Dirty Little Secret: New Adult Rock Star Romance (Not Exactly A Stepbrother Romance Book 1) (5 page)

“It’s fun to try new things, isn’t it?” His words tickled my ear. He turned on the vibrator and brought it to my nipple. I moaned, and his hair moved against my neck as he nodded. “I was hoping you’d choose that video, because I love making you come just by touching your tits.”

“That was a fluke.” My words were strained, as he trapped my nipple between his fingers and pressed the vibrator against it. The pulsation rollicked through my body. I gripped handfuls of sheets. I wasn’t going to come. Nope, not going to happen.

Bret and I locked eyes in challenge, for what seemed like forever. My pussy ached, desperate for his cock. I would not beg him for it. I mewled, and he laughed before he moved the vibrator the other nipple and brought his lips down to the one he’d just tormented.

The contrast between the two sensations shot pure liquid lightning through my veins. He used his tongue and lips softly, while the violent whir of the vibrator attacked the other side. Fire and ice. Pleasure and pain. Complete insanity. He scraped his teeth against the sensitive skin, and I pulled his hair to get him away from me. My whole body throbbed, and I was seconds away from losing control.

Bret’s head shot up, his eyes on fire. “I said don’t touch me.” He ripped his head away from my hands, strands of hair still hanging from my fingers, and nipped at my breast.

Shit. There was no stopping it now. I gritted my teeth together. Maybe I could sneak this orgasm like a silent fart. The vibrations radiated through me, everything pulsing. I rode the wave, until it crashed and I surrendered
My cry was a hum between sealed lips.

“Told you.” Bret laughed as he dipped his fingers between my legs. They were shiny and wet when he brought them to my lips and smeared my arousal over them like a gloss. I licked it away—sweet, tangy, and allowing no way to deny how my body reacted to his touch. “How do you taste, Gemma?”

“Better than you.” I ran my tongue over my lips again, and Bret moaned.

“See, that’s what I like about you.” He shut off the vibrator and placed it on the bed. He retracted his body, mouth hovering over my aching pussy.

The remnants of my orgasm echoed though the emptiness, begging to be replaced by his cock. I twitched my hips underneath him.

“You play to win. It’s going to make it that much sweeter to take that money from you,” he said.

I raised my head and glared at him. “You’re never getting that money.” And I’d probably never meet anyone else who had this sort of effect on my body. All these things added up to make me hate him more. “I’ll drag this out as long as it takes. You’ll get bored eventually.”

“That’s a piss poor strategy.” Bret’s chuckle reverberated against my clit, as he brought his lips down on the swollen flesh. He trapped it with his teeth and pulled gently.

I thought I was going to explode. His tongue swirled around my clit, long strokes tickling me.

He slammed his arm over my hips to pin me down. No escaping his onslaught. He hooked his fingers inside me and rubbed against my G-spot. It was the most divine sensation. He lifted his head. “I know how to keep myself entertained.”

“Good for you. The question is”—I rolled up, pulling him up to my face by his hair—“can you keep
entertained?” He groaned but didn’t scold me for breaking his stupid rules, and I pushed his head back down in my lap, hooking my legs over his shoulders. He wanted to pin me down? Well I could do the same damn thing to him.

Bret wasn’t complaining. He went right back to work, matching my intensity. His tongue was rough against my clit and labia, before he pushed it inside me and swirled it hard against my inner walls. It wasn’t enough. I pressed him against me. He probably couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care. Let him give in. I was going to beat this bastard at his own game or die in blissful sin trying.

He clawed my hip so hard, I wasn’t surprised when blood welled in the crescent shaped indents from his fingernails. I was tempted to smear it all over him, like he did to me with my come, but that was too much, even for us.

Bret managed to break free from my grasp. He’d worn me down, but I wasn’t done yet. He crawled up my body like a caged tiger on the prowl. “There’s a box of condoms in the nightstand.” His words rumbled low against my ear. “Take one out and put it on me.”

My hands trembled as I took the packet from the drawer. He sat beside me, his gaze glued to the rubber. I wasn’t nervous, but he’d brought me to a place I’d never been before. The emotions were strong, and I didn’t know if I wanted to strangle Bret or fuck him. The throbbing in my pussy made my decision a little bit easier, and I glared at him with narrowed eyes as I put on the condom.

“Sit in my lap,” he commanded. I climbed over his body, but curled one leg under the other. He whacked my ass, the impact stinging the broken skin. “Straddle me, Gemma.”

