Read Midnight Wrangler Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

Midnight Wrangler (17 page)

They didn't talk on the short drive. Any conversation would have been ridiculous at a time like this. He did reach over and take her hand in his.
Squeezing her fingers, he held her hand captive in his the whole drive. He didn't let go of her until it was time to flip on the directional signal to turn into the dirt road that led to their place. The river.
Chapter Eighteen
How many times had they parked here together? She couldn't count. Not nearly often enough for her at the time.
There was no more time to think when he made a U-turn and backed up so the bed of the truck faced the water, just like he had all the times they'd been there before.
He cut the engine and glanced at her. “You sure about this?”
“I'm not asking about the sex. More about the place. We took plenty of chances when we were younger, but we're a little old to get caught with our pants down outside in the open like this.”
“We never got caught before.”
“Nope, we never did.” He laughed. “Come on. I got a blanket behind my seat.”
Her heart fluttered as if butterflies had taken up residence in her chest as he got down and reached behind his seat to pull out a blanket.
“Don't worry. These days I keep this here in case I break down and need to lie on the ground.”
Bonnie laughed. “Don't worry, Rohn. I didn't think you kept it there for . . . you know. This reason.”
“If we're gonna make a habit of this, I will make certain to keep a blanket in here from now on for exactly this.” He shot that parting statement across the cab of the truck before slamming the door and running around to her side.
With the blanket beneath his arm, he opened her door and helped her climb out of the high truck. When she was standing on two feet, he leaned low and with a groan pressed one short, hard kiss to her lips before he pulled back and reached for her hand.
“Come on, Bonnie Blue.” He tossed the rolled blanket into the open back, unlatched the tailgate, and let it down with a creak of hinges and a clang of metal. After a sly glance in her direction, he flipped open the blanket. It drifted with a puff of air and settled slowly into place, covering the bed liner. “Just like the old days.”
“Not quite.” She ran one hand over the black plastic installed inside the metal bed. “You've upgraded from the old days.”
“We can talk about truck accessories and upgrades later. A'ight?” With one brow cocked up, Rohn took a step closer. He moved one thigh forward, wedging it between hers until they stood nestled together like the lovers they had been and would be again.
He leaned low, hovering close to her mouth but not closing the final distance. “I want you, want this, more than anything, Bonnie.”
“Me too.”
Raising his hand to her face, he held her chin between his thumb and forefinger and pressed his lips to hers. It was a far more gentle kiss than she'd anticipated now that they were so close to getting what they both had denied themselves.
The kiss didn't remain gentle for long. Every panted breath that passed between them brought more need. He kissed her deeper, angling his head and thrusting his tongue between her lips.
Pressed as closely together as they were, there was no way for her to miss the bulge of Rohn's arousal between them. That physical reminder of how much he wanted her caused a twisting of desire low in her belly. She wanted him just as much, and she had for a long time. Women just hid it better.
The throbbing need inside Bonnie only increased as Rohn thoroughly made love to her with his mouth. The thought of him loving her entire body was more than she could stand. She didn't want to wait for satisfaction any longer.
She reached between them and felt for his belt buckle. It was pressed into her as well, but it was far less comfortable to be against than his erection. His breath hitched in his throat when he felt her working his belt.
The weight of the heavy metal buckle sent the leather belt swinging. After the challenge the buckle had presented, the button and zipper at the fly of his jeans were no problem. She conquered them easily and then was free to slide one hand between his stomach and the waistband of his underwear.
His belly heaved against her hand as he breathed, fast and heavy.
He was still kissing her, and she was blind. Unable to see, only feel for her end goal. She reached it fast enough.
His stomach jerked when her hand made first contact with his rock-hard cock. She ran one finger along the tip and felt the bead of slick wetness gathered there. He drew in a stuttering breath through his nose, finally pulling back and breaking the kiss.
Rohn rested his forehead against hers and let out the breath. “You're killing me, Bonnie.”
“Good.” She felt great satisfaction at hearing that.
He let out a short laugh. “You won't think so when I shoot off like I'm a damn virgin again. Though I might as well be. It's been a long time since anyone but myself has touched that down there.”
She liked that idea, too.
Kissing the corner of his mouth, she stroked up his length. He let out a long rumbling groan. “Bonnie, I'm serious. I'll come right here in my pants and embarrass myself if you keep that up.”
“If I remember correctly, you were always up for a round two.”
“Oh, believe me, I still am. Recovery just might take a little longer than it did when I was eighteen.” A tremor ran through him when she stroked up his length one more time. “Though, maybe not. The way I feel right now, I might as well be a teenager.”
She smiled, feeling as light and free as a teen herself. “Let's see if we can turn back time.”
If only that were possible. All her problems would be solved. She pushed the waistband of his underwear down and leaned down low.
Rohn let out a cry when she slid his length between her lips, but he didn't fight her. He widened his stance and braced one hand on the tailgate as the other cupped the back of her head.
He swallowed so loudly she heard it from her position. “Finish this, Bonnie Blue, and I swear I'll more than make it up to you.”
She believed him completely, and she couldn't wait to see what he had in mind to pay her back.
It wouldn't take long. He was shaking already, thrusting between her lips, loving her mouth the way she wanted him to make love to her body.
His motion sped up. So did hers as she worked him with hand and mouth. If she was only going to allow herself a little while with Rohn before she left again, she was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
She grasped him tighter and felt the first pulse of his release against the back of her throat as he shook with the climax.
Hearing her name on his lips as he came, tasting him on her tongue, feeling his hands tangled in her hair, she remembered it all—how deeply she had loved Rohn back then.
How easy it would be to fall right back into love. The kind of love that possessed a person completely and ruled all reason, making rational decisions impossible.
