Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2) (16 page)

BOOK: Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2)
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His response was swift.
Good girl. Bring it with you tomorrow.

I shivered lightly. This was
… I didn’t even know how to describe it. I only knew that I had to make it as good for Spencer as he made it for me, so he couldn’t deny that he wanted more D/s in his life and we could go on to face his demons together.

Was I turning into one of
women? The ones who tried to change their men, despite the fact that the men were happy with who they were? I really hoped not. I could tell by the change in Spencer that he’d been happier these past few days, since he’d stopped hiding his Dom self from me. He loved the lifestyle, and he loved controlling me just as much as I loved his control. It wasn’t wishful thinking. I could

Another text
message came through from him.
Tomorrow, bring everything you’ll need to make yourself ready for your Dom. You’ll be taking a bath and getting ready for the scene here.

I smiled dreamily down at my screen. I
’d never thought before this week that being ordered to take a bath and prepare myself for a sexual encounter would be a turn-on, but I was learning all sorts of new stuff about myself recently.

Thank you, Sir. I will.






Spencer answered the door in

Oh, wow
. Seeing him in jeans or workout clothing was hard enough on my libido, but shirtless and barefoot, wearing leather pants and nothing else?
Holy fuck.
I didn’t even try to hide my stare.

It’s rude to stare, pretty painslut.”

I dragged my gaze from the flattering cut of the pants to his face with difficulty.
“I’m sorry, Sir. You just look completely fuckable in those pants.”

He dragged me across the threshold into his territory and claimed my lips hard. I slid my hands around to cup his ass immediately, because hello? Leather fucking pants?

He dragged my head back by the hair, breaking the kiss. “You have something I want.”

Just one thing, Sir?” I teased.

Amused, he tugged my hair to make his point.
“Many things, but at this moment I’m asking you to give me what I asked for.”

And sadly, that wasn
’t a blow job. I pulled the checklist out of my jacket pocket and handed it over.

He gave it a quick glance
—I assumed to check I’d completed it to his satisfaction—then kissed my forehead before releasing me. “Go take a bubble bath and get ready for me. Take as long as you
, not as long as you want.”

I thanked him and watched him walk off down the hallway. God, those pants really were something

With a strange mix of anticipation and comfort at the familiarity of
the surroundings, I ran a bubble bath, glad I’d thought to bring a small bottle of my favourite bath foam with me. Then, dimming the lights for atmosphere but not enough that I couldn’t see where I was shaving, I soaked, scrubbed, washed my hair and made sure everywhere was shaved to my satisfaction—generally everything I did when I was expecting a special night of sex, but with even more care. Knowing I’d been ordered to carry out this routine made it almost as if Spencer were in the room with me.

As the water drained from the bathtub, I blow-dried my hair using the portable dryer I
’d stuffed into my overnight bag, slipped into my sexiest bra and thong set, then pondered my makeup case. Should I wear makeup, or not?

I decided to just put on a little rather than risk overdoing it and ending up with cosmetics smeared all over my face as the scene progressed. I wasn
’t sure if the kiss-proof lipstick was going to stand up to this, but here was hoping…

Finally, conscious that I was dallying out of nervousness as much as taking time I genuinely needed, I gave myself a last glance in the mirror and headed for the door. I got one foot out into the hallway before Spencer
’s voice carried across to me. “Drop down to your knees and crawl to the bedroom, pretty girl.”

Immediately, I did as I was told, glancing up as I reached the bedroom doorway to pinpoint my destination.

Spencer was standing by the window, looking out at the light rain that was falling into the sunset. His shirt was still off, and I couldn’t wait to get into those leather pants…

Kneel where you are. Hands behind your back, knees apart, shoulders back.”

I murmured a
‘yes, Sir’ and obeyed, keeping my gaze down now. As much as I wanted to ogle my man, the need to show my submission was stronger.

