Fated Truth (The True Witch Saga) (11 page)

I mentally rolled my eyes. Nothing new there, I’d grown up listening to that shit. I just looked at Mr. Boyd blandly, and Jaxx took my hand in his, squeezing my fingers as he frowned at Mr. Boyd.

Mr. Boyd stood up behind his desk, he looked shaken up by what I’d said. He took a moment, I assumed to decide what needed to be done. “Well it seems we need to call the police since they have already been involved in this escalating problem,” he surmised, looking at the three of us.

Sabrina started
screaming at Mr. Boyd, her face purple as she shook with rage. “Do you know who my family is?” she demanded. “You will be not only out of a job for this bullshit, but I will personally make sure your life is a living hell!” she threatened him. “You are done here! Your fat ass will be run out of town when my daddy hears about this!”

With that Mr. Boyd picked up his phone and called
campus security. They arrived moments later. “Please escort Ms. Gardener off of campus and make sure she does not return at any point today. I will have to investigate these claims and sit down with her parents before I can decide how long she will be suspended.”

“Yes, sir,”
the guard said as he took Sabrina by her arm and dragged her out kicking and screaming.

“You’ll pay for this Witch Slut!” she spouted shrilly. “You and
your stupid satanic cult!” she continued as the guard pulled her down the hall.

I apologize for this. No child should be subjected to that,” he acknowledged as he looked at both Jaxx and I, frowning. “However, you were both caught out of class, no matter what the reason, without a tardy slip. Not to mention the PDA. So, I am going to have to give each of you detention,” he continued apologetically.

We both sighed with relief that it hadn’t ended up worse
, so much worse.
I could have been ousted!
I thought as I nodded somberly at Mr. Boyd.

do not condone bullying in this school. Ms. Gardener will be investigated and if she is found to have been bullying students here, she will be expelled on those grounds. So rest easy,” he said, attempting to reassure us.

rolled my eyes. Yeah, like that meant a whole lot to me. Her parents would back her up. They always did. She tried to kill a girl just months ago, and she got off without a hitch! They didn’t even question the hag. “Thank you, Mr. Boyd,” I replied with a tight smile. Jaxx and I took our tardy and detention slips and left the office.

“We need to get out of here
,” Jaxx decided. “I know this is your school and you think you belong here, day in and day out, but it’s not, Ella. Staying here is going to be detrimental.”

I’m starting to believe that.” I tangled my fingers with his as we moved down the hall toward the side exit that led to the parking lot.

know about us,” he reminded me, looking at my bewildered face and shaking bottom lip. He pulled me into his arms and stroked my cheek. “This is not your fault. I know that. You have to believe that also. You have not been trained, but we are going to fix that,” he assured me.

I nodded and smiled up at him. With a sigh I laid my head on his shoulder.

“If it’s important to you, you can always finish high school online, but you can’t be around so many Norms without better control,” he said softly.

“Jaxx, I know, a
nd I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. You’re right, I need better control. I need to learn everything I can. Can your uncle help me? Will you help me?”

ll both help you, little raven.” He grinned. “I meant what I said. I love you, more than the moon. We are in this together, forever. I promise.”

We finally reach
ed the lot and I found my bike on its side with WITCH scrolled across the body in white paint. That was the last straw! I couldn’t handle anymore! I just wanted to crawl into bed and pull up the covers. Jaxx saw my face and seemed to be able to tell what I was thinking.

“No, don’t
do that, it’s fixable. Anything is fixable as long as we are together, Ella.” He pulled out his iPhone and dialed the local body shop. He spoke quickly, telling them what had happened and where we were located.

While he
was on the phone I sank down onto the curb and stared at my boots deep in thought. Today was supposed to be a good one. A new me. Tough and unshakable, but it was too much.
No fuck that! I can handle anything. I just have to keep picking myself up. I have something to live for now. Something to look forward to. I can do anything as long as I let myself be strong,
I thought.
the show in the restroom, that proves I’m one fierce bitch!
With that thought I smiled.

“What has put that smile on your face
, little raven?”

“Just you. Always you.
I’m so lucky, so much luckier than I ever thought I would be. You are my silver lining in a world of bullshit.”

“I could argue that
I’m the lucky one. I have finally found my other half.” He took my hand and pulled me to my feet. “Let’s get out of here. My uncle knows the owner of the body shop. They’ll be here within the hour.”

, can I ask you a question?”

, little raven.”

is it sometimes you speak like you are an eighteen year old from this time? But at others you speak like you are out of one of those regency novels.”

“I already told you that we are long lived. We are essentially immortal. We stop a
ging when we hit our maturity, for most that would be at about twenty five years of age, although we come into our powers at eighteen.”

“Exactly how old are you?”
I asked curious.

Jaxx looked pained. As if
I wouldn’t like his answer.

“Come o
n old man. It can’t be that bad,” I joked.

I am Two hundred and forty six years old,” he muttered.

My jaw dropped at that and I
started to laugh. It wasn’t really funny, but the words that popped into my head, made me laugh and he frowned at me. “Cradle robber,” I snorted with laughter, and soon he was laughing also. “It isn’t fair that you’ve had to wait so long to find me, when I’ve only had to wait eighteen years to find you.”

“We all face our own trials before we find o
ur other halves, little raven, some worse than others. Yours haven’t been a picnic from what you have told me.”

, but so long.”

“You are with me now. That
is all that matters.”

