Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2) (17 page)

BOOK: Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2)
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Spencer returned.
“Give me your hand.”

His touch sent sparks through me as he
attached a silver clip to the cuff around my wrist and raised my arm, anchoring it to the web above and to the side of my head. He repeated the motions on the opposite side, then knelt before me. My heart skipped a beat—his head was now on a level with my very aroused clit, if he chose to pull my panties aside and…

Spencer shot an amused glance up at me.
“I can tell exactly what you’re thinking, pretty girl. But it’s nowhere near time for that yet.”

I might have made a soft, incoherent noise of disappointment, but he didn
’t react to it. “Spread your legs as far as is comfortable,” he ordered.

I set my feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, and he nudged one of my feet slightly farther
out, making the insides of my thighs ache lightly with exertion. Should I tell him? If I didn’t, he’d probably be pissed off.

Sir, that’s a little too far for comfort.”

He clipped both ankles to the chain web behind me, then stood up to look me in the eye.
“I know.”

A thrill went through me, and I lowered my head in submission to him.
Accidental pain wouldn’t have been erotic, but calculated discomfort was another thing entirely.

Good girl.” He stepped back, as though admiring his handiwork. “I like you like this. Spread out for whatever I want to do to you…”

I eyed the bunched-up belt he
’d left on a table near the door.

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the belt. But it’ll be in my time, not yours.” He rested his hand lightly around my throat. “I think this needs a little something first.” He squeezed just a little, not enough for the panic button in my head to trigger, but enough to make it clear he was in control. “How about wearing a collar for the scene?”

He was phrasing that as a question?
“Yes! I mean, if you like, Sir.”

With a grin,
Spencer released me and went to the drawer again. Something rattled, and he pulled a short length of chain from the drawer. I blinked, trying to figure him out.

A padlock and a set of keys followed the chain into his open palm, then he came back over to me.
“I told you I wanted to chain you.”

The cool metal links rested against the nape of my neck as Spencer draped the chain over my shoulders. It was heavier than I
’d expected. He threaded the padlock through the end link on one side and then experimented with the fit of the chain around my throat, selecting which link on the opposite side to use. I tilted back my chin and let him do it, lightheaded in a good way.

A click, and the padlock was closed. Now there was no way this was coming off without a hacksaw or a set of keys
—the latter of which Spencer held up in my line of sight, then tucked into my panties, where the cold metal rested against my hot labia. I squirmed, which made him laugh.

Don’t forget where I hid the key, will you?”

As if
—he knew there was no way I’d be able to ignore that.

Of course not, Sir.”

He tugged on the loose chain links left on the end of the crude collar he
’d fashioned for me. The length of chain was almost long enough to reach the nipple clamps, which made it a collar and a short leash all in one. When he released it, it draped down to my sternum, the weight of the ‘leash’ making the collar seem heavier.

You look so fuckable right now. If it weren’t for those keys, I’d play with your clit for a while—but I don’t want to lose them.”

He stepped back, and I groaned, resi
gned to being left wanting for God knew how long.

You can complain, pretty sub, but that won’t change a goddamn thing. I’m in charge here.”

I nodded meekly.
“Whatever you want, Sir.”

He opened one of the doors at the top end of the cabinet, and I bit back a gasp at the array of different whips hung on the inside of the door. Some had many tails, some were more like riding crops
…and holy shit, were those canes?

He glanced back at me, taking in my wide-eyed expression, and smiled.
“See anything you particularly like the look of?”

I couldn
’t possibly pick, not when I had no idea what any of them felt like. “Sir’s choice.”

He nodded approvingly.
“And Sir knows exactly what he’s looking for here…”

He took out a flogger of some kind and closed the cabinet, then advanced on me. I tested my restraints instinctively at the predatory look on his face.

“Remember your safewords?”

I nodded, and murmured them when he asked me to elaborate.

“Good. Now take this like a good girl, and you can have my belt.”

Watching him rotating his wrist, moving the strands of the flogger in an almost lazy
sideways figure eight motion, I wondered for the first time if I was totally nuts. Before I could get too far into that thought, though, he made contact with my thighs, the first strike not more than a noisy caress. The second was firmer, and he soon built up his rhythm, hitting me on one thigh at one point in the figure eight, then the other thigh at the opposite point.

The pain wasn
’t enough to make me yelp—I suspected he was just warming up—and I was mesmerised by the erotic picture he made. Shirtless, wearing leather pants, a whirling flogger in his hand. He wore an expression of such focus as he looked from where he was hitting up to my face, checking my reaction as he increased his force.

He wasn’t smiling, but I’d
never seen him so happy.






Fuck, this felt good. Nothing had ever
felt this good—at least, nothing for a long, long time.

The sadist in me had burst out of its fragile cage the moment I
’d put that first clamp on Alex’s nipple, seen her shudder and moan as she adjusted to the sensation. Now, with her immobilised in front of me, taking my lashes with tiny sighs, I was in full flow in a way I hadn’t been in years.

I was aware of Alex
’s every noise, every movement. The knowledge that we’d barely begun, that she still craved so much more than this, filled me with fierce joy.

