Read Midnight Wrangler Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

Midnight Wrangler (14 page)

If her telling him she couldn't be with him, ever, and then running away wasn't rejection, he didn't know what was. He was mad and he was hurt, but he'd get over it. He had before after the last time she'd run out on him. He would again.
That didn't mean he had to sit idly by waiting for time to heal all wounds. If Bonnie didn't want him, he knew where there were women who did. Rohn might loathe this online stuff, but tonight he was motivated.
Hating with every fiber of his being that this was what his life had become, he clicked to the in-box area of his profile and saw new messages had arrived. Proof there were women in the world who found him attractive.
That was nice to have reaffirmed after tonight.
Systematically, Rohn went through the half a dozen or so messages. He even found one from a woman he wouldn't mind meeting. He hesitated for a solid minute, staring at the screen, deciding if he really wanted to go down this path.
He was still deciding when headlights from a vehicle pulling into his driveway had Rohn's mind racing as fast as his pulse.
Had Bonnie changed her mind and come back? He strode out of the office, and all the way to the back door.
One glance told him it wasn't Bonnie's car. It wasn't a car at all. It was a pickup truck pulling up to the barn.
What the hell was one of the boys doing here this late at night? Frowning, Rohn strode over to find out.
By the time he arrived, the driver's-side door was opening and Justin was stepping out. “Hey, boss.”
“Hey. What're you doing here?” Rohn couldn't help but think that had Justin arrived an hour earlier, he would have walked in on the tail end of the dinner with Bonnie.
He might have been witness to that hot and heavy kiss out by the bull pasture. Or perhaps to Bonnie's tearful, speedy departure. He wouldn't have been happy about Justin seeing any of it. Rohn couldn't guarantee he would have noticed a steam train barreling down upon him in the heat of the moment, much less Justin's pickup truck in the drive.
Justin tipped his head toward one of the vehicles parked off to the side. “I forgot my wallet. Left it stuck in the dashboard of the truck today while we were working. I need my ID and cash.”
ID and cash—every young cowboy's requirement for a wild night out. “Going out, are you?”
“Yup. Colton talked me into it. He made me feel guilty because I haven't gone out with him in so long, and Tyler won't come out anymore, for obvious reasons.” Justin grinned.
Rohn imagined that smile of Justin's won the single guy lots of ladies, at least for one night. “Well, y'all have fun.”
Justin nodded. “We will sure try. No doubt. Have a good night, boss.”
“Thanks.” Doing dishes and then trying to find something on the television until he could fall asleep? Yeah, real fun.
As Justin strode toward the ranch truck to retrieve his wallet, Rohn turned back toward the house. But he didn't go to the kitchen. Instead he went directly to the computer, intent on getting himself a life.
Doubt or not, he had to make a move. He'd waited too long already to move on with his life. In his profile in-box, he opened the message from a stranger named Margaret. She was nearby. Just in the next town. She was divorced, but that was probably to be expected in a woman who was forty. And she liked horses. Or at least she said she did.
Margaret. It was a nice, wholesome name. He could handle a Margaret. Better than a Tiffany or a Brittany or a . . . whatever the hell name was popular nowadays.
He hit reply to her message and stared at the blinking cursor for a few minutes. Then he just started to type. He couldn't figure out what he wanted to say, so he said that.
I'm not sure what to say. I've never done anything like this before.
That sounded like a line to him. It would be his luck that though he was telling the truth, it sounded like a lie and was probably a line used by hundreds of guys on here disingenuously. He needed to explain.
The reason I've never done this before is because I was married for many, many years. My beloved wife died five years ago and my employees and friends have decided it's time for me to start dating again. Though that's not the only reason I'm on here. I know it's time myself.
Crap. Was this any good? Did he suck at writing? How would he know? He didn't write anything more than invoices or lists for the store nowadays.
Forging ahead, he decided to wrap it up.
If you'd like to meet I'd like that too. Thanks. Rohn.
Well, he was no Hemingway, but at least it was the God's honest truth.
After reading over his message to her, he hit send before he thought better of it. That was it then. For better or worse, the message was on its way.
Rohn stood and headed for the kitchen. He had to clean up. Wash the dishes, put away the leftovers. Maybe dig into that dessert Janie had made that they'd never gotten to tonight.
The memory of why had him feeling less inclined to eat. He flipped on the faucet instead and waited for the water to warm as his mind reeled.
After he was done cleaning, he'd go back to the computer, which he'd left turned on, and see if Margaret had responded yet.
If she didn't reply tonight or by tomorrow? Then what?
Then he'd open every damn one of those messages he'd received and reply to them. And if those didn't yield him a date, he'd start searching the site on his own.