I wrap
ped my arm around his waist as we approached his sleek black ride. “Forever,” I said with a smile.

He opened my door and handed
me into my seat. Then we were speeding away from the one place I used to look forward to. School used to be an escape from my parentals, from the abuse and hatred. Things changed.

“Will your uncle be home when we get there?”

“He should be. You can never tell with him though. He is always popping in and out of places. No worries, love. He will adore you as much as I do. I guarantee it.”

I’m sure I will enjoy meeting him. Anyone that loves you has to be special.” I was still nervous though.

“So what
do you want for dinner tonight? We didn’t eat lunch thanks to the energy drain. You must be famished.” He smirked at me. Pervy man.

I chuckle
d and snuggled into my seat, enjoying the ride to his home.


Chapter Eight





When we pulled up to Jaxx’s house I was taken back again at how massive it was. Even though I ha
d been there once before, I was still dazzled by the size. It was a two story colonial red brick home with white windows and trimmings. Two large pillars sat in front to support the roof of the massive porch. There were several hanging baskets hanging from the eves. The yard and the flower garden out front were well tended. You would never guess that it was a house for just two men. Around the back of the house I knew there was a full tennis court and an in ground pool that took up a lot of space, but there was also a labyrinth of flowers and shrubbery to get lost in.

walked around the car to get my door then handed me out. As we strolled up the front, I noticed a Harley Davidson V-Rod parked on the other side of what had to be his uncle’s black Lexus. I turned to Jaxx. “Does your uncle have a thing for Harleys also?”

“Umm, No
. He is much too contained to ride any sort of bike. Let alone that monster.”

That made me giggle. How could
anyone related to Jaxx be tucked in? When we got to the front door, Jaxx walked right in, but I lagged back out of nervousness. I’d never had the meet the parents’ moment.

“Come on
, little raven. He won’t bite. Well not much.” He rolled his eyes at my confused look. “I’ll let him explain.”

We moved
through the house and Jaxx twined his fingers with mine. At his touch I relaxed instantly. “You are my instant Xanax,” I laughed.

When we reached
the front room, I noticed a tall lanky man who was probably in his mid-thirties leaning against the main book case. He had dark hair and even darker eyes.
You could get sucked into those eyes and never escape.
I thought, quickly diverting my gaze to take in the room. Instantly my eyes caught eyes that were mirrors of my own. I felt Jaxx go still beside me as I stiffened with confusion.

, what’s going on? Who is this?” Jaxx asked.

I took in the
one I knew had to be a stranger in the room. He was tall, but still an inch or so shorter than Jaxx. I would say he hit about six foot one at least. He stared at me like I should know him.
His eyes were the same as mine. His hair color matched mine, even his well defined cheek bones, and full lips were mine,
I thought, my heart racing. “Gavin,” I whispered.

He jerked
as if electrocuted by an unknown source.

bristled beside me and I could feel the anger and confusion radiating off of him.

“Who-”he started to say, but his uncle cut
him off.

“Let it be
, Jaxxsane. Watch and listen, but for goddess sake let this play out,” his uncle said with so much authority I didn’t think anyone could deny him.

“Who are you?” I ask
ed my twin just to be sure.

“You know who
I am. Just as I know you, soul deep. We might not share the same soul as you and your destined, but we are of the same blood and womb,” Gavin said softly, regarding me carefully.

As my thoughts we
re confirmed I latched onto Jaxx for dear life. I never thought I would meet my twin two days after learning he even existed. Jaxx looked at me and I was sure he noticed the pain twisting my face and my heart.

“I don’t care who this
is,” Jaxx snarled. “This is my home Seb. I let you stay here because we are family, but you have stepped too far with this, and you’ve upset my destined.”

do apologize, dear nephew, but as you can see there is a reason for my bringing dear Gavin into your home. The reason just hasn’t opened itself to me as of yet.”

Jaxx looked
at me, telling me silently with that look that he would explain yet another thing in time. Jaxx turned to Gavin and narrowed his eyes. He seemed to be sizing him up as prey. “What is your reason for being here? If you wanted to find your sister, you could have done it without pushing yourself upon her unexpectedly.” Jaxx stared at Gavin hard.

re right of course. I ran into your uncle at the conclave and he told me that he’d seen someone that could be my mirror image. I’ve been looking for my sister for months, ever since I found the letter from our mother that was kept from me.”

I stifle
d a gasp knowing I had the same letter tucked away at my uncle’s house.

“Yes, Arabella,
I see that you know of which I speak. Our mother abandoned me as well. I was raised by some very unsavory characters. Until I found the letter I thought I was stuck with them. I was ashamed of where I came from. Until I found out I had other family. A twin. You.”

“I need to sit,
” I said, squeezing Jaxx’s hand.

“Come,” Jaxx murmured as he led
me to the nearest sofa and seated me beside him, as close to his side as possible.

I looked up and noticed that alth
ough the conversation was happening around him, Jaxx’s uncle had been listening and absorbing. “I see why you are the historian of our people,” I said as I stared at him.

is that my dear?”

“You absorb everything around you as if it’s a part of your nature to
do so. But I have to tell you, what you just did to me, springing this on me when I’ve just found out what and who I am is fucked!” I felt my anger rise, the darkness peeking over the pit within me. Jaxx and Gavin both gave great belly laughs at my talking to his uncle as I had, which only served to piss me off more. I was confused, hurting, and fucking livid and they laughed at me.
Fuck this noise,
I thought.

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