Read Premier Deception Online

Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #romantic suspense, #coming of age, #love story, #football story, #strong woman, #new adult romance, #russian billionnaire, #footballers wives

Premier Deception (15 page)

Luke looked at Charlotte and smiled, a
very rare thing which caught her off guard. “Charlotte, I think
that we made a bad start due to my opinions about the deception,
however I think that you have handled things well and I would like
us to work together this season and hopefully we can all come out
of it unscathed with a good end result. Let’s go through the
timetable of the day and I will brief you on what to expect and
say.” Charlotte smiled gratefully as this somewhat eased the
pressure on her and they spent the next hour going over

Before long the Arsenal coach with their
team and staff on board arrived at the stadium. Luke and Charlotte
went down to greet them and shook their hands and directed them to
the away team dressing room. Charlotte found them all very pleasant
and didn’t miss their inquisitive looks and obvious interest in
her. Their manager was one of the greats and Charlotte felt that he
could instantly see through her as an impostor. I hope he doesn’t
start talking “shop” she thought anxiously. If he did her cover
would be blown before it began. Luckily he seemed pre occupied with
the match and headed off with his team to the away dressing room.
That left her with Luke who walked with her to the team briefing
room. Now she had to face her own team!

They went to the briefing room and
Charlotte looked at the team and reserves gathered there. They
looked at her with a mixture of interest and wariness so she smiled
at them all and said. “You’ve all seen the team sheets and know
what positions you are playing. This is your chance to prove to
everybody that you don’t belong at the bottom of the table. I know
that it is a friendly game and won’t count on points but it will
show everyone that we are ready and can challenge even the very
best of the premiership. Nobody will be expecting us to do well so
there is no pressure there, just the pressure that each and every
one of you must place on yourselves to do well for your club and
team. We do not want to start off with a loss so put last year
behind you and really go for it. Work well together and work as a
team. Remember nobody is safe so play as if your job depends on it.
Good luck everyone I will see you just before the match.” She
handed over to Luke and left the room shaking with nerves. She
couldn’t let them see that she was nervous and decided to spend the
next half an hour trying to calm down and compose herself. The team
headed for the changing rooms and Luke came and found her. “Well
done Charlotte, I know it’s hard but it will get easier, come on
lets grab a drink before we have to go down.” All too soon it was
time to make their way to the tunnel before kick off. The teams
were assembling along with the children that would walk out with
them. There was lots of banter between the teams and Charlotte felt
more and more isolated. Looking at the teams assembled in front of
her she thought they looked like a bunch of racehorses primed and
ready to go. She half expected them to start stamping the ground in
frustration such was the friction and tension in the air. She
headed off to the sidelines with the rest of her team to watch
events unfold.

Soon the Teams came out on to the pitch
to a roar from the crowd. The excitement in the air was palpable
and Charlotte couldn’t ever remember feeling as nervous as she did
now. She saw Ben looking at her from the pitch and almost waved at
him but then remembered her position and merely smiled over at him.
She knew that he was grateful for the chance, his face had said as
much in the briefing room and she hoped that he would do well.
Luckily she hadn’t had any contact with Ronnie as he was too
wrapped up in his pre match rituals to be unkind to her. Looking
around once again she was amazed at the sheer amount of people in
the stadium and the volume of the noise. The fans were extremely
vocal and there was a sea of red and black on the terraces. She saw
many banners - not all of them kind to her - and heard the fans
chanting and singing songs. It had not been easy to win over the
fans and she still had a long way to go. She knew that if they put
in a poor performance today they would cut her no slack at all and
demand for her to leave. If they did well they may let her carry on
for another game until things went bad again. It was definitely an
uphill struggle but one that she was determined to at least try her
best at. There were various match officials hugging the sidelines
and she looked up at the many private boxes where she thought with
delight of her family and Max watching the game.

Then it began. The noise was deafening.
It started fairly slowly as each team settled into the match. Ben
was doing his best to connect with Fabio and they were doing well
passing the ball and getting past their markers. Ronnie was busy
shouting at everyone ordering them to pass to certain people and
trying to control the game. The Arsenal players were exceptional as
was expected due to their status at the top of the league and it
wasn’t long before they scored a goal. Luke was clenching his fists
and looking angry and Charlotte was anxious. This was horrible, she
almost couldn’t watch every time the opposition got the ball. The
order of play was very much in Arsenal’s favour but her team were
holding on and there was many a save by the defence and the goalie
which kept the score down.

