Read All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Online

Authors: Marie Wathen

Tags: #suspense, #true love, #sexy, #angst, #new adult, #college age, #hot twins, #law enforcement goth, #love contemporary romance

All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) (12 page)

Placing her hand on Waverly's shoulders, Anna
gives her a hard shaking. “He's a twisted little turd and he always
has been, but Morgan won't marry her.” She pauses, “I don't care
what Haleigh thinks, Waverly. She doesn't know Morgan. He is a real
butt kisser, but he is too free to be tied down to someone like
Elise “The Beeotch” Carrington.” Anna smiles encouragingly, but
Waverly’s eyes remain downcast. “Morgan likes to have fun. Okay, so
sometimes he has the wrong kind of fun, but Waverly, when he
marries she won’t be someone like Elise. She will own his heart.”
Anna tilts her head, giving a solemn pout to Waverly and adds, “I
know that right now it cuts like a knife, but once you talk to him
about this you'll see that it really is just crap.” Waverly remains
silent, tears streaking down her cheeks. “Okay?” Anna adds, trying
to push Waverly into accepting what she believes.

Dammit Anna, you shouldn't be out
here dealing with my bullshit.” Waverly wipes her cheeks and runny
nose with the back of her hand. “You have so much more important
shit going on than dealing with me. I'm just being a pathetic girl
because her fuckboy dumped her for some lifestyles of the rich and
famous bitch.” She whimpers, “I'm fine. I will be fine. Okay? Just
go and forget all of this happened. Please?” The pain in her eyes
mirrors her begging tone, but is she begging for help or
understanding. Sweet Anna doesn’t miss her sadness.

Hush Waverly! I will not let you
do this to yourself. Breesan and I are here for you, so get over
yourself for goodness sake.” Anna studies Waverly briefly. “Now,
let's start with getting you cleaned up. We're going to my house so
I can shower and change.” She holds out the edge of her dress as if
we can't see all the blood without her pointing it out. “Why don't
you come with us? It will be fun.” She ends her promise with a
smile and Waverly relents to Anna's persuasion with a small

During their conversation I practically zoned
out standing here. The past few days I have barely slept. The
little sleep I had wasn't good and my mind is basically running on
autopilot; but somehow during my anesthetized state I manage to
hear a car coming up the ramp behind me. Turning my head
mechanically, I see it park a few spaces away from us and
unconsciously stare, but don't really see it. I didn't
intentionally stare at it, not at first, my eyes just locked on the
vehicle as a distraction. I stand here for a moment until it hits
me that it is the blacked out black sedan that followed me the
night Marcus was in the hospital. Now my staring is cognizant from
fear and my body begins to tremble. I watch as the driver gets out,
scans around the open area, and then looks in our direction. I do
not recognize him at all.

He is an extremely good looking man, tall and
muscular with medium brown hair that hits just below his ears. He
looks up with his gray eyes, catches me staring and then flashes a
really warm smile. I shift my gaze when the passenger steps out of
the car, looking in our direction too. This guy is just as nice
looking as the driver, but his hair is blonde, cut short on the
bottom with long bangs hanging in his dark blue eyes. He is also
tall, but much thinner than the driver. What stands out as peculiar
to me is that they are dressed similar in all black. Black shirt,
black jeans worn in mid-June in Alabama combined with the
suffocating heat index increases my suspicions that there is
something wrong with this scenario.

Snapping out of my daze, I turn around, face
Anna and lean in close to whisper, “Hey, I think those guys are
coming over here.”

We stand between the men and the elevator so
it is possible they are just going to keep walking, but there is a
mischievous glint in the driver’s eye, indicating he plans on
speaking. Anna and Waverly glance up from their conversation just
as the men approach. Waverly seems comfortable, offering the driver
a pleasant smile. Both men pass me, stopping next to

Hi.” Waverly says, “Did you come
by to see Tristan?”

The men look at each other and nod
simultaneously. Then the driver turns and answers, “Yeah, that's
why we're here. Are you ladies coming or going?”

