Read North Star Online

Authors: Angeline M. Bishop

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

North Star (12 page)

Caresse struggled to control her tears as she let the lady blot her eyes. “You’re right,” Caresse whispered as she fanned her face with her hands. “I do deserve some pampering.”

“Are you ready to go?” Graham asked as he paid the bill.

“Yes, I believe I’m ready for anything.”

In the limousine, Graham and Caresse sat across from each other and stared at each other for a long time. They didn’t say a word until Graham closed the privacy window. “If I don’t kiss you right now, I’ll lose my mind,” Graham breathed as he took in her beauty.

A seductive smile softened her lips. “You can’t, you’ll ruin my makeup.”

“I can, and I will,” he moaned as he got on his knees and started nuzzle her neck. He pulled her close as her heart began to race.

“Let me kiss you, Caresse,” he whispered when he gazed into her eyes.

“If you get us all hot and bothered, the night will be frustrating for both of us.”

“What if I promise that I can kiss you, not disturb your makeup, and we’ll both be thoroughly satisfied?”

“Not possible,” she answered as she ran a perfectly manicured finger down his chin.

“Want a bet?”


“Are you sure? You know I don’t like to lose,” Graham chided.

“I’m sure, and you forget that I defeated you before.”

Graham leaned closer. “Prepare to be kissed, Caresse.”

Graham began stroking her arms and whispering softly against her ear. He told her how beautiful she was and how she was consuming his every thought and need. His hands began to stroke her legs and calves as he told her how he loved her sexy skin. He began massaging her thighs and slowly began inching his way up her legs to see the red thong he’d purchased for her this afternoon.

When he trailed his fingers along the lacey edge near her stomach, she started to stiffen. He stared deep into her eyes. “Do you trust me?”


Once the word left her mouth, he inched the lingerie down her legs and began stroking her intimately. Caresse’s body jumped at the touch and a rush of wetness soaked his fingers. She watched him breathe in her scent, then meet her gaze with passion-filled eyes. “Relax,” he commanded softly.

Graham turned up the stereo and lowered his head between her legs and kissed the most intimate part of her. As he lavished her, her hips bucked. He moaned his contentment as each lick of his tongue and suck of his lips caused Caresse to spin out of control. She gripped the soft leather around her and tried to stifle her moans, but he wouldn’t stop. To heighten her experience, he placed one of her calf on his shoulder and lifted her hips securely to his mouth.

She trembled and moaned from the sweet torture of his tongue going deeper and deeper into her feminine folds as he held her. Pleasure began to radiate through her body as she shivered uncontrollably. Seconds later, Caresse climaxed and his name tore from her lips.

When her breathing returned to normal, Graham took his handkerchief from his pocket, wiped her moistened thighs, lowered her legs, and eased her thong back up into place.

When she appeared the way he found her, he lowered the stereo and poured two glasses of champagne. “Did I win?” he asked as he handled her a glass.

Caresse adjusted her position, took a long drink of champagne and gasped, “Hell, that kiss may have broken records.”

The community center was a blur of activity and people due to the return of the ever-popular Cooking for Couples class. Graham escorted Caresse to an aisle seat near the front, and draped his arm around the back of her chair. He loved the way she would look at him, almost in awe of what had transpired.

He had wanted her to have a memorable experience and had no preconceived notion of making love to her, but then she transformed into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked like she had stepped off a Hollywood movie screen, and her raw sexuality had almost made his breathing stop. All he could think of was kissing her, and when she refused, something in him wanted to make sure she felt the same lust she stirred in him. He had to make her heart race the way she was making his heart pound with her walk, her smile, and that ‘I want you, too’ look that tore through him.

Yvette touched Graham’s shoulder as she welcomed them to the class. “For a second, I wasn’t sure you two were going to show, but your photographer told me otherwise.”

“I hope Marc wasn’t in the way, but I really need some exterior and people shots for the article.”

“He’s been great.” Yvette beamed. “In fact, Rick made sure he photographed the children in some of the newest additions of the center.”

“Graham hasn’t met Rick yet. You should make the introductions,” Caresse suggested as Yvette waved Rick over.

“Rick, this is my best friend, Caresse Aldana, and this man is the owner and editor-in-chief of
magazine, Graham Sheridan.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Rick, was it?” Graham asked.