Spencer moved towards me slowly.
“I’ve been reading your list, pretty painslut. Very illuminating. I’m going to have fun with you tonight…”

He stroked the top of my head
as he walked past, and then I heard something scrape against something else. I couldn’t quite tell what was going on.

Something jangled
, then his feet moved back into my line of sight. “Stand up.”

I rose as quickly as I could without falling over.

“Give me your hand.” He took it when I obeyed, and guided my palm to rest over his heart. Its strong, rhythmic pulse against my skin made me smile.

Spencer buckled a sturdy leather cuff around my wrist, then allowed me to drop my arm back to my side. “Other hand.”

Once the cuffs had been buckled, he grinned before issuing a challenge. “Now give me your foot.”

By stepping back a little, I was able to hook my toes over the top of his waistband, relishing the feel of the leather against the sole of my foot while he fastened a slightly larger cuff around my ankle. My toe-hold helped me to keep my balance, even when he brushed his fingertips up the back of my calf to the sensitive spot behind my knee.

“Other foot.”

This time, I managed to rub my
toes over his hardening cock before gaining a grip on his waistband. He fastened the final cuff around my ankle before pushing my leg away and closing the distance between us to give me a forceful, way too short kiss.

Releasing me, he
tilted up my chin to look into my face. “Let me see…”

met his eyes as he perused me, loving the appreciation I saw there.

Very pretty.” He swiped his finger across my bottom lip, then examined his skin. “Kiss-proof? Good. I plan to kiss you plenty of times tonight. It’d be a shame if I ended up wearing the makeup.”

I couldn
’t help but smile against his hand. That
kind of ruin his dominant credibility.

Hope that mascara’s waterproof, because I have been known to hurt painsluts until they cry and beg for mercy.” He took a moment to watch the awareness dawn in my expression before adding, “Mercy isn’t a safeword, by the way. Remember yours?”

I gave him both words
—yellow and red—and he moved on, satisfied.

Push out those beautiful breasts a little more. Can you do that for me?”

I made sure my shoulders were as far back as I could get them, presenting my breasts for his inspection. He watched for a moment, then smiled.
“Take off the bra. Use your hands and offer them to me.”

Uncharacteristically self-conscious
, I unclasped the garment and let it drop from my arms, then pushed up my boobs the way the cleavage-enhancing bra had done, making sure my nipples weren’t obscured by my fingers. Spencer nodded approvingly and ran his fingertip over one taut peak, then the other.

Fuck, I want to bite these.”

If I
’d been the swooning type, I probably would have ended up on the floor at the darkness of his tone. “Anything you want, Sir.”

He smiled.
“Oh, I already know. These are mine.”

Before I could process that, he ducked his head to draw one of my nipples between his teeth. After a sharp pain that made me jolt and cry out, he soothed the hurt by sucking and soothing the skin with his tongue. Every pull of suction made my clit tingle, but I kept absolutely still, holding my breasts up for him to sample, loving the fuck out of every second.

Then he drew back and fastened something to the abused nub of flesh, and I gasped, squeezing my eyes shut at the uncompromising pinch of the nipple clamp.

Hope you don’t mind me going straight for the clover clamps,” he said, stroking the large metal clamp gently. “You react so beautifully to pain that anything milder would just disappoint us both.”

The other clamp was just as difficult to acclimatise to, and the pain curled my toes
…but then began to lessen just as Spencer kissed me again, full on the lips.

How are you feeling, pretty painslut?”

I took a deep breath, testing how the movement of my chest would affect the clamps. Not too bad.
“I’m good, Sir.”

He slipped his fingers between my thighs and gave a low growl at the wet heat he found there.
“Good might be underestimating things a little, pretty girl. You feel ready to be fucked to me…”

I so was, and any other night I
’d just have begged him to take me. But not tonight. I needed more than just his cock. I kept quiet.

Come with me.” Before I could say anything, he attached a chain to one clamp, then the other, each nudge as he clipped it on making me jolt with dull pain. Then he tugged on the chain and—oh, shit—stepped backwards, making it plain he was leading me somewhere. By the clamps.

