Read Save Me From Myself Online

Authors: Stacey Mosteller

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Save Me From Myself (16 page)

“I don’t need to give him a chance. You need to get over this and come home Lyric. Running away from home at your age is ridiculously childish.”

Okay, I’ll give her that one. I probably shouldn’t have ran away, but I didn’t know what else to do. I needed to get away from everything and everyone in New York. Coming to Nashville was a good thing in the end. I’ve made new friends, I’ve found David, who is definitely Matt’s complete opposite.

“Mom, I love you, I really, really do. But, we’re not going to agree on this, and I’m not going to do what you want. I’ve got to go, give Edward a hug for me. I’ll talk to you later.”

She lets out a long-suffering sigh, “Alright Lyric, but this conversation isn’t over. I love you too.” The conversation may not be over, but it is done, at least for now. I’ve got happier things to think about!

When we walk into the bar, the rest of what’s quickly becoming our regular group hasn’t arrived yet, so we decide to go ahead and get a table. We don’t make it very far inside before I see SarahBeth waving at me from across the room. She’s sitting at a table with Livvie and we walk over to them.

“Hey guys,” SarahBeth says, smiling widely. “Wanna sit with us?”

“Sure,” Anna replies, “but we have a few more people meeting us.”

SarahBeth shrugs, “No biggie, we’ll just combine a couple of tables.” We’re in a fairly empty section of the bar so moving the tables around isn’t much of an issue. Anna sends Ben and Brandi each a text letting them know where we are before we sit down with the girls.

“So,” SarahBeth starts, “I noticed my brother didn’t come home until almost lunchtime today. Did you enjoy yourself?”

She’s grinning mischievously at me and I groan, “Really?!? I had this conversation with Anna this morning. Do I have to have it with you too?”

Her grin gets even wider and I hear, “Well, did you enjoy yourself?” from behind me right before David squats next to my chair, putting his arm around the back of it.

“I could have enjoyed it more,” I reply, sounding much more confident than I am, but I feel much lighter now that he knows everything.

Everyone starts laughing, and David growls, “Behave!” in my ear before turning my face to his so that he can kiss me. Once he lifts his lips from mine, he takes our drink order. Shortly after Ben, Toby, Brandi and Terra arrive. Everyone is having a blast, and SarahBeth and Livvie fit right in with us all. After everyone’s gotten their drinks and David’s gone back to the bar, conversation picks up right where it left off. Lucky me.

“Back to my earlier question, did you enjoy your night with David?” SarahBeth asks with a smirk. My face flames as every head turns to me in shock.

“Jeez SB, there was nothing to enjoy, we
! That’s all!”

Ben’s mouth drops open, “Wait, tell me you aren’t saying that you were in bed with
and you didn’t take advantage? What is
with you? I would’ve been all over his ass!”

“I don’t think his ass is what she’s most interested in,” Brandi snickers and Ben grins as he high fives her. I drop my head in my hands. If this is how they act when we
had sex, what will they be like after?

And of course, that’s when Anna decides to chime in with, “But, he did tell her to pack a bag and come home with him tonight! I sense a little bumping and grinding in her
near future!”

“Oh God,” I groan. This is mortifying! I’m never telling any of them another thing!

Thankfully, Livvie takes pity on me, and says, “Come on, let’s go dance.” She holds out her hand and pulls me up out of my chair and we head to the dance floor.


Tonight’s band is playing straight country music. The past few times I’ve been here, it’s been country mixed with other genre’s, mainly rock. The majority on the dance floor right now are doing this complicated dance, and even though I danced when I was growing up, I’m not sure I could ever dance like these people are! Livvie gets right in the middle of it though, and because she’s still holding my hand, I’m right there with her. She sees my confusion and starts trying to teach me the steps which leads to massive giggling.

It doesn’t take long before everyone else is out on the floor with us, and Ben is even worse at these dances than I am! I haven’t had this much fun in so long that I’m completely lost in the movements, trying to keep them all straight. Toby grabs my hand and twirls me around which lifts the short skirt I’m wearing and I’m spinning in circles.

After a couple minutes of dancing, Toby spins me out away from him and I encounter David’s hard chest. He grabs my waist and pulls me into him, causing Toby to release my hand. I brace my hands on his shoulders, and look up at him. His eyes are molten gold, and he’s staring down at me, his face full of desire.

David takes me by the hand and pulls me off the dance floor. Instead of stopping at our table, he continues past the bar and down a narrow hallway. Stopping at a door he turns the handle and drags me inside so fast I stumble on my four inch heels.

Spinning me around, he pins me against the wall and swoops down to crush his lips to mine. His tongue is instantly in my mouth, and my hands fly up to tangle in his hair. His hands are on my waist and he lifts me against the door until my core meets his groin. When I feel his erection against me, I moan into his mouth and suck his tongue back into mine which causes his hands to tighten on my waist.

When he finally releases my mouth, we’re both breathing heavy. Resting his forehead against mine he growls, “Are you
to kill me tonight? Fuck darlin', that skirt, those shoes, I can’t concentrate for shit tonight.”

“Sorry?” I breathe, but I’m really not. Anna was right when she said this outfit would drive him insane with lust. I’m wearing a short emerald green and black skirt, a black cashmere sweater and four inch do me heels. When he didn’t say anything about my outfit when we arrived, I assumed Anna was wrong. Knowing that I have this effect on him ups my confidence level and I pull his mouth back to mine.

We’re in the perfect position for me to wrap my bare legs around him, so I do and he groans. He runs his hands up my sides, stopping one just underneath my breast and tangling the other in my long hair. He palms my breast and I arch into him which rubs the most sensitive parts of my body against him. My nipple hardens immediately under his touch and I sigh as he moves his mouth to the sensitive spot beneath my ear. He sucks hard while pulling my fabric covered nipple between his thumb and finger. I’m practically panting at this point, and he feels rock hard between my legs.

