Fated Truth (The True Witch Saga) (15 page)

He looked
down to watch me masturbate while he was fucking me. “Keep doing that!” he panted. “Get yourself off all over my cock.”

The pain and pleasure
was quickly turning too much and I felt myself start to slip over the edge. I removed my hand from my clit and tangled it in his hair. “Jaxx I’m close! Cum with me while I cream on your huge cock!”

I ran the nails of my
hand down his back, breaking the skin. His thrusts became even harder and more erratic, beating me harder into the wall. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist and yanked savagely on his hair as I fell over the edge. I heard him shout out my name at his own release. He pulled out of me slowly and lowered me to stand on my own feet. He had to hold me stable for a bit while I retained the use of my legs.

Gah. I gushed out. Does it get better each time?” I asked.

Jaxx settled
me to stand against the wall as he walked over to the mirror above his dresser. He turned his back to it to inspect the gouges I’d left running down his back. He turned back toward me and grinned wickedly at me. “I sure hope so! And feel free to mark me all you want. I’ll enjoy wearing you on me all day.”

I blush
ed at that.

We both
were startled at an abrupt banging on the door. Gavin shoved it open. His anger was written all over his face. He looked around the room and got an eye full of us both as I dove for the bed.

Jaxx just returned
Gavin’s look with a smirk on his face.

“Something I can help you with brother?”
I ask, completely buried in blankets by that time.

“Yeah, you can stop ramming yourselves into
the wall directly behind my bed,” he grumbled while rubbing a red lump on his forehead.

I blush
ed scarlet at that statement. But then I noticed that the lump seemed to be growing larger, so I wrapped a sheet around myself and walked over to him. Jaxx was still standing in front of the mirror admiring his back. I shook my head at his antics. As I reached him, I touched his wound and he flinched from my touch. I frowned.
He must be more damaged than he let on last night,
I thought. “Hold still I want to try something,” I said.

I reach
ed for his forehead again and felt a tingling start in my palm. Warmth spread from my chest down my arm and into my hand. When my jade light was burning brightly in my hand I touched it to the purplish lump that was paining my brother. When the bruising began to fade and the lump lessened, I removed my hand and found his skin pink and healthy looking once more.

Gavin rushed
to the mirror above the dresser, practically shoving Jaxx out of the way. Jaxx was laughing at Gavin’s astonished expression. He turned surprised eyes to me.

“You are truly something special
, sister. My thanks for the healing.” He turned to stalk back out of the room.

“Gavin, how did you end up with that goose egg anyway?”
I asked before he cleared the door. I should have kept my big mouth shut.

looked at me over his shoulder. “The earthquake that woke me up this AM knocked the painting off the wall. It was hanging directly over my head,” he chuckled as I gave him a mortified look. He started out the door again, and then paused once more to get one last word in. “By the way, Ella, I think Jaxx owns that lily white ass of yours, since it’s currently sporting a nice red hand print.”

Jaxx and Gavin explode
d into laughter.

Gavin finally quit
the room and I stomped my red hand-printed ass straight to the bathroom, slamming the door in Jaxx’s face.
Ugh. Laugh at me will they? Well pay back is a real cunt.
I smirked, thinking of ways to pay them back.

After my shower I
walked back into Jaxx’s bedroom wrapped in a towel to hunt down something to wear. I was currently without anything clean that was actually mine. So I started to riffle through his drawers and found some boxers and an old thread bare tee. I quickly slipped into them and went to hunt down Jaxx. I found the guys sitting around the breakfast nook sipping on coffee and talking about my healing Gavin. “Good morning,” I said as I entered the room.

Jaxx was out of his seat in a heartbeat and had me wrapped up tight in his arms.
“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to laugh, but it was funny.” I tried to pull back and pout at him, but he wasn’t having it. “Okay how about I make you a huge breakfast to apologize for being an insensitive ass?”

“That’s a start,
” I smirked and sashayed over to his seat, stealing his coffee.

“My goddess
, Jaxx! Are you that pussy whipped already?” Gavin snarked at him.

“I would be that whipped too if what they were doing
was half as good as it sounded,” Seb chuckled at his own retort.

“Not you too
, Seb,” I pouted again.

“Hey it’s not his fault you both are a bunch of wall
banging freaks.” Everyone laughed at that. Gavin looked proud of himself.

Seb turned
to me and asked “So did anyone even actually give you the sex chat before that one over there ravished you?”

Jaxx choked on the
coffee he was sipping while flipping the French toast. I just shook my head at them. Boys will always get a hard on for talking about sex.

“Yes actually. Jessa told me that it was like shoving a cold hotdog
through a key hole.”

Gavin shot
coffee out of his nose at that. “What the fuck, Ella. I was drinking something here. You just can’t say something like that!”

was shaking his head at me with a smile on his face, while Jaxx was in the throes of an all-out belly laugh. “She actually probably did say that exact thing to her. You just have to meet Jessa to know. Blunt little thing,” Jaxx said.

I just sa
t back in my chair smirking at Gavin while he was still trying to mop coffee out of his shirt. He looked up at me and finally got it.

“You did that on purpose. Didn’t you?”

“Yes,” I acknowledged with a smile. “But Jessa really did explain sex in those words. My adopted mother was too much of a frigid prude for that talk.” I jumped out of my seat at all the talk of Jessa. I reached for my bag on the counter and fished out my phone. I dialed her number and she picked up after the sixth ring.

, you must be Cray, Cray! Do you have any fucking idea what time it is?” she shouted into the phone at me.