Alex was watching me, obviously turned on by what she saw. Most of the time when I gave a flogging, I liked the submissive to be turned away from me so I could concentrate on her ass and the backs of her thighs. With Alex, I
’d wanted to keep her face within my view in case I wasn’t as in tune with her as I’d thought.

This was the first time I
’d ever had a sub in a position to watch what I was doing as I was flogging, and she was eating it up like I was her own personal porn show. I hadn’t seen it coming, and it just made my already hard cock swell even more.

Like what you see?” I asked her, not stopping what I was doing.

Alex gave a slow, lazy smile.
“Very much so, Sir.”

I kept my cool with an effort, though I wanted to throw the whip down, grab her by the hair and kiss her until she gasped, then fuck her until she sagged in her restraints and begged for release.
“You might want to brace yourself for this next bit.”

I moved the flogger
’s strikes up her body, resisting the urge to hit her clit—there was still a key pressed against it, after all. Her eyes widened as she realised what my intentions were, and she whispered, “Oh, Sir, you wouldn’t…”

I lightly flogged her stomach, not moving upward until I
’d made sure. “You have your safewords.”

As though I
’d insulted her, she clamped her lips shut, though her eyes showed a mixture of laughter and dread. I took that as permission to continue and moved the light strikes upward, flogging her breasts.

It took her a couple of moments to become comfortable with the flogger
’s falls whirling a foot from her face, but she adjusted quickly as the pain set in. Her body tensed and she hunched her shoulders, then, as if making a conscious decision, she straightened them again, allowing me a much easier target for her clamped nipples.

Good girl.” I was proud of her in that moment. I was pretty sure the pain wasn’t the best kind I could be giving her, but she was choosing to bear it because I was giving it. “Twenty more strikes here, and then a break.”

She gave a slight nod, her eyes slightly glazed now, and tilted back her head, resting it against the spider
web behind her.

God, she was fucking beautiful.

I counted down the last twenty in my head, then let the flogger lose momentum, giving my wrist a break. It would take a while for me to be able to give hour-long beatings again. Alex opened her eyes as I set the implement aside, and smiled. “Broken a sweat yet, Sir?”

Getting there.” I unclipped the chain from each nipple clamp in turn, loving and hating the tiny hisses of pain she made at the same time. “I’m gonna get these off you now, pretty painslut. It’s gonna hurt, but not for too long. Trust me?”

She nodded.
“Anytime you’re ready, Sir.”

disengaged the pincers of the clover clamp on her right breast, and as I lifted it clear of her flattened nipple she drew in a shaky gasp. “Oh, good God, that’s…”

There were tears in her eyes, and I took pity on her a little as she tugged at her restraints, clearly wanting to grab her breast to soothe it somehow. Carefully, I sucked on her nipple, easing the pain slightly, and she sighed.

I drew back and smiled.
“Other one?”

No,” she whimpered, then sighed. “Yes, Sir.”

Take this for me, pretty painslut.”

I unclamped her other nipple, and she tensed in anticipation of the pain, then winced as it hit.
“Holy fuck, this is brutal!”

I drew the nub into my mouth, giving it the same treatment as the first, and she slowly relaxed, her breathing a little shaky.
“I like them when they’re on, but I’m not so sure about when they come off, Sir.”

I released her nipple and kissed her lips gently.
“Suffer it for me.”

She smiled a little, though whether it was the Dom voice or the notion of bearing it because I wanted it that made her happy, I wasn
’t sure.

I checked her arms and legs were still okay, and that nothing was too cold, numb or tingling. Then I picked up the belt.
“I think you’ll enjoy this more than the clamps.”

Alex wriggled in her restraints, eyes lighting up at the sight of the belt. I hoped she
’d like it as much as she thought she would. “Ten to start with.”

Holding the buckle in my palm and doubling the rest of the long belt up, I curled it once around my hand to make sure my grip wouldn
’t slip, then whipped it out across her thighs. She flinched and gasped, but then smiled dreamily.

I gave her the ten with var
ying strengths, leaving stripes in my wake. I was tempted to slap one down on each of her breasts, and would have if they hadn’t still been recovering from the clamps. She took each blow as though it were a gift, obviously feeling the pain but treasuring it, converting it to pleasure.

Fuck, I bet she
’s so wet her panties are about to start dripping.

After the tenth blow, she raised her head from its chain cradle, her expression hazily disappointed.
“That was ten already?”

Don’t worry. I haven’t finished yet.” I was regretting my decision not to have her ass exposed. Time to move her.

I unclipped her ankles first, leaving the cuffs in place around them, then encouraged her to stand with her legs together. The reddened stripes across her flogged thighs were even more stunning close up, and I kissed them softly before rising to take
care of her wrists. Before I could ask her to put her arms around me, she did it herself. “Thank you, Sir.”

I carried her across the dungeon to the cushioned spanking bench and encouraged her to sit down on it. She was recovering by the second, but I gave her some water to keep her hydrated. She gulped it down gratefully, her throat shifting against the chain collar I
’d clipped around it.

Once she
’d finished drinking, I patted the bench. “Kneel on this part. Rest your torso here.”

