Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2) (7 page)

I’m gonna…” He made an effort to lift my head from his lap, but I shook him off with a slight smile and continued, watching the realisation dawn on his face that I planned to swallow. “God, Alex…”

He lost c
ontrol, spurting into my mouth, glazed satisfaction crossing his face. He was so gorgeous like this, his guard down, his lips slightly parted as he breathed hard, trying to catch his breath through the waves of sensation.

I cleaned his cock with my tongue as he came back to his senses, so mesmerised by his reaction that I barely noticed my own desire had yet to be fulfilled.

Awareness returned to his expression as I sat back and wiped my mouth with my hand. “Still need to come, pretty girl?”

glanced down at my hand, still buried beneath the waistband of my jeans. “Yup. Wanna help, or do you just want to watch the show?”

For a moment he just stared at me as though he couldn
’t believe I’d offered to give him a show. Had his girlfriends in the past all been meek and embarrassed? Suppressing laughter, I wriggled out of my jeans and parted my legs to let him watch me. The dull tingle roared back into an inferno of need as I rubbed moisture over my exposed pussy, slipped my fingers inside myself to draw out more, coating my clit with my juices before beginning to play again.

He sat forward, tucking away his cock, and watched me intently, as though his life depended on what I
’d do next. “Slower.”

He was directing me?
Oh, God…

You know, I haven’t actually been in a porn movie before, Mr. Director,” I teased him.

If I see any acting, I’m gonna be seriously pissed off,” he returned with a mock scowl.

Acting? There was no way I needed to fake it with him. He brought me halfway
to climax just by looking at me sometimes. I slowed down my movements, moaning when my pussy tightened with need at the decreased pace. “I need more.”

I know you do,” he growled. “But you can wait a little longer.”

I cried out at the surge of heat his words brought.
“God, no one has ever made me feel like this before.”

His jaw tightened, and for a second I thought I
’d said something wrong, but he murmured, “A little faster now, but not as hard. Tease yourself for me.”

I did as he said, my internal muscles fluttering. My eyes slid closed, but he told me,
“Look at me. Just at me, pretty girl.”

I trembled under his gaze, my breath fast and light, my hips rolling of their own accord.
“I want you so much.”

Harder. Faster. Give yourself what you need, and tell me when you’re nearly there.” His focus made my head spin. I moaned, rubbing my clit hard and fast, fingering myself with my other hand, staring into his eyes despite the urge to let all my senses turn inward.

His eyes glittered with approving, mischievous lust.
“Are you close?”

My orgasm surged almost to breaking point, and I gasped,
“I need to—”

One second more,” he said, and I let out a high, keening noise I couldn’t remember ever making before, desperate for his permission.

Please,” I gasped out, and he nodded, the non-verbal cue all I needed to tip me over the edge. Losing the battle to keep my eyes open, I lost myself in the surging tides of my climax, the knowledge that Spencer was watching me unspeakably hot. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

My world tilted and vaguely I realised that he
’d grabbed me, pulled me back into his lap and enfolded me in his arms. I trembled against his chest, wondering why I felt so undone by things that had never seemed all that intense before. It was him; it had to be him.

You make me feel so…”

The word el
uded me so I trailed off, letting the slow stroke of his hand over my hair calm me through the aftershocks to a glow of contentment. When the doorbell rang, I tried to get up but my legs were still too unsteady.

Stay here. I’ll go.” He lifted me out of his lap and placed me on the couch as though I were a china doll, fragile and precious. Then he strode out of the room before I could thank him for seeing to the food, leaving me to try to collect myself.




I took the food from the delivery guy and tipped him probably twice what I should have, feeling shaken. I was losing ground fast. No matter how good my intentions were, I couldn’t stop myself from taking control of a scene—
not a scene, not a fucking scene
—and giving her orders. And Alex just fucking took it like she was meant to be my submissive. Like she was my second chance at the lifestyle.

A second chance I didn
’t deserve, and didn’t dare take.

I leaned against the closed door for a few seconds, trying to regulate my breathing. It was likely
Alex was still collecting herself, coming around from the intensity of the short scene.

Fuck, I might as well call it what it is.

Part of me wanted to call off whatever it was we had. Just tell her it was a mistake, that though our physical chemistry was amazing, I wasn’t in the right place for this shit right now.

The rest of me got hung up on the scent of her, the softness of her skin and pliancy of her body, the startled arousal in her eyes as I dragged her down to suck my cock by her fuckin
g hair…

I was in too deep to extricate myself. I needed to see if the scary compatibility between us extended beyond just the pleasures of the flesh. If it didn
’t…maybe we could keep this casual, come to some kind of fuck-buddy arrangement.

If it ran deeper than that, though

Get her away from you.

“Spencer? You okay?” Alex’s voice was quizzical.

I steeled myself and walked back into the living room, where she was still curled up
on the couch. “You hungry?”

Mmm—worked up an appetite.” She reached for the takeout I was holding and began to sort through the various containers, separating my food from hers.

I sat beside her, keeping close enough that she felt she could reach out to me if she needed to
, but far enough away that she wouldn’t be a constant temptation.

