Read Premier Deception Online

Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #romantic suspense, #coming of age, #love story, #football story, #strong woman, #new adult romance, #russian billionnaire, #footballers wives

Premier Deception (14 page)

Once Max had dropped her off Charlotte
went into the training ground facility to find Luke, Colin and
Mark, her team! As she reached the dressing room she thought that
she could hear raised voices but when she pushed the door open all
she found was Luke who was just finishing off a phone call.
“Problem?” she asked but the look he gave her with the shake of his
head told her that it was none of her business.

“Before the team come we must go through
everything as they need to respond to you as the manager. The
photographers will be taking photos that will no doubt appear on
the news as there is great media interest in this first game.”
Colin and Mark came in then and the four of them discussed the
training pattern that would be followed.

Once the team arrived and changed they
got into it. Charlotte found it all very interesting and thought
how good a lot of the players appeared to be. They split them into
two teams and she noticed that all of the newer players were in the
B team against the old guard, A Team. It was obvious to her that
the B team were faster and more agile. They also didn’t tire as
easily but the older team made up for it with skill and well
rehearsed passes. A combination of the two was exactly what was
needed. She also noted that Ronnie was most definitely in charge of
the team. Everybody followed his lead and did what he told them. He
often made the younger members look bad and shouted and ridiculed
them when they missed passes or didn’t score. They looked
demoralised and it affected their confidence. Luke seemed not to
notice this and kept on shouting instructions at them, setting up
set pieces and moving players around into different positions.

The training lasted two hours and then
Luke shouted, “Ok that’s it for today off to the showers, back here
tomorrow and keep off the drink and stay on the diet.” Charlotte
turned to him and said, “what do they do the rest of the day?” it
was only 12pm after all. “They usually go to the gym to keep their
fitness levels up or play some other sport,” was his abrupt answer.
“Come on Charlotte, we have to go and look at our team sheets for
the weekend,” he said turning on his heel and striding purposefully
towards the office. She had to run to catch up with him and was
glad of the trainers; at least she was dressed for running she

They all sat down and it soon became
obvious that the team that was being chosen was much the same as
last season. “Why don’t we mix the team up to include the younger
players?” she asked. All three men looked uneasy and Luke said, “We
need the experience against teams like Arsenal, the younger players
don’t work as a team like the older ones and we would get punished
by Arsenal if we used them.” Charlotte didn’t give up. “Well why
don’t we mix up the teams in training so that they can practice
together and get used to each other and then pick the best

Luke said to Colin and Mark, please guys
can I have a word with Charlie alone? You carry on with what you
have to do and I will explain how it works here.” He stood up
indicating that she follow him. They went outside and Luke rounded
on her angrily. “Just remember what job you have been hired to do.
Questioning me in front of the others undermines me and makes me
look stupid. I run the football you run the promotions and then we
will get on. I have my work cut out as it is with this lot and
don’t need you meddling in my business!” and with that he stormed

Charlotte was shaken and sat down on a
nearby bench. He was right of course, she hadn’t thought how it
would look, but she knew that something wasn’t right. If they
carried on this way they would be relegated for sure. She had to
find a way to change things without them knowing it was her.

As she went inside she saw Max reading a
newspaper at a nearby table. She sank down next to him and said, “I
could murder a coffee and a bacon roll.” “Come on,”

he said, “I’ll take you for lunch, I
know just the place.” She followed him outside to a nearby food van
that was set up just outside the training ground. They asked for
bacon rolls and coffee and took them to a nearby park and flopped
down onto the ground. The sun was shining and the birds were
singing and Charlotte felt a sense of calm come over her. She
looked over at Max who was looking at her questioningly. “Have you
had a bad day Charlotte? Do you want to talk about it?” he said,
and she could quite easily have told him everything then and there.
However she knew that she couldn’t break her promise so just
shrugged and said, “I didn’t realise just how difficult it would be
taking over a role in such a male dominated world. I feel as though
they all resent me and don’t trust me or my opinions.” Max looked
at her sympathetically. “You are still learning and they should
take that into consideration. I think that you are doing a
fantastic job and I will help you in any way I can, even if it’s
just someone to talk to.”

