Fated Truth (The True Witch Saga) (13 page)

is very old, little raven. I’m talking over a thousand years old. I’m a descendent of one of the children he had before he was turned.”

“So he was turned not born into Vampirism? Was it voluntary?”

“That is his story to tell. Now let’s eat before your new found brother devours our food as well as his.”

I watch
ed as Gavin froze mid reach for another sandwich. “Sorry,” he said around the food in his mouth.

t’s all good,” Jaxx laughed. “There is plenty of food man. Eat what you want. You’re family.”

Gavin looked startled at that, but
I just smiled and grabbed a sandwich and another soda from the counter.

“So I think I know why we were drained when we were away from each other,” Jaxx declared
. “It’s the mating bond.”

I look
ed at him quizzically as I chewed my sandwich.

So he explained,
“When we meet our other half we start to go through the mating bond. We are drawn to the other, as we already know. Until the union is consummated it will continue to drain us when we are separated.”

I blush
ed scarlet when he said the word consummated. I’m not a prude by any means. He made me tingle in all the right places when he kissed or held me, but my brother was in the room.
Gavin busted up laughing at the look on my face and Jaxx gave me an apologetic shrug.

“So let me get this straight. If I want to go shopping with Jessa anytime soon
, I’m going to be a walking zombie the whole trip unless we…ummm…Make love soon?”

Jaxx pulled
me into him once again. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of me anymore than I could him. I hid my face in his shoulder as he whispered the affirmative in my ear.

is staying here with us right?” I asked Jaxx to change the subject. I assumed that wherever we stay it will be together. I wanted Gavin with me too, I’d just found him. I was determined to keep him close.

“You don’t have to
do that. I can get a room in town.”

“Bullshit. I have my uncle’s house all to myself. When he gets back in a c
ouple of months from Germany, he’s going to want to meet you. He will adore you as much as I do. You aren’t alone anymore, Gavin. You have a readymade family with me.”

He smiled at that.
I could tell that he had felt alone too long.

“I can’t wait for you to meet Jessa and Devon.”

Jaxx groaned out a laugh at that and Gavin looked confused.

So I explain
ed who they were. “Jessa and Devon are my besties. We have been close since we were in middle school. Devon’s gay, but everyone totally supports his choices. Jessa is blunt and brash and looks like a mini Marilyn Monroe. She’s just going to LOVE you,” I laughed.

was pretty much rolling at the thought of Jessa getting her hooks into Gavin. He seemed a little shy. She was going to have a field day with him.

“They are
Norms?” he asked.

“Yes, I grew up in a norm household. They are the only family I have ever had up until now besides my adopted mom’s brother
, but my wilted childhood is for another day. I don’t like to talk about them. They are dead to me now and that’s where they can stay.”

Gavin just nodded. I knew he understood
with the freaks he was raised with.

I got up from the table and took
everyone’s plates to the sink. I stepped into the front room and fetched my phone while Jaxx and Gavin were gabbing about lord knew what. I dug my phone out and noticed that I had about a million missed calls and texts from Jessa and Devon. I shot both of them a text telling them that I was fine, staying with Jaxx for the night and I would catch them on the morrow. I walked back into the kitchen with my phone still out and caught Jaxx and Gavin washing dishes together. I couldn’t let that one go. I held up my phone and started snapping pics. Jaxx looked over his shoulder and smiled at me at the same time Gavin scowled.

“Don’t worry
, boys. There is nothing sexier than men being all domesticated,” I chuckled as they got back to it.

walked into the kitchen about the time that the guys finished with the cleanup. “Well ladies and gents, I’m turning in,” He said, taking my hand and kissing my wrist. “It was a pleasure, Ella. We will talk bright and early tomorrow so try and get some sleep,” he laughed and winked at Jaxx as he strutted out of the kitchen. He stopped by the door and called over his shoulder, “Gavin I made up the gold room for you. Unpack your things, you’re staying.” With that proclamation he quit the room.

We all look
ed at each other. “Is he always so bossy? And what was that wink about?” I asked Jaxx.

, little raven. He is just teasing me. And yes he is. He’s older than dirt and he feels entitled. I guess he has earned it. He has safe guarded my family for all his existence.”

“I like your uncle, Jaxx.
Very much. He is different, but in a good way.”

“I like him also,” Gavin put in, w
iping his hands on a dish towel. “But man he still freaks me the fuck out something serious. The power radiating off of him is fierce.”

“That reminds me, w
hat are your gifts?” Jaxx asked Gavin. “I would assume they are the same as Ella’s, but not to the same degree judging by the show she put on earlier.”

I scowl
ed good naturedly at him for that nick.

“I can read people’s emotions, move and control things with my mind, and
I’m stronger and faster than even most sups.”

“I don’t know if
I’m stronger and faster, but I know that I can heal myself. When Sabrina attacked me in the bathroom earlier, she hurt me pretty badly. When Jaxx told me to breathe and concentrate on putting things to rights, I fixed the damage to the bathroom, but I also fixed the damage she did to me.”

Jaxx and Gavin stared at me like I was
a freak.

“What!” I snap
ped at them both.

, love, I just didn’t even notice that you’d done that. I was so concentrated on fixing things before we were caught out that I missed it.” He shook his head like he was disappointed with himself.

Stupid guys. Always ha
ving to be perfect all the time,
I thought. “Chill baby, I fucked up royally and you were cleaning up my mess.”

“That’s really impressive
, Ella. From what I understand that gift is very rare.”