I rolled my eyes and gripped his shoulders, digging my fingernails into the skin as I repositioned myself. I made a big show of it, sticking my tits in his face.

For once he wasn’t interested in them, but glared at me in challenge. “Ride my cock,” he said.

“No.” I laughed. “You fuck me.”

He ran his hand up the length of his sheathed shaft. “I’m getting off, no matter what. You can watch me, or you can help me.” A moan caught in the back of his throat.

There was only so long I could resist watching him stroke his cock. Every part of me drooled, wanting him inside me. This wasn’t giving in, I told myself, as I positioned my pussy over the tip. It was taking what was mine.

Bret cupped the back of my head and brought my face to his. Our lips were inches away from each other
as we moved our hips in a frantic rhythm. I ripped his shoulders open, riding
his thrusts. We were both bleeding now. I could almost see inside of him, and it was like a mirror into my own soul. Rage, lust, and something that looked an awful lot like respect.

I never noticed him pick the vibrator up again, until he turned it on. He pressed it hard against my clit. My body spasmed on impact, my nerve endings going into overdrive. I strangled my cry against his shoulder, biting him to keep myself from screaming. Bret slammed against me. The vibrator whirred on, matching the white noise echoing in my brain. If I let go of him, I’d fall in a heap. My bones had turned to jelly. But I kept riding
him, thrust
after thrust. I wasn’t giving in.

Bret’s shaft swelled inside me. His eyes fluttered shut, as he came, hot through the condom. Our bodies stilled, but he didn’t pull out. We locked gazes again and stayed like that, panting, waiting for the other to surrender.

Bret slid out of me, never breaking eye contact as he pressed what was left of my shirt against my crotch, cleaning me up before he handed me the soaked, ruined cloth. He pushed my hair away from my face and leaned against my ear. “Your move.”

Chapter Six


“I can’t believe Bret Starling is actually your brother.”

My track record with friends crushing on Bret was flawless. This exchange with my coworker, Nikki, didn’t surprise me at all. Bret had been infamous with my girlfriends long before he was famous.

“Stepbrother.” I was on autopilot, correcting her, as I lugged fresh bails of long grasses into the elephants’ area. I loved my job at Roger Williams Zoo. Having connections had its perks—thanks, Mom—and I’d been placed in the safari area, which was exactly where I wanted to be. I was learning so much already this summer. Nikki was my mentor, a veterinary assistant, and basically the person I wanted to be when I grew up at this job. Right now I was doing everything she did, but she got a paycheck while I simply had the satisfaction of a job well done. I’d held out as long as I could, telling her about my family. Not only did people here get weird when they realized my mom was their boss, they also got weirder when they realized Dr. Starling was married to the man who created Starling Reality, the luxury real estate brokerage. And that was before we added Bret to the mix.

“Whatever. I love Enemy Impact. I saw them when they played in Boston last year. And the videos… Oh, I probably shouldn’t tell you about those.” Nikki turned the hose on herself and laughed. “That’s what I think of them, just so you know. Never watch them. They’d probably burn your eyeballs out. Anyway, what’s he really like?”

Pretty much like you’d expect him to be.” I almost said,
like you see in the videos
, but I could never own up to anyone that I’d actually watched them. Anyone but Bret. I swallowed hard, trying to put my racing thoughts in order. “He parties all the time and is a complete pain in my ass.”

“Is he single?” Nikki raised her eyebrows. I knew this was coming. “Maybe you could introduce me to him? I’m not asking for a setup. Just get me in front of him, and I can take care of the rest.”

Oh, hell no. I didn’t see that part coming. In her blue polo and khakis, Nikki didn’t look like an Enemy Impact fan. But I knew what kind of effect Bret had on women, because he had it on me in spades.

“We don’t hang out.” I went back to work. One of my favorite elephants came over to investigate what we were doing. I loved the elephants, with their pretty eyes and long lashes. They each had their own personality, and I kept a journal of their behaviors because I was going to do my thesis on something elephant related. If only I could get into grad school. I had all the plans and no way to pay for them.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how that sounded. I’ve never met anyone famous before, and you’re like,
oh hey, that’s my stepbrother
No big deal
.” She laughed. “Does he live around here? Probably not. I’d guess New York or Cali.” Nikki wiped sweat off her brow. It was time to bathe the elephants. This was hard, dirty work, and I wished she’d turned the hose on me when she’d doused herself. She was almost dry already.

“Yeah, he’s helping my mom out for the summer.” I didn’t need to tell her why. “He’s staying with us in Newport.”