That was hot.

The nipple clamps ached whenever I let him get too far ahead, so I walked quickly to keep pace, my breath coming fast and lightly.

At the bottom of the stairs, just next to the door that led out into the gym, there was a door I
’d always assumed led to some storage space or a cloakroom. I’d never been curious enough to try the door, and I saw now that it wouldn’t have done any good. It was locked, and Spencer pulled the key from his pocket and gave it to me.

I’ll let you do the honours.”

I took the key, warm
with his body heat, from his hand and stepped up to the door, anticipation making my hand shake. What was in here, exactly? This must be where he kept the chains.

The lock was well maintained and clicked open smoothly. I handed the key back to Spencer and hesitantly put my hand on the doorknob, looking to him for approval. He nodded, and I opened the door.

“Wow.” I hadn’t planned to speak, but the word came from my lips anyway. “This is…amazing. I had no idea you had all this stuff!”

Spencer walked into the room after me and closed the door behind him. There was a bolt on the inside of the door that he used to ensure no one from the outside could open it. It confused me for a second, but then I realised it was probably for safety. Having the door locked and the key elsewhere if you wanted to get out wasn
’t something that would inspire confidence in a new sub like me.

All thoughts of the door fled my mind as Spencer took hold of the chain connecting my nipple clamps again and tugged me into the middle of the dungeon. The floor was made of the same slightly squishy material as the
floor of the sparring hall, but Spencer pointed to a small, circular black rug on top of it. “Kneel there.”

I knelt on the rug, which was fluffy and comfortable on my knees. Spencer stood
in front of me, and I looked up at him, waiting for more.

How are you feeling?”

I almost wished he
’d stop asking, but then again, he’d just led me into a dungeon wonderland and I had to admit, it was a little daunting. “Surprised, Sir. But in a good way, I think.”

Do you know what any of this equipment is for?” he asked.

I glanced around.
“Sexy pain and all the good stuff?” There was something that looked like it might be for kneeling on, something else that might be for standing up against…and there was one of those St. Andrew’s cross things.

Spencer chuckled.
“You could say that.”

I gave him my full focus again.
“I don’t care what they’re for, Sir. I know you know how to use them and I trust you not to do anything that’s not on my list.”

He gazed at me for a second, his expression unreadable, before nodding.
“Good answer.”

I’m ready for your orders, Sir. And…” At the last minute, I bit back the rest. Good submissives didn’t make impatient suggestions to hurry their Doms along, as far as I knew.

And what?”

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
“Your belt, Sir.”

He raised an eyebrow and touched the leather belt around his waist.
“This belt?”

Yes, Sir.” I couldn’t help it. I’d been mesmerised by the idea ever since I’d seen it on the list.

He unbuckled it slowly, then pulled it free of its belt loops with a slow hissing sound that was both ominous and erotic.
“This is going to hurt, pretty painslut. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

I nodded vigorously. All I wanted was to feel the belt slapping down across my flesh.
“Will you make it bruise, Sir?”

If you’re a very good girl,” he growled. “Stand up.”

I rose instantly. He took hold of the chain again and led me over to what looked
like a giant spider web made of chains against the wall. I had to stop myself from commenting on how beautiful it was.

Stand here.” He pointed to the floor in front of the web. “Face me.”

I got into position, the giant fly in his parlour
’s web. The message was very clear. Once he fastened me in place, I’d be captive here…while the spider prowled at his leisure, ready to come and get me.

stepped in very close, his body brushing mine up and down for a second while he whispered in my ear, “Stay.”

I stayed as he stepped away, moving across the dungeon to an innocent-looking cabinet. He opened one of the drawers and took out something
silvery. I gave up on trying to identify what he was doing and closed my eyes, resting my head back in a loop of chain that supported my neck.

BOOK: Not Your Damn Dom (Denial #2)
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