Read North Star Online

Authors: Angeline M. Bishop

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

North Star (16 page)

BOOK: North Star
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Caresse had a smaller version of the same photo displayed at her home and remembered fondly how Yvette helped Nyla find the perfect spot to display it. The hospital room was beautiful, and Caresse was touched that over five hundred center patrons had sent their well wishes and gifts.

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Can we talk?”

Caresse motioned Graham toward the hallway so they could speak alone when the sight of someone at the end of the hallway unnerved her.

“What is he doing here?” Caresse whispered as she spotted her ex-husband Keith retreating toward the elevator. “He never even liked Yvette.”

Graham followed her gaze to a man moving quickly through the crowd. “Caresse, I’ll meet you outside. I want to make sure my car isn’t blocking any emergency vehicles.” He kissed her cheek softly and used a side exit door to head quickly to the parking lot.

As Graham rounded the corner of the building, he saw Keith make his way to a white Mercedes waiting by the curb. Keith’s broad shoulders and brooding eyes reminded him of a football linebacker. His steps were hurried as he neared the car, but Graham couldn’t make out the driver. It was strange for anyone to pay a hospital visit to a person they didn’t like and not enter the room. It didn’t add up. Maybe Caresse could shed some light on Keith’s hatred before he alerted Rick.

Graham walked toward his car and watched the Mercedes speed out of sight. When he entered his car and started the engine, a cold chill ran through him when he thought about how close Caresse had been to being severely injured that night. Maybe the accident wasn’t meant for Yvette, he thought as he moved his car into a better parking spot.

As he watched Caresse walk toward him, he exited his seat and joined her at the passenger door. Before she could reached the car handle, he took her hand and stared deep into her eyes. She had been crying, yet she tried to conceal it with a false smile. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently as she exhaled the tension from her body.

“Lean on me, Caresse. Cry, yell, or curse if you want. I’m man enough to take it.”

As if permission was what she needed to release her burden, Caresse cried in his arms and let him rock her as people walked around them. “Her back is a mess. When I think of how close we came to losing her. Why, Graham? Did this happen to her?”

“I’m not sure, but we have to finish the work she started. She needs to know all of her dedication wasn’t in vain.”

“I don’t know where to start.”

Graham released her from his arms and helped her into his car. “First, we make sure everyone connected with the Mason Ball makes the event a success. I don’t think Mr. Mason would have it any other way, do you?”

“You’re right. Yvette deserves that much,” Caresse stated as she dried her tear-stained cheeks. “I’m glad you came, Graham.”

“There’s no other place I wanted to be. In the brief time since I met her, Yvette has stuck me as a very influential lady. Nothing would make me happier than to help the community on her behalf.”

Graham slowly drove through Toms River toward the Mason estate.

“Caresse, you said you were surprised to see Keith today since he never liked Yvette. What did you mean by that?”

“Keith always blamed Yvette for our marriage ending. He believed she was the one that convinced me to leave him a few years ago. I never could make him see it was my decision, so his presence at the hospital may have been his way of rubbing salt in my wound.”

“It was a bad divorce?”

“No worse than any other, but Keith doesn’t accept defeat easily.”

“Did you tell him about the accident?”

“No, but I’m sure one of co-workers at BaylorMead Pharmaceuticals brought it to his attention. A few of his director colleagues sit on the executive board of the Mason Center.”

“Your ex works for BaylorMead?”

“Yes. Why?”

He was momentarily speechless. “Rick’s family owns that company. Small world, huh?”

“Yes, small world indeed.” She looked up, disoriented.

Graham wondered if he should make Caresse aware of the ongoing investigation, but cast the thought aside when she began staring out the window at the estate grounds. There was no way he needed to burden her with this, and if her ex-husband was involved in her best friend’s accident, it could be too much for her bear. What he needed to do was talk to Rick to see if he could find out if Keith had the means to plague the Mason Center with threatening phone calls and unexplained accidents.

“How could you be so foolish?”

“No one saw me, so what are you so ticked about? It’s not like you’re even doing any of the work,” Keith fumed as he tried to read her profile as she drove quickly toward her office.

“I’ve given you all the tools you’d need, but you want to create a quagmire by gloating at the hospital.” She hit the brakes, then slapped her steering wheel as a school bus of children stopped short to let some preschoolers off at their stop. “I’m beginning to understand why she wanted an upgrade. Anyone is better than a Cro-Magnon covering his manipulative behavior with metrosexual tendencies.”