He stretched out on the grass and she
was once again struck by how gorgeous he was. His hair was slightly
messy and his trousers were now covered in grass. She was sure that
she looked even worse as she hadn’t put on any make up today and
was wearing the team tracksuit. He caught her expression and
grinned saying, “do I amuse you Miss Dawson?” she laughed and said,
“I was thinking what a pair we must look, covered in grass and
looking a mess eating our lunch from a tea van, it’s hardly the
high life as Chantelle would put it.” Max gave her a long hard look
and his eyes stared so deeply into hers that she was transfixed, he
said softly, “I wouldn’t want it any other way, I just like
spending time with you.” Charlotte’s heart starting racing and she
felt a flush creep up towards her face, but before she could reply
her phone buzzed spoiling the moment. “It’s from Luke, he wants to
see me right now,” she said looking worried. “Now what have I

Hurriedly they went back inside and
Charlotte found Luke waiting for her by the office. Max went off to
fuel the car and Luke gestured for her to follow him inside and
then he closed the door. “You may have got some of your wish
granted,” he said, “I have just taken a call from Mitchell, he
wants Ben and Fabio to start on Saturday, something to do with a
request from the sponsors of all things. We are going to have to
work out who to pair them with so that they don’t disrupt the play
too much.” Charlotte smiled inside, good old mum she should have
been a company director with her planning ability.

As the week went on they fell into a
pattern of practice, planning and more planning. They watched past
games of both teams in the video room and discussed ways of beating
their opponents. Every day when the team left at 12pm Charlotte
noticed that Sylvia came to pick Ronnie up without fail, and was
slightly disturbed to find her always chatting happily with Max who
appeared very relaxed in her company. This also didn’t go unnoticed
by Ronnie who after seeing them together for the third time stormed
up to them and pulled her away roughly saying,” I’ve told you
before to stop flirting with the hired help. You’ll get a name for
yourself and I will be a laughing stock! Remember you have a child
and other responsibilities before you go degrading yourself running
after immigrants.” Max looked as though he was going to fly at
Ronnie so Charlotte ran up and pulled on his arm. “Leave it Max
he’s not worth it. Let it go.” Charlotte saw the rage in his face
and felt dread forming in the pit of her stomach. What if Ronnie
was right and they were forming a friendship. It would only end in
disaster. Luke came up having seen what had happened and looked
thunderous. She saw him watching, fists clenched, as Ronnie dragged
Sylvia away and he flashed an angry look at Max. “Leave her alone,”
he said angrily. “She has a lot to deal with and doesn’t need you
making things worse for her.” He stormed off and Max looked angrier
than Charlotte had ever seen him. “Come on Max,” she said holding
on to his arm. “You are better than all of them and didn’t deserve
any of that. Let’s get out of this toxic ground before we both
explode.” He looked down at her and his face softened. “I am sorry
that you had to see that Charlotte, I feel very sorry for Sylvia
being married to a brute like him. He doesn’t deserve her.”
Charlotte still felt very uneasy, there was definitely a storm


Saturday dawned and Charlotte woke up
with a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. She went
downstairs and once again the familiar sounds and smells of the
weekend breakfast pervaded her nostrils. Her brother Jake was very
excited. She had got them all tickets to the player’s box and he
couldn’t contain his excitement. “Do you think I can get their
autographs?” he said excitedly. “I hope I get to meet them, will I
meet the Arsenal Players too, oh I do hope so, wait until Josh
hears about my weekend he will be green with envy.” He chattered on
incessantly but Charlotte tuned out deep in her own thoughts. Her
father looked at her and said, “You ok Lola, big day after all.”
Her Mum butted in, “of course she’s not ok, look at her a bundle of
nerves. I have some relaxation cds that you could listen to on the
way, I am sure that your driver, Max isn’t it, won’t mind. Those
men had better behave themselves and do the best they can!”
Charlotte smiled at the thought of her and Max listening to her
mother’s cd in the car, he would think she was barmier than he must
do already.

