Read Premier Deception Online

Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #romantic suspense, #coming of age, #love story, #football story, #strong woman, #new adult romance, #russian billionnaire, #footballers wives

Premier Deception (13 page)

They sunk down side by side onto
Charlotte’s bed and Imogen said, “Right spill the beans and don’t
leave anything out. I want to hear everything.” “Everything?”
Charlotte laughed teasing her friend and nearly fell off the bed
when Imogen shoved her. “Come on hurry up, and get to the part
about the dressing room first, all those fit bodies in front of
you, have you had a sneaky peek in the showers yet? I would.”
Charlotte laughed glad to spend time with her friend; it had been
so intense lately that she really needed the light relief. She told
her about the footballers, the club, the party and then she got
onto Max. Her voice softened and her face had a wistful look as she
told Imogen about him and how they had got to know each other.
Imogen looked at her knowingly and Charlotte blushed. “You are in
love with him aren’t you?” she shouted her face breaking out into a
broad smile. “Ssh! Said Charlotte as if fearing that he could hear
them. “I hardly know him but there is definitely something there,
there’s a feeling that I can’t seem to shake off. He keeps things
very close to his chest and I can’t make him out at all.” “Hmm the
strong silent type hey” said Imogen thoughtfully. “Just the way we
like them!” Once again they laughed and then Charlotte quickly
switched the subject to what was happening with Imogen and life at
the Lido. After she went Charlotte looked through her father’s
Sunday papers. The sports pages were still talking about her
appointment. They were very sceptical about it and there didn’t
seem much support for her in their reports. There were lots of
quotes from fans and past players who were not happy it seemed and
they concluded that if she didn’t turn things around soon both her
and the club would be finished. Charlotte decided to spend the rest
of the day thinking about her plan as to how she could make the
changes and improve the chances for the team.


Max drove into the drive at precisely
7.30am the next day. Charlotte was pleased to see him and they
smiled at each other as they got into the car. “Did you have a nice
weekend?” Charlotte asked, “Yes thank you, did you?” he replied,
not giving anything away as usual. “It was quiet but I used the
time to do some thinking about ways to improve the team. I think
that I have come up with a plan but it may not work,” she said. “I
am sure that you can make it happen,” he said with admiration in
his voice. “I have also been thinking about events at the party and
will continue to do some more digging to see what else I can come
up with. I want to find out what the hold is that Ronnie has over
Mitchell. If we can figure that out we can begin to re build the

That was what Charlotte loved about Max.
It wasn’t his job to do these things but he was making it his job
to help her out with hers. She was really lucky to have him as a
friend. She looked at his hand on the gear stick and longed to
reach out and touch it. The smell of his aftershave was
intoxicating and she was tuned in to his every move. She wished
that they could be together but feared that he wasn’t interested
and she didn’t want to ruin the friendship that they had built up.
He was very private about his life and for all she knew he could
have a girlfriend or even worse a wife! They drove into the stadium
and Charlotte tried to draw her thoughts away from him to the job
in hand. On entering Reception Charlotte said hi to Elliott the
security guard. “No Annette today?” she said smiling. Elliott
smiled back and said, “No still too early for her, these came for
you though, would you like to take them with you?” She saw another
small bunch of carnations, this time yellow ones. “Oh, how lovely,”
she said. “Did you see who brought them in?” “No I’m afraid not, I
popped out the back and there were there when I got back. There is
a note attached with your name on it.”