They reached half time a goal down and
headed off to the changing rooms. Charlotte followed. Whilst they
took on fluids she offered words of encouragement but Luke called
everyone to attention. “Guys you must make an early break and catch
them off guard. Head out wide and position yourselves in front of
their goal and then cross it in for a chance. Defence keep tight
and everyone stay on their marker. We can do this if we pull
together.” Charlotte found Ben and quietly said. “Come on Ben you
are doing well but I am under pressure this half to substitute you.
Don’t give them the reason to do so, earn your place in this team,
you have my full support.” He looked at her and nodded, his face
set in determination. They headed back outside and the game
resumed. As soon as the whistle blew Ben was on it. He ran like the
wind winning the ball and passing to Fabio. They pressed forward
and as Luke had asked, Fabio ran wide, dodged his marker and
delivered a perfect ball in to the centre where Ben was waiting. He
took his shot and the ball hit the back of the net. The home fans
went wild. It was officially two minutes into the second half and
they had drawn level.

Charlotte was ecstatic. She jumped up
and punched the air, she turned to Luke who was grinning and almost
hugged him with excitement. The fans were going wild and she felt a
pure adrenalin rush. The game carried on. There were a few fouls
but on the whole not many as it was pre-season and nobody wanted to
pick up any injuries. Extra time was added on for injury and it
looked like they would hold on for a draw. However never
underestimate the power of a great football team and with just one
minute to go before time Arsenal scored the winning goal after a
set piece. Charlotte was devastated. They had lost and she was so
hoping that they could pull off a draw at the very least. The
whistle blew and the teams stopped playing. It was over.

She stood up and went to shake the hand
of the Arsenal manager who was very gracious. They headed back down
the tunnel into the dressing room.

Charlotte felt deflated and sank down
onto one of the benches. Nobody felt like eating any of the food
laid out for them there. They had held on for so long only to have
it stolen from them at the last minute. “Charlotte you are needed
to give an interview.” Luke said gesturing towards the door.
Feeling like this was the last thing she wanted to do she went out
to face the television cameras. She stood in front of the
interviewer and said. “I am proud of my team, they played well and
held on for almost 90 minutes. They showed a great team spirit
which will take them forward to a better season this year. I must
congratulate Arsenal on an exceptional game and thanks to the fans
for their continued support.” She moved away quickly before they
could ask her anything more.

As she reached the dressing room the
door opened and Ronnie stood in her way. “Another good speech
boss,” he said sarcastically. “Couldn’t inspire your little pets to
do more though could you. I know it was your influence that put
those idiots in the team. We would have stood a better chance if
you had left well alone and kept them on the bench.” He moved
towards her until he was standing millimetres away from her, once
again his sickly stench overcame her. “You and I have unfinished
business darlin and there is no escaping it. One day you will be
begging me for it.” He pulled her head towards him linking his hand
in her hair. “Don’t fight it, I make a better lover than a fighter,
it’s your choice.” He ran his hand down her face and she thought
that he was going to kiss her. She tried to pull away but he was
too strong. The dressing room door opened and he pushed her back.
“See you in the bar Boss,” he said as Luke came out of the room.
She stumbled back and Luke put out a steadying hand. He held onto
her and saw the tears welling up in her eyes. “What’s wrong what
happened?” he said with concern. “Nothing,” she mumbled trying to
pull herself together, she knew that Ronnie would deny it if she
told and all she wanted to do was get out of there. Luke held onto
her. “Charlotte I know something happened, I can’t help you if you
don’t tell me.” She shook her head unable to speak and he held her
close to comfort her.