He'd have to, because it was more than obvious Bonnie was not going to be a part of his future.
Hell, he wasn't even sure they still had a date for the reunion, not that she'd ever given him a solid yes for that, anyway. It had been more like a maybe,
she was still in town.
Maybe she'd been giving him hints she wasn't interested all along and he'd just ignored them. Who the hell knew? He'd been out of this game for too long.
He'd never wanted to be alone at this point in his life, but since it had been thrust upon him, he'd have to work with the hand he'd been dealt.
A little while later, when the kitchen was clean and there were no more excuses to procrastinate, Rohn made his way back to the office.
There was a new message in his in-box. It was from Margaret.
Hi, Rohn!! I would LOVE to meet you! When??!!? Where??!! I'm off from work tomorrow so I have all day!! Just let me know. Bye!!
He lifted a brow at the sheer amount of punctuation in Margaret's message. Maybe this was how things were done nowadays. After all, it was hard to convey emotion over e-mail and text messages. The kids must manage to do it with all these exclamation points.
Margaret was no kid, but she'd adapted to this strange new electronic world they were living in. Rohn would have to do the same.
Clearing his throat, he set fingers to keyboard. Brows drawn low, he contemplated what in the world to say for a moment before he typed:
How about meeting for a cup of coffee and maybe breakfast tomorrow at the diner on the highway at ten?
After a second thought, he added an exclamation point to the end of his single sentence. He stared at the black words on the white screen for a few seconds before he shook his head and deleted the ridiculous-looking and unnecessary exclamation point. He hit send, quickly before he could agonize over this message any further.
Baby steps.
Refusing to sit there and wait for a reply, he stood, but he hadn't even taken one step toward the door when the message alert popped up.
Margaret was one eager lady. He hoped that was because she was so excited to meet him and not a sign of the level of desperation of single, middle-aged women today.
Middle-aged. God help him, he was middle-aged. When the hell had that happened?
Drawing in a breath, he moved back in front of the screen to read her message.
All caps this time, in addition to the multitude of exclamation points. That must mean she was even more excited than before.
Letting out a breath, he hit the buttons to power down the computer and headed for the hallway while the machine was still chugging away as it shut down.
He'd had more than enough of this computer dating stuff for one night. For a whole lifetime, actually.
With Bonnie's kiss still on his lips and on his mind, along with the memory of her walking away from him yet again, he went back to dip into that apple cobbler of Janie's and contemplate this date.
Chapter Fifteen
“Good morning, Miss Bonnie.”
Bonnie smiled at the handsome young cowboy tipping his hat to her. “Good morning, Colton. How are you today?”
“Good, ma'am. Yourself?”
“Fine. Thanks.”
She'd slept like crap, but what else was new? This time it wasn't just her house haunting her, or the clutter still surrounding her everywhere. It was her brain refusing to go to sleep.
Her mind wanted to second-guess the decision she knew was the right one. She could not be with Rohn. No matter how much she wanted to be with him. And she did. So much. That deep-seated need hadn't helped her sleep, either.
She glanced past the cowboy in front of her at the truck parked in the driveway. “Who else is with you?”
“I brought my own truck over. We figured we can divide and conquer, and finish twice as fast. We can be loading one truck while the other guy drives to wherever. Ty and Justin are on their way in the ranch truck.
“Good plan. Is Rohn coming too?” Bonnie had meant the question to sound casual, but wasn't so sure it had come out that way.
“Nah. He was still at the house when we left. Told us to put in a day of work here, but to get back to the ranch in time for afternoon chores.”
“Oh.” The disappointment crashed over her.
He wasn't coming over. She'd hurt him—again—in an attempt to save him. To save herself. She needed to stop doing that, to both of them.
But it was better he wasn't here today. Much better. She couldn't be tempted to do something foolish, like let herself be with him. She couldn't be with him and leave him. And given the secret she'd kept from him for twenty-five years, she certainly couldn't be with him and stay with him, either.
It was foolish to think they could be friends and not have the feelings resurface, so the best thing to do was steer clear of each other until she left. She only wished she'd realized that sooner.
With a sigh, she turned back toward the still-cluttered room. “I can show you what I had planned for today while we're waiting for the other guys, if you'd like.”
“That sounds good. They should be here shortly. They were stopping in town to grab breakfast. Rohn said to make sure we fed you or you probably wouldn't eat.” Colton's eyes crinkled in the corners with a broad smile.
Even after how she'd acted last night, Rohn was still taking care of her, just from a distance. Her heart warmed at the same time it broke because she'd always have to keep him at a distance.
