Read North Star Online

Authors: Angeline M. Bishop

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

North Star (14 page)

BOOK: North Star
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“It seems the machine that regulates Ms. Mason’s condition alerted us to a change in her respiration. The medical team is working diligently to stabilize her since she’s awake and breathing on her own now.”

At that moment, Caresse couldn’t comprehend all of the words that followed. She knew the doctor was explaining what had to happen next, but all she could do was close her eyes and bury her head into Graham’s chest. It was too much.
he’s awake.

“The nurse will be in shortly to speak to you regarding the visiting hours.” The doctor turned and went back through the visitor’s lounge doors.

A short while later, Mr. and Mrs. Mason arrived at the hospital and received the news from Graham. The happiness of Mrs. Mason warmed Caresse’s heart as she watch the parents rush to sit with their daughter. Mrs. Mason covered her face with trembling hands and sat near the window.

Sighing heavily, Graham returned to Caresse’s side and gathered her into his arms. “I’m taking you home,” he whispered as he walked her toward the elevator.

Chapter 12

Caresse’s head pounded, no doubt due to her prolonged crying. She tossed two Advil tablets down her throat and waited for them to take effect. She watched as Graham maneuvered his car through rush hour traffic on Route 37. Every now and again, he glanced over to check on her, but she didn’t feel like forcing a smile to appease him. She was tired, and at this very moment, she didn’t care if weariness was sketched on her face. Last week, her best friend was teasing her about running errands before class and now she was in the hospital. She couldn’t find a reason for it. It just was.

Caresse bit her bottom lip to keep it from trembling. Graham noticed and grabbed her hand. “What do you say I take you to my house and cook you dinner?” There was a gentle compassion to his voice that soothed her.

“I’m not hungry.”

“You have to eat to keep up your strength. The Masons will need you more than ever.”

Caresse nodded as she glanced out the window. She was glad he wasn’t taking her home quite yet. She needed something to take her mind off her friend’s battle to survive.

As the car pulled into Graham’s driveway, Caresse lowered the rearview visor and saw her swollen eyes. She touched the puffy lids and studied herself disapprovingly. As if sensing her thoughts, Graham squeezed her hand and said, “A couple of rough days won’t erase your beauty, sweetheart.”

Caresse smiled weakly and closed the mirror. They exited the car and headed inside.

Caresse sat on the couch and closed her eyes as Graham returned a few phone calls. She could hear Graham pacing as he talked to his assistant about scheduling an early Monday morning meeting with his top editors and writers. She couldn’t make out the reason, but Graham was adamant that it must happen immediately.

Caresse started to feel a little relief from the headache when Graham kneeled beside her and placed a cold compress over her eyes. “This will make you feel better. Relax, hon. I’ll take care of everything.”

Before she could reply, the soft sounds of Miles Davis filled the air, and she settled into the comfort of his couch.

Graham gently caressed her ankles as he took off her high-heeled sandals and swung her legs onto the couch. Before leaving her side, his lips tenderly captured hers as he placed a light blanket over her legs. Caresse was delighted by his protective touch and missed him the moment he stepped away.

As she listened to his retreat, sleep overcame her.

When she reopened her eyes, the smell of southern cooking filled her nostrils. She removed the now warm compress from her eyes and focused on her surroundings. “Graham?”

A cheerful face peered from the kitchen. “Hey, beautiful, are you hungry?”


“Good. Your dinner awaits.” Graham walked toward Caresse wearing a white tank and black Nike shorts. His muscles, rippling under his shirt, quickened her pulse. Everything about his body captivated her as his broad chest and athletic physique reminded her of the intense passion he’d stirred in her last night.

She strolled toward the kitchen slowly, her hips gently swaying as she took in the abundance of food. “You did all this?”

“No, but I ordered it. I’m not known for cooking, so I leave it to the professionals. If you take your seat, you’ll see we have some southern favorites: smothered chicken and gravy, mashed potatoes, cornbread, collard greens, and some peach cobbler à la mode for dessert.”

“Wow, you outdid it with your dialing finger.”

“I know, I know,” he said as he poured her a glass of white wine. “How are you feeling?”

“Better than before. Thanks for letting me rest. I really needed that.”

