Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) (42 page)

Mika rattled on without noticing how her beloved guardians’ faces were losing all their buoyant color.

“That’ll do for now, my child.” Jenevier touched the girl’s shoulder, ceasing her words. “So, what say you? Will I be told first when you, as her rightful guardians, declare she can wed? Will my Tenshi have the honor, if he so chooses?”

Mika was still dancing around in happy circles when Jenevier and Yui left the village, making their way on foot to the royal palace of Jinn.

“You know what I wish?” Yui bumped her with his shoulder as they walked. “I wish Daichi had been the one to fall in love with that silly little girl.” He looked up to the clouds. “Yes, that would most definitely be my wish.”

She put her hand to her mouth, stifling her laughter. “What are you saying, good Yui? Are you implying you would have made a proposal for
?” She looked at his sheepish grin from the corner of her eye. “What a scandal we would have been. I’m old enough to be your mother. Perhaps your grandmother.”

“Perhaps you’re right.” His smile broadened but he was looking straight ahead and wouldn’t meet her gaze. “You may be far too old to handle one as young and virile as a highly trained Shinobi ninja, with a secret ninjitzu concerning the ladies.” He moved his eyebrows up and down.

She got tickled then. “A secret ninjitzu? Have you been holding out on me, Master Hand?”

She punched his arm, causing him to drop what he was carrying. His belongings spilled out on the ground.

She gasped. “Oh, Yui. I’m so sorry.”

She bent down to help him and noticed the wicked look in his eye. She took off running but the playful young man gave chase, using his hair to seize her escaping legs.

“That’s not playing fair, Yui.” She giggled again. “I didn’t even don my wings. How very
of you. You should never use your ninjitzu on just a regular girl.”

He pulled her back to him, neatly wrapping her in a cocoon of raven locks. “You’re no regular girl, Empress Naga. Whether you don your wings or not, you could never be just a regular girl.”

Jenevier was forlorn to leave her palace home, leave the two people who had come to mean so much to her. Alas, duty called. She kissed Munenori and Yui farewell before she headed back to the clouds and the warriors who awaited her on the other side.




“It’s settled then,” she declared. “I will attend Vittorio to Byzantha while Daichi goes with you to Spadroon.”

“No, it will never be settled that way,” Daichi answered for his Guardian counterpart. “If you wish to go to layer two so badly, good Vareilious will accompany you. Vittorio can see to the third layer with me.”

“Aye, ye’d partner with me an’ see yer Angel off with that giant oaf?” Vittorio snorted out a laugh. “Ye know nae what ye do, little Flutter. He wulnae show her the admiration an’ respect I would. He’ll claim her… nightly if she lets him.”

“He speaks true,” Vareilious admitted.

Wide eyes and knowing smirks turned his way.

He feigned innocence. “What? Do you wish me to lie so you can feel at ease, little brother? Trust me not with your fair maid. She loves me too much. Just ask her. She’d do
for me.”

Jenevier giggled. Daichi sent her a warning growl. She kept giggling.

“Alas, as much as my colorful little Angel would enjoy my undivided attentions, I won’t be taking her to Byzantha.” Vareilious let out an exaggerated sigh. “Nor will anyone else. As I have said, she’ll not be going there at all.”

“Very well, while you fine gentlemen stand around here comparing your
boy parts
, I’ll settle this argument and head to Ashgard alone. I should have gone straight there when first I returned.” She gave Daichi a quick kiss on the cheek. “Fear not, sweet Blessing. I can sense you no matter where we roam.”

She disappeared into the clouds without another word.

“Aye, little brother, I fear ye’ll come tae regret that,” Vittorio said.

“I concur,” Vareilious said, slapping the blue Angel on the shoulder. “Daichi, my young friend, I believe I would’ve let her go with this strange speaking old Guardian here and meet up with that damn cat… before I would’ve let her go back there.”




Jenevier flew straight to the little rose-covered cottage, the tiny home that would always live in her heart, no matter where her head may lay. Forgetting a childhood as magical as hers wasn’t something one could easily do. Nor would they want to.

Vareilious had already told her what had happened, how he’d gone there when he first arrived. He found nothing but bits and pieces scattered about… and all the blood.

But he did not find a body. My heart lets me believe she yet lives. I must know the truth in this.

She removed her wings, took a deep breath, put on her best smile, and burst through the back door with a song on her lips.

“Jezreeeel, I’m hooome! Show me your beautiful face, Sister. I have much to tell you. We will end this day with too many tears accompanied by way too much wine.”

Her song wasn’t answered. Her heart began to sink until she heard a sleepy…
coming from her old bedroom.

She giggled as she flew into the room, pouncing on the mumbling lump still covered up in the middle of her old feather bed.

“Wake up, Princess. I came back to get you. Get up and make me some tea.” She held the covers down so her squirming friend couldn’t escape. “Why are you still lying in bed at this hour? You’ll get fat if all you do is sleep. I’ll enjoy making fun of you when your hips are spread out for miles and your big butt jiggles when you walk.” She laughed as she was thrown off the fighting lump and then pounced upon in return. “Jeez, Jezreel, you weigh a ton. Seriously, what do you do besides lay in bed and eat? Get off me. I can’t breathe.”

Her giggles abruptly stopped when the covers were finally pulled away and the most glorious emerald eyes she could never forget were staring down at her.

“Are you a dream? No, wait. Don’t answer that. I don’t want the spell to be broken. You can be a dream. Just… promise not to disappear. Not yet.”

A huge lump rose up in her throat. She spoke not.

