Read Step-By-Step: Forbidden Taboo Box Set Online

Authors: Jade K. Scott,Angel Wild,Virginia Wade,Cheri Verset,Terry Towers,Saffron Sands,Violet Williams,Carl East,Jenevieve DeBeers,Nadia Nightside

Step-By-Step: Forbidden Taboo Box Set (23 page)

"Good." He gave Darrien a quick, fatherly pat on the back, before walking towards the door. At the door he stopped and turned back to Darrien. "Oh and do me a favour and pack it up for the night. And also, if you see your sister, tell her to check in with her mother. She hasn't been home since yesterday afternoon and isn't answering her mobile."

"Stepsister," Darrien grumbled as his father disappeared out of the office door.




Having had enough of waiting around for Darrien to come home, Ramona decided to drop by the office and as suspected, his Black Escalade was parked in the VIP parking outside of the twelve story building with their father's Porsche beside it. Slipping her BMW into a slot next Darrien's she shut it off and stepped out.

Slamming the door behind her, she took a moment to reconsider going in. Perhaps Darrien and their father were working late finishing up some big project. She was about to get back into the car when their father came out of the building and immediately spotted her.

"Where have you been? Your mother said you weren't answering your mobile and you never came home last night." He glowered at her as he approached. "Let me guess you were at some wild party, you got drunk and then passed out. Am I close?"

Ramona bit at her lower lip and shrugged. "Something like that."

Her father eyed her up and down. "Why are you here anyhow?"


"She called me and offered to accompany me to a late dinner."

Relief flooded over Ramona at the sound of Darrien's voice. Looking over her shoulder she noticed him exiting the building and walking towards them.

Their father looked from one face to the other as Darrien made it to Ramona's side. "You two? Going to dinner... together?"

Darrien shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "As I said, dad - we've set aside our differences." He gave her a slight hip bump. "Right, Sis?"

Rolling with it Ramona nodded, bumping him back, but with a little added force. "Right, big brother."

Their father was silent for a moment considering their words and eyeing them intently. Finally, he nodded and a rare smile pulled at the corners of his lips. "Good. It shows a great amount of maturity on both your parts. In that case, have a good late dinner you two."

Ramona and Darrien stood side-by-side and watched as their father slipped into his car and sped off. When he was finally out of sight Ramona spun around to face Darrien planting her tiny fists on her hips and glaring at him. She'd thought it over for the majority of the day and she was determined that they were going to have a serious conversation about what was going on between them and that conversation was going to take place now! "I think we need to have a little chat."

Darrien sighed and raked a hand through his hair. "Ramona…"

"Why won't you admit how you
feel about me Darrien?" Ramona demanded, poking her index finger into his chest.

"Please Ramona. Not here. Not now." He made an attempt to brush past her, but she blocked his path.

"No, it
be now and it
be here." She tried to maintain her cool, but the frustration she was feeling was at its boiling point.

Darrien's dark eyes narrowed as he looked down at her and his voice took on an icy edge. "You wanted me to fuck you last night. And I hadn't gotten laid since the cabin, so I fucked you. End of story."

Ramona visibly winced, but she wasn't about to be deterred. She was planning on laying it out on the line tonight, once and for all. "I saw the look in your eyes last night Darrien. I'm in love with you and I know you love me back. That's what really matters, we can figure out the rest when the time is right."

She saw his expression soften and breathed a sigh of relief when he placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her close to him. Wrapping her arms around his waist she buried her face in his neck and savoured the deep, spicy scent of his cologne. "I do love you Ramona."

Ramona smiled and gripped on tighter to him. She was overwhelmed with relief to finally hear him admit it.

"As my sister. I love you
as my sister
, Ramona. That's all."

Ramona froze against him. She felt as though her heart was being ripped from her chest by his words. Deep down she suspected the motive for what he was saying, but the anger took over again. How could he be willing to jeopardize them being together just because of his fear of their parents? Why couldn't he be as willing to fight for them to be together as she was? With tears welling up in her eyes, she pulled away from him and sniffed.

"Fuck you Darrien," she spat, pulling fully from his embrace and rushing over to her car.

Darrien hesitated before attempting to chase after her. At the last moment he lunged after her and grabbed her wrist as she slid into the car. "Wait, Ramona!"

Yanking her arm from his grasp, she glared up at him through tear filled eyes. "If you want something badly enough Darrien, then you fight for it." With that she slammed the door on him, started the engine and tore out of the parking lot. Darrien stood, emotionally torn, watching the taillights of her vehicle disappear into the night.

Chapter 4



It had been close to a month since the incident in the parking lot and Darrien had never been so miserable in his life. He’d avoided Ramona as much as possible, which wasn't all that hard considering she wanted nothing to do with him. The few dinners he was forced to attend at his parents’ house found him and Ramona at each other’s throats worse than they'd ever been before. He'd welcomed the two weeks he'd had to spend in Seoul, South Korea on business.

Now that he was back in California, he was attending a party in which he had no real interest in, but was attending anyhow simply to keep his mind off Ramona. He'd decided to attend because when he wasn't busy he would just think of her and that pained expression on her face when she'd pulled away from him and told him to go fuck himself.

He'd lied to her about how he felt. He had thought it was in the best interests of everyone concerned that he had, but he was now beginning to think he'd been wrong. Very wrong.

I have to make this right. She was right
. Darrien pulled his mobile phone from his jacket pocket when he heard the faint sound of laugher, not just any laughter, but
laughter coming from one of the other rooms.