Drawing in a breath she turned toward the hall. Time to clear out the clutter and with it, the memories. “I think I want to donate all the bedroom furniture to the church. I haven't been around lately. Do they still take donations for the needy?”
“Yes, ma'am. Clothes and house-type stuff.”
“Even larger furniture? Like beds.”
“Yes, ma'am. They're always wanting beds. Even used ones are appreciated. They've got a furniture warehouse for folks who don't have everything they need. Some company donated the space.”
“Really? That's wonderful. I didn't know.”
“Yup. It's only about two years old now. Maybe less.” Colton followed her down the hallway as he talked. “I helped my mom out after the rummage sale at the church last year. I trucked the stuff that didn't sell over to the warehouse so I know right where to go and who to talk to. They'll definitely appreciate and make good use of whatever you've got.”
“Good. I'm glad it will help.”
That was one worry gone. Bonnie had decided she couldn't stand being in the house with the furniture from her childhood. The things her father had kept and lived with for all these years, making few changes.
Twenty-five years had passed and it looked like he hadn't replaced a thing. She'd never considered him to be a sentimental man, but the evidence began to indicate he might have been. There was money in his savings account, not much but enough to show he hadn't held on to all this stuff because he couldn't afford to buy new.
There were precious few things that had been truly Bonnie's from her childhood—her bed and the matching dresser being two of them. But after what had happened on that bed the night she left, she couldn't bear to look at it.
It hadn't been used in decades so the set was still in decent shape. Someone would be able to use it. Someone who had no memories tied to it.
Maybe having that furniture out of sight would also put it out of mind, and that would chase away a few of the many demons keeping her up at night.
The sound of doors slamming out in the driveway caught her attention.
“Sounds like the guys are here. And breakfast.” Colton grinned.
“Then let's eat. I ran out to the store yesterday for some supplies, so I've got sweet tea and bottled water.”
“Thank you, ma'am.”
“No, thank you. I really do appreciate all your help. This isn't part of your job.”
Colton shot her a sideways glance as they made their way back toward the front of the house. “It kind of is. We do what Rohn tells us to do. He says come over here and help you. We come here and help.”
She cringed. “Sorry.”
“No, don't be.” He waved away her concern. “I'd far rather load your old furniture into a truck than dig fence posts, which is what he'd have us doing if we were at the ranch. We're getting the better end of the deal. Trust me. The other guys feel the same.”
“Are you sure?” The guilt that Rohn's fence had been put on hold still rode her, but she'd like to know that at least his guys weren't unhappy about the arrangement.
“Oh, yeah. Besides, any friend of Rohn's, we consider a friend of ours. We want to help you. I think once this place gets cleaned up, it'll look real nice.”
Bonnie glanced around her and hoped, eventually, it would look good enough to sell or rent, at least. Right now, that was not the case. “Maybe.”
“No maybe about it. Definitely. It might even be nice enough you'll decide to stick around for a while. You think you might?” Colton's question had her turning to him.
“No, I can't do that. I have a job in Arizona I need to get back to.”
“Ah, I didn't know.” He tipped his head. “That's a shame. I know Rohn would like it if you stuck around.”
She knew she shouldn't ask, but she did anyway. “Did he . . . say that?”
The young man grinned. “Nah. He didn't have to.”
A knock on the door had Colton walking forward to open it for his two coworkers, but he'd left Bonnie behind with plenty of questions.
The questions followed her into the kitchen. She and the three men sat at the kitchen table and broke into egg sandwiches like they had the day before, but this time without Rohn. The guys chattered and ate around her.
“I wonder what Rohn's doing today.” Tyler's question caught Bonnie's attention.
Colton snorted. “Probably working on the books, like he does all the time.”
“Nah, I don't think so.” Tyler shook his head. “Didn't you notice? He had on his good shirt.”
With half an egg sandwich in one hand, Justin asked, “What good shirt?”
Tyler reached for his bottle of water and cracked it open. “The blue one that matches his eyes with the pearl snaps.”
“That matches his eyes? What the fu—” Justin glanced at Bonnie and obviously censored what he'd been about to say. “—heck?”
Colton shook his head, laughing. “Jeez, Ty. What are you, the fashion police now?”
“Yeah, should I text you to see what I should wear from now on? What color matches my eyes?” Justin batted his lashes.
“Ha, ha.” Tyler scowled. “If y'all would open your eyes once in a while, you'd notice he only wears that shirt when he's going somewhere special.”
“Maybe he's got like a meeting at the bank or something.” Colton lifted his shoulder in a half shrug.
Bonnie listened with interest. She was learning more about Rohn without him being here than she would have if he'd come with the guys this morning. She knew they'd never talk this openly if he were here.
