Read Step-By-Step: Forbidden Taboo Box Set Online

Authors: Jade K. Scott,Angel Wild,Virginia Wade,Cheri Verset,Terry Towers,Saffron Sands,Violet Williams,Carl East,Jenevieve DeBeers,Nadia Nightside

Step-By-Step: Forbidden Taboo Box Set (15 page)


Chapter Five



“What is it?” Stephen looked alarmed. He glanced over my shoulder. “Oh, my God.” He reached for his shorts and pulled them up.

The stranger left suddenly and disappeared behind the waterfall. “Who was that?”

“A hotel guest. It’s no big deal. She’s probably French. I’m sure they give head in France.”

I giggled, “We have to be more careful.”

His look grew serious. “No kidding.”

I tied the sides of my bikini bottom. “I’ll go out first.”

“I’ll be right behind you.”

His grin melted my insides. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. “I like you a lot, Stephen.”

Biting his full bottom lip, he grimaced. “You…shouldn’t. We’re gonna have to talk about this. What we’re doing isn’t right. It’s trouble in the making.”

I hugged him. “I don’t care.”

He held me close. “Go swim, Emma. I’ll see you out there.”

Holding his face, I stared into his eyes. “Okay.”

He kissed my nose. “Go!”

I slid off the ledge and dove under the waterfall, emerging into the pool, which was empty now. The family of four sunbathed, and the mysterious girl had disappeared. She looked to be about my age. I wondered who she was? We had undoubtedly shocked her with our naughty behavior.

Climbing the steps, I emerged from the warm water and padded over to my mother, who held a book in the air.

“Where were you?”

“There’s a little cave behind the waterfall.”

“Oh, yeah? How neat.”

“It was fun.”

“Where’s Stephen?”


“Are you having fun, Emma?”

“Sure. This place is awesome.”

She squinted from behind her sunglasses. “Try to ignore that I’m an invalid now, and everything will be fine.”

I laughed, “Stop it! You’re not an invalid. You want more water? I can get the waiter. Is it cocktail hour yet?”

Checking her cell phone, she glanced at the time. “Oh, yes! Bring on the rum. I’d love it. Wave him down, if you can.”

“I will.”

We spent hours at the pool, eating, swimming, and drinking. Stephen let me have sips of his rum and Coke, and I was buzzed all afternoon. That evening, we went to the restaurant overlooking the marina and ate seafood, while laughing and joking happily. I felt giddy every time I looked at Stephen. It dawned on me that I was developing a serious crush, and I couldn’t wait to be alone with him again.

After mom was settled, I put on a bikini and grabbed a towel.

“Where are you going,” mom asked.

“To the hot tub.”

“By yourself?” She looked worried.

I feigned indignation. “I’ll be fine. Chillax. It’s a safe resort.”

“Stephen! You gotta go with her.”

He called from the bedroom, “Yeah. Tell her I’ll be up in a sec.”

I tingled in anticipation. “See. It’s fine. I have a babysitter now.” I kissed her cheek. “See ya later.”

“Okay. Be safe. Don’t talk to strangers.”

I groaned as I left the room. Wandering around the resort at night was a treat. Lights reflected off the water in the marina, and the gentle swaying of palm trees soothed me. Laughter drifted over from the outdoor restaurant as people ate and drank. I followed the cobbled path to the pool and up several sets of stairs to where the hot tubs were located. This complex had three spas within a short proximity of each other. I tested the water at the first and found it not hot enough. The second was perfect, and I slid out of my flip-flops and stepped in, sighing with pleasure. The location allowed for a spectacular view of not only the resort and pool below, but the stars above that twinkled like pirate loot.

I wasn’t alone for long as a woman approached. I sucked in a surprised breath, recognizing her from earlier today at the pool. She had seen me giving my stepfather a blowjob.
Oh, crap!

She wasn’t going to get into this hot tub, was she? As she dropped her towel and stepped out of her leather sandals, it became obvious that she was indeed getting into the hot tub.

Tanned, with long, dark hair, she smiled. “Hello.” She had an accent.


“This is hot. The other one isn’t at all.”