“Watch it, or I’ll—”

“You’ll what? What? You need to remember this thing is bigger than you, Keith.” When the bus turned off its flashing lights, she zoomed past it. “And if it wasn’t for me, you’d still be stalking Caresse like some sad little puppy. Everyone knows there are only Doers and Waiters in this world and for some God-forsaken reason, I’m trying to transform you into a Doer. The only way to get her back is to make it happen!”

“I guess you have all the answers, right?”

“We wouldn’t be this far if I didn’t.”

“It looks more like Caresse has some broad shoulders to lean on instead. All you did was accelerate their relationship.”

“That’s how it is right now, but I know Graham. He won’t stay for much longer. It’s not in his DNA, and I should know ‘cause we’re cut from the same perfectionist, power-driven cloth. And little Miss Homemaker will see that real soon. Be ready. When he leaves her shattered on the floor, you can swoop in and clean up his mess.” She grinned wickedly as she reached into her white leather Louis Vuitton bag and pulled out an envelope.

Keith took it and placed it in his inner pocket. “Should I count it? Is it all there?”

She shot him a piercing glance, then hastily pulled her car to side of the road. “Why don’t you get the fuck out and count it on the walk home!”

Chapter 14

Malcolm unsuccessfully tried his duplicate key in the door of Laila’s townhouse. His emotions seemed out of control as he thought about the man swirling a happy Laila around at the beach last week. His mind whirled at their familiar smiles and playful touches, only a few days after he’d walked out of her life, and now he was baffled that she changed the locks.

Malcolm tried to peer into her living room window as the shock of being locked out yielded quickly to fury. The early evening sunset cast a strong amber hue, making it difficult to make out any movement behind curtains. He lost count of the number of nights she’d pleaded with him to stop being so critical of her and to love her unconditionally. She said she loved him, but needed a firmer commitment. A commitment he couldn’t give because he was enjoying his freedom more than her company.

So Malcolm had begun distancing himself for the smallest reasons, hoping she would walk away and save him the trouble of being the bad guy, but Laila wasn’t getting the hint. He told her he wanted an article published in
, sex on a regular basis, and unlimited access to her place. To his amazement, she’d given him all that, and more.

After working long days at work, she would cook him wonderful dinners and made sure he had breakfast waiting every morning when he woke up. She showered him with lavish gifts and dinners at expensive restaurants to reassure him that she was seeing him and only him, but the moment he walked away, she was off to the beach with some hard body she’d probably met at the gym.

Malcolm raged as he began pounding on Laila’s door.
If she had any decency, she would be inside crying her eyes out for making me walk out
. “Open up, Laila. I know you’re in there.”

“Actually, she’s not,” a security officer stated as he approached Laila’s landing. “Can I help you, sir?”

Malcolm felt his blood pressure rise at the challenge in his voice. “There’s no need. I forgot my key.”

“Do you live here?”

“What business is it of yours? I have a key and permission to be here.”

“If you had a key, you wouldn’t be disturbing the peace of Ms. Sheridan’s neighbors. I must ask you to leave. And since Ms. Sheridan has notified security to remove any person seeking access to her unit without her presence or permission, I must ask you to not return.”

“She said, what?”

“You must leave, sir,” the officer explained as two additional officers approached the unit. “That won’t be a problem, will it Mr.—I didn’t catch your name?”

“I didn’t throw it,” Malcolm spat out before pushing past the officers and heading back to his car.

Graham waited as Mr. Mason finished reading the tribute article on Yvette and the center.
needed to put the latest issue to press this evening, so his final approval made the difference in his team doing a rush re-edit or celebrating a job well done.

“Nice.” Mr. Mason exclaimed with intense pleasure. “Yvette will be elated with such a fine article, son. Your team out did themselves.”

Graham straightened as Mr. Mason commanded his full attention. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, sir. If there’s nothing you wish to correct or add, I need you to let me know now. I must get this to press so I can send my people home at a decent hour.”

“Of course, Graham. These eyes are too weary to see any errors. I loved the content, photos, and the sense of community pride
gave the center, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.” Mr. Mason rose and extended his hand.

Graham felt bottomless peace and satisfaction as he shook his hand and rose to walk him toward his office door. The old man straightened his shoulders and cleared his throat as he studied Graham intently.