It was dangerous, but a love that deep also made the world seem brighter, even as it made the darkness seem even darker in its absence.
She didn't let him go. Even after he was spent she kept him in her mouth, holding him close with a hand around his waist.
Finally, he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. “You okay?”
He reached down and with a hand on each side of her waist, lifted her onto the tailgate so she was sitting with her legs dangling.
It put her closer to his height as he stepped between her legs and reached out to palm her face. “You sure?”
“Yes. It just brought back memories. I wasn't expecting that.”
“I know. For me, too.” He wrapped his arms around her. “You want to stop?”
“Why? You done?”
He laughed. “No. I'm not done by a long shot.”
“Then no, I don't want to stop. Not by a long shot.” She was already losing her heart to him all over again. She might as well enjoy it completely.
When he pulled back he was wearing a sly smile. “Then we're going to have to get you out of those shorts.”
“Not a problem.”
“Lie back, my sweet Bonnie Blue. I want to see if you taste as sweet as I remember.”
She did as he asked, watching the darkening evening sky. She felt him unbutton and then unzip her shorts. She tried not to tremble as he slid the shorts down her legs and all the way off before he went back and did the same with her underwear.
He ran his hand over the smooth skin between her thighs. She knew why. She hadn't looked this way twenty-five years ago. “I decided to get laser hair removal.”
“I like it.” He lowered his head and she felt his breath, hot against her delicate folds as his thumbs parted her.
For some reason, she felt incredibly nervous. That made her tend to babble. She couldn't believe she was going to tell him this, but she did anyway.
As his tongue made first contact with her, she said, “I did it because I saw a gray hair down there and it made me feel old.”
He burst into a laugh against her, vibrating her sensitive spot and making her smile and jump at the same time. Rohn lifted his head just enough to say, “You're not old, Bonnie. Neither am I. And I know what you're doing. You talk when you're nervous. Always have.”
“I do not—”
“Hush up, darlin'. You can't concentrate on me making you feel good if you're chattering.”
She had no choice in the matter when Rohn went back to his task. It felt as if she couldn't draw enough air into her lungs when he sucked her between his lips and pulled. The glorious feeling had her hips rising like they had a mind of their own. Her mouth opened on a gasp as her eyes closed. She pressed her head back and just felt.
It was amazing. Incredible. Mind-blowing. Freeing. All things she'd barely thought about, forget about actually felt, in far too long.
Rohn had learned a few tricks over the years. Bonnie's eighteen-year-old self had thought he'd been good before, but now every touch had her crying out as her pleasure threshold rose higher.
The man had picked up a few skills, but she tried not to think how he'd learned so much, or with whom he'd practiced. She was the one with him now.
She dragged herself out of her head and back to the present. To the feel of his big, rough hands where they gripped her thighs. To the heat of his tongue as he worked her toward unknown pleasures.
However he had learned his skills, the adult version of Rohn blew away all of Bonnie's teenage memories of their time together. That was saying something since she was pretty sure she'd romanticized the past beyond all reality. She tangled her fingers in his hair because she couldn't stand to not be touching him, even in this position.
Every muscle tightened as her body ramped up for the long-awaited release. She searched for something else to grab as the climax broke over her. She clutched at the blanket but that didn't last and she ended up holding Rohn's head again. She didn't know whether to tug him closer or push him away—the intensity was nearly frightening.
Her hips bucked against him even as she pressed him closer. Like a cowboy on a bronc, he rode out her climax right along with her, managing to stay with her for the entire crazy ride.
She peaked but then went right on soaring higher, directly into another level of pleasure she hadn't known existed until she felt as if she would lose all power over her body.
Rational thought battled for control as her brain told her it was too much, even as her desire told her to let go and see how far he could take her.
Her cries filled the night air. Thank God they were far from any dwellings. No one could hear her. Only Rohn, and she was sure he was working too hard to be worrying about how loud she got.
Finally, the sensations were too much. The need for control that ruled her life everyday won out over the reckless abandon her body sought with him. She shoved him away and lay panting flat on her back.
Senses began to return. She felt the blanket beneath her, scratchy against her skin. Felt the combined heat of the summer air and Rohn's body pressing around her.
“Bonnie Blue.”
At the sound of his voice, she opened her eyes and found him watching her. The need was clear in his eyes. As it was also clear in the hardened length she felt pressing against her leg.
She reached down and pulled him up. He came willingly, hovering above her. She pressed a kiss to his lips before saying, “Love me.”
His expression of mingled relief and anticipation told her that was the answer he was hoping to hear to his unspoken question. The same one she'd given him all those years ago when he'd looked at her with similar desperation. Different truck. Same river. Same two people, though were they really?
A quarter of a century had passed. They were different people, yet the same. And she wanted him as much as she ever had.
He rolled to the side and struggled in his pocket, his hand emerging with a condom.
Rohn had come to her with at least one condom in his jeans pocket. That fact intrigued her. Her surprise must have shown on her face.
He smiled. “Yes, I'll admit it. I bought a box yesterday before you came to dinner, just in case. Wishful thinking on my part, I guess.”
“I'm glad you did.” They'd been risky in the past. That she was older now didn't change the fact that they still needed to be cautious.
He sheathed himself and was over her again, staring into her eyes. They were both still half dressed, which was probably a good thing given where they were. The shirts separating them made her hot, and blocked her from easily touching him the way she wanted to.
But he'd lowered his jeans and his briefs to around his ankles and that left her free to grab one part of him she'd always enjoyed. She ran her hands around and clutched at the smooth skin of his butt cheeks. The man was rough all over except for here. Well, here and one other part. The part that was currently enrobed in latex and nudging between her spread thighs.

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