Charlotte picked them up and smiled at
him. “Thanks Elliott, see you soon,” and she headed off to the
lift. Once inside she pulled off the note, but it only said, “We

When she reached the office Allison
briefed her on the day’s schedule and then outlined the week ahead.
There were interviews and meetings with the sponsors today and the
rest of the week was to be spent at the training ground in
readiness for the game on Saturday. It would be a tough start for
them as they were playing the winners of the Premier League last
season, Arsenal. It didn’t get much tougher than that but it would
be good practice, even though it may lower their morale somewhat.
One thing was sure she would need her best players but she knew
that may not be allowed. She put aside the mystery of the flowers
and concentrated on the job in hand. During the day one of the
meetings that she had was with Zodiac Sportswear. This was an up
and coming high performance sportswear manufacturer that was
fashion led and a great favourite among the school kids at present.
Jake her brother was really into them as was all his friends.
Charlotte knew that they were one of the sponsors that may pull out
because of the bad season so she knew that she would have to pull
out all the stops to impress them. The two people that met her were
the marketing director and the sales director. Both were young and
dynamic and she warmed to them both. After they had finished the
meeting she asked them who they liked on the team at the moment.
Rachel the marketing director said, “Most of the girls at the
office are in love with Ben Hardy. They have his poster up, and
incidentally it is the one requested most by our customers. The
young kids relate to him. He is in their eyes cool and the fact
that he is gorgeous also helps.” They all laughed. “What about our
Captain Ronnie?” asked Charlotte. “Don’t they like him as well?”
“Yes they do but not as much,” said Rachel. “Probably because he is
a bit older and married. Kids think of their footballers like they
do their boy bands. The younger the better. Who wants to emulate
someone’s dad after all.” They all laughed but it was as Charlotte
had surmised. This would enable her to put her mum’s words of
wisdom into practice. They went off armed with lots of signed
photos of Ben and the team with some team shirts for a prize
giveaway. As she waved them off in reception she saw Mitchell
coming in through the door.

Charlotte my dear how are you
getting on?” he said loudly placing his arm around her shoulders.
Ordinarily Charlotte would have pulled away as she hated it when
people did this but today she saw her chance and said, “Fine thank
you Mitchell,” and looked up at him looking directly into his eyes.
“In fact I have just had a meeting with Zodiac Sportswear.” He
raised his eyebrows as he was aware of how important they were. “Is
everything ok with them? They happy with everything?” he said
anxiously. “Yes they are as a matter of fact, however they did say
that it was a shame that some of the younger players weren’t
featured as much in the key matches.” He looked surprised and she
pressed on. “Apparently the big games are shown on the TV and their
target audience of young kids and teenagers like to watch their
heroes play. When they do it boosts sales. The older players,
although more important to us as a club in terms of giving us the
best shot at winning, are not as cool. Well never mind you can’t
have it all can you. I suppose even half an hour would be something
though but I am sure that Luke and Ronnie have it covered. Anyway I
must go as I have another radio interview to do, they want to know
if we are making any changes on Saturday to the team so I must
phone Luke for his thoughts. Nice to see you Mitchell.” and with
that she walked away sure that the seed had been sown.

Later on that day Luke phoned her.
“Charlotte when you come to the training ground tomorrow make sure
that you dress for training. The team tracksuit will be fine. There
are going to be some reporters here to watch how we are doing, it
is all Mitchell’s idea to keep us in the spotlight. They will want
to see you playing an active part in the training. Get here at
7.30am and I will brief you on what to expect.” He put the phone
down abruptly and Charlotte thought great! a whole day with him and
Ronnie, I can’t wait. She went to find Max who had arranged to meet
her in the player’s bar after work. They wanted to compare notes
and thought that it would be nice to do so in comfort and with a
drink for a change.