We were just leaving,” Always so
friendly Anna answers with a pleasant smile. “Do I know

Not as well as I would like.” The
driver says.

Anna’s body language shifts from receptive to
defensive hearing his words; as does mine. When they first
approached a niggling sensation had moved into the back of my head,
but now I have numerous, deafening alarms going off. A rush of
gooseflesh moves across my entire body, and I slide my hands up my
arms to settle them. My right hand continues up to my neck and to
the back of my head as I attempt rubbing away the strange

Seriously?” Anna snaps, “That's my
boyfriend upstairs in the hospital bed so it will never happen for
you.” Huffing out with a repulsed tone, she turns her head toward
me and I see a new fear deep within her chocolate eyes jump

At that exact moment a hand lands hard on my
shoulder, squeezing painfully. I squirm away, but the grip tightens
and with a stiff arm he prevents me from turning completely around.
There must have been another man in the backseat that didn’t get
out immediately. The guy grabs me around the waist with his other
arm and pulls my back against his chest. I'm trapped against his
body with his arms wrapped around me so I begin kicking backwards
with my feet hitting his shins repeatedly. With little room to move
I pull my arm out and jab my elbow into his ribs twice before he
traps it again. Screaming for help, I jerk my body wildly trying to
force him to drop me. He covers my mouth with one hand as he lifts
me off the ground with the other, and then shoves his face into my

Keep struggling,” he growls beside
my ear. “I like it when you fight.” Instantly, my body stiffens
recognizing his voice and his haunting laughter, following the
threat. Moving his mouth against my ear he breaths into it deeply.
“I told you I'd have you again before they killed you, Sweetness. I
always get what I want.”

The guy at the gym, who wanted to do repulsive
things to me, the same large thug who stabbed Marcus, spoke those
words to me. He spins me around then shoves me roughly against
Waverly's car. One look and my suspicions are confirmed; it is the
same guy.

In my peripheral I see the other two men
holding something over Anna and Waverly's mouths. Both girls’
struggling last only momentarily before their bodies go limp in the
men’s arms. Glancing up at my attacker, I watch his face twists
into a gross snarl. Fear gut punches me and instantly I want to
fade away.

He traps my body against the car with his feet
on either side of mine, his hips pressing into me. He grips both of
my hands, lifts them and crosses them tightly over my chest.
Lowering his gaze, his dark eyes rake over my body while he licks
his lips.
Stay in the moment
, I remind myself. These guys
are not going to do this to us. Fighting is the only option at this
point because I refuse to fade away. With every bit of training and
strength I can muster before squeezing my eyes shut and slamming my
forehead into his nose. Hearing the loud crack of bones and
cartilage, I open my eyes and see his blood gushing.

I repeat the action before screaming, “Get the
fuck off me.”

You fucking bitch!” He growls in

Quickly backhanding me across the cheek, the
bastard grabs my throat in his huge hand, squeezing hard. I
struggle violently against his massive body, trying to pry away
because I’m beginning to lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. My
right leg rests between his thighs so I lift it in a quick move
striking him hard in the crotch. He pushes hard against my arms
then drops one hand between his legs. With his grip loosened, my
hand falls free allowing me to quickly strike him across the back
of his neck. He releases me only to slap me across the cheek

Throwing all of his body weight against me, he
presses me harder against the car. I twist my body sideways and
begin sliding away attempting to get free from the painful wedge he
has me in against the car door. His foot tangles with mine, causing
us to fall together onto the ground. I land on my knees hard and my
palms slap against the concrete. I feel a quick stick then a
stabbing pain in my hand from a piece of glass jutting out of my
pinky finger.

While struggling to crawl from under his
weight I see more broken glass under the rear wheel of the car. I
stretch my hand out, reaching for a large piece. He begins crawling
over me, wrapping an arm around my neck and squeezing forcefully. I
throw my head back again, missing his head this time. However,
while avoiding my head he loosens his grip on me enough that my few
inches of freedom allows me to grab the glass shard. It slices into
the bend of my fingers and the blood begins flowing down, but I
don't let it stop me.