He moves his hand back down to my waist and all I can say is, “Please.”

Lifting his mouth from my neck, he gazes into my eyes, “Please what, baby? Do you want me to keep touching you?”

! I can’t say the words, so I nod my head and he exhales as though he was holding his breath. He places his hand under the very edge of my sweater and asks, “Is this okay?”

I nod as I put my hand on his and pull it up until he’s covering my breast with only my bra between him and my flesh. My breasts have never been this sensitive before. I swear I could orgasm just from him touching them. Then, he pulls the cup of my bra down and pulls my sweater up so that my breasts are bared to him. He looks up at me as though asking permission, and I nod almost imperceptibly. Bending down, he sticks out his tongue and drags it over my nipple. I inhale sharply and shudder.
! His eyes are still locked onto mine when he takes my nipple into his mouth and I moan. Closing my eyes, I lay my head back against the door.

He lets go of my hair and moves his other hand down to rest on my leg, which is still wrapped around his waist. My entire body is shaking with arousal, I can’t concentrate on anything but his mouth on my breast, the erection pressing against my core, and his hand on my thigh. But, he doesn’t stop there. Shifting, he starts running his hand up and down my thigh while alternating between both breasts. He is
good at this! I feel a pang of jealousy over the fact that in order for him to be this good, there’s been plenty of women in his past, while I’ve only ever been with Matt.

I can’t feel that jealousy for long though, every time his hand travels up my thigh, he gets closer to my panties. Panties that are soaked with how much I need him inside me. Finally, his hand meets the apex of my thighs and I tremble. Releasing my nipple with an audible “pop” David raises his head until our faces are level.

“Darlin', I
to touch you,” his voice is gravelly and his eyes darken as he searches my face.

, David.
touch me,” I whimper.

He runs one finger up the center of my panties and I moan loudly. I don’t have time to be embarrassed however, because he slips that finger inside my panties and groans as he says, “Damn baby, you’re wet.” His thumb touches my sensitive clit and I jerk against him. If he touches me again, I’m going to come. He slides one finger inside me, and my muscles clench causing him to moan at the same time I do.

“That’s it darlin', let me hear you,” he murmurs as he starts moving his finger in and out slowly as his thumb circles my clit. I begin writhing against him, trying to increase the friction. He leans down and takes my nipple between his teeth biting down gently and I explode around his fingers. “Fuck,” he mutters, looking into my eyes, “you’re so fucking beautiful Lyric. You, coming right now is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to explode if I don’t get inside you soon.”

Nodding, I bring my hands to the button of his jeans and start to unbutton them. He grabs my hands and pulls them away, causing me to look at him questioningly. He shakes his head, “Our first time is going to be in a bed, baby. Not against the wall in a crowded club nor will it be in my office.”

“I’m okay with against the wall, David,
okay with it. Please, I need you inside me too,” I plead with him.

One corner of his mouth turns up and he gazes at me, his eyes still heated. “Trust me, Lyric. I want to be inside of you just as badly, if not more so than you want me there. But, when I finally get to be inside you, I’m going to want to be there all night, and that’s not going to happen here.”
Holy shit!
My thighs tighten around his waist at his words. No one has ever said anything like that to me before.

Untangling my legs from around his waist, he kisses my lips softly before opening his office door and gesturing for me to walk out in front of him. We head back out to the dance floor and he leaves me with my friends before heading back to work.


I watch him as he walks away from me, realizing that even though I’ve only known him a couple of weeks, I’m falling in love with him. So much for that “no relationships” vow I made before moving here. He’s stomped all over it. I just hope he doesn’t stomp all over my heart.

Anna’s arm wraps around my waist, startling me, and she looks as me with narrowed eyes. “What?” I ask her.

“You have total sex hair. Did he screw you into the wall? Or was it his desk?” She is completely serious, and my hands fly up to check my hair.

“I do
have sex hair, Anna!” I respond as I glare at her. “Besides, there was no actual sex. Against the wall or otherwise.”

She fixates on the word “actual”, practically yelling in my ear, “That means there was
! Come on, you
to tell me what happened! He was staring at you from the bar while you were dancing, and I swear,
almost flooded my panties!”

Jesus Christ, this girl is crude! “Anna! What the hell?”

“What?” she asks, trying to look innocent, “You know he’s freaking sex on a stick! Especially when he’s looking at you that way. I wish a guy would look at me like that.”

“Like what?” I can’t
I just asked her that. I’m not sure I even want to know. Oh, who am I kidding, I desperately want to know!

Anna rolls her eyes, she knows exactly what I’m doing. “Like you’re every birthday and Christmas present he never thought to ask for,” she sighs. My smile is huge because that’s exactly how I feel about him.

“Sometimes, I don’t know how he can be real. He’s pretty much the perfect guy, Anna. How could he possibly want

She just looks at me. “You’re so stupid, Lyric.” I stiffen, but she continues, “Why wouldn’t he want you? You’re funny, smart, loving. The list is pretty much endless. He’s be crazy not to. And he doesn’t strike me as crazy.”

David looks up to see us both staring at him and raises an eyebrow. Anna just grins and waves. He smiles back, then, shaking his head he goes back to helping customers at the bar. We spend the rest of the night alternating between dancing and chatting at the table with the rest of our friends while David works the bar. I sneak glances at him every so often, but I must not be very subtle because SarahBeth just grins at me every time.

When it’s time to leave, I get hugs from everyone. When SarahBeth comes over to hug me, she whispers, “I’m spending the night at Livvie’s. As much as I love you and my brother, the last thing I want to hear tonight is y’all getting freaky. Feel free to run naked through the house. Just please, don’t tell me any details!”

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