Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) (35 page)

“Magic? I did not cast nor did I chant. Have your wits been loosened, Brother? Why are you saying such weird things? Hearing you call me beautiful is just, well,
. Stop it.”

“How did you get all your lovely hair back? And your eye, it no longer bleeds. Where are the swollen, crooked scars upon your cheeks?” He swallowed hard. “Jezreel, I have never seen you look as you do now. I can’t stop staring.”

She gawked at him in disbelief, then spun around and headed for a mirror. He chased after her.

The two friends were gaping at Jezreel’s enchanting reflection when Kias casually leaned against the door frame.

“Did you do this?” she asked.

“Yes, mi Sharna, I did that.”

“How? When?”

“In front of your cauldron, wrapped within my arms. I asked if I could sing to you. You gave me your permission, did you not? Perhaps I read it in your eyes, Milady.”

“No, no… I mean, yes. Yes, I gave you permission. But… but… why would you change me so drastically?”

“I did no such thing, my love. I sang to your hair and it grew. I sang to your wounds and they healed. I sang to your heart and it softened. I did not
you. I only sang you back to what you once were.”

“Pfft. When was she ever like
?” Alastyn asked.

Jezreel elbowed him. He bent over, gasping.

“He’s right, though.” She turned back to her lovely reflection. “My hair was not this shiny. And my skin was never this perfect.”

“Not true, Milady. I have watched you closely for many years. You have always looked this way.”

Alastyn still had his hand on his bruised stomach. “You must have been looking at her through magical glasses.” He jumped out of the way of her next punch.

Kias took her in his arms, running the backs of his fingers down her smooth cheek. “You have always looked thus to me,” he whispered.

Alastyn looked hard at the strange man who had simply walked into their yard and now stood there, holding his dear friend, as naturally and comfortably as if they had been lovers for years.

“Ah, you’re an Elf! How is it I could not see?” His heart leapt at the realization and he became angry. “I looked for you for years and you wouldn’t even speak to me. When I needed your help the most, you remained hidden from me. Now, you just walk right into our yard, right into our home… as if you were entitled to do so?”

“Apologies, Alastyn.” Kias didn’t take his eyes off Jezreel.

“Apologies? Apologies?” Alastyn took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. “Tell me why. Can you tell me why you didn’t show yourself to me? Tell me why my broken heart meant nothing to you and your kinsmen. It would’ve cost you nothing simply to have spoken to me but once—saved me years of wretched, fruitless searching.”

He continued to stroke Jezreel’s cheek. “The Elven King forbade it.”

“If that’s so, tell me. Has he had a change of heart? What’s happened within the trees? What allows you to now leave the forest and walk freely among us?”

“Nothing has changed,” Kias said. “It is still forbidden.”

“Yet here you are.” Alastyn sighed. “What you have done for my only friend is beyond miraculous. I will always be in your debt for this greatest of blessings. But… why will you help Jezreel when it’s forbidden, but you would not help me?”

“I wasn’t in love with you.”

With that wondrously honest answer, Alastyn halted his questions. He understood. He would have defied every law upon every layer if he could have only been blessed to hold Jenevier the way Kias now held Jezreel.

Tears filled her lovely eyes as she tried to process his unexpected, glorious declaration. All was silent, peaceful.

“My love, I defied my father and my King. I came to you as quickly as I safely could.” He placed his forehead against hers. “I wanted to heal your shattered soul, mi Sharna. Whether you accepted my heart or no, I couldn’t bear to live one day more watching you suffer and fade as you were.” He lightly kissed the tip of her nose. “I have done what I came to do. My time grows short.” He pressed her even closer to his chest. “I have dreamt of the day I could look into your enchanting eyes like this. The day I could tell you exactly how you stole my heart away when you were but a babe. The blessed day I could finally tell you how I have always loved only you, mi Sharna.”

Kias bent to kiss her, but paused for fear he may undo all he’d only just fixed within her.

When his lips were withheld from her, Jezreel looked into his strange black eyes—the ones that had unnerved her, made her uncomfortable last night. This morning, all she could see in those fathomless depths was a sparkling gray passionate glimmer of hope. Then, she saw the fear and doubt in them as well. Jezreel smiled. She slipped her hands behind his neck, lacing her fingers through his soft, silky, snow white hair. She heard his breath catch as she pulled his lips closer to hers. When she kissed him, Kias melted into her, was lost in her, forever.