She wasn’t French. Was she Dutch? “Yeah. This is the best one.”

“It is.”

Her breasts were full with visible nipples beneath the thin material of her bathing suit. I stared into the distance and focused on a yacht that was further out in the ocean. Its lights flickered.

“I saw you today.”

How embarrassing. “Uh, yeah.”

She smiled slightly; interest shone in her eyes. “Who were you with?”

This was none of her business. “A…friend. Just pretend you didn’t see anything, okay?”

She shrugged. “I don’t care. It looked like fun.”

I eyed her carefully, noticing the way her hair floated in the water, and how she seemed amused and yet fascinated by me, which was bizarre. I wondered where she was from?

“You have an accent. What is it?”



She leaned against the side of the hot tub, resting her thin arms on the edge. Her look was slightly predatory with a hint of mystery. “Your boyfriend is handsome.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

A delicate brow lifted. “I see. You were sitting with him this afternoon. The woman with the broken foot, is he her boyfriend?”

“It’s none of your business.”

She smiled slyly. “He’s her husband.”

I thought about getting out and going to the first hot tub. I didn’t need the Spanish inquisition from a complete stranger. “Whatever.”

“I don’t judge. I think it’s hot.”


“I’m Klara.”

“Emma,” I grumbled. “Your English is really good.”

“I was an exchange student in my junior year.”


She grinned and said nothing. We sat in silence for long, awkward minutes, until footsteps indicated someone was coming. I turned expecting to see Stephen, but it was a stranger in a bathrobe. He spoke to Klara in German, and she answered curtly.

When he left, she said, “That was my father.”

I nodded, not really caring.

“He’s wanting me to go to the room, but I said, no.”

Why was she telling me this?

“I hate to be told what to do. I’m not a child anymore.”

I knew the feeling. “Yeah.”

“This vacation has been boring.”


“I’m too young for the disco, and they won’t let me gamble. I’ve been here two weeks, and my father likes to drink. It’s boring watching people drink.”

“That sucks.”

“How long have you been here?”

“A couple of days.”

“Where are you from in the States?”


“Oh. I’ve been to California and New York, but not Seattle.”

“Do you travel a lot?”

“Yes, every year.”

“You’re lucky.”

“We have August off to travel. I was in Italy last year.”

“Lucky you.”

“Was he…you’re lucky.” She had been about to ask something else.


“I can’t get it out of my head; what I saw today behind the waterfall. You didn’t even know I was there.” She glanced into the water. “You’re lucky.”

“Um, yeah.” This conversation was heading into dangerous territory. She’d seen way too much.

“I have a boyfriend, but he’s like a little boy with blonde hair and slim hips.” She sighed. “I’d love a man who looks like a cowboy or George Clooney. Your man is very sexy.”

Should I be getting jealous at this point? “Um, thanks.” The sound of footsteps caught my attention. I craned my neck in the direction of the walkway and glimpsed Stephen approaching. I got out of the water quickly.

“Oh, you’re not leaving yet, are you?” She looked disappointed.

“Hey, Emma. I thought you’d be higher up, but I guess not.”

“This tub is the warmest.” I dried myself off.

“Let’s get in.” He caught sight of the German stranger. “Hi.”

“Hello.” Her gaze skimmed over his chest, stomach, and crotch, until he stepped into the water, hiding the view.

Jealously pricked me. “Um, I’m kinda done here.”

Stephen grinned. “What? I just got in.”

“I’m Klara.”

“Hi. Stephen.”

Did he have to be so friendly? Ugh. I returned to the water, resigned to the fact that we would not have any privacy tonight.

“It’s nice,” said Stephen.

“I saw you today behind the waterfall.”

My stepfather jerked in surprise. “That was you?”

“Your cock is amazing.”


Chapter Six



His eyes lit up like sparklers on the Fourth of July. “Really?” He grinned wickedly. “You don’t say.”

I glared at her, brimming with anger. “She’s German.”

Gute nacht
,” he said, butchering the pronunciation. “That’s all I know in German.”

