Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) (40 page)

Chapter 53






On the horrible day of Varick’s death, Jenevier had returned to Vanahirdem with her twin Angels and was met with a less than warm welcome.

After all the painful words had been spilled and all the bitter tears had been cried, as a whole, they went to the healing pool in the sacred dome. Never had they all been as broken as they were this day.

Jenevier entered the waters with Vareen and stayed until the light began to sparkle in the lovely woman’s eyes once more.

As for her own heart, the waters had no effect. It wasn’t as it had been before. She felt no different within the pool than she did standing next to it.

Perhaps this isn’t something for Angels to partake of. This magic belongs only to the Guardians.

This mass healing reminded her so much of the sorrowful night her dearest friend and brother, Vittorio, said his farewells to them all. She remembered how the mighty warrior looked as he lay dying within this giant basin. It was now as it was then. They gathered together and spoke of the joyous memories they had shared with the one who was no longer among them. They laughed. They talked. And eventually, they healed.

Tenshi and Daichi were marvelously entertained by her silver-haired family and the many colorful stories they spun about the amazing adventures they had all shared. They even brought up things Jenevier hadn’t recalled for years. Blessed laughter rang throughout the dome and smiles were as plentiful as tear drops.

This is their Life Celebration
, she thought.
It’s not so different as the ones we have back in Tamar Broden. Perhaps all races have their own sort of healing festival. It’s good… it is a blessed thing indeed.

Jenevier made her way out of the now joyous dome and sat on the edge of the marbled landing. She was listening to the laughter behind her, watching her feet swing back and forth as they dangled high above the treetops, when there was a strange, yet undeniable pull within her heart. She looked around, but everyone was still inside. No one had noticed her departure and no one had followed her.

She felt it again. This time it was as a beckoning voice. She gently slid from the landing, spread her wings, and let the wind carry her to the hot springs.

She was sitting by the little pool she and Varick had bathed in so many times, when his reflection stood next to hers.

Jenevier closed her eyes and whispered. “If you are a vision, please… do not disappear. Let my mind play upon this path a while longer for I shall not live through losing you twice.”

“I am not a vision, Anicee. I came because there is something extremely important I wish you to know.”

She slowly turned and beheld her majestic Guardian standing there in all his glory. She lunged for him, felt her arms tighten around his flawless form.

“How is it you’re here?” Her words were muffled against his chest. “I care not. Just promise me now you will stay, always.”

He rubbed her curls and kissed the top of her head. “My most beautiful Anicee, would that I could stay with you always. Alas, I am blessed with but a moment upon this plane. Look at me. Let me see those most magical of all eyes.”

She wiped the blinding tears away and looked to the owner of her fragile heart.

“That’s better.” His beautiful lips turned up at the corners. “You’re so much lovelier when you smile. I wish you only to smile now so I may take that image on with me.”

She sniffed. “Where are you going? Where are you now?”

“In another place, my love. But that matters not. I have something of great import to tell you.” He stroked the side of her face, outlining the edge of her sapphire scar. “You don’t belong in this city, Anicee. I was wrong to make you stay. There is yet much you must do. Your path is a long one, tiny Angel.” He smiled lovingly down at her. “Mother was not blessed with a vision of you after you were taken from us, because you were exactly where you were meant to be. Heed Munenori in all things, in all he says, in all he shows you. He is a wise Angel and your dear friend, whether he’ll admit it aloud or not. So love him always, Naga.” He kissed her forehead. “You will be a great ruler one day. But first, you must set things to rights within the universe. Do not hide here, Empress. You will only bring these noble people harm if you stay. This isn’t your home. You were made for grander things.” His arms tightened around her. “I must go now. My time has reached its end. Do not mourn for me, Anicee. I am preparing a place for you to join me one day. There is much
have yet to do. Remember this, Empress of Jinn.” He twirled one of her curls around his finger. “Live long, love your Daichi, and never ever try to sacrifice your life again. You are much too valuable to waste. Great things yet await you, and many races will prosper or fall because of you. Make good choices, Kagi Naga. And never forget how much I love you.” He kissed her as he began to fade. “I’ll be waiting for you, Anicee. I still hold all the pieces of your shattered heart. I long for the day I can return them to you, make you whole in my arms once more.”

And with that, he was gone.




Daichi found her curled up by the springs—despondent, crumbling. He was furious from worry. But he couldn’t force himself to wake her once he’d found her safely sleeping, still within the city.

“We will have these words tomorrow, Milady,” he whispered as he carried her to her old domicile.

He spent the better part of that night sitting by her, or gently rocking her, as he continually snatched tiny pieces of her soul and carefully wove them back together.

Why did you leave the dome, my Angel? What could have pulled you from your family? Whatever it was has left you shattered. I give thanks I found you in time. Otherwise, I would have to spend eternity chasing down all the tiny pieces of you scattered throughout the universe.

After that, they spent many days in Vanahirdem. Daichi didn’t leave her side for a moment, while Tenshi was out having fun exploring the wonders of the holy city. He’d become rather attached to Vareen and she sensed a great power of intuition within the docile blue son of her tiny daughter-in-law.

“I would like to see what you’re capable of, Angel. Perhaps you and I can work together concerning this mess we must now see to.”

“I’d like that very much, revered mother, but only if you promise to call me Tenshi. The way you people say
feels more like an insult.”

“Apologies, my son. It was not meant as such, especially in your regard. You remind me so much of your mother when she first came here. She was so full of wonder and life.”