I stab him in the forearm wringing my neck.
The thug screams then removes his arm and I twist my body around,
facing him. I randomly and repeatedly strike his body with the
glass as fast as I can. He pulls away ultimately freeing me from
his clutches, and I crab walk backwards, seeing him grip the side
of his neck. He stalks toward me with blood pouring down his neck
and into his shirt collar, as I hear one of the men scream for him
to grab me.

Already outrunning a race horse, my heart
suddenly slams against my ribcage with a fear that increases my
adrenaline rush, thinking the others are going to come help him. I
force my body to move faster away from him, but I have backed
myself against one of the concrete columns and I’m cornered.
Rushing toward me, he grabs for my head. I kick and punch at his
neck, but it doesn't halt him. His fingers dig deep into my hair
and he snatches me forward.

A loud rumbling noise echoes through the
garage and one of the men yells that we have company. He twists my
body so that I am trapped under his arm as he forces me to walk
backwards. He begins dragging my combative body with one hand in my
hair and the other squeezing around my neck, preventing me from
yelling for help. He barks at me to stop, but I fight harder. His
stride picks up as the rumbling noise gets closer. My mind screams
that if I want to live I cannot get in that car with

Craning my neck over his arm, I see a
motorcycle coming up the ramp fast. I pray that he lets me go when
the driver spots us, but he doesn't. Glancing over his shoulder, he
dismisses the motorcycle and continues to drag me toward the black
sedan where the other men are already inside.

My attacker picks up his pace and begins
running faster with me. The motorcycle driver sees us and guns the
throttle on the bike, coming straight at us. Taking a chance that
the last remaining energy that I have will be enough to save me
from being taken by him, I lean forward planting one foot hard
against the ground and then twist my other leg behind him, sticking
it between his moving legs. Our tangled bodies cause me to fall
forward and as he releases me he tumbles face down on the

Not realizing how close the motorcycle is, I
inadvertently roll my body directly in its pathway. The driver
swerves, narrowly missing me. Tucking my head into my arms and
curling my body inward, I can’t see if it's going to hit me or not,
but I hear a loud skidding sound followed by a thunderous crash. A
few moments later I hear total chaos, the men yell followed by four
popping sounds. Panic consumes my entire body, my muscles go
ridged, but I manage to tighten my arms around my head after
hearing a guttural animal like scream, echoing off the walls. I
realize that the inhumane noise is coming from me.

No, no, no, no, no, no.” My
screams continue rumbling off the walks.

Anxiety washes over me while fear causes me to
breathe hard and I struggle to get air in and out of my lungs.
Within seconds I start hyperventilating unable to calm my
breathing. Two strong hands grab my upper arms causing me to freak
out more. Without a cognizant thought left in my head, my arms and
legs automatically begin flailing around violently, trying to get

Stop it! Dammit, stop it now!
Fucking, stop kicking your damn leg!”

I can't think beyond fighting against their
hold, so I continue thrashing around wildly. Screaming
indistinguishably, I keep struggling against the hands that hold
both of my arms. Finally looking at him, I realize he is not the
guy that was beating me earlier because this guy is wearing a
motorcycle helmet. I finally grasp that he is the driver of the
motorcycle. Still unsure of where the other guy is, I pull back and
crawl away from him.

Spotting a gun in the front waistband of his
jeans, I quickly flip onto my knees, struggling to stand so I can
run away. The motorcycle guy allows me to retreat, but yells again,
stopping me dead in my tracks by calling my name. I twist around as
he removes his helmet and I realize this is no man. The driver of
the motorcycle is a woman and I know her.

Breesan, I need you to trust me.
You have to calm down. I know you don't know me, but my name is
Sam, Samantha Walker. I'm Marcus' sister.” Sam raises both hands in
the air, a sign of surrender, letting me know that she's not going
to hurt me. She cautiously takes a few steps toward me. I look
around the parking garage and don't see the black sedan or my
friends anywhere.
They're gone. Anna and Waverly have been taken
from me

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