She smiled flirtatiously and stared at him hungrily, which set me on edge. The fact that Stephen seemed to enjoy the attention pissed me off even more.

“You like younger women?”

Stephen’s mouth hung open. “Uh…I suppose. He cast me a worried, yet amused glance.

“She apparently liked what she saw earlier today.”

“I guess so.”

“I’ve been here two weeks. I’m bored.” She stood and sat on the edge with her feet in the water. “You’re the only interesting people I’ve met. Everyone else is old or too young.”

“I find that hard to believe,” murmured Stephen.

“It’s true. My father won’t let me leave the resort unless he’s with me. All he wants to do is drink.”

“That not fun,” said Stephen.

Something flashed in her pretty, almond-shaped eyes. She got into the water and swam to us. “I have my own room,” she purred. “I would like you to come with me. We could…have a good time together.”

Stephen’s face tightened with disbelief and arousal. I’d seen that look before. She wanted to have sex with us, and it seemed my stepfather was open to this sinful suggestion. Would we go off with a stranger and do that? I wasn’t a lesbian, and Stephen was married, for Christ’s sakes. I glanced at him for a reaction. His brows had risen, and I suspected his shorts had as well.

“That’s an awfully nice invitation, but…”

She cocked her head to the side. “Please don’t say no.” Her arms wound around his neck. “Only say yes.” She kissed him, moaning while thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

He didn’t stand a chance, and we both knew it. When faced with the prospect of having hot, nasty sex with a gorgeous stranger, men would always follow their dicks; make no mistake about it. I watched him kiss her, feeling confused and vulnerable. He was mine, dammit! Only my mom and I should be kissing him like that.

“I…whoa…” he pushed Klara away. Then he looked at me. “What do you think?”

He was out of his mind with lust. I could tell by the glossy, intoxicated look in his eyes. “What do you want to do?”
Dumb question

“We could…go to her room…for a while.”

Klara clapped her hands together. “Oh, yes! You’ll have a good time. I like girls too.” She flashed a brilliant smile. “This will be my first fun night on this boring vacation.” She hauled herself out of the water and grabbed a towel. “Let’s go. I can’t wait to get started.”

Stephen touched my face. “If you don’t want to do this, we won’t.”

“But you do.”

He struggled with his desires; that much was evident by the torn, expectant expression etched into his handsome features. His eyes nearly pleaded with me to agree.

“I think we could both have a really good time.”

I tingled everywhere. The tone in his voice was deep and seductive, with the promise of some unnamed passion lurking, waiting to unleash itself. I had to trust him. He would protect me; I knew this for a fact. If I wasn’t comfortable with the evening, all I had to do was say so.

“Okay. Let’s do it.”

We climbed out of the hot tub, and he threw his t-shirt on and grabbed a towel. Five minutes later, we were at Klara’s room.

“My father’s next door. He won’t disturb us.” Leading the way, she bade us to enter. “Come in.” Her look was exuberant and happy. “Would you like some wine? I stole a bottle from him earlier.”

“Uh, yeah,” said Stephen. “That’d be great.”

She closed the door behind us. “I’ll open it.”

Her room looked like ours with white tiled floors, bleached whicker furniture, ceiling fans, and a large patio facing the marina. With skill, she unscrewed the cork and pulled it out of the bottle with a pop. Then she poured the golden fluid into three glasses.

“Here you are.”

“Thanks,” said Stephen.

We sat on a long whicker sofa decorated with huge, pink, green, and peach patterned pillows. She turned on a small radio, and reggae played softly. To my surprise, she sat next to Stephen and stared at him hungrily.

Her hand was on his thigh. “I’ve seen your cock. It looked very nice.”

I took a sip of wine and felt the heat of the fluid sliding down my throat, pooling in my tummy. Stephen didn’t seem to mind where her hand was at all. He sat incredibly still, expectant and hopeful that this would escalate.

“We weren’t very discreet.”

“Is Emma your girlfriend?”

He shook his head. “She’s my stepdaughter.”

Klara’s mouth fell open. “Oooh, you’re a dirty man.” That statement sounded like a purr rather than a scolding. Her hand massaged his thigh, producing a noticeable effect in his shorts, which bulged. “I think American men are sexy. You look like a cowboy to me.”