“Kias, mi Shafeal. I would be gloriously happy with your lullabies alone. To own your heart as well, that’s a treasure I will

Alastyn stood there in shock, completely at a loss for words.

“I count myself blessed this day.” A strange voice entreated their ears. “Never have I seen my fair brother behave thusly… I’m at a loss for words. He works fast, does he not?”

Alastyn jumped when the female equivalent of Kias spoke. She was standing by his side, yet he had not seen nor heard her approach. She looked up at him and smiled.

He gasped. “Who are you?”

“I am Izadori, Alastyn. I met you once before in Mangladune, many years ago.” The mysterious Elven woman looked to her brother. “Kias, Father is asking for you. He searches in earnest as we speak. I do not suggest staying much longer, dearest brother. No more than a day, at best.”

“A day? I only get you for one more day?” Jezreel’s grip upon him tightened. Tears filled her eyes.

“Do you want him for longer, broken lady?” Izadori asked.

Jezreel turned to the ageless white-haired woman. “Yes, I do. I never wish to be parted from mi Shafeal. Because of him, I am no longer shattered, no longer broken.” She looked back to the magical man who had so easily stolen her heart. “As long as I can stand by his side, touch his beautiful face, sleep wrapped up in his healing embrace, I will never be broken again. I will remain blessedly whole, always.”

“Very well.” Izadori jabbed her thumb toward the man she was standing next to. “Is this man the closest you have?”

“We are not blood,” Alastyn answered for his confused friend. “But we’re all we have left in this world.”

“That’ll do. Kias, Jezreel.” She waited until they both met her serious gaze. “Do you wish me to sing the Song of Amalgamation, binding you to one another for all time?”

“You know my answer, sweet sister.” He turned back to Jezreel as he spoke. “I have never wanted another. This you well know.”

“What say you, Jezreel?” she prodded. “Do not answer lightly. Know this. If you agree to this magical binding, you cannot go back. It’s forever, Jezreel. Think hard. You know nothing of this man nor do you know the ways of our people. This step you take is a blind one and cannot be undone.”

Jezreel looked deep into Kias’s magical eyes. “I wish never to be parted from this man for one single moment. From this day forth, I wish always to be with him, always.”

“As you wish.” Izadori took Alastyn’s hand, locking their fingers together. “Will the two lovers look into each other’s eyes and do everything I sing?”

When both had nodded their heads in agreement, Izadori’s song began. Her voice was like the heavens. Alastyn closed his eyes, let it wash over him. He didn’t understand the words, but he could have listened to her sing for all eternity.

“And join.” Her words flowed through the graceful tune.

Alastyn opened his eyes just as Kias and Jezreel stepped toward and then
each other. He blinked twice, confounded. They had been facing and now they stood, back to back.

Her lyrical instructions continued. “Turn toward me.” They did as she commanded. “Face each other… and… join.”

Alastyn was watching closely this time. It was true. The couple actually passed through each other and stood with their backs touching once more.

“Turn away from me… face each other… and join. Turn toward me… face each other… and join.” Izadori’s magical hymn continued until the glowing couple had stepped through each other seven times. “I have sung the words. Your essences have been hopelessly, irrecoverably entwined and entangled with one another. To undo my song, one could spend day and night for countless lifetimes, only to find they had blended you all the more. Kias, my brother. Jezreel, my sister. You are now…

Jezreel giggled as Kias picked her up, kissing her over and over.

Izadori gave them a moment before she cleared her throat loudly, causing the new lovers to cease their play.

“Welcome to our family,” she said with a smile.

Izadori hugged the happy woman and then Alastyn. Kias hugged his sister and then his new brother. The Elves stepped back and left Alastyn and Jezreel facing one another.

“I prayed every day you would be happy once more, Jezreel. Now, I shall give thanks every day for the answer to those prayers.” Tears burned the backs of his sad eyes. “I count myself blessed among men for having been here with you this day.”

They hugged and cried for a long time.

“I told you this morning you were more beautiful than ever.” Alastyn sniffed. She wiped the tears from his cheeks. “I lied. You are even more beautiful now.” He chuckled softly. “Jenevier would be terribly jealous. You positively glow, Jezreel.”