“Yes, Detective Rick Baylor, it’s nice to meet you, too. Wow, you two look great. Shouldn’t they be the sweetheart couple?” Rick asked Yvette.

“What’s the sweetheart couple?” Caresse asked as she touched Graham’s thigh.

“It quite innocent, really. See that table right there, we need a couple to sit at it and enjoy the dinner everyone is learning to prepare. The couple will be eating the chef’s version and be photographed for the

“Oh, I don’t know if Graham wants to see his own face in a feature article.”

“Actually, it’s not an article featuring us, but the center. Our photo will be one of many. I don’t mind if you don’t.”

Caresse grabbed his hand and stood up. “Since I’m outvoted and I’m looking camera-ready, let’s take our seats so the class can begin.”

They moved to the sweetheart table at the roar of the class. The chef happily reassured them the meal would be one of his best as he started the class. Graham tried to pay attention to the cooking instructions like the rest of the class, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Caresse. Red was definitely her color.

When the meal was finally finished, Graham and Caresse were able to enjoy the food and all the preparation that went into it. And by the end of the class, they posed with the chef for photographs while the class participants ate their creations or packed the food to take home.

It was a marvelous success, and everyone made sure Yvette knew how much fun they’d had. Caresse stole away from Graham when the chef began pitching a barbeque sauce recipe for an upcoming issue of
. She began clearing the tables and straightening the chairs as Yvette checked the cooking stations to make sure all burners were turned off and the appliances were unplugged.

“You two look good together, Carè. So is he treating you right?” Yvette whispered as she took the mixer from one of the cooking stations and walked toward the cabinets.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been treated so properly.”

“He’s laying it on thick, huh?”

“Yeah. How’d your dad use to say it?”

“Like paint on a fence!” they recalled together, then roared with laughter.

“Good for Graham,” Yvette said as she began taking apart the Cuisinart mixer the chef had used. “He better treat you right. You deserve nothing less, girl.”

“Oh, he is. I don’t know if it will be anything more than a few dates until this article is done.”

“If it is, or isn’t, you shouldn’t worry about that. You need to enjoy the moment and realize that man wants you.” Yvette walked toward the sink. “You would think you put it on him with the way he’s tracking you around this room.”

Caresse blushed as she brought a serving tray over and placed it on the counter. When Yvette saw she couldn’t meet her gaze, she grabbed her hand.

“You didn’t?”

“Didn’t what?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me.” Yvette leaned closer so no one could hear them. “Did you?”

Caresse smiled and shook her head. “No, no, we just met, Vet.”

“You’re full of crap, Carè. I know something happened. You don’t have to tell me tonight, but you will tell me, trust me on that.”

Caresse laughed as she hugged Yvette warmly.

“Hey, get me that empty platter from that table over there.”

“Sure.” Caresse walked over to a table and retrieved the tray. When she spotted Rick surveying the movement of the crowd out of the demonstration room, she showed him the empty cookie platter as she walked back to rejoin Yvette. He frowned, then a sudden flicker of light made him look upward.

In a split second, the overhead lighting grid broke from the cables and hurled toward Yvette. Rick yelled to her as she walked toward Caresse to take the platter, but the room suddenly went black with a loud crash.

Chapter 10

Caresse began to shake as panic knotted her insides. Broken glass and china covered her body. Yvette consumed her thoughts. She tried to lift her legs and arms, but something encased her. She heard moaning and cries in the darkness, and she began to breathe in quick, shallow gasps.

“Yvette?” her hoarse scream broke over the mayhem. The lack of response chilled her as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. “Yvette, can you hear me?”

“Caresse?” Graham called. “Are you okay?”

“I’m pinned down by the table, but I’m okay.”

“Rick, Caresse is over here,” Graham yelled. The light of his cell phone flashed over her as Graham surveyed her injuries. Relief flooded through her at the sight of him. Except for a few red slashes across his face, he appeared okay.

“We’ve got to get this table off you, honey.” Graham’s gaze pinned hers. “It may hurt, but we have to move it.”

Tamping down the jolt of fear, Caresse nodded. Rick took one end, Graham the other, and they lifted the table off of her body. She bit her bottom lip to prevent a moan of pain from escaping. When the unbearable pressure had eased, she met Graham’s gaze. “Where’s Yvette?”

