Read Under the Cowboy's Control Online

Authors: Lynda Chance

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Western

Under the Cowboy's Control (15 page)

His hand moved to her panties, and he rhythmically stroked her.

She started panting harder.

He remembered how fast she came the night before and gently removed his hand from her panties. He picked up the hand that caressed his chest and slowly slid it to the zipper of his jeans and pressed it there, so she would feel his strength and heat.

She gasped and when she did, he bit lightly on her nipple, and she started rubbing him, the way he had been rubbing her, hard through his jeans.

He reached down and undid his fly. He let go of her briefly, and shucked his jeans down and off. Now he was more naked than she was.

He gathered her back in his arms and started kissing her again. Their tongues touched, and he put his hand back to her mound. Selena's breath caught and she began softly undulating against his hand. She reached back down, and for the first time, stroked her hand across his aroused flesh. His size and strength surprised her. Trepidation gripped her.

She whimpered and jerked her hand back.

Travis swallowed hard and tried to get a grip. "It's okay, baby. You don't have to do it. I never expected you to do this for me." His hand still petted her, back and forth across her panties.

She closed her eyes and felt the hot touch of arousal pierce through her. Her hand moved down again and slowly encircled him. She clasped him tightly.

Travis felt the twin pleasures of her hot little palm closing around him just as her sweet juices flowed through her panties and wet his hand.

He groaned in agonizing pleasure.

She jerked her hand back again and questioned softly, "Did I hurt you?"

He closed his eyes and said a quick prayer for control. He reached down and put her hand back on him. "No, Angel, you can't hurt me. It feels good. It feels so good.

Please don't stop. Please don't take your hand away."

"Are you sure?" Her hand enclosed him again and he shut his eyes. He returned his touch to her panties and pressed against her.

Travis reached down and kissed her lips once, softly. He leaned his forehead against hers. "I'm going to show you how to do it, okay?"

"Yes, yes, please." Her hips lifted against his hand.

Travis took her hand from him and momentarily brought it to his lips. He placed a kiss on the center of her palm, and then he swiped his wet tongue down the inside of her palm and put her wet hand back on him. He was shaking slightly when the wet little hand encircled him again. "Baby, I beg you, don't let go until I say so.

Please. You won't be hurting me. I promise. You'll be helping me. Okay?" He waited for her answer.

"Yes. Please. I want to help you." He bent down and licked her nipple, once, twice, then three times. She was fully panting again in seconds. At the same time, he moved his hand on top of hers and showed her the motion that would have him coming in seconds.

She caught on quickly. Her hand continued the movement and he groaned out loud as he slammed his hand back down on her mound. She was writhing against his hand in seconds. He was so close, and he wanted to touch her more fully. He slipped one finger into the top of her panties and opened her delicate fold. He found her clit and started stroking it, back and forth.

She moaned in pleasure and pushed up against him. Her hand continued the strokes on him and he felt himself beginning to come. He pressed her harder, his mouth going to her nipple and sucking on her.

She screamed his name and flew over the top.

He came with her, shooting his wet heat into her palm.


They slept in his bed that night, enfolded in each other's arms. As he held her, he listened to her breathing as she slept and he knew a deep sense of peace. He inhaled the sweet scent of her hair, and felt a wave of feelings engulf him. She had brought out so many different emotions since he had met her. Desire, jealousy, anger, tenderness. But right now, he felt a sense of fulfillment and possession so deep that it had him tightening his arms around her. He closed his eyes and let contentment lull him to sleep.


At lunch the next day, Travis ate slowly and watched Selena pick at her food and blush every few seconds. She had acted differently at breakfast, also. Sneaking peaks at him and trembling slightly.

He knew she was thinking of the episode in the barn, and wondered what tomorrow would bring. Because of what had happened between them, he knew she wasn't dreading it. Far from it, she was with him a hundred percent.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take the time away from the ranch right now for us to go on a honeymoon, Selena."

She put her fork down. The idea of a honeymoon hadn't even occurred to her. "It's okay, Travis. I like it here."

"When things settle down, we'll drive to San Antonio and check into a hotel. I'll take you to the Riverwalk. You'll like that." His voice was deep.

She had no idea what the Riverwalk was. She didn't care. He could take her anywhere he wanted. "Yes, that sounds wonderful." Her eyes broke contact with his and she looked down at her plate.

Travis studied her. He wanted some time alone with her now. Alone and naked, or as near as naked as they could get until tomorrow. His mind supplied images of yesterday in the darkened barn. He wanted it again. Soon. It had taken every bit of his willpower to leave her