He took her by the shoulders, turning her to face the mirror. There was a large streak of snow white hair framing one side of her elated face. Alastyn smiled at her and tucked it behind her now

“You are part Elf, part woman, and
magic,” he whispered.

Kias approached her and stood by her side. She reached up, touching the golden streak now framing his fair face.

“It’s like… sunshine and moonbeams,” she whispered.

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her. “I was just thinking the exact same thing.”

Alastyn turned to leave. Izadori took his arm and walked out with him, leaving the new couple to their much needed privacy.

“You… are the strongest man I have ever known,” Izadori confessed when they reached the back lawn.

He laughed. “Strongest, or just the most cursed?”

“Both.” She smiled and bumped her shoulder against his arm. “Are you so sad because you had fallen in love with her yourself?”

“With Jezreel?” He snorted jokingly. “No. I care for her and wish her to be healed. That’s all.”

“So, your tears aren’t for Jezreel?” She peered into his brilliant emerald eyes. “Ahh, you yet shed tears for your Angel.”

He tried to laugh, but failed. “I do. I always will.”

“You’re still young and strong. Perhaps one day she will find you again.”

“That hope is lost now. She’s dead.” His shoulders trembled and his voice quaked. “The devil tore up the universe because of it. I almost don’t blame him.”

“Ah, little Raven Hair, she yet lives.”

He gasped. “What?” Alastyn grabbed her shoulders, searching her face, her black eyes. “Do not play with my heart, Elf. A crueler jest there could never be.”

“Be still, valiant one. I do not jest and I do not play. Well, not in this thing.” She smiled at him. “Her Guardians know not the truth. Neither does her dark Angel. Yet, she lives. She is changed. Yet, she lives.”

Every emotion possible crashed down upon him with those most glorious of all words.

His knees gave way. He crumbled to the ground, openly weeping the most joyous tears imaginable.

Chapter 48






“Father, look!”

Hanzo’s gaze followed the boy’s frantic gesturing.

“The fire lizards have been whispering all day. Now, they come.” Goemon shouted down from the rooftop. “They’re not alone.”

Musashi gasped. “It can’t be… It has been but a couple years. How is it they are fully grown?”

Hanzo approached the Emperor. “Who is it, Sire? What man can walk with Dragons?”

“Men do not bring the giants.” Tears burned his tormented eyes. “Angels do.”

Musashi and his troops had spent the last two years gathering all the people of Jinn, bringing them together into the forgotten Shinobi village. The Iga Mountains were now covered with homes and families and beasts of all kinds.




Apollyon had spent the many months since he’d left the ninth layer warring with the Angels of Heaven. Once, they had been brothers. Now, they were eternal enemies locked in bitter combat.

The legions of hell had ravaged and all but destroyed seven layers of the universe. During this time, the colorful warriors Jenevier had once ignorantly counted amongst her friends, fought against the Sons of Heaven.

When the darkest of Angels had left the Emperor on that saddest of all days, he knew Mikage Abe had been mistaken. His lovely Jenevier had lived through childbirth… only to be beaten to death by a madman, hours before his arrival at the palace. He left in search of the
Death Angel
Mikage said had sent him with his soul-shattering news. Apollyon tore the universe apart looking for Valencia. He knew by the dead man’s description, that snarky little Guardian had been the sole orchestrator of his heart-stopping misery. He vowed he would not rest until he had killed her with his own hands… or until his Father ceased his existence entirely.

When the heavenly Angels gathered en masse over Dimthe Leard, Apollyon summoned his fallen generals and made his way back to Jinn.




Today was the day of reckoning.

When the deadly beautiful Prince of Hell landed upon the ninth layer, his shouts echoed from the East as Dragons roared from the West.

The mountain range once belonging to the Koga and Iga clans now trembled with a war they did not own and could not win.

The peaceful, lavender-eyed people turned to their mighty Emperor. He stood staring at the tiny woman he loved as she entered their village, flanked by giant winged twins and followed by magical beasts.

She didn’t even make eye contact with the ferocious Ronin as she walked past his enormous form. Musashi only managed to pull his eyes from her lovely face when the sound of drawn blades caused him to turn.

The awesome sapphire Angel never broke his stride as he crossed his blades… and sliced through the man he hated above all.

“Daichi?” Was all the stunned Emperor managed to say before his head rolled from his shoulders and into the nearby stream.