Vareen fell silent and looked down. Tenshi noticed her tears but thought it would be too rude to pry.

She sniffed. “We took that away from her. Did she tell you? We took that beautiful, innocent soul and tore it to shreds.” She released a sarcastic laugh. “And then we condemned her for not being who she once was, for not holding on to the part of herself that was worth saving.”

“She never said the words, no. But I knew, all the same.” Tenshi stared out the window, a troubled shadow falling over his countenance. “I can see Mama’s mind. I know what happened. She doesn’t realize it herself, though. She only believes you all did what you had to do. She accepted it and holds no ill toward anyone… save herself.”

“Yes. I can see what you say is true. She is blind where we’re concerned. She thinks too much of us.”

“She loves you too much, yes.”

Vareen let out a soft laugh. “Yes, my son. Your mother loves us too much. As is her way.”

“Has she ever truly hated anyone?” Tenshi mused. “I know she has felt hate. But she dismisses it so easily.” But then he remembered her dreams of the night she was forced by Emperor Musashi.
Yes, there was at least one man she truly hated
, he thought.

“Such is your mother, Tenshi. How is it we can sit here and find fault in the most glorious trait imaginable? If the universe contained a few more souls like hers, we would all be blessed.”

Tenshi laughed sardonically. “Or be destroyed completely. Can you imagine such a thing? Being destroyed by too much love.”

“Such is your mother,” she whispered.

They sat in silence, drinking their tea and staring into the past.




Jenevier stretched her arms and arched her back. She felt sore, bruised inside and out.

“Ah, Naga. You rise from the darkness.” Daichi mussed her curls as he teased her.

“I felt you there the whole time.” She kissed the palm of his hand. “Gratitude, Daichi. I need you too much.”

“That is as it should be, my lovely Empress.” He smiled at her before going to put on the water for her tea.

Tenshi gently pinched her toe, drawing her gaze down to where he sat near her feet.

“Mama, what will I do when you leave me? I’ve never slept without you by my side. I do not think sleeping alone will be a very enjoyable thing.”

“When you say childish things such as that, Tenshi, your mother should give you a good thrashing,” Daichi yelled back from the kitchen. “You are no longer a babe she needs to swaddle through the night.”

“Daichi, please don’t speak that way to your brother,” Jenevier scolded. “It rips little holes in my heart.”

Tenshi snatched her up in his arms and held her on his lap. “I’ll miss you so much, Mama.”

“I’ll miss you too, dear one. More than you will ever know.” She played with his beautiful blue hair. “But this is where you belong right now. This is what you must do. My brothers won’t go easy on you.” She kissed his cheek. “Yet you will be all the more glorious because of it.”

“I cannot believe my elder brother cries to his mother over such as this.” Daichi snorted as he plopped down on the lounge beside them. “This is a grand adventure, Brother. Can you not taste it? My wings tingle at the very thought.”

“I want to go back to Jinn,” Tenshi whispered. “I want to live in our secret valley and swim under the waterfall.”

“You want to go back to your little raven-haired Mika and play footsie,” Daichi taunted. “Now’s the time to spread your wings. Learn to be the mighty Angel you were born to be.”

Jenevier only smiled at them. “Have there ever been two more different creatures?”

Tenshi turned quickly, looking toward the door.

“Be at ease, my son. It is only Vareen who approaches.”

The soft knock came soon after her words.

“Enter, Mother,” she called out.

Vareen, as elegant and graceful as before, swept into their home. Jenevier rose to greet her.

After exchanging pleasantries, the revered seer turned toward Tenshi and held out her hand. “Come, my lovely blue Angel. We have much to do. The time has come for your training. Valadrog awaits you at the dome.”

Jenevier lightly touched the woman’s arm. But the ancient Vanir already knew the heavy words within her tender young heart—words now racing through her tormented mind, unable to find a voice.

“Fear not, tiny Empress. I shall treat him as if he were mine own son. He could be in no more loving hands. I give you my word.”

“Namaste,” Jenevier said with a bow.

“And to you, little Angel.” Vareen returned in-kind.

When they had kissed farewell and left her home, Jenevier felt somehow diminished.

Daichi softly cleared his throat. “We need to talk, you and I.”

She turned toward him and knowingly inclined her head. “Yes, I suppose we do. Shall I make the tea?”

He followed her into the kitchen. Anxiety and trepidation churned in the air between them.

“Did Munenori explain to you properly who I am?”

“He did,” she whispered, a foreboding darkness filling her mind.

“I wish I could have been there with you, Naga. I can only imagine the pain your heart must have felt.”

Jenevier most definitely did not want to walk down the path she must now take. All whom she loved and trusted told her this was the right way to go. Yet every cell of her being was screaming about the
of it.

“How is it you can weave my essence back together?” she asked.

“I know not. It was born within me.” He carefully pulled her hair back from her shoulder. “Father knows you well,” he whispered, placing a tender kiss on the side of her neck.

She flinched and pulled away from him. “Daichi, what do you think you’re doing?”

“What I was made to do.”

She turned to face him. “Well, never do it again. This feels wrong. How am I ever supposed to accept this?”

“Apologies, Naga. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.” His cheeks flushed and he looked away. “It felt like the most natural thing in the world to me,” he mumbled.

Her heart ached. This was the first time she had ever hurt his feelings. The first time she had seen such pain cross his brow. It left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“Daichi.” She reached for his hand. “I want to understand. I
to understand.” She turned his chin back toward her, forcing him to meet her apologetic gaze. “How is this so easy for you, my Angel?”

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