So what’s next for you? Now that you’re done with the horror movie?”

popped open a container and picked up her chopsticks. “Aside from trying not to go crazy with apprehension about
Walk on Glass
? Nothing much. I’m reading through a few scripts, seeing if anything catches my eye. Other than that, my only work is working with you, so my agent is throwing a fit. But let’s not talk shop tonight.”

The food was good, and as we ate she asked me questions, as though hungry to know more about me. I answered laconically. I
’d never been comfortable talking much about myself, but if I sidestepped a question she pouted, and I was powerless to resist that expression. Either I answered her questions, or I’d throw the food aside and bite that pouting lower lip until she gasped into my mouth.

So how do you know Callum?” she asked after a while.

That, I really didn
’t want to talk about. I didn’t know what Callum might have told her, and the truth was a part of my life I wasn’t about to reveal to her more than I already had. “Mutual friends introduced us.”

It wasn
’t a lie, not really. I was just omitting the part where the mutual friends were regulars of the local fetish club I’d already been a member for years when Callum had walked in, a fresh-faced newbie eager to learn. Scene One ran training sessions for new Dominants, and I’d volunteered to be one of the more experienced instructors. We’d hit it off from there.

I guess that’s the movie business,” Alex said, then took a sip from her glass. There was a question in her eyes that told me she wasn’t done interrogating me, and after she’d swallowed her water, she asked, “So how did you get involved with movies? I mean, personal trainer to the stars is one thing, but fight coordinator? That’s a totally different area.”

On comfortable ground again, I gave her a brief run-down.
“I was a stuntman back in the day, then a stunt coordinator when things started going digital. Health and safety concerns make it way less of a hassle to use computers for some stunts than real people, so as that side of the business declined I expanded in other areas, got the gym for personal training and martial arts instruction. I go back to movie sets here and there, but that part of my job isn’t as pressing these days.”

She nodded thoughtfully.
“I didn’t think about that. The digital stunt thing. Must have been tough when you started losing work.”

It hadn
’t been, really. I had wealthy relatives who’d left me—their only surviving kin—the full sum of their estate, including an apartment in New York and a cabin up in Maine. And I’d had Kristin to fool around with when work was slow.

I changed tack.
“How about you? Did you always want to act?”

She wrinkled her nose.
“Actually, no. I just sort of fell into it. My housemate Tobias is a scriptwriter, and he knows a casting guy who was looking to fill a role. He dared me to read for it. I went and did it, and I got the part. It was kind of a shock, actually.”

This might come as a bruise to your ego, but I’ve never actually seen any of your work,” I told her, unable to resist provoking a smile onto her face.

Immediately, she affected an injured tone.
“God, I’m so offended. I’m a mega-star, don’t you know that?” She grinned. “Don’t worry. I’m no diva. Though I should probably warn you about that sex scene I filmed a couple of years ago. I think the script called me Anonymous Prostitute #2, or was that #4?”

I swallowed my noodles before I
could spit them out all over the table. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

She burst out laughing.
“Oh, God, your face is just hilarious right now!”

Oh, real funny.” I tried to keep my face severe, but failed. There was just something infectious about the sparkle in her eye that lifted my spirits. “So no nude scenes at all?”

Not yet. I’ve yet to find something I like enough to risk getting my boobs out for. If the right script called for it, don’t get me wrong, I might consider it…but it would have to be more than your standard HBO-style ‘must keep the viewer’s attention; haven’t shown any tits in the last three scenes’ drama.”

I tried not to imagine the world getting an eyeful of
Alex’s stunning body. I wanted to keep that privilege mine and mine alone for as long as possible.

Unless we scened in public in a club.
Then I might be open to sharing the view.

That wouldn
’t be happening. Ever. I set aside my food, my appetite lost. Every time I thought I was getting away from that track, my mind just made a hairpin turn right back onto it.

Is something wrong?” Alex watched me carefully. “Are you jealous? Wanna keep these all to yourself?” She gestured to her cleavage with her chopsticks.

Wouldn’t any guy?” Sure, I was a little possessive right now. That much I could admit. The real reason for my sudden mood shift was too far out of her realm of experience for her to grasp.

made a face. “My last ex encouraged me to take a role that involved full-frontal nudity. Said he wanted the bragging rights that he’d hit that before anyone else had seen it.”

I kept my face neutral. “He sounds like a real keeper.”

She rolled her eyes.
“I know, right? He’s famous, so I won’t name names. Especially since you look like the type to go charging off defending damsels in distress and their honour. I’d hate for you to end up with a lawsuit when you messed up his face and he lost a few million dollars while he waited for it to heal.”

She set aside her own food container and smiled.
“Can I be forward and ask you to take off your shirt?”

I blinked at her.
“Not that I’m gonna say no, but why?”

inched over to be closer to me. “I want to check out your ink. Whenever you get shirtless around me I’m either busy jumping your bones, recovering from jumping your bones or asleep.”

I shrugged out of my shirt easily. The apartment wasn
’t overly warm, but I wasn’t shivering with cold either. I’d survive.

trailed her fingers inquisitively over the pattern on my arm. “What’s this one?”

I sometimes lied and said it had sentimental value, but with
Alex I didn’t feel the urge. “A stupid decision I made on my eighteenth birthday. The second I was legal to get tattooed, I went down to the studio and picked something out of their books.”

looked up at me, surprise in her expression. “You don’t strike me as the impulsive type.”

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