Read Step-By-Step: Forbidden Taboo Box Set Online

Authors: Jade K. Scott,Angel Wild,Virginia Wade,Cheri Verset,Terry Towers,Saffron Sands,Violet Williams,Carl East,Jenevieve DeBeers,Nadia Nightside

Step-By-Step: Forbidden Taboo Box Set (22 page)

With a sigh, Ramona broke eye contact with him and buried her face into his neck. Wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, she longed to tell him how much she'd missed them being together like this. She wanted to tell him how she wanted to be so much more than just 'fuck buddies.'

But she didn't.

Instead she held on tightly to him, savouring the feel of his hot, strong body against hers. For the first time in her life, Ramona wanted something that she wasn't sure she could have or ever be able to obtain. She wanted his unconditional love and affection.



Chapter 3



Holding tightly to Ramona, Darrien took a breath in and was greeted by the intoxicating scent of Ramona's perfume. God, he'd missed holding her warm, soft body against his. As much as he would never have admitted it to Ramona, he'd missed being with her as much - if not more - than she had claimed to miss him. He just hadn't been as forthcoming with that information as she had been.

What would be the point? As far as he was concerned there was no purpose in telling her how he felt. And there was no point in holding onto some fairytale dream that perhaps they could be a normal couple who could go out on normal dates and maybe even consider a half-way normal future together.

Darrien could only imagine the outrage of their parents if they found out about how he and Ramona had spent the week at the cabin. He had no doubt in his mind that his father would disown him - hell, disown them both and they could say farewell to their trust funds. Those would be gone. His father would see their relationship as a disgrace to the family.

Trying to reason with his father over the fact that they technically weren't blood related wouldn't do them any good. Their last names were the same, and they had lived under the same roof as brother and sister for over five years. Despite it being just five years since Ramona and her mother entered his life, his father saw them as siblings, introduced them to colleagues and friends as siblings. As far as they were concerned Darrien and Ramona were as good as blood now.

Which brought Darrien back to the big problem. What in the
was he going to do about Ramona? He loved her, loved her more than he could have ever imagined possible. That was the main reason why nothing had happened between him and Tiffany. Tiffany had been more than willing, but she wasn't Ramona, and therefore nothing physical had developed between them. So the question remained, what in the
was he going to do now?

A slight shiver vibrated through Ramona's body, breaking him from his thoughts. Realizing that his depleted cock was still buried in her heated depths he gently slipped it from her despite her soft moan of protest. Stepping back from her, he slipped his arm under her legs and hoisted her into his arms, holding her tight against his chest as he carried her over to the bed, then deposited her gently onto it before stretching out beside her.

Ramona, cuddled close to his side, laying her head on his shoulder and began tracing the contours of the muscles in his chest with her perfectly manicured index finger. The feel of her soft caress sent a shiver through him and his cock immediately took notice.

She remained silent for a few minutes, though a frown had formed on her striking features. He immediately knew that it wouldn't be long before he was bombarded with questions to which he was still trying to figure out the answers.

Finally she lifted her eyes to look at him and nibbled on her lower lip. "Can I ask you something?"

Awww shit, here we go
, he thought, but answered, "Sure."

"Why didn't you have sex with Tiffany?"

Darrien let out a loud puff of air and raked a hand through his short dark hair. Finally he shrugged. "It just didn't happen."

Ramona's eyes narrowed at him as if considering his answer. "That's odd because Tiffany was always the school slut in high school. Shit, I had her naked and licking my pussy for five grand and she was anxious to do it."

Laughing, Darrien met Ramona's inquisitive eyes, amused that she would have the nerve to pay Tiffany off and drag her into the little stunt she’d pulled. She never stopped amazing him with the lengths she'd go to get what she wanted. "Maybe she's changed since high school and just needed the money," he suggested.

It was Ramona's turn to laugh, "I don't think that's it." She appeared to be considering pressing the topic further, but Darrien silently prayed that she would let it drop. He'd give them tonight together.
tonight, then he'd end this before it became harder than it already was.

To his relief, the inquisitive look in her eyes turned to one of desire as she gave him a coy smile, while her hand slowly made its way down his torso, over his abs and finally to his growing cock. His breath caught in his throat as her soft, delicate hand tightly grasped his cock and sent a surge of desire through him.

He nodded towards his hardened cock. "I think you need to get that pretty little mouth of yours down there and suck it."

Her grin widened as she pressed her lips to his chest. Keeping her eyes focused on his she began kissing her way down his chest, while continuing to stroke his cock, fanning the hunger within him. Her lips reached his shaft and with the flick of her tongue, licked off the pre-cum which was beginning to form at the tip. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock until she came to his balls.

"Ah fuck," he groaned when she took one into her mouth, gently sucking on it. His body tensed as she slipped the first from her mouth and then began to suck on the second, still, stroking his cock. "Oh yeah, that's perfect, honey."

"Good?" she teased, releasing his balls and moving back to his dick.

"Mmm-hmm. Turn around. It's been too long since I've tasted you."

Doing as requested Ramona turned to lie over him and lowered her pussy to his face before continuing her sweet torture on his cock. Forcing her legs wide, he spread the lips of her pussy to display her juicy pink core. Pulling her down closer, he ran his tongue along the length of her from her clit to her ass.

Ramona moaned over his cock and wiggled her cunt against his face, sending sweet vibrations through him. He ran his tongue along her a second time, then rimmed her ass. She moaned louder.