Stephen flung his head back and roared with laughter. “That’s rich! Love it. I’ve never been called
before. I can think of some other choice words, but not cowboy.”

Her hand was now boldly beneath his pants. “I hope I get to see this soon. Emma is a lucky stepdaughter to get this big cock.”

I had thought that the prospect of sharing Stephen with anyone other than my mother would have left me disgusted and distraught. I had been wrong. Watching the effect this stranger had on him was a total turn on. It was almost as if I were touching and teasing him. She was practiced at the art of seduction, and I needed to observe carefully and learn. My bathing suit bottom was damp, anticipating the unknown and craving it.

Stephen leaned against the cushions. “If you want to see it, all you have to do is pull my shorts down.”

Her hazel eyes widened. “I will.” She tugged on the pants, lowering the garment and exposing his thick cock. “Oh, this is nice. It’s one of the biggest I’ve seen.”

I placed my glass on the coffee table and ran my hand up his chest, feeling the warmth of his body through the thin t-shirt. “I guess I could share him. He doesn’t seem to mind.”

Stephen groaned. “You girls do what you want to me.”

Klara’s mouth closed around his penis, and she suckled it noisily. I lifted his t-shirt and kissed his chest, licking and biting gently on his nipples. Together we produced a myriad of groans and moans from him, which inspired me to join Klara and take a turn working the magnificent piece of meat between his legs. We sat on the tiled floor, sucking and licking his cock, mingling our saliva on the veined and throbbing object. Several times, our tongues connected, soft and wet, adding to my arousal.

“Let’s go to my bedroom,” said Klara. “This floor is uncomfortable.”

“Great idea,” agreed Stephen. He stood, his cock looking harder than I had ever seen it, jutting out before him. The shorts were on the floor, and he stepped out of them.

Klara’s appreciative gaze rested on him, and she smiled slightly. “You’re so big.”

Stephen’s grin was expansive. “Thanks. You’re pretty damn hot yourself.”

Her hair had dried, and it hung down her back in long, dark curls. “I can’t wait to fuck this.”

We got on the bed and began to touch one another. Stephen’s t-shirt was thrown to the floor, as was my bikini. Klara’s hands touched my breasts, and she massaged them, tweaking my nipples.

“That’s so…sexy,” said Stephen.

“I like girls too. I could make you feel nice.”

The naughty insinuation in her voice had me buzzing in my pussy, which throbbed with excitement.

“You should lie down. I’ll eat you while he watches.”

“Oh, my God. That would be so nasty.”

She didn’t have to tell me twice, as I laid back and opened my thighs. My shaved pussy was exposed to her. She didn’t hesitate a second before crawling between my legs, eyeing my vagina.

“This is very pretty.”

Stephen’s cock was in his hands being stroked and massaged, while Klara separated my pussy lips and ran her tongue up my slit. It felt so good, my head collapsed to the pillow and I closed my eyes. She was soft and silky smooth against me. The feel of her face and her light breath all but had me begging for more. Sensing my need, she drove her tongue into my hole, and it moved around inside of me. Stephen’s finger was suddenly on my clit, massaging and producing pleasure pulses that ran up and down the length of my body. He drew nearer and suckled my nipple into his mouth, which made me gasp.

“Oh, my God!”

Klara buried her face in my snatch, coating herself in my wetness, but she didn’t seem to care one bit. Over and over her tongue drove into my hole, fucking me as deeply as she could.

“That’s a good girl,” murmured Stephen. “You’re liking this.”

“Oh, it’s sooo good.”

“Yes, honey. It is.”

Klara continued her sensual assault, until I writhed beneath her in mindless bliss. The combination of Stephen’s thumb on my clit and a woman’s tongue in my pussy brought me right to the brink of the abyss and beyond. I arched my back, gasped, and shuddered violently, my body convulsing with pleasure.

“Yeah, that’s my girl. Ride it out.”

I pushed Klara away because I was now overly sensitive in that area. “Wow.”

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