“Tell me something, Graham. I’ve watched you and Caresse over the past couple days, and I was wondering if you’ll be escorting her to the Mason Ball next weekend?”

Graham stopped mid-stride and turn to meet his piercing gaze. “I hope so, but I’ll be speaking to Caresse about it over dinner this evening.”

“Good, so that means you two are a couple?”

“We’re dating, sir, if that’s what you mean.”

Smothering a groan, Mr. Mason stepped back and folded his arms over his chest. “Graham, a man doesn’t casually date a young mother. If you have honorable intentions with Caresse, I can tell her father to rest assured.”

“You’re putting me on the spot. Caresse and I are taking each day as it comes.”

“Son, I’m putting you on notice. I consider Caresse and her daughters my family, especially in light of Yvette’s accident. I won’t tolerate any Tom foolery, you hear me?”

“I never would.”

“Good, you know Caresse’s heart is beautiful, and as fragile as a crystal rose. You hurt her in any way, and I’ll come looking for you!”

“I don’t doubt that, sir.”

Just then Graham’s intercom rang and Kathy alerted him to Rick’s arrival. Graham suspected he had news on the investigation, so he invited him inside.

“Graham, Mr. Mason, the two men I needed to see.” Rick walked grandly to the nearest chair and sat down. “I have news, not the kind suitable for your publication,” he added, grinning at Graham, “but news all the same.”

“Let’s have it, young man,” Mr. Mason stated, refusing to sit down.

“After intense questioning of the cook and a guard employed at the Mason Center, it seems a final accident has been planned to occur at the Mason Ball. I’m afraid the event has to be cancelled for the safety of the invited guests and the staff.”

“Impossible,” Mr. Mason yelled as he stormed toward Rick.

“Do you want a death at the center?”

“Of course not, but I refuse to cancel one of our biggest fundraisers because the police can’t do their job effectively!” he shouted, red-faced, as Rick rose to his feet to meet his gaze.

“Back down, Rick!” Graham commanded. “This ball means too much for the center’s revenue. Would increased security deter a fatal accident?”

“It may, but we don’t know who is behind this and how many accomplices there are.”

Graham returned to his seat. “I think I may know someone with motive to hurt Yvette and who would want the doors of the Mason Center to close.”

Rick and Mr. Mason moved closer and sat in the chairs in front of him. Each had curiosity etched deeply into their faces.

Graham told them of Keith’s appearance at the hospital and his attitude regarding Yvette’s part in his divorce.

“Keith never forgave Yvette for helping his wife serve him with divorce papers at the Mason Ball years ago, but attempted murder—” Mr. Mason exclaimed.

“I’m not sure his intent is murder, but it could be the result,” Rick interrupted him vehemently. “I’ll put a trace on him and see if anything suspicious occurs.”

“You might want to ask your uncle what kind of employee he is. According to Caresse, her ex-husband works for BaylorMead Pharmaceuticals. Unless you already knew that little piece of information,” Graham stated as unbridled anger tempered his voice.

“Are you implying I’m involved?” Rick asked as his temper flared.

“He works for your family’s company.”

“So does an eighth of the residents of Ocean County. I don’t know Keith, and even if I did, Yvette would be the last woman I would want to harm.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, Graham, it is! Some of us know love when they are blessed enough to receive it,” Rick replied with contempt. He raised his powerful body from the chair and stormed toward the door. “I’ll handle the tracking of Keith personally. If you insist on having this ball, make sure the Toms River police handle all additional security.”

Before either man could respond, the door slammed shut behind him.

Caresse listened carefully as Graham explained how Mr. Mason had laid down the law with him that afternoon. She smiled, hoping to relieve some of the tension on Graham’s face. “You have to understand, he’s always been overprotective since he learned my parents live in Atlanta. I guess you can say he’s my father’s eyes and ears in New Jersey.”

“You’re a long way from home, Sweetie. Why didn’t you go home after the divorce?”

Caresse dropped her eyes quickly to read the dessert menu in an attempt to hide the hurt she knew Graham would see in her eyes. “My daughters needed to have access to their father, even if I didn’t want him in my life. I stayed for them.”

The waiter came to the table and removed their dinner plates. “Can I bring you any dessert? Or coffee?”

Graham nodded. “Coffee for me.”

“And the lady?”