Jenevier approached Hanzo. “Are you the elder here?”

“I-I am.”

“Get these people back inside their homes. This is no battle for mortals, even ones with magic.” She turned to Yui. “You have served me well, dear friend, and I love you. Take care of Mika for me. See that she doesn’t leave this village under
circumstances.” She placed her hand upon his tear-streaked cheek. “If I yet live at the end of this day, I will return for you both.” She lightly kissed his quivering lips and walked away.

“What’s the meaning of all this, Yui?” Orochimaru demanded as he approached the shaken young man.

“Hell has come, little ninja,” Daichi said with a smirk. “Best run and hide.”

“Dammit, Daichi. Now’s not the time,” Tenshi roared as he flew up to mount a great golden Dragon.

Daichi just laughed and followed suit.

“Come, Nilakanta. We have much blood to spill.” Jenevier spoke to the massive blue Dragon as her diamond wings lifted her up and onto his back.

Several trees were laid waste as the four Dragons, each carrying its own Angel, took to the skies.

Once upon the wind, the enormity of their battle came into view. At least fifty fallen Angels made ready for them. She recognized many by their vibrant coloring alone. Never had she thought of having to cross swords with them while they’d laughed and walked together back in Vandermil.

Everything about this
was heartbreaking for her.

Munenori growled inside her head.
Where are my brothers? We are but four.

We are eight
, Jenevier calmly answered.

She felt and heard her glorious Dragon beneath her, laughing at her words.

Talk to each other, constantly. We should know where the other is and what we each are facing at all times.
Jenevier’s thoughts were answered back to her without words.

As they neared the open field and could see the faces of hell’s glory, the four Angels leapt into the air. Their beastly counterparts bathed the fallen ones in stone melting Dragon Fire.

She drew Amatiste as Ahriman flew up to meet her. The memory of their past friendship sent a sad pang echoing through her heart. She had truly counted him as friend and brother, trusted him completely, and very nearly loved the silver-eyed Angel now before her.

“I knew in my heart you yet lived, little one.” His voice was as gentle and soothing as she’d remembered. “I have missed you, my Angel. I was even blessed with a stolen glance of your portrait our Prince keeps securely strung about his neck. You are even more beautiful than my inflated memories of you.” He lowered his blade, moving ever nearer. “Leave with me now. We can make our escape before Apollyon realizes you yet live. I will protect you and love you always. I will never leave your side, Princess. This I swear.”

“You would betray your Prince? You actually believe he would never find us?” She laughed a cold, threatening laugh.

“I will keep you hidden from him, always. This I vow.” He cautiously made his way within reach. He wanted nothing more than to touch her. “My love, I dream nightly of the many times you slept peacefully within my arms.” He reached toward her colorful curls.

“While you feasted upon my soul,” she yelled, as she brought her heavenly weapon down upon an Angel she had once loved.

The sounds of battle surrounded her. She stayed mentally attached to her sons, her Dragons, and her sensei, Munenori.

It was no easy task—sending a dark one back to hell. They had known this might be the case, and were now counting their blessings that the banished ones weren’t immediately returning to the battlefield, as they had feared.

The gates have been shut once more
, Munenori roared in her head.

Hope sprang alive within her.
Perhaps we have a chance.
She turned to clash blades with her next opponent and found herself looking into the eyes of Council Chair, Vahan.

A broad smile spread across his face when he saw her. “Why do you war with us, little one? Your place is at our side. Not in opposition. Am I mistaken, or are you not married to hell?”

“Have you not heard, good Vahan? We were divorced.” She plunged Iole Máni through his black heart while using her beautiful Amatiste to cleanly remove his vile head.

The blood flowed like water. The death cries seemed endless. Tears mingled with her sweat as she fought against the beautiful Angels of the Netherworld. She wanted to just cry out to them—beg her old friends to stop this madness, stop this needless bloodshed. Every head she claimed seemed to take a chunk of her heart with it. The ashes of the fallen ones stung her eyes and stuck in her curls. Only her constant tears kept the filth of their battle from blinding her completely.

“Give me your name! Tell me who you are!”

That thunderous voice rocked her soul. His was the voice she had once longed to hear. She had to see him, had to look upon her Dark Angel with her own eyes. She pushed and clawed her way through the horde of giant winged creatures surrounding her.