Leaving her ass, his focus shifted to her swollen, quivering clit, which he began sucking and nipping at until he had her squirming and bucking against his mouth. As he continued to tease her clit, he spread her ass cheeks once more, lubricating her ass with the excessive amounts of her juices and slowly pressed his thumb into her.

Ramona's bucking against his face and moaning over his cock as she diligently sucked it was rapidly bringing him to a climax. He began to pump her in time with her up and down motions on his cock, working in perfect sync with her in a beautiful harmony of giving and receiving. As he came closer to exploding in her mouth he found himself wondering why he would deny her and himself this pleasure. Who were they hurting really... right?

His whole body was now on fire, the tension building to the point where he could barely contain it any longer. Just before his release came, her body tensed over him, and a gush of her juices coated his mouth, and slid onto his tongue and down his throat. Darrien greedily lapped up each drop and groaned as he shot his load against the back of her throat. Ramona's lips and mouth milked his cock of each and every drop, before she released it, placing a tender kiss on the tip.

Ramona quickly slid from his body and repositioned herself against him, her head once again resting on his shoulder. A wave of emotions washed over him as he looked down into her contented face and held her soft body - which trembled slightly from the after-effects of her third orgasm - tight to him.

Darrien caught Ramona's eyes and a look passed between them, a look that spoke the words ‘I love you’ – words which were tearing at him to be uttered, but he continued to bite them back. Saying things like that would only complicate a relationship that couldn't exist. So he said nothing. Instead, he broke eye contact and planted a tender kiss on the top of her head.

"Me too," she whispered into his ear before settling back down onto him, closing her eyes and promptly falling asleep.

"Dammit," he groaned softly, though a trace of a smile touched his lips. Pandora had opened the proverbial box.
What in the hell am I going to do now?




"Darrien," Ramona sighed. With her eyes still closed, she reached out next to her, but came up empty. Her blue eyes fluttered open to reveal the other side of the bed was vacant. Frowning Ramona looked over at the brass clock mounted above the stone fireplace in the bedroom and noticed it was almost noon.

Feeling somewhat disappointed that he'd taken off to work without waking her first, she threw the blankets off her and slid from the bed. As she stood and stretched, reaching her hands high above her head and giving a loud yawn, she noticed a slip of paper on the nightstand.
Lock up when you leave. I'll get my spare keys from you whenever I see you next.

Ramona frowned.
That's it? And what does he mean by whenever I see you next?
She assumed she'd be seeing him again tonight, but the tone of that simple note left her with a very bad feeling. She understood what his feelings had been about them being together; he felt it wasn't something that could - or should - ever happen, but that was before...

That was before he’d given her that
last night before she went to sleep. She knew she hadn't dreamt it. She had seen the love and affection in his eyes and in his expression when he'd looked at her.

So why such a formal, emotionless note?

Ramona was tempted to call him right then and there. No, she would go to the office and confront him; that's what she'd normally have done. But she didn't do that either.

Instead, with a huff, she balled the note up in her fist and tossed it into the bedside wastebasket. There was only one way to find out and that meant staying right where she was until he got home from work.

As she sauntered into the bathroom, heading for the large whirlpool tub intent on taking a long luxurious aromatherapy bath, she found herself satisfied with her solution. She'd simply wait till he got home and confront him once and for all. They'd work it out, they had to.




Darrien wasn't foolish enough to think that Ramona wouldn't be waiting for him when he got home so he worked extra late that evening, burying his mind in a pile of paperwork. A quick knock and the sound of his office door opening brought his eyes away from the pile of work on his desk.

"What's so important that you have to stay here until 10pm, Darrien?" his father, Frank, asked as he stepped into the office and scanned the top of his desk.

"What are you doing here, dad? I thought you’d left early today?" Darrien's dark eyes peered back at the identical dark eyes of his father.

His father walked around his son's desk and looked at the papers in front of him. "Yes, I did. I was just dropping by for something." he picked up one of the file folders and examined it briefly then tossed it back down. Perching on the edge of Darrien's desk his father crossed his arms over his chest and let out a loud sigh. "What's going on?"

Sitting back into his chair, Darrien swivelled around so he could face his father and shrugged. "Nothing at all. Just wanted to get this done and out of the way. That's all."

Frank glanced back at the papers, narrowed his eyes and then returned his attention back to Darrien. "You've been acting odd since you and your sister…"

"Stepsister," Darrien interjected, though not sure why. He simply felt he needed to make the distinction.

His father nodded. "Yes. Well.
, came back from your little vacation together."

"I'm fine. We're fine."

His father rubbed the stubble on his chin. "Come to think about it. She's been acting odd as well. I don't think she's been on a date since you two came back." Frank chuckled. "Can you imagine,
not going out to her little parties or dating?" He hit Darrien with a suspicious stare. "Makes me think there might be something going on with you two."

Darrien's face blanched. "I'm not sure what you're getting at." Darrien shifted uncomfortably in his chair and gave a nervous chuckle. His father was one of the most perceptive men he knew, especially when it came to family. He was slightly surprised that his father had taken so long to approach him about his relationship with Ramona.

His father clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and stood. "What I'm getting at is this. If you two didn't actually sort things out between you while at the cabin and you're only playing nice with one another so you can get your trust funds then know this... I'll find out, whatever it is that you two are up to and if it's not to my liking you won't be seeing a penny of that money, are we clear?"

Fuck, if he only knew just how well we get along now
, he mused ruefully. "Crystal, Sir, I assure you that isn't the case. We get along fine now and we're not
to anything. It's just all been sorted out."

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