“She’s not answering.”

Tears began to fill her eyes at the fear and uncertainty on Graham’s face.

“It’s okay, Caresse,” Rick whispered. “We’ll find her. We have to.”

Rick and Graham left her to try and locate Yvette. The place was almost pitch-black, except for the pinpoints of light coming from various cell phones around the room. The cries of pain sent chills up and down Caresse’s arms. She strained to pick out Yvette’s voice in the mayhem, but she couldn’t hear her friend. It wasn’t until the emergency generator was activated that she saw Yvette’s lifeless body partially buried under the weight of the light panel. Feeling helpless, Caresse got shakily to her feet and watched as everyone worked quickly to get Yvette to the hospital. She desperately wanted Graham by her side, but he was busy helping the injured. Tears silently streamed down her cheeks as Yvette was placed on a stretcher and wheeled from the center.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Yvette was taken directly into surgery, due to the significant blood loss. Caresse wandered down the hall with Graham’s jacket draped over her shoulders. She hadn’t heard any news, and she needed to know something soon, before she lost her mind. When she rounded the corner, she ran into Graham.

“Where are you going, Sweetheart?”

“I can’t sit here. I need to know how Vet is.”

“I asked the nurses a moment ago, and they said the doctors are only halfway through the surgery. We need to give them more time to tell us something. Did you call her parents?”

“Yes, they’re visiting her uncle in Texas, so they’ll be home first thing tomorrow morning. They want me to keep them notified if anything new develops. Where’s Rick? He was around here a minute ago.”

Graham wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked her back the waiting room. “He’s outside talking to the officers about the incident. Here, honey, why don’t you lay on this couch, and I’ll wake you when the doctor has any news.”

“I can’t sleep, Graham. I’m too worried.”

“Then rest your eyes, Caresse. We may have a long night ahead of us.” He could see she was trying to think of another reason to stay awake as she glanced at the clock. “I promise to wake you when the doctors give us an update.”

Graham lifted Caresse’s legs onto the couch and kissed her gently. The puffiness around her eyes reminded him of the tears she’d shed as she watched the paramedics try to revive Yvette at the center.

“Okay, but don’t forget.”

Graham watched as she used his jacket as a pillow, closed her eyes, and sighed deeply. It didn’t take long for sleep to capture her, and he was relieved to have a moment to find out what exactly happened. He walked to the door and saw Rick coming down the hallway.

“Is it okay to act like I know you now?” Rick called out as a satanic smile spread across his lips.

“Don’t start. You know that wasn’t the time or place to discuss how I know you. Besides, that’s water under the bridge.”

“Infinity doesn’t think so.” He stopped abruptly, a warning cloud settled on his features.

“That’s her problem, isn’t it?” Graham snapped, annoyed. “Tell me what happen at the center. I wasn’t under the impression that the Masons hired shoddy contractors, so what’s going on?”

“The center has been experience a series of life-threatening incidents all month, from cooks being locked in the deep freezer to Caresse being run down in the parking lot.”

“What? That was an accident.”

“No, Graham. Eyewitness accounts state the car was parked near the exit for a half an hour before it gunned its engine and tried to murder your—what are you calling her? Your girlfriend, fiancée...?”

“Her name is Caresse, Rick. And what she is to me is none of your business.”

“Okay, okay. When did our friendship become so strained?” Rick added with mock severity.

“When you failed to let me know Infinity’s plans before you introduced her to me.”

“C’mon, Graham, I didn’t know she would take it that far.”

“Never mention her again, and we’ll be fine, Rick. Just fine.” Graham glanced over his shoulder to make sure Caresse was still resting. “So who’s behind these accidents?”

“I’m not sure. At first, I thought it was a bunch of kids, but the evidence doesn’t add up. Then there are the phone calls Yvette received.”

“What phone calls?”

“I’m not privy to go into details. The investigation is ongoing, but the caller or callers want the center to close its doors. And if a few people need to be hurt or killed to do it, they’ll make that happen.”

“Has staff been made aware of the threats?”