“Don’t mention it. Let’s pray, so we can dig in.” Graham extended his hand to Caresse, and she took it as they bowed their heads. Graham blessed the food and asked for God’s protection and comfort for the Masons and Caresse.

When he finished, Caresse’s eyes were moist. “That was a nice prayer.”

“Thanks. You can blame my mother for that. She said she wouldn’t forgive herself if her children didn’t know how to talk to God respectfully. But I must confess, I still talk to him like he’s right in the room with me.”

Caresse said quietly, “Me, too. He’s more personal that way.”

They enjoyed the food and talked about Graham’s plans for the Mason Center article. “The Mason Ball will be the focus, but in light of current events, an extra page should feature a tribute to Yvette and the Mason legacy.”

“I’m not sure the Masons will be thinking about the Mason Ball right now. What if it’s cancelled?” she asked before tasting the greens.

“I doubt the center’s major fundraiser will be canceled, but it may be delayed. I’ll make sure Mr. Mason approves the final copy a few days before we go to press.”

They talked and finished their meal as they tried their best to avoid any additional conversation about Yvette’s accident. When the leftovers were placed in the refrigerator and the dirty dishes placed in the dishwasher, Graham took Caresse into his arms.

“If you want, we can watch a DVD or listen to some music while this food digests,” Graham said and brushed a tendril behind her ear.

“I’m enjoying the music, so let’s relax in the living room.”

Graham took her hand and led her back onto the couch. When they sat down, he placed his arms around her shoulders and let her snuggle closer to his chest. Caresse couldn’t think of another place she wanted to be. Graham smelled of sandalwood, and she loved the feel of his powerful arms encircling her.

As Paul Taylor’s music CD filled the air, Graham kissed the top of her head. Her thoughts seemed to race with memories of Yvette. She didn’t know how she would explain her accident to her daughters. Nyla and Messina considered her their favorite aunt.
And the hospital visit. How will I make them understand why she was hurt instead of me
? She bit her bottom lip.

As if sensing her thoughts, Graham whispered, “All you have to do is take it one day at a time.”

She raised her head and peered into his eyes. Every time she met his gaze, her heart quickened. She didn’t want to think about the magnetic attraction pulsating between them, but it began to captivate her and consume her every thought. His touch seemed to fill her body with want. Being so close to him reminded her of the sensual release he was capable of giving. She knew worrying was heightening her need to be held and comforted, but she didn’t want to be logical and restrained. For one night, she wanted to forget her loss, setting an example for her daughters, or being scarred by false loves.

She wanted to make love with complete abandonment, and her gaze lowered to Graham’s firm and sensual lips. Images of the passion he’d stirred in her last night made his nearness overwhelming. She wasn’t sure when he made her heart start beating erratically, but she had to kiss him. Hell, she needed it. She needed him.

Like an answered prayer, Graham lowered his head, letting his mouth cover hers hungrily. She gave herself freely to the passion of his kiss, letting its intensity send currents of desire through her body as his hands moved gently down the length of her back.

Lifting his head, he broke the kiss, and murmured, “If you don’t want this go any further, tell me. I don’t know if I can hold back.”

Caresse lifted her chin seductively and met his gaze. “I don’t want you to hold back. Make love to me, Graham.”

There was a lustful fire radiating through her body, and she was hell bent on enticing Graham to quench her desires. The warmth of their bodies had heightened her desire for him. She gently caressed his neck and shoulders and a lustful moan softly escaped her lips.

All evening, Yvette’s accident had reminded her of her mortality, so she decided right at that moment to live her life to the fullest. She wanted Graham, and after his unrelenting pursuit, the romantic dates, and the passionate foreplay, her body craved him, whether his love for her was on the horizon or not. At this moment, she had enough love for both of them.

Before she had time to speak another word, Graham gathered her into his arms and carefully headed upstairs toward his bedroom. As they neared his bedroom door, he paused and asked, “Are you sure, Caresse?”

“Yes,” she breathed as she kissed him gently. With that, he strode over the bedroom’s threshold and gently eased her down onto the bed.