“Let's hope that's not it.” Justin shook his head. “The only reason to go to a bank all dressed up is to get a loan and if the ranch is doing so bad Rohn needs one of them, we all better start worrying about our jobs.”
“He doesn't need money. I've seen the balance in his checkbook. He's doing just fine.”
At Tyler's revelation, Colton's eyes widened. “Damn, Ty. You shouldn't be looking at Rohn's stuff.”
“What can I say? He left it open on the desk. He should put that shit—” Tyler glanced in Bonnie's direction. “Pardon, ma'am—
away if he don't want anyone to see it.”
She smiled. Their banter provided a much-needed distraction. She was particularly enjoying the way they took care not to cuss in front of her.
“Anyway,” Tyler continued. “I think Rohn has a date.”
That took her by surprise.
“A date?” She couldn't stop the question that slipped out. She tried to sound casual as she added, “Why do you say that?”
“Because he was wearing his good shirt. I thought he might be coming here to see you all dressed up, even though he keeps saying you're just an old friend. But then he told us to come here and work and that he'd see us back at the ranch later. Now I'm thinking maybe he got dressed up to go see the woman I introduced him to the other night.”
“You introduced him to a woman the other night?” Justin frowned. “When? Where?”
Bonnie's throat tightened until she wasn't sure she'd be able to swallow if she dared take another bite. She'd lost her appetite anyway after hearing Rohn was actively out meeting women.
“Remember that dinner at Janie's I invited him to?”
“Yeah, the one he invited Rohn to and not us,” Colton added.
“That's the one.” Tyler nodded. “And now you know why I couldn't invite you. It was a fix-up for Rohn and a woman Janie knows from town.”
Justin nodded. “Yeah, I had a feeling you were up to something. So how'd it go?”
Bonnie waited and wished Tyler would answer faster.
“I wasn't sure he liked her at the time, but maybe I was wrong if he's going out with someone today. I mean, who else could it be?” Tyler glanced at Bonnie. “Besides you and Janie and Tilly the other night at dinner, I haven't seen Rohn even talk to a woman in . . . forever.”
Her stomach twisted at the thought of him with this Tilly woman. It was extremely selfish, her not wanting Rohn to be with anyone else—to be happy—when clearly she couldn't be with him herself. But knowing that didn't change how she felt.
“I don't know. You and your shirt theory sounds like bull to me.” Colton tipped his head in her direction. “I think he's interested in Miss Bonnie, here.”
That brought her attention around. “Me?”
“Sure. He likes you. I can tell.”
“I like him too, but that doesn't mean we can date.”
“Why not?” Justin asked.
All eyes were on her when she said, “Because I have a job back in Arizona. And a house.”
“You have a house here, too,” Justin pointed out.
Colton nodded. “Exactly. You said you're a teacher in Arizona?”
“Yes.” Bonnie nodded, not liking being in the spotlight.
“My mamma has a friend who works at the school here in town. I heard her complaining that three teachers went out on maternity leave at once and they think a couple of them are not coming back, so they're going to have to do some hiring.”
Tyler tipped a chin toward Colton after that revelation. “See? You can teach here. You should go and put in an application.”
Bonnie struggled to find another excuse. “But my mother lives with me in Arizona.”
“Bring her here to live with you. Didn't you grow up here?” Tyler asked.
Colton blew out a breath. “Well, considering how this place never changes, I'm betting your mom's old friends are still around.”
“Yeah.” Justin nodded. “She might enjoy being back here.”
It was hard to protest further, especially with all three men at the table staring at her, waiting for a valid reason why she couldn't stay. “You boys are sure hell-bent on getting me to stay here. I'm not really sure why.”
“That's easy.” Tyler grinned. “Because Rohn smiles when you're around.”
“He hasn't been real nice to work with the last couple of months before you showed up.” Colton shot her a glance. “Between you and me, I think he's lonely.”
“And he's also private. And he'd flay you if he heard you telling her stuff like that.” Justin's tone held a warning.
Colton leveled his gaze on Justin. “I'll take my chances. I think Miss Bonnie needs to know. If it convinces her to stay here forever and makes Rohn happy permanently, then I'll deal with him being mad at me for a bit.”
This surreal conversation had gone on long enough. Too long, actually. Words like
weren't in the cards for her and Rohn. She just couldn't tell them why.
“I appreciate all your concern, but I can't stay and that's that.”
“Can't and won't are two different things, Miss Bonnie.” Tyler focused his gaze on her.
It was easy to think he was just a joker, but as he pinned her with his stare, she had to really listen to what he was saying and absorb the meaning behind his words.
“Just think about it.” Colton's stare joined Tyler's.

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