“No, Yvette beefed up security instead, but I think they’re starting to catch on. I mean, let’s face it, only so many accidents can occur before people begin to get fearful,” Rick said as he leaned against the far wall. “Do you think Yvette told Caresse about the calls?”

“No, she hadn’t been able to visit with Yvette all week, so she hasn’t heard a thing.”

Suddenly the operating room doors swung open and the doctor sped toward them. “I need to speak to Ms. Aldana.”

Graham led them into the waiting room to wake Caresse. He sat beside her as the doctor explained Yvette’s prognosis. “She has a subdural haematoma and right-sided hemiparesis,” the doctor stated as he rubbed his shoulder. “That basically means she had a collection of blood clots between the brain and its covering and suffers from a contusion on a part of the forebrain. We removed the clots in surgery, but we won’t be able to determine the physical damage until she wakes up.”

“Will she wake soon?” Caresse asked as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

“We’re expecting her to regain consciousness in the next couple days. There may be some residual muscle weakness on her right side, but right now we’re pleased the surgery was a success.”

“What about her arm?”

“Yes, that open fracture was some sight. There was a significant amount of displacement of the ulna fracture, so we surgically stabilized fractured bone with a plate.”

“How long will it take to heal?”

“On the average, displaced fractures take three to five months. And she will have some loss of forearm rotation because the fracture occurred in the middle third of the forearm.”

The doctor patiently answered the rest of their questions and asked them to give the nurses time to get Yvette settled in her room. “Due to the nature of her injuries, only one person at a time can visit with her,” the doctor warned.

Caresse called Yvette’s parents with an update, then she walked with Graham to her best friend’s recovery room. When they glanced through the window and watched the nurses’ progress, Caresse began to lose her composure. “Why her?” she cried. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. Just go in there and let her know she’s not alone. I’ll be right here,” he whispered as he held her close. The thought of someone trying to injury the staff members of the center alarmed him. He had to make sure Caresse was safe and get to the bottom of things, but he knew he couldn’t do that unless he buried the hatchet with Rick. And the last thing he wanted to do is work closely with a man who had almost cost him his magazine.

The nurses motioned for Caresse to enter. Graham saw the worry in her eyes, and knew he had to give her enough strength to sit in there alone. “She’s your best friend, Caresse, so she has to know you want her pull out of this. Tell Yvette her family and friends are waiting for her to open her eyes. Don’t worry, babe, she’ll hear you.”

Caresse nodded and walked into the room. Graham watched as she pulled a chair beside Yvette’s bed and took her right hand in her own. He stood there, admiring her bravery and grace when Rick joined him.

“I’ll kill the guy responsible for this,” Rick said, his features contorted with anger.

“And I’ll help,” Graham countered icily.

“You? Why, for your lady in there?”

“Of course. Those two are like sisters. Yvette’s parents are in her cell phone, for Pete’s sake.”

“I see it didn’t take you too long to get back in the saddle. Does Infinity know?”

“Need I remind you? I don’t answer to anyone, Rick.” Graham felt the fire in his eyes. “And if she implied otherwise, you’d better remind her.”

“Don’t worry, I will. So when will I be able to question Caresse about the center? I need to question all the staff on hand tonight.”

“Tomorrow, Rick, she’s exhausted.” Graham watched as Caresse cried on Yvette’s hand.

Rick’s cell phone sounded from his pocket. “I need to get this. It’s probably the security team at the center.”

As Rick walked away for privacy, Graham had a disturbing thought.
What if this madman begins stalking women that work at the center?
Graham had to find out if Yvette had an enemy and why anyone would want her to close the center for good.

“C’mon, Laila, do you really think this is necessary?” Latrell asked as his face clouded with uneasiness.

“Yes, I want something different. The old Laila makes me sick. She was weak, and I’m tired of her,” Laila said as she covered her light brown hair and blond highlights with black hair dye.

Latrell shook his head. “It’s summer, La La. Everyone is supposed to have lighter hair and beach tans. That’s why you paid top dollar for that hairstyle.”

“No, I paid for this hairstyle because Malcolm had a thing for Beyoncè and the next thing I knew, I was sporting her hair.” Laila finished coating her long hair with the hair dye and placed a plastic cap on her head. “I can’t take looking at anything that reminds me of him.”

“Okay, I get it. Listen, I’m heading out to pick up our dinner, so promise me you won’t do anything drastic while I’m gone?”