I just shrug
ged. I didn’t feel like I was anything special. I was just me. That’s all I ever want to be. I looked at my phone. “Whoa, it’s after two AM,” I said with a look at Jaxx.

“Maybe we should all turn in,” Jaxx suggested.

We ascended the stairs together, stopping on the second floor. “What’s on the third floor?” I asked Jaxx. I had been wondering that since the night before.

s where Seb lives. His library and bedroom is up there. It’s very secure since he is basically defenseless when he sleeps.”

I just nod
ded my head and led the way down the long hallway. We stopped at the second door on the left.

“Gavin, this
is the gold room, as Seb calls it.” Jaxx opened the door and I understood why Seb aptly named the room that. It had gold brocade wall paper, pale wood floors, dark solid furniture, including a huge, four poster bed, gold curtains, and gilded framed paintings of naked females.

“Wow. It looks like a room made for sex.” I blurt
ed out and everyone laughed. We said goodnight to Gavin. And headed down the hall, hands entwined, to Jaxx’s room.



Chapter Nine


At Home in Y


When we got to Jaxx’s room I felt instantly at ease in the familiar surroundings. Everything had been happening so fast. My brother finding me, meeting a Vampire that happened to be Jaxx’s uncle.
Meeting a Vampire
. Crazy shit ass day! That’s what I’d been having.

Jaxx pulled me to him and started
rubbing his hands up and down my back. “Are you tired, baby girl?”

prisingly not. Earlier I felt run down, but I already told you. When I’m in your arms, you are my favorite new addiction. My very own double shot of caffeine times a hundred.” He scowled at me and I chuckled, pulling him closer to me. “I have found my home in you, baby. You are it for me. Forever. Even without the mating bond I would want you with everything inside of me.”

“I feel the same way
, Ella. I have walked a lonely road the last two hundred plus years. Always looking for someone who hadn’t even been born yet, never finding anything to fill the void that I didn’t even know was there until I saw you for the first time. Everything about you enthralls me. From your kindness, to the fire that burns so bright that it glows throughout your entire being.”

“I love you
, Jaxx,” I said with happy tears running down my face.

No words were spoken after that. His lips were on mine and his taste filled my entire being as the world faded away. Every touc
h, every brush of his lips sent me into an oblivion of ecstasy and love. My head fell back as he trailed his lips down my neck. He started walking us backward toward the bed and we both tumbled. He landed lightly on top of me, catching most of his weight with his hands, resting on either side of my head. I leaned back on the pillow while his lips and tongue tasted every inch of my neck.

He lifted
me up and I raised my arms so he could pull my tunic over my head. He stopped, taking in my black lacey bra. “My goddess you are exquisite. How did I get so lucky?”

I fuse
d my mouth with his once more to stop his words and helped him unclasp my bra from the back and pull it aside. He trailed his lips and tongue down my collar bone to my overly sensitive breasts. His tongue snaked out and rolled over my nipples, wetting them before blowing his warm breath over them.

He trailed
his way down my stomach with kisses, licks and nips until he got to my naval piercing. He looked up, meeting my eyes and I knew he liked it. He swirled his tongue around the silver dragonfly ring and I moaned, wiggling my hips. My pants had become to constricting. He reached down and removed my leggings and underwear in one fell swoop. “Perfect everywhere,” he whispered to himself more than to me. He spread my legs and kissed the inside of my thighs. I couldn’t help but move my hips closer to his mouth. “Tell me you are sure, Ella. We can do anything you want. You’re in charge here.”

..Jaxx!” I begged him. The burn between my legs was pure torture. He kissed the inside of each one of my thighs before moving to the spot where I needed him most. I cried out as he kissed me before probing me with his tongue. My hands flew to his hair on their own accord and I tugged him upward toward my clit. He swirled and rubbed the flat part of his tongue over my tight little bud before he started sucking.

I start
ed making sounds that I didn’t even know I could make. I opened my legs wider to give him better access as I started to climb higher and higher. He was everything I’d imagined in my dreams and more.

He inserted
one finger, stretching my tight channel, as he moved in and out, fucking me with just that one finger while still sucking on my clit. He inserted a second finger and spread them as I came, eyes screwed shut. “Jaxx!” I shouted toward the heavens.

He removed
his fingers as I started coming back down to earth. I whimpered at the empty feeling they left behind. He crawled off the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. I sat up on my elbows to enjoy the perfection that was Jaxx. His stomach was sculpted muscle. He had that sexy as hell V that pointed down to the promise land. The only hair he had on him was the treasure trail my tongue wanted to follow. He was watching me as I blatantly stared at him.

“You are
still wearing too many clothes,” I said reaching for his belt buckle. I unbuckled it and brushed my fingers over the bulge in his pants.

He groaned
in response. “Let me do that or this will be over before you get these off.”

I giggle
d and blushed at his words.

He reached
for the button of his pants and stilled. “You are so pretty it hurts.”

I lay back on the bed so that he could
look at what was his. He unsnapped his pants and pulled the zipper down slowly as my eyes were glued to him. He shucked off his pants and boxer briefs quickly.

When I
saw all of him, I was struck dumb. He stood at the end of the bed tall, proud and mouthwatering. My eyes roamed south from his abs and I froze. He was
. Huge, long, and thick with a large vein running the underside of it. The plump head at the end of his shaft was leaking a bead of precum. I looked up into his eyes and blurted, “Umm…you’re

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