplined bottom as Jenna crawled to the bed so that she could use it as a support in getting to her feet.

“Seems hard to believe that this is Captain Clark’s first subjugation, when you listen to the way he controls and uses his masterful tone. You can see on the girl’s face how effective his lessons thus far have been: Jenna Caprio is the perfect picture of a girl who’s started to figure out what’s good for her, just as her town, if her fellow citizens are wise, is figuring out what’s good for them. As always, the sheer genius of subjugation becomes apparent. As Captain Clark put it so eloquently, if rather baldly, the army does the fucking. Soldiers like him take their pleasure
roughly, when it suits them or the need exists to teach a lesson, and thus are authority and freedom maintained in the republic.”

Bradley watched Jenna rise halfway at the foot of the bed, and then immediately scramble onto it, as if she felt anxious that to stand would cause him offense and bring another whipping. Her bottom certainly did look lovely, with little dark red welts starting to form against skin that had once again gone back to its taut, milky perfection. The red panties, a narrow band of lace that only served to accentuate the availability of the girl’s rear view, set off beautifully both the darker red of the marks and the whiteness of the bottom-cheeks.

Jenna looked so sweet, obeying him and bending over with spread knees until all Bradley and the rear camera could see was that enchanting view of her lace-clad charms, that he almost repented of what he had decided to do next. But he had told the cameraman, and to add to the discipline now might make it possible to spare her some later.

“Just look at that lovely sight. Sweet, eighteen-year-old pussy in red lace. Wait, what’s this? Captain Clark is raising his right hand. Yes, there it is. He’s going to whip young Jenna Caprio again, even though she’s obeyed him. What a masterful—and of course very hot—idea. Look how surprised the girl is! And Captain Clark is being very thorough, isn’t he? He’s got her by the panties, now, holding her in place as she screams.”

Bradley kept whipping her, as she kept screaming and writhing, trying desperately to get away. Their little struggle, in which his victory was a conclusion so foregone as not even to deserve the word, went on wordlessly, though of course if Jenna could have articulated a word, Bradley knew exactly what it would be: Why?

He stopped when he had delivered perhaps fifty lashes, evenly distributed across all the sweet, trembling parts of her backside.

“You’re wondering why I’m whipping you, aren’t you, Jenna?” he asked in a stern voice.

“Yes,” she sobbed. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m whipping you because you are now a girl who will be whipped, just as you are now a girl who will be fucked.”

“I… I d—don’t understand,” Jenna wailed.

“You don’t have to understand, Jenna,” he replied grimly. “You just have to take your whippings and your fuckings like a good girl.”


* * *


She had thought her bottom already hurt as much as ever she could bear, but now Jenna sobbed as if her heart would break, her eyes closed, knowing that the camera captured every tear, and cried out with each new lash Captain Clark delivered. Again and again the belt came down with a fiery line of pain on the cheeks the captain held still with his hand gripping the red panties so tightly that the lace pulled painfully against her shaved pussy and even worked its way within her outer lips to scratch at the sensitive folds within.

She had thought that she couldn’t bear more whipping, and so, threatened with the belt after she had been whipped for her slowness in opening her mouth to Captain Clark’s cock, she had obeyed her subjugator, because she wanted to please him. If Jenna pleased her master, he wouldn’t punish her, and perhaps he might even allow her a little pleasure of her own, once he had taught her about all the ways of his manhood.

But now he whipped her anyway, to teach her that her bottom was for whipping, and to make certain that she respected and feared his authority all the more, since she must work not only to obey his commands but also to give him so much pleasure that he would want not only to whip her and make her cry, but also to touch her gently and bring her to the kind of ecstasy she had begun to learn about in this room two nights before.

“You touched yourself in front of the mirror, didn’t you, young lady?” he asked, over her wails. “You must learn that with me, such pleasures have a price.”

The whipping stopped. She felt his fingers tugging at a different part of the red panties, lower down, pulling the narrow strip of fabric out from between her pussy-lips and making her gasp at the tormenting pleasure. He pulled it all the way to the left, over her well-punished bottom-cheek, so that she knew she now lay more exposed there, to him, than she ever had been yet.

“Get a good shot of this,” he said, and for a moment she thought he must be talking to her. Then she realized that he meant the cameraman behind her, and she opened her eyes as she felt her cheeks flush to see that the camera that seemed intent on capturing all her shameful reactions looked impassively back at her from a foot away to see how she felt about the whole nation getting an unimpeded view of her virgin pussy and her cringing anus.