“Yeah, yeah. Get over it
, wench. I need some clothes. I have nothing clean here to wear. So bring me something,” I smirked because I knew this would set her off.

“What in fuck
’s name do you mean you need clothing? Where are you?”

“Jaxx’s. His uncle, Jaxx, and I are about to sit down and have a huge
breakfast. Want to join?” I knew her weakness for any kind of breakfast food.

“I’ll get you something of mine to wear for the day.
I’m not missing some greasy goodness!” Just before she hung up I sprung it on her.

“Oh and

“What?” she huffed
at me.

“You get to meet my twin when you get here too.”

She was yelling something into the phone, but I had already clicked off on her ass. Sure way to piss her off, but it was funny pushing her buttons. Munchkin had a temper.
Love it.

walked back into the kitchen and everyone was staring at me. “Whaaa?”

s coming over here?” Jaxx asked cautiously from his position at the stove.

“Yes. I need clothing don’t I?”

“I like you in mine just fine,” he smirked at me. I strolled over, stood on my tip toes and brushed my lips against his.

“Gag me now,” Gavin grumbled

I turn
ed to Seb and really looked at him for the first time that AM. He was looking a bit peaked. “Hey, Seb, have you eaten?”

“A bit ago
, but after having something fresh, after so long, it didn’t agree with me.”

“Bagged blood?” I asked.

“Yes.” He nodded.

“Well pony up
, Uncle Seb. I don’t mind being your main tap,” I laughed at myself.

Seb looked
genuinely surprised. “You would do so again? Willingly?”

“Of course. Why n
ot? You are going to train me, and we are family now also. So like I said, pick a spot.”

He leaned over me and gently took
my wrist in his cool hand. Jaxx and Gavin watched silently as Seb sank his fangs into my left wrist lightening quick.

couldn’t stop the gasp of pain that escaped my mouth and Gavin gripped my right hand. I smiled at him in gratitude. Then as quick as it started, it was over.

“My thanks
, again, little niece,” Seb said with a smile as he licked the last of my blood off the corner of his mouth. “It is nice to have my family expanding once again.” He looked from me to Gavin.

“Well we need to get our stories straight before Jessa gets here because Seb doesn’t pass for a stodgy uncle.”

“I agree.” Jaxx stood behind me, gripping my shoulders.

I’m your roommate. Simple as that,” Seb said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Simple and true,
I like it. I don’t like lying to Jessa. I’m not any good at it either. She always catches me out.”

Gavin looked at me and nodded
. “Better not to lie then.”

We wait
ed around the table until the breakfast Jaxx had cooked started to get cold.

“Let’s go ahead and start eating
, I’m sure she’ll make an appearance when we are almost done. I’ll make her plate and set it aside.”

Everyone but Seb started
filling their plates with French toast, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Everything looked perfectly scrumptious. Seb was reading what looked like an old history tome while we were moaning and going on about how good everything was. When we were all about done eating, I started to get worried that Jessa hadn’t shown her pretty face yet. My phone gave a shrill ring from beside me.

“Hello?” I answered

“Hey you freaky witch, I just wanted to let you know that I will fuck up everyone you love. No one makes me look like a crazy cunt and gets away with it!”

“Sabrina?” I ask

“Who else?” she cackled into the phone then hung
up on me.

I rush
ed from the table frantically ringing Jessa’s phone. It just rang and rang. When I couldn’t get a hold of her I slumped down onto the floor in the hallway and started to silently cry. I tried to call Devon next and he answered on the second ring.

“What’s up
, hag?” he answered.

“Have you
seen or heard from Jessa?” I practically yelled at him through the phone.

“Calm down
, chica. And no I haven’t what’s wrong?”

“That’s what we all would like to know
,” Jaxx said from behind me.

I turn
ed to look at him as I explained to Devon over the phone what Sabrina had just said to me.

“Jessa was supposed
to be here an hour ago, but she isn’t. I’m worried Devon. Really freaking out here!”

“Calm-” he started
to reply, but my call waiting beeped in.

I look
ed and noticed that it was Jessa’s mother. “Hang on, Devon. Jessa’s mom is on the other line.” I heard him say ‘fuck’ as I clicked over.

,” I said, scared out of my mind.

, honey, is that you?”

Yes’m. What can I do for you?”

She started
crying softly into the phone. “Honey you need to come down to the hospital. Jessa has been in a car accident. They don’t know what has happened or how she is yet, but I know she would want you here. I need you to come now. I hope to see you soon.” She hung up without me saying a word.

I click
ed back over to Devon, and explained what had happened. “I’ll meet you at the hospital, and Devon, be careful!” I hung up with him and I lost my shit. Jaxx gathered me in his arms and rubbed my back as I soaked the front of his shirt.

“Pretty eyes
, you need to calm down. The maid has washed your clothing from yesterday. We need to get you dressed and get on the road. I know you want to be there.” Jaxx continued to rock me until I sucked it up and got moving.

I ra
n up to
room as I was starting to think of it. I rushed through getting dressed, not even worrying about my hair. I brushed my teeth in record time, slipped into my socks and boots, and was out the door in under five minutes.

I was
rushing down the stairs when my boot heel snagged onto something and I was sent stumbling. “Fucking Damn Shit Fuck Me Sideways!” I screamed as I landed at the bottom of the staircase. I automatically started to check myself over to see what I fucked up on my way down. Yup, my left wrist and left ankle hurt like the devil. I heated up my right palm and concentrated on healing myself, but it didn’t work. “Why the fuck does it have to stop working now?” I guess I was really loud as I was yelling at myself.

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