“I’m not a child, Latrell.”

“The way you destroyed the remainder of Malcolm’s clothes wasn’t very grown up.”

“They were dirty. I was cleaning them.”

“Yeah, we both know to never wash dry-clean only darks in the washer machine with a whole bottle of bleach.”

Laila shrugged and went into the kitchen where she placed a towel and bottle of shampoo near the sink. “You clean garbage your way, and I clean it my way.”

“Now be good, and I’ll bring you a pint of your favorite ice cream for dessert.” Latrell grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

“Vanilla Chocolate Cherry? I haven’t had that all summer. It’s a deal. Hurry. You know the
Grey’s Anatomy
marathon is about to come on.”

“Start without me. I’ll be back soon,” Latrell said as he closed the door behind him.  

Laila watched from the kitchen window as Latrell walked toward his car. She enjoyed how his visit reminded her of the time he’d helped her move into her condominium. They laughed, painted, and talked as they made her place feel more like a home. And now he was back, helping her restore her heart and mind.

The egg timer stirred Laila from her thoughts. She put her head under the kitchen faucet and rinsed all of the dye from her hair. As she began shampooing, she thought about the last time Malcolm had shampooed her hair in the shower. He’d pressed her wet body against his as he massaged her scalp under the powerful spray of water. He’d taken an ordinary cleaning ritual and had made it erotic, sensual foreplay. And when he’d gathered her into his arms and made love to her against the shower wall, she had never been loved so passionately. But now, looking back, she understood it wasn’t love, it was lust.

Every smile was a grin of deception, and the realization made Laila’s eyes water as she watched the black dye and gray bubbles run down the drain.
What the hell do I know about love? I know how to be used, mistreated, and lied to. I know how to give everything, just to have men take advantage of me. I know how to think a lie is the truth. Not everyone is meant to have what Janet has
the loving husband and a house full of beautiful children. For some of us, the dream is an allusion. A dream deferred.

When the water pouring over her head began to run clear, Laila wrung the water from her tresses and headed into the living room. As she sat on the couch, and turned on the television to watch her favorite show, she thought about the way Malcolm used to curl up with her to watch dramas or DVDs. She missed the smell of his cologne and the feel of his arms holding her tight.

Forget the dream. It’s that simple.
She pulled the towel off her head to reveal black and glossy damp hair that tumbled down her shoulders. She stared at her reflection on her mirrored wall.
Old Laila is gone.

Graham drove up to Caresse’s house. This wasn’t how he’d pictured their romantic date unfolding. He glanced over at Caresse as she rested against the window. “Caresse? Sweetheart, you’re home.”

Caresse stirred slowly as she opened her eyes. “What time is it?”

“A little past two,” Graham said as he exited the limo to help Caresse to her front door. “This wasn’t what I had in mind for our third date. Is there anything I can do before I leave?”

Caresse opened her front door and extended her hand as she asked, “Would you like to come in? I really don’t want to be alone right now.”

Graham took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on her hand. “Sure.”

Caresse enter the house and sat on the couch to remove her shoes and the jewels from her neck and ears. “I should give these back to you now. Thank you for letting me wear them.”

“They were a gift, keep them. I can’t imagine them on any other woman.”

“Did you see Yvette’s face when we walked into the center? She thought I looked good, like a real diva. She always wanted me to wear room-stopping red, but I couldn’t bring myself to wear such a bold color.” Tears started to stream down her face as her voice broke miserably.

Graham pulled her into his arms and let her weep aloud as he rocked her back and forth. He hated seeing her in such anguish, but when her trembling subsided, he lifted her into his arms and walked her toward her bedroom upstairs. When Graham entered, he noticed cream and gold décor with delicate touches of apple green and lavender. The maple wood furniture reminded him of a southern retreat, feminine, luxurious, and it fit her perfectly.

Gently, he placed Caresse on her bed. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” he whispered, trying hard to fight the desire to climb into bed with her.

“I want you to stay with me, Graham.”

“No, you don’t. It’s been a very difficult night, and the last think you need is me in your bed.”

Caresse’s sleepy gaze suddenly became alert as she raised her body from the bed. “Don’t tell me what I want. I know what I need, Graham.”

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