He removed her blouse and denim skirt, revealing her lacy, flesh-colored bra and thong. He kissed and stroked her body, causing her breath to quicken and soft sighs to escape her lips. The stroking of his fingers sent pleasant jolts through her as he kissed her lips, throat, and stomach. Instinctively, she arched her body toward him as he caressed her body.

She fought the desire to analyze what this step meant for their relationship. For her, it was erotic, liberating, and utterly beautiful. For the rest of her life, she wouldn’t forget how she craved him at this moment.

He growled against her stomach and stroked her hips in primal possession. Caresse felt a rush of warmth moisten her feminine folds. She explored his muscular back through his thin tank, causing the ache to make love to nearly overwhelm her. It had been years since she’d had been intimate with a man, and at that time, Keith had let her know his satisfaction supersede her own. The few times Graham had caressed and kissed her, he’d put her needs first. And her needs were as powerful and all-consuming as any man’s. She made sure her movements, sounds, and caresses let Graham know she had no intentions of denying her sexual wants.

She pulled him up to her lips and kissed him passionately, needing his mouth to ravish hers once more. She gyrated her hips into his hardness as his tongue plundered her mouth. He captured each of her sighs and moans as he matched the rhythm of her hips with thrusts his own.

The foreplay was driving her crazy as he fondled her body, causing her nipples to harden under his ministrations. When he ended their kiss in the dimly lit bedroom, Caresse could see that his eyes mirrored the lust in her own. He groaned as he watched her. She tempted him brazenly by stroking her stomach and thighs. She began moving her legs seductively, parting her legs for his viewing pleasure. He inhaled her scent deeply, picking up on her belief that their mating had moved beyond words.

He raised his body from the bed and stood before her. Her eyes froze on his tempting, powerful body, that exuded masculinity with each movement. He quickly pulled his T-shirt off his body and tugged down his shorts, along with his underwear. He stood before her, naked, and let her take in the powerful man she desired. She marveled at the perfection of his body and enjoyed how he boldly disrobed in front of her. His body was power and strength personified. His eyes darkened in passion at her roaming gaze. He extended his hand, beckoning her forward.

Caresse slowly crawled toward the end of the bed and took his hand. He motioned for her to stand on the bed so that her full breasts were near his lips. His hands gently eased her bra from her body, and a shiver of need raced through her as she felt his breath licking her skin. Placing a nipple between his lips, he began licking, sucking, and tugging, making her gasp in sweet agony. When she felt his hands stroke her calves and work their way up to the juncture of her thighs, her mind reeled.

“I need you now,” she moaned as she cupped his face.

Graham ripped her drenched thong from her body as his lips continued to make her nipples harden and darken. In a swift movement, he gathered her into his arms and laid her down on the bed. As Caresse stretched her body, enjoying the lustful desire they’d stirred in each other, Graham retrieved a condom from his nightstand.

When he prepared himself, he groaned, “You have no idea how much I want you.” His dark penetrating gaze captivated her as he moved his body over hers. Before she could proclaim her lack of sexual relations in the past couple of years, he parted her legs and sank deep into her. Inch by inch his aroused flesh sought the heat of her and drove her delirious with desire. He held her hips firmly as he probed deeper, and she widened her legs to accommodate his girth.

A quick flash of pain shot through her as the tightness of her body adjusted to the length of him. She caught her breath quickly and prepared for the sexual journey.

“Are you okay?” he whispered against her temple before he kissed her forehead.

“I will be. You?”

He began moving slowly, thrusting in and out of her. The slowness made her feverish and ultra-damp as her muscles relaxed and welcomed him. Soon she began meeting his rhythm and encouraging him to take her faster, harder. When Graham quickened his long, rhythmic strokes, rough groans began to escape his throat.

He gently lifted her legs to his shoulders and braced his hands on either side of her. With a furious rhythm, he continued thrusting in and out of her. She started to pant and moan. She dug her nails into his back as bare flesh slapped bare flesh. She knew she would never forget this night with him.

Caresse felt her body tremble as Graham clenched his teeth and rocked her repeatedly. As the feverish pitch heightened, waves and waves of ecstasy throbbed through her.

Convulsions started racing through her as a primal release overtook them both. Her inner muscles pulsated and tightened around him as they climaxed uncontrollably.

BOOK: North Star
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