Alastyn moved closer, slowly, until he was firmly on top of her. “You always disappear…” he whispered softly. “…even in my dreams, right before I finally get to taste your beautiful lips. The same lips I longed to kiss all those years ago.”

She didn’t move. She didn’t even breathe. Jenevier couldn’t decide if this man was real or an illusion. She wanted it to be him so very badly. He had changed. His long curls were back, same as in his youth. But life had creased his brow, left its lined mark above his lovely eyes.

He didn’t advance, he only stared at her. Then, he flinched when she reached for his lovely raven curls. His brow furrowed and he seemed to actually focus on her then.

“Are you still asleep, my valiant young knight? Have you not yet fully returned from the land of slumber?”

At the sound of her voice, tears poured down his cheeks. He wrapped strong arms around her and held her with all his heart.

“I prayed every night for you, my love. I prayed for your return, prayed you were still alive.”

“Hey… Alastyn. I’m here now. Save your tears, sweet friend.” She ran her hands through his dark curls and rubbed his back. “I have no intention of disappearing this time. I’m here to stay until things are set to rights.”

He relaxed his hold, drawing back just enough to look into her eyes. “Then I hope it takes the rest of my life to set things to rights.”

She couldn’t help showing the joy that seeing those loving emerald eyes brought to her heart.

He rested his forehead against hers and mirrored her smile. Alastyn inhaled deeply, savoring her sweet scent, the same delicious scent that made his mind reel and his heart flutter.

“It really is you,” he whispered.

“And it really is you.” She ran her fingers down his fair cheek. “I came here hoping to find my childhood friend. Instead, my first love is sleeping soundly in my old bed.”

“After all these years, it still smells a little bit like you.” He chuckled softly. “Did you mean it?”

She was still lost in his eyes. “Mean what?” she said absently.

“Am I your first love?”

She smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. “How can you even ask me that?”

He buried his face in her neck and squeezed her again. “Did you say you wanted some tea?”

She half chuckled. “Yes, I would love some.”

“Very well, Princess Jenevier. I should say we will end up sharing more than a
cups before our stories are fully told. There is much you need to know. And much I wish to ask.”

He helped her off the bed and they held hands as they made their way into the familiar old kitchen at the back of that tiny little rose-covered cottage.




Her hand was shaking as she set the dainty teacup back on the little saucer. “I simply cannot believe he’s dead. I didn’t think that was supposed to happen. I thought his destiny was to rule this land.”

“I’m terribly sorry I was the one who brought you news of the King’s death. I know you loved him.”

Jenevier reached over and squeezed Alastyn’s hand. She didn’t speak until his eyes met hers.

“I am terribly sorry you had to be the one to tell me
of this, especially the part about your beautiful family. I can never make up for all the harm I have wrought in your cursed life, dear friend.”

Tears filled those incredible emerald eyes. “I have been blessed beyond my worth. Never apologize to me. Nothing was your fault, tiny Princess. This evil was wrought by a devil. You are no devil.” His smile was weak but valiant.

“Please… do not proclaim such until you have heard
tale as well.”

“Then let us sit in front of the fire while you share your life with me. I have dreamt of this day for so many years now. I wish to enjoy it properly. Whether it holds joy or pain for me, I care not. I will be happy with your voice alone.”

She smiled as he took her hand, leading her into the den. “You are too charming for your own good, Alastyn,” she whispered.

He could only blush.




After what felt like hours, Jenevier sat silently while her words had time to sink into her dear friend’s mind.

“So… you bound your first husband to the gates of hell and held your second until he turned to ash.” He tenderly wiped away some of her bitter tears. “And you feel bad for me? My pain cannot compare to your own.”

“You lie to yourself, old friend. Yours was the greater—losing the whole of your family. And besides, pain is something that should never be comparative. Pain enough to cause even one tear, is still pain. We all hurt. When it comes to the heart, there are no

He pulled her onto his lap. She curled up against his chest and silently cried herself to sleep.

He was playing with her curls, thinking about all the lost years, when he heard the back door open and close. He didn’t move. Somehow, he knew who it must be.

When the giant of a man walked into the den, Alastyn smiled.

“You must be Daichi.”

The sapphire-haired Angel didn’t speak as he moved to stand before them.

“Is she broken?” Alastyn asked.

“She shatters. I felt her essence crumbling. It pulled me here.”

“Do you have to take her away so soon?”

Daichi could plainly hear the man’s anguish. “I only came to heal her soul,” he said. “I can do that from here.”

“She told me all about you.”

“Did she now?” Daichi smiled. “She is an incredible woman, yes. But I cannot say she told me anything of you, Alastyn.” He saw the color fade from the man’s cheeks. “She did not have to,” he continued. “You have been a constant fixture in her mind. I have looked upon your face from the day I was first placed within her. Her love for you… there are no words.”

“Will you grant me a favor?”

“I know no reason why I should honor your request. I owe you nothing,” Daichi answered flatly.

Alastyn smiled. “You are exactly as she described you.” He chuckled softly. “It’s not a matter of owing me anything, Daichi. It’s a matter of the heart.”

“I cannot answer words I have not yet heard. Speak them. Quit asking if you can ask them. It’s tedious, gets on my nerves.”

“Very well, Lord Daichi. My question is this… Will you share her with me? Can you share with me this Angel I now hold?”

“Share her?” Daichi snorted and shook his head. “Your trials have obviously left you mad. How can I share her? Can you share the breath that just entered your lungs? Can you spare the largest portion of the heart beating within your chest? Share her? Such a thing is not possible.”

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