“Oh, yeah. Damn, I can’t say anything right
today. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I knew she meant well. I was used to it. I was the underwhelming one in the family. The combination surprised people. I never held it against anyone, unless they were obviously using
me. Nikki wasn’t. And if she was, I could work it my advantage and parlay this into a paying job. She probably had some say in whether I stayed on at the end of the summer. “I think we’re having a party at my house on the Fourth. You should swing by if it happens. Bret will be there.”

Nikki gasped, and her entire face lit up. “That would be amazing. Although I don’t know how I’m going to keep my shit together around your brother
Dr. Starling.”


My stomach roiled every time I saw Bret since our last encounter. That had been the most intense sex I ever had, and if he were anyone else, I’d be tearing into this arrangement with unbridled enthusiasm. This is why I didn’t give Nikki a hard time when she got excited
about him. I understood way too well.

If he was true to his claim that he planned on pushing all my limits, there was no telling what he had in mind. It terrified me. I wasn’t a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I’d never played a game of sexual Russian roulette before. Five million dollars had never been on the line, either.

I needed that money. The landmines my bills blew through my credit would
put my dream further out of reach. A pile of bills grew on my dresser, eating their young, while I worked for free. I poked at the notices from time to time, but I was afraid they’d bite. It didn’t take a pre-doctorate degree to do the math. I owed more money than I had.

We were in the middle of a wicked heat wave, and Bret made a habit of walking around shirtless. The scratches and bite marks were healing. I wondered if Mom told him to cover himself. His pierced nipples and sex wounds were certainly distracting.

“What are you doing tonight?” He startled me by pressing up against my back when I opened the refrigerator. Nipple rings and erection grazed against my body. I gasped, turning quickly to make sure Mom wasn’t paying attention. She sat at the breakfast bar, talking on the phone. She had her back to us, but Bret was playing with fire. Everything about him was so suggestive, she had to know something wasn’t quite right with the two of us. Every minute in this house felt like being on one of those rides the bottom fell out of without warning. That sickening feeling of anticipation never went away.

“I don’t know. Watching a movie or something.” I ducked under his arm and put the salad stuff I retrieved on the counter. We’d fallen into an unspoken pattern. Bret grilled and I made the side dishes for dinner every night. Like an old married couple. We just had a lot more sexual tension. I didn’t ask Bret why he wanted to play house, but I knew I desperately needed to cling to something that felt normal. I grabbed the biggest knife I could find out of the drawer. I felt safer with it in my hand. Bret knew I was stuck home, just like every other night. I could borrow a car, but I couldn’t even think about spending money.

He followed me to the counter. “How about you do me instead?” he said low enough that only I would hear him. He picked up the cucumber, curled his fingers around it, and slid them up and down slowly. “Got any ideas?”

My pussy pulsed uncontrollably. “I do.” I snatched the cucumber away from him and chopped it in half, like I was staking a vampire in the heart. “I’m not sure I want to waste them on you.” I’d never been more enthusiastic about slicing a cucumber in my life.

“Suit yourself.” He picked up a chunk of cucumber and dropped it in his mouth. “If you change your mind, I’ll be in my room, counting my money.”

“I just got off the phone with Aunt Donna,” Mom said as Bret and I glared at each other. “Everyone’s on board for the Fourth. I wasn’t sure at first when Bret suggested it, but I think it’s a really good idea to get everyone together for a happy occasion. People tend to scatter after things like... this.”

Her face fell, and I put my knife down and hugged her. My grandparents on my biological father’s side considered their duty to me fulfilled by a card with five bucks inside that they sent each year for my birthday and Christmas, as well as for my college graduation. They never adjusted for inflation or gave me a raise. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw them. They didn’t come to Dad’s service. Mom’s family was small and spread out all over the world. We couldn’t afford to lose my dad’s family.

“What do you need us to do?” Bret asked, wrapping his arm around Mom’s back.

“Keep me from losing my mind during this whole thing.” Mom’s laugh ended in a sigh. “Make a list of all your favorite things about the parties we’ve had in the past couple years. Bret, the last ones you were here for. As much as I want to do this, I’m going to need the two of you to put it together.”

“We can do that.” Bret fist bumped me, winking.

Mom gave us a wobbly smile. “It may be worth it, just to see the two of you getting along.”




Balls… Yeah, I had them.

I stripped out of my pajamas, lit the candle, and watched it burn on my nightstand. I took a deep breath before sending Bret a message.
Come to my room.


Ugh. Bastard.

Turn on your webcam.

