Read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series Online
Authors: Jeff Kinney
Tags: #Comedy, #Young Adult Fiction
E-Vtr sihce +Ke worn ihcideh+, Rowley Kas beeh hah^ih^ oof wi+K Collih Lee every day after scKool. VlKa+ really s+ihks is +Ka+ Collih is supposed +o be MY backup friehd.
”TT\ose ^oys are ac+ih
sWr+S, ahd i+ made me jus+ aboo+ wah+ +o Vomi+.
Bu+ Rowley was ih his froh+ yard, ahd he was wa+ckiV^ me. So X khew +here was ho +urhihg tack.
X ihvi+ed myself ih+o Fre^ley’s house. His mom said she was exciied +o see Fre^ley wi+h a "^layma+e," which was a +erm X was ho+ +oo eh+hosias+ic about.
Me ahd Fre^ley weh+ o^s+airs +o his room. Fre^ley tried +o ^e+ me +o play Twis+er wi+h him, so X made sore X s+ayed +eh feet away from him a+ all +imes.
X decided +ha+ X should jos+ ■poll +he plu^ oh +his S+upid idea ahd 30 home. But every +ime X looked 00+ +he wihdow, Rowley ahd Collih were s+ill ih Rowley’s froh+ yard.
X didnf want +o leave until tKose guys went tack inside. But tKings started to get out of Kand witK fregley pre-Hy quickly. VlKen X was looking out tKe window, Fregley troke info my tack pack and afe tKe wKole tag of Jelly teans X Kad in tKere.
Fregley’s one
tKese kids wKo’s not supposed +o ea+ any sugar, so two minutes later, Ke was touncing
tKe walls.
Fregley started acting like a total maniac, and Ke cKased me all around Kis upstairs.
X kepi fKinking Ke was going to come down
off of
Kis sugar KigK» tut Ke didnt. E-ventually, X locked myself in Kis tatKroom to waif Kim out.
, i+ got
slipped o piece
paper under +He door.
X picked i+ op ahd read i+.
£)ear Gne^ofy,
Here, X
i+ on +his p
per so yoo can 0e+ me back.