Charlotte got ready and dressed in a
navy trouser suit with her hair around her shoulders. She had her
large sunglasses on in case of waiting press and bid farewell to
her family who were making their own way there later on. Max was
waiting and gave her a soft look as he saw her coming, a vision of
loveliness like a lamb to the slaughter. She was reminded of the
last time she was dressed up on a Saturday and making the same
journey. What a lot had happened since then. She turned to Max and
asked him where he would be spending the game. “My family are
coming to watch, so I will be watching with them. I have been very
kindly offered tickets in the player’s box so it should be an
enjoyable experience.” “That’s great,” she said excitedly. “Please
introduce me to them after the game, I would love to meet them.”
Max smiled at her warmly and nodded. “You must be very nervous,” he
said softly, and she realised then just how nervous she was. The
pleasure that she always felt at seeing Max was now giving way to
butterflies at the thought of walking out in front of all those
people. She took a deep breath and said, “I’ll be fine, once it’s
over!” They laughed and before long they were pulling up outside
the stadium.

There was more red and black than she
had ever seen in her life. Fans were everywhere it seemed, despite
being quite early on. The media were also everywhere interviewing
fans and taking shots of the stadium. “Quickly go inside before
they see you,” urged Max, so Charlotte grinned at him and ran for
it. Once inside the reception area she looked down and strode
purposefully towards her office, even ignoring the usual staff, so
as not to make any eye contact with the people milling around
reception. She reached her door and was glad to see Allison waiting
for her. “Charlotte great to see you, Luke wants a chat before the
team briefing and the owners want a word too. Can you meet them all
in the board room in 10 minutes?” No problem” she said and closed
the office door. Looking around her she once again noticed many
bunches of flowers. Oh my goodness she thought, it’s a good job I
don’t have hay fever! Looking through them all she once again
noticed a small bunch of white carnations with the usual note. This
time it said, “Be together x” Soon we will be together - she mulled
over the combination of the notes. Ok now I’m spooked, she thought
and picking them up went outside to find Allison.

“Allison, I have received another bunch
of carnations and a note. It is probably nothing but do you think
that you could ask Elliott to keep a look out in case any more
appear? I would really love to know who is behind them?” Allison
took the note and looked perplexed. “Leave it with me Charlotte,
I’ll get to the bottom of it, don’t you worry about it.” Feeling
happier Charlotte went back inside and taking a deep breath she
looked around her, this is it no going back, it’s time to start
pretending to the world not just the people in this club she
thought, and with that she made her way up to the boardroom.

Drawing nearer to the boardroom
Charlotte could hear voices. On opening the door she saw the
Maloney brothers and Luke standing by the window looking out at the
stadium. They turned as she entered the room and smiled. Maurice
jumped forward, “Charlotte my dear please come in and take a seat.
Can we offer you a drink, non alcoholic of course,” he laughed.
They all seemed fairly relaxed even Luke for once.

Once they were all seated Mitchell said,
“Well here we are again. Luke has gone through the team sheets with
us which all seem fine. We have added the two newer players to
please the sponsors but if they are not working out substitute them
at half time.” Charlotte nodded happily and said, “I am sure that
they will appreciate it.” He carried on. “Charlotte you need to be
seen to be making the decisions and running the game. Luke will
talk you through it all but at all times remember that it is
probably you that will get the most scrutiny so keep that in mind
and don’t let any camera catch you off guard. You have done a
fantastic job up till now. The media love you as you have given
them an endless topic to talk about so lets keep the momentum going
and try to raise the profile of the club to encourage more
sponsorship. You will need to speak to the media after the game so
just keep it simple, Luke will tell you what to say.” He looked at
her silently for a moment seemingly caught up in his own thoughts
and then he said, “Well good luck, we will be watching and see you
after for drinks in the players bar.” Maurice echoed his good luck
and they both went out of the room leaving Luke and Charlotte to

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