She obeyed with a relieved smile, pillowing her head on her arms and spreading her knees apart without having to be told.
“More belt, Sir?”

Maybe. If you’re good. Don’t make me gag you, demanding girl.”

She kept quiet after that, her posture relaxed on the bench. I disturbed her only for long enough to clip her wrist cuffs together, then let her wonder and wait for a while as I went back to my cabinet. I was tempted to use my cat o
’ nine tails on her ass, but she hadn’t been warmed up yet and the belt would be enough to bruise her on its own, if I made the strikes count.

A flat wooden paddle caught my eye, and I lifted it thoughtfully. As long as I didn
’t hit too hard, it would make a good warm-up tool.

I returned to Alex, who hadn
’t moved. “Before I use the belt I need to make sure your ass is warmed up. Ready?”

To her credit, she didn
’t look over her shoulder to try to identify what I was holding. “Ready, Sir.”

She gasped and jolted as the paddle came down for the first time, but I was expecting that. As she had before, she relaxed into the blows quickly, even sticking her ass out for more. It was tempting to put a plug in there, but I didn
’t want to stop again until her skin was a nice, even pink.

Much better.” Setting the paddle aside, I stroked my hand over her ass cheeks, then squeezed. She mumbled something appreciative and leaned back into my touch, making me grin. The heat coming off her was incredible, and when I rubbed my fingers over her panties, between her spread thighs, my fingers came away damp.

Screw this. I had to make her come. The belt could come afterwards.

“I need my key, pretty painslut.” She arched slightly as I reached around to pull it from her panties. The metal was slick with her arousal, and I had to wipe it off with my hand before sticking it into the pocket of my pants. The leather was getting constrictive now, my cock desperate to be freed.

I stepped in close, rubbed the leather over my hard-on against her flushed ass.
“You want me, don’t you, pretty painslut?”

She pushed her ass back, trying to pleasure me despite the material between us.
“So much, Sir.”

I pulled her panties down her legs and she raised each knee in turn to help me slide them off her completely. When I felt the hot, slippery wetness between her thighs, we both groaned in unison.
“You’re really fucking into this, aren’t you?”

Ignoring the way my stomach twisted at the knowledge that she was getting off on
being hurt and commanded, I concentrated on how much her arousal turned me on. I plunged two fingers into her, penetrating her steadily as she arched her back, offering herself to me and rubbing her nipples against the bench below her. I could have corrected her, probably should have, but I was too busy cupping her mound with my other hand, encouraging her to rub her clit against my palm as I added a third finger to her slick cunt.

Alex shook, clenching her bound hands into fists as she writhed against my touch, half-sobbing.

What do you need, pretty painslut?” I increased the pace of my fingers, fucking her with them hard. Her inner muscles fluttered and tightened, making it harder to penetrate her fully as her orgasm drew near.

Please,” she whimpered. I doubted she could form any more coherent articulations of what she wanted. “Please, please, please…”

Give me your orgasm, pretty girl.” I was as tense as she was just from watching her struggle to contain herself.

With a ragged sob, she grabbed the side of the bench and dug in her fingers, panting as she desperately reached for the climax I
’d granted. Her cunt clutched tightly at my fingers with every spasm, and I slowed my touches, letting her ride out her release in her own way.

Fu-uck…” she gasped out finally, and I contemplated sliding in yet another finger, pressing on her G-spot until she gushed all over the bench. But she’d be good for nothing if I did that, and I needed her to hold her position for a little longer.

Slowly, I slid my fingers free of her, teased her clit for a couple
more seconds, then released her completely. She gave a final shudder, then raised her head to look over her shoulder. “Thank you, Sir. I needed that.”

I dried my hands on one of the towels in the cabinet, then picked up the belt again. She
’d gone back to resting her head on her hands, enjoying her afterglow, and she hadn’t seen me approach.

I couldn
’t resist.

She yelped when I snapped the belt down across her ass, clearly taken by surprise, and I couldn
’t help but laugh at the noise. “Pay attention, pretty girl. I’m nowhere near finished with you.”

Sorry, Sir,” she gasped, and shifted position, presenting her ass to me for more.

I let loose with the belt, knowing she wanted bruises, pausing after every couple of stripes to gauge how she was taking it. Her ass, though we
’d worked together to tone her up in the gym over the past couple of months, still rippled with every stroke.

was one of my favourite things about impact play—after the marks I could leave, of course.

After ten strokes, I crouched next to her, brushing strands of hair out of her eyes.
“You’re doing well. Can you take more?”

There were tears in her eyes, but she nodded enthusiastically.
“Make me hurt, Sir.”

I nearly came in my pants at the plea. It had been so long since I
’d been able to do this, and I’d forgotten how very much I loved making a woman cry, then wiping away her tears in the aftermath of a scene.

Safeword if you need it,” I ordered, and returned to leave a new stripe just below the others on her rosy thighs.

After the twentieth stroke of the belt, I checked in with her again. She was sobbing quietly, and I took her hand, squeezed it.
“How are you feeling?”

Alex sniffled and gave me a watery smile.
“I think I’m good for a few more.”

BOOK: Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2)
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