She walked into the bar and saw Max
chatting to Chantelle. Charlotte smiled as she approached. “Hi
Chantelle, how are things?” she asked. Chantelle looked down and
gave a half smile and said, “Ok I guess.” Charlotte looked at Max
who nodded his head as if to say, leave it. “Oh well if I can help
with anything you only have to ask,” she said kindly to the girl
who was finding it difficult to make eye contact. “I’ve got the
drinks,” said Max. “I hope that a white wine spritzer is ok?”
“Lovely,” said Charlotte and they took a seat by the window. “I’ll
tell you later,” said Max as Charlotte looked pointedly towards
Chantelle. They chit chatted mainly about mundane things and
Charlotte could tell that Max was pre occupied with something. Lots
of the staff kept on walking by flinging flirtatious looks at Max
which really began to wind Charlotte up. Nobody wanted to speak to
her, and she felt really awkward there. It was as though they were
being watched the whole time and Charlotte couldn’t relax. Max saw
her discomfort and laughed. “They think that you’re a superstar,”
he said. “Out of reach, out of their league. They can’t joke with
you because you’re not on their level. You are management and so
their guard is up.” “But that is ridiculous!” exclaimed Charlotte,
“I am no different to them.” “Nevertheless it is so,” he said
enjoying teasing her. She grinned; this was absolute hell she
thought. All I want is to be in Max’s arms, nothing else matters
and the feelings of longing are getting worse. What if he doesn’t
feels like that, maybe he will ask one of the other girls out and I
will have to look pleased for him when my heart will be breaking
inside. Then I will have to go to their wedding and they would ask
me to organise the staff whip round and give a speech at the
presentation. I would be invited to the wedding and would have to
watch as the man of my dreams marries someone else. I would be the
one who shouted out the objection at the part in the church when
the congregation is asked if anyone objects. Then I would be thrown
out and it would probably rain and a photo of me would be in the
paper the next day with mascara running down my cheeks and red

“Charlotte are you listening to me?” Max
said leaning forward looking concerned. Charlotte shook herself and
was brought back to reality. “Sorry I must have zoned out there for
a minute,” she said looking embarrassed. Thank goodness he couldn’t
read her thoughts. “Let me get you home you are obviously tired and
we have an early start tomorrow,” he said looking at her with a
worried expression. She nodded and cursed her overactive
imagination. She could have played it cool and been funny and
clever and made him laugh at her wit and intelligence. Instead he
probably thinks I’m an idiot she thought. As they walked away
Charlotte waved to Chantelle who gave a half wave back and then
turned away.

When they got to the car Charlotte
turned to Max and said, “What on earth was wrong with Chantelle?
She looked really down and wouldn’t look me in the eye. Have I done
something to upset her?” “No it’s not you,” he said grimly. “She is
embarrassed because at the party the other night she said that once
all of the guests had gone they were tidying away and she was
clearing the glasses in the living room. Ronnie came in and
apparently put his hand up her skirt and tried to grope her.”
Charlotte looked shocked and he continued. “She pushed him away and
he threatened her saying that if she told anybody then she would
lose her job because nobody would believe her. After all, in his
words, why would he go for someone like her when he was married to
a supermodel?” Charlotte looked disgusted. “It’s not her fault, she
is a victim of sexual harassment he could get the sack for that.”
Although as she said it she knew that he was right and it would be
his word against Chantelle’s and she knew who Mitchell would side

“Do you think that I should have a word
with him?” she asked Max, “I wouldn’t bother he would only deny
it,” he said, but added in a low voice, “don’t worry he will get
what’s coming to him, I’ll make sure of that.” Charlotte looked at
him thinking how sexy he looked when he was angry. She shivered at
the expression on his face and wondered what he had in mind.
Sensing her scrutiny his expression changed and he looked at her
with that penetrating gaze that made her melt inside. “Come on
let’s get you home, you look exhausted and you have an early start
tomorrow.” Once again they drove back in silence both immersed in
their own thoughts.



At 7.30am on the dot Max inched the
Bentley into the driveway. Charlotte raced out dressed for training
in the team tracksuit with her hair tied back in a ponytail. She
was carrying her bag with all of her paperwork in as she had lots
to do when training was over. Max smiled. “Morning, you look very
sporty this morning, are you going to join in the training itself?”
They laughed and Charlotte replied. “No this is mainly for the
benefit of the photographers. I will just be observing and looking
at their strengths and weaknesses. We have to pull a team together
for Saturday and it needs to be the best we’ve got.” On the journey
Charlotte once again tried to delve into his background, but all
she could get was that he originated from Romania, had two brothers
and a sister and his parents were visiting and they lived not far
from her house. He didn’t have a wife or girlfriend, which made her
happier than she had felt for a long time, but added that he didn’t
have time for one at the moment anyway.

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