Caresse glanced over the menu, and her eyes widened at the large variety of chocolate treats. It had been quite some time since she’d indulged her chocolate addiction, and the realization caught her off guard. “I haven’t had anything chocolate for weeks!” she exclaimed, looking up at Graham with surprise.

“I guess that’s a bad thing?” He raised an eyebrow.

“No, I mean yes. I can’t remember a week where I haven’t sipped some hot chocolate, instead of coffee, eaten a chocolate chip cookie, or even had a small bite of dark chocolate since I moved into my home.”

The waiter replied in a low voice. “Since you love chocolate, may I suggest the Death by Chocolate? In my opinion, it’s the best dessert we create.”

“Go ahead and order it,” Graham encouraged. “We’ll share.”

“I probably seem a little silly, huh?”

“Not at all. Some people lean on work, wine, or cigarettes to cope with life transitions. You prefer the comfort of chocolate.”

Caresse was touched by the tenderness in his expression and the warmth of his hand as he covered her own. She knew the reason for her lack of desire for chocolate was her craving for him. She sought his strength, passion, and power when her own world seemed to spin out of control. He had a way of making her heart turn over every time he gazed at her.

“I have great news. The article on the Mason Center is done. Mr. Mason gave his final approval this afternoon.” Graham beamed as Caresse sipped her water.

“So everything will be done before the Mason Ball, like Yvette wanted.” Relief eased some of the tension in her shoulders. “That’s great. Thank you for all of your hard work.”

“It was more than my pleasure. If you ask me, I got more out of the deal than anyone,” Graham said as his gaze roved over her and lazily appraised her breasts.

“Hello, my eyes are up here.”

“I know,” he said with a grin. “But can’t a man appreciate all of your beauty?”

“Not when you’re undressing me in public,” she stated as she deliberately toyed with her necklace and obstructed his view.

The waiter placed the chocolate dessert and coffee in front of them as Graham asked, “So, do you have an escort to the Mason Ball?”

“No. I always go alone because I’m usually assisting Yvette with whatever she needs help with. Why?”

“I was hoping to be your date this year, Caresse, if you’ll let me.”

There was a tingling in the pit of her stomach when she watched him take a bite of the chocolate cake without diverting his eyes. Something intense flared through his gaze, making her extremely aware of his masculinity. Her cheeks flushed with warmth as excitement built within her.

“I’ve let you do a number of things, haven’t I?” she whispered as she began feeling like a breathless college girl again.

“And I intend doing them over and over again before I drop you back at home.”

Graham and Caresse entered his home and headed quickly toward his staircase. As he watched the gentle sway of Caresse’s hips in front of him, he felt an intense aching to take her right there.

“Caresse, stop,” he groaned, causing her to halt her ascent and meet his gaze. As she stood on the step ahead of him, he noticed the added height gave her the ability to look him right in the eye. For a while he stared at her and enjoyed feeling the whisper of her breath near his lips and her breast gently brushing against his chest.

He backed her against the stairwell wall and kissed her passionately as he quickly removed his dress shirt. When his body was free, he combed his hands over her body, then reached under her light blue sundress. He began stroking her inner thighs, causing her to moan loudly into his mouth.

Soon he broke the kiss and removed a condom from his pocket as her hands undid his belt and released him from his trousers. “I have to have you right here, right now. The bed is too far away.”

He covered his throbbing arousal, then lifted one of Caresse’s legs and rested it on the banister on the opposite side. As she held onto his shoulders for balance, he nudged aside her thong and entered her wet, slick heat. As he rocked inside of her, he got lost in the sensations and the erotic smell of her passion. She tilted her hips to meet his thrusts, and he wrapped his arms around her midriff and locked their bodies together.

“Say you’re mine,” Graham demanded as soft moans came from her lips. “Say it.”


Graham could feel her trembling as he entered her, over and over again. They found a tempo that bound their bodies and caused her to cry out in sweet agony. He couldn’t explain it, but she was tearing apart something in his soul with each kiss, touch, and gyration of her body. The pleasure was pure as he lost himself in the beauty of her, and a hungry desire spiraled through him as she moaned again.

He entered her harder and faster, and hot passion raged through his veins as their bodies vibrated and shattered in ecstasy.

He lowered himself, still joined with Caresse, onto the stairs, and leaned back, marveling at the hunger she stirred in him. She had brought him to a height of wanting that he had never known. He’d taken her on the stairs in a raw act of possession. And he was more determined than ever to keep her safe.

BOOK: North Star
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