Now you’re talking.

sent me a friend request before I had a chance to open the program. Someone wasn’t very good at playing hard to get. “Gemma”—his mouth dropped when the picture came into view—“you’re naked.”

“You asked me why I thought you should come in here.” I took the straw out of my cup, leaned toward the screen, and fed it into my mouth slowly. Bret
disappeared from the camera, and I put the computer down and lay back on the bed before he opened the door.

“Hi,” he said. He sat on the bed and pulled the straw away from my mouth. He ran his tongue the length of the straw before circling it around my nipple.

I had no idea what he would do without tits. His reason for living would vanish if they didn’t exist. I didn’t mind all that extra attention anymore.

The straw scraped the sensitive skin around my nipple, and goosebumps broke out over my body. “Guess you’re skipping the movie,” he said. “Unless you want to make one.”

“Absolutely not. You know we can’t do that.”

“Why not?” He tapped the straw against my hard nipple. “We can keep it between ourselves. It would be a nice souvenir, when I go Nashville and you go to school. You said you wanted to be watched.”

School. That was even more farfetched than this video being a good idea. “Incorporate it into one of your nights.” What the hell was I saying? Fuck. I snatched the straw away from him. “Tonight, I call the shots.”

A sound vibrated in the back of Bret’s throat. “You have no idea how much that turns me on.” He picked up my hand that held the straw and placed it over his crotch.

His erection scorched my palm through his shorts. My chest tightened. This whole thing still freaked me out. No matter how good it felt, I couldn’t get past who I was doing it with. I always thought
Bret meant to infuriate me when he said he didn’t consider me his sister. I never
it could work to my advantage. “What are you? An animal?” I asked. “I’ve only had sex-flavored sex—“

“You mean vanilla.” One side of his mouth curled up in a lazy grin. If he were an animal, he’d be a cat. A sleek, deadly one that would let me pet it, and then rip into my flesh when he was done playing nice.

“Whatever. I’m not used to this power play.” Maybe it had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with the money. “I just fuck.”

“And that has a power all its own.” Bret laughed. “I’m a switch. It means I can be on top, but I like to be dominated, too. Like I said before, I don’t limit myself. I’m sure you’ve read about it in one of your books.”

“Yeah. But no one I know actually has sex like that.” At least not with me. “That’s why they call it fiction.”

“They do.” Bret pulled my legs so I was flat on the mattress. His face was right over mine. “They just change the names to protect the not-so innocent.”

“You suck at being dominated. You’ve commandeered everything that’s happened since you came in this room.” I tugged on his nipple rings, and that sound was back. The one that vibrated through his entire body. The one that started my own personal volcano every time we were together. “Now take off your shorts and kneel on the bed.”

Bret sucked in a deep breath, like I’d hit a button. “Yes, Gemma.” He stood, letting his shorts fall to the floor, and settled with his legs underneath him on the bed, his gaze cast down, dark lashes fanning out from the lids. He looked up, ready for his next command.

Shit, this was heady. My sexual history wasn’t lacking, but it always went something like explore each other’s bodies, suck, fuck, and leave. Having someone surrender to my will? My heart fluttered just as fast as my cunt. I felt a sense of responsibility; Bret trusted me to take care of everything tonight. And I wanted to blow his fucking mind. Not in the I-wanted-to-take-the-five-million-dollars kind of way. Sure, that was still there, but it was more important to bring him someplace he’d never been before.

Considering my playmate, that was a tall task. I reached into my cup. The remaining ice floated in freezing water. “How come you call me Gemma when we’re doing this?” It had always been Gem, since we were kids.

“Because Gem is an annoying little brat who’s driven me batshit
crazy my entire life. Gemma is the tempting seductress I’m fucking. Which one do you prefer?”

I swallowed hard. “Gemma.”

“Me too.” Bret lowered his gaze again. His muscles tensed as he twisted his arms behind his back. “What are you going to do with that ice cube?”

“Stop talking.” I wasn’t going to let him ruin this by saying dumb shit. I took a sip of ice water, still holding the cube in my other hand. “Lean back.”

His cock stood at attention. Perfect. He opened his mouth in a silent
when I slid the ice cube over the ball on the head of his cock. His body was on fire. I wouldn’t be surprised to see steam rising from the cube. The ice disappeared quickly. I reached back into the cup, took out another cube, and dragged it across his lips. He opened his mouth wide, trying to catch it, but he didn’t make a sound. I snatched the cube away, slipping it between my own lips before taking his cock in my mouth.

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