Jenevier pulled up Amatiste just in time to defend herself from a powerful blade, one whose crash rang painfully in her ears.

“Aye, Brother, do ye nae longer love yon wee lass?” She tried her best to sound like the ferocious warrior her blade was now locked with. She failed miserably.

His unbelieving eyes went wide. He gasped. “By all that’s holy. Varick, Brother! Look who I found!”

Varick caught sight of them—surrounded by hell and blood and death. Relief washed over his face. She ran toward him, slashing and fighting and clawing her way to her beloved Guardian, her eternal husband.

The smile he wore for her now… was like looking upon the dawn of creation. It was more glorious than the birth of a star, and it healed all that was broken within her.

“Varick!” She choked out his name through her tears.

He started towards her when the edge of her vision caught a glimpse of giant sapphire wings, and the horrible scene playing out there.

She turned toward the Prince of Hell.

Apollyon had fire in his eyes as he faced off against another Angel. His voice hissed with the darkness of the pits he was lord over.

“Very well, then. Whether you claim a name or not, you will die all the same.”

“Tenshi!” The tormented scream tore from her throat as she turned, racing toward them. “Not my son!” Her cries were lost among the sounds of battle.

Apollyon countered Tenshi’s blow, kicking the younger Angel off balance as he brought his blade down toward those beautiful new wings.

Everything happened in slow motion. Sunlight beamed off the massive blade, reflecting in her eyes, as the sword made its downward arc toward her precious child. She transported herself, appearing before her dark husband just as the bloodstained tip of his once heavenly weapon buried deep in the ground at her feet.

Apollyon staggered back. His eyes were wide, unbelieving, as he gazed upon her.

Jenevier looked down at her body, bracing herself for the carnage, dreading to see where the blade had cut her. She was whole.

The gut-wrenching sound of a body hitting the ground behind her split her heart completely in two. She turned slowly. She did not draw breath and she could no longer feel blood coursing through her veins.

Her tear-filled eyes found her son, standing and whole, yet staring wide-eyed at her feet.

She closed her eyes and prayed, forcing the pooling tears to flood down her cheeks.

On the ground before her, sliced from his shoulder blade down the length of his beautiful body, lay the lifeless form of her beloved Varick.

All sounds of battle ceased. Not a breath could be heard.

She numbly fell to her knees and cradled his head in her arms. All warriors, be they dark or not, lowered their swords when they literally
her soul crack.

Every eye fell upon the colorful little Angel holding the slain keeper of her heart.

“Open your eyes, my love. You finally found me. Look upon me, Varick. Look upon your Anicee.” She sniffed and brushed the hair back from his angelic face. “All will be well now. We’re together again. I told you our love would triumph over all else. The proof of my words is the fact we’re together now.” She released a soft laugh. “I’d almost forgotten how beautiful you are. Your splendor puts my dreams of you to shame.” She smiled lovingly at him. “Now, do not fret, my love. Vittorio is here. He’ll help me get you back to the healing waters. You’re going to be just fine. I promise. While you heal, dear husband, I will sit by the pool and mend your tunic. You will be forced to listen to all my many adventures while I’ve been away.” She chuckled at the thought of him rolling his eyes and shaking his head. “If you leave me, my beloved, you will take Alzeen with you as well. With the both of you gone, who will be there to restore all the pieces of my shattered heart?”

She fumbled for the locket at her neck and tried to recite the healing words. Her voice cracked, refusing to let them come out right.

A large hand touched her shoulder, gently squeezing her. “It will do no good, Princess. He’s already gone.”

She looked up to find her beloved Gate Guardian, Vareilious, standing by her side.

“Ah, Brother. Praise the heavens. I thank God you’re here.” She grabbed hold of his hand. “Help me… help me get him into the sacred waters. My strength has been stolen, it seems. I cannot lift him on my own.” She smiled tenderly, pleadingly, up at him.

Vareilious’s tears poured down his face. He squeezed her trembling hand. “Shhh, mine Angel. He is gone.”

“No. No. You’re mistaken.” Her voice was strained, broken from the unyielding tears she was desperately trying to hold in. “This is Varick, the most protective warrior in the universe. I cannot take a step what he isn’t there, hovering over me, telling me to be careful and to stop taking so many chances.” She looked back down to the precious man in her arms. “Of course he’s not gone. He promised never to leave me.”

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