If that wasn't a sign he was supposed to make amends with her and make things right, then he didn't know what was. Setting his beer down on the coffee table he stood and headed in the direction of the laughter. Leaving the living room, he heard her a second time and the sound came from the direction of the kitchen. He hurriedly made his way to her, but stopped dead in his tracks upon entering the room and stared.

He watched as some tall blonde man, who had his back to Darrien, leaned in and kissed Ramona. Not just a short, sweet kiss, but a long passionate kiss that had Darrien's blood boiling. Seeing Ramona with Tiffany was one thing. He knew what that little stunt had been about, but this, this was different.

He was positive she didn't know he was there. He'd just arrived moments before hearing her, so this guy who had his tongue rammed down Ramona's throat -
Ramona - would be someone she actually
to be with.

If you want something badly enough Darrien, then you fight for it
. Ramona's words rang loudly in his head. "To hell with it, it's for the best anyhow," he muttered under his breath turning away and walking back the way he had come.

Darrien hadn't made it ten feet before he stopped once more. Who said that other joker was the best thing for her? Why shouldn't she have gone to someone else; he'd made it quite clear the night in the parking lot that whatever it was that they’d had was over. While his conscience and good reason screamed for him to keep moving, to leave the party and never look back, he couldn't.

No. He wanted and needed her. Maybe she might not want him back. Maybe she'd call him an asshole and tell him to go fuck himself again, but at least it would be her decision this time - not his.

With his mind made up, he marched into the kitchen and headed straight for Ramona and her 'friend'. He tapped on the man's shoulder, pulling him away from Ramona - his Ramona. "Excuse me, I'd like to speak to my sister privately."

The beefy, blonde man frowned, looked over at Ramona and shrugged. "Yeah, sure man... whatever."

He turned to leave them alone, but Ramona grabbed onto his arm before he could take a step, while glaring at Darrien. "No, don't go. I have nothing to say to my brother."

Darrien nodded to the man, "Give us five minutes and then I'll take off."




Ramona had noticed Darrien when he came in and her first instinct was to make a hasty getaway with her date. This was her first date since the incident in the parking lot, so after quick deliberation, she'd decided to stay and not let Darrien ruin her night. As far as she was concerned, she shouldn't have to miss out on a good time simply because Darrien was in attendance.

Deep down, even though she didn't want to admit it, she was hoping Darrien might have had second thoughts about ending their 'relationship' - if she could have even called it that. Deep down she hoped his seeing her with someone else would help him realize his error.

Seeing Darrien so insistent on speaking with her raised her hopes that maybe... possibly... Heaving a loud sigh and rolling her eyes for the benefit of her date, Chris - and to a lesser extent Darrien - she relented. "Alright, you have five minutes, Darrien."

A relieved smile crossed his face. "Good. Come on." Placing a hand at the small of her back he ushered her up the stairs to a small deserted bedroom and closed the door behind them, locking it.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she tapped her heeled shoe on the carpet, cocked her head to one side and eyed him. "So? What do you want, Darrien?" She tried to keep her expression as blank as possible, but her hopes were rising. Maybe...

"You haven't returned any of my calls or texts," he accused, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and meeting her gaze.

"Why would I? I think you've made your stance on us perfectly clear," she replied with a smirk.

He remained silent a moment then closed the distance between them. Grasping her shoulders in his hands, he peered down at her. "I can't take you being with someone else, Ramona."

"Just so I'm clear, I can't be with you, but I can't be with anyone else either?" she cocked a brow at him. "Sorry Darrien, it doesn't work that way." She attempted to brush past him, but he blocked her path.

"No. I... I just..."

With a disappointed huff, Ramona pulled herself from his grasp and walked around him, hurrying to the door.
How could I even get my hopes up that he'd change his mind, he's a stubborn, arrogant…

"I'm in love with you, Ramona. You can't be with him because you were meant to be with me!"

With her hand on the door handle, Ramona froze, hardly believing she'd heard what she did. She heard his footsteps and then felt his strong hands as they slid around her waist. His lips grazed her neck and she could feel the warmth of his breath, which sent a shiver through her. She closed her eyes and fell back against his hard body, allowing his warmth to engulf her.

"What are you saying
Darrien?" She whispered.

"I'm saying I want you Ramona, only you. Move into my place tomorrow. I'll go home with you and help you pack. I need to be with you."

Oh God!
Turning her head she ghosted her lips over his. "I love you too," she whispered against them.

Pulling her tighter against his body, Darrien's lips claimed hers. As she sighed, his tongue slipped past her lips to explore her welcoming mouth. It felt so good, and so amazing to feel his arms around her again and to feel his lips caressing hers.

"Do you think buddy downstairs would miss you if you didn't go back down for a while?" Darrien asked, grabbing her hips and pressing his growing cock against her rear. His lips worked their way down the side of her neck, making her moan as her head fell back against his shoulder. He cupped her breasts, palming them and teasing her nipples through the thin spandex top of her dress, until they stood tight and erect under his fingers.

She considered Chris downstairs a moment. She didn't know him overly well, but she did know him well enough to feel confident that he wouldn't be missing her in the least. Chances were the moment she'd disappeared from the room, he would have already begun scouting the party for eligible ladies.

"I don't think he'll miss me," she replied, pushing her ass back against his now hard-as-granite cock. Damn it she had missed his beautiful cock, and her pussy was throbbing,
for him to give it some long-awaited relief.

A low growl came from Darrien as he released her and turned to survey the room. It was a small bedroom, decorated all in pink with a Barbie comforter on the single bed and matching Barbie curtains at the windows.

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