Read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series Online
Authors: Jeff Kinney
Tags: #Comedy, #Young Adult Fiction
"THere was another ahhouhcemeh+ oh -tHe loudspeaker today, ahd to be Hohest witH you, X kihd of figured +His ohe was comihej.
X khew i+ was jus+ a matter of time before X got busted for wHat Happehed last week.
VlHeh X 30+ +0 Mr. Vlihskys office, He was really mad. Mr. Vlihsky told me tHat ah "ahohymous source” Had ihformed Him tH<»t X was tHe real culprit ih tHe worm-cHasihg ihcideht.
XHch He told me X was relieved of my Safety Patrol duties "effective immediately.
Vlell, i+ doesh't take a de+ec+ive +o figure out +H«+ +He anonymous source was Rowley.
X cant believe Rowley weht and backsiabbed me like tHat. VlKile X was si+tihg -*We getting cKewed out by Mr. Vlihsky,
was tHihkihg,
X heed to remember to give my friehd a lecture
Later oh today, Rowley got reihstated as a Patrol. Ahd ge+ -H\is-* He actually got a PROMOTION. Mr. Vlihsky said Rowley Had "exHibi+ed dighity uhder false suspicioh."
X +K0U3K+ akou+ really le-H-in^ Rowley kave 1+ for ra-Hin^ me 00+ like +ka+, t>u+ +ken X realised some+kin^.
Xn June, all +ke officers in +ke Safety Pa+rols 30 on a +rij> +0 Si* Xia^s, and +key ge+ +0 +ake alon^ one friend. X need +0 make sore Rowley knows X’m Kis
said before, +ke wors+ j>ar+ of ^e-Hin^ kicked off Safe-ty Pa+rols is losing your ko+ ckocola+e ^rivile^es.
E-Very morning, X 30 +0 +ke back door of +ke cafe+eria so Rowley can kook me u^>.
Bu+ ei+Ker my friehd Kas
ohe deaf or he's +oo busy kissih^ the o+her officers’ butts to hotice
Xh fact, how that X -rtvhk of it, Kowley has been TOTALLY ^ivihg
the cold shoulder la+ely. Ahd that's really lame, because if X recall correctly,
ME’ S the ohe that sold t^lE out.
K Cowley has been a total jerk lately, X tried to break the ice with Kim today, anyway. But even THAT didn’t seem to work.