She rested her head on his muscular body
glad to be shielded from the situation even for a few moments. She
felt safe with Luke and trusted him. She wished that she could tell
him what had happened but didn’t want any trouble. He drew away and
looked down into her cornflower blue eyes. His face was gentle and
he wiped away her tears. Before he could speak there was a
commotion behind them and the players came out of the dressing room
and saw them. “Looky here,” said Ronnie. “The two lovebirds. Come
on Lads give them their space they need to get off and book a
room!” they all went off laughing and Luke stared angrily after
them. “That man has got it coming,” he said ominously. Charlotte
collected herself together and wiped her eyes. “Come on Luke he’s
not worth it, let’s go to the bar and try to make the best of a bad
situation.” As he turned to go she caught hold of his arm and said
gratefully, “Thanks though it was kind of you, I do appreciate it.”
He smiled at her then said out of the blue. “Colin, Mark and I are
going out for a bite to eat later; we normally can’t relax after a
match and like to go over it whilst it’s still fresh in our minds.
Would you like to come with us? It won’t be anything posh just a
Bar meal.” “I would love to,” she said glad that they seemed to
have broken the ice at last, they both smiled at each other and
walked off in the direction of the bar.



The Bar was packed with players, their
guests and management. It was a hive of activity and the noise was
deafening. Charlotte could see her family over by the window
looking very interested in what was going on around them. She
hurried over and hugged them one by one. Her dad said, “Well done
Lola, you looked great out there and I thought that the team played
really well. You have worked really hard and it couldn’t have been
easy for you.” “Yes well done,” said her mum giving her a hug. “Now
show me who everyone is and Jake take some photos for me to show to
my Pilates class tomorrow, Kitty Bunny will be green with envy.”
They all laughed incredulously and her father said, “who in the
world is Kitty Bunny when she’s at home!” Her mother said, “well
actually she is called Katherine Bunfield, but Kitty Bunny is her
nickname. She thinks that she is so much better than us because her
brother is married to a BBC producer.”

Just then Charlotte spied Max across the
room talking to Sylvia. She looked at him rooted to the spot and
she felt her heart skip many beats. He had such an effect on her;
she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was dressed fairly casually
in chinos and a polo shirt. His dark hair was slightly curling up
at the ends and his eyes sparkled as he laughed with Sylvia.
Suddenly he caught sight of her and he waved to her. Sylvia also
smiled at her and so she excused herself from her family and made
her way over to them. “Charlotte you were great,” he said in his
soft sexy accent that made her go weak at the knees. She wanted to
run her fingers through his hair and for him to pull her close
against his hard toned body. She wondered what would happen if she
launched herself at him in front of all these people, it was what
she felt like doing but she managed to hold herself back to spare
herself public humiliation. She shook herself as Sylvia said. “You
all did very well. It is never easy playing a team like Arsenal. I
know that Ronnie relishes these games as a chance to prove that he
is as skilled as them.” Charlotte’s heart missed a beat when she
mentioned Ronnie; she didn’t want to think of him and his sleazy

Before she could answer her she saw
Sylvia’s eyes light up and then Luke joined them. Once again a look
passed between them that made Charlotte feel very much in the way.
Looking at Max she could see that he had noticed it too and he too
looked away. It was such a look that you didn’t want to interrupt,
words just seemed unnecessary. Almost at once Ronnie joined them
swaggering up with a drink in his hand. “Well well the two
lovebirds.” Sylvia and Luke looked startled but he wasn’t looking
at them but at Charlotte. “Just caught these two at it in the
corridor, who would have thought, the coach and our new

Charlotte felt the shock reverberate
around the group. Sylvia looked at Luke with a hurt expression and
Max looked thunderous. He looked at Charlotte with such a look of
disappointment on his face that she wanted to cry. Luke’s face
clouded over and he said, “Don’t be so ridiculous Ronnie, you don’t
know what you are talking about, what you saw was nothing of the
sort, in fact the reason that I was talking to Charlotte was-” and
then he stopped as he looked at Sylvia’s distressed face. Charlotte
knew that he would want to protect her from more public humiliation
so he couldn’t tell her what had really happened and she knew that
Ronnie knew this judging by the smirk of satisfaction on his face.
Max’s expression on the other hand had tightened and he looked
blank and distant. His eyes looked at Charlotte as if he couldn’t
believe what he was hearing and looked so blankly at her that she
wanted to shout and tell them all what really happened. All at once
Max said, “Charlotte, I have some work to do please call me when
you are ready to go home.” Her faced burned as she said quietly,
“don’t worry Max the coaching team have invited me out to eat so I
will be going home late. Please let me get you a drink at the bar
as I would like to have a word with you.”

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