Captain Clark’s fingers touched her there, rubbed. Jenna moaned. “It’s very wet. Look at how slippery she got my fingers,” he said to the viewing audience.
Oh, God.
“I’m going to fuck this cunt now, good and hard.”

A pause, and then the bed moved under her as the captain got onto it. She sensed him looming over her, somehow, as if his very presence now could affect her with a feeling of submission. He set his feet on either side of her calves, and then she felt him bend his knees so that he crouched over her. Something firm but soft pressed against her sore bottom. His cock: it could only be his cock.

At that sensation Jenna felt that the unaccountable warmth and wetness between her thighs, which had seemed before simply to be some kind of strange effect of the whipping, changed into a yearning she could not avoid, though it shamed her terribly: to have Captain Clark put his cock wherever he wanted to put it. He had said Jenna was a girl who got whipped and fucked, and something in the way he whipped her, or in her very nature, made it true.

She felt the leather of the belt again against her bottom, not lashing but just brushing her thoroughly disciplined cheeks, and at the same time the big head at the top of the cock she’d had to have thrust into her mouth for so long, until she felt she must faint, rubbed all over those cheeks. Then she heard something drop to the bed with a soft jingle.

“I’ve put down my belt, Jenna,” he said. “But I’ll pick it up again if I need to teach you how to keep still for fucking. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Jenna whispered.

“Alright. I’m going to open you up, now, and get my cock in there right up against your cherry.”

Jenna felt her face grow hot. She had heard girls whisper about how boys used that word. Now Jenna would have her cherry popped, so that from now on men could fuck her pussy easily.

She moaned as she felt his fingers pulling her inner lips apart, and sighed when the head of the cock entered there. She understood suddenly what Mrs. Trest had meant about girls’ vaginas being made for husbands and soldiers to have their pleasure: “It will feel nice to you, too, girls, when your husband is with you in bed. That’s so your husbands can keep you in line more easily. They will keep you ready for them to be with you by making sure that you feel some pleasure in the act, using the nerve-endings in your vaginas, though not so much that you shame yourselves. Always remember that a man’s pleasure comes first, and a girl’s second.”

Suddenly she gasped, though, for he had pushed against a place inside that hurt, and took her breath away. He pushed harder, and Jenna cried out.

“I’m up against her cherry now,” Captain Clark said. Jenna’s feeling of shame and degradation seemed only to grow from moment to moment. “It feels nice to be inside a sweet young cunt, but I can tell you it’s going to be a lot nicer in just a second. As I’m sure you can tell from looking at her, this young lady is just as tight as a pretty eighteen-year-old should be. What a privilege to pop this cherry, and to know that her cunt is mine to fuck. Let me just assure you, before I perform this most important act of subjugation, that I plan to make sure young Jenna can’t walk comfortably for a few days.”

Chapter Fourteen



Bradley pushed again, a little bit, and Jenna emitted a forlorn cry of discomfort. Her pussy gripped the head of his cock with such a delicious sensation that he almost became the cruel, pleasure-bound brute he had just pretended to be, with his degrading little speech to the camera. Officers were expected to say that kind of thing, and make it clear to the high command that they understood their duty in the subjugation: to display to the town and the republic that the fucking about to occur had nothing affectionate about it.

And it was terribly difficult, given the situation and Jenna’s clear arousal by it, not simply to give in to his animal nature, and just deflower her with a violent thrust and ride to his orgasm without any compunction at all for the pain and humiliation of the girl under him. But at the same time, making his comments to the camera had confronted Bradley with a truth he had sought to deny from the very first moment he looked at Jenna’s census files: he
feel affection for her—a very great deal of affection.

Smart, kind Jenna Caprio had captured his heart while he watched her over the past few days. He had fallen in love with the girl he must subjugate—the girl he must punish and fuck with utmost severity. The girl he must give to his men to be degraded, if not—according to General Dumfries’ policy—fucked, before he took her back again for the week of dominant pleasure the subjugating officer enjoyed as his ultimate reward, in the subjugation suite of the Palace of Joy.

It made things very complicated, knowing that he loved her, as he looked down at the enchanting sight of his cock just a little way into her bare pussy. The red lace strip over her well-disciplined left bottom-cheek seemed to set off the pretty view beautifully, as if telling a tale of naughty lingerie that had now earned the girl wearing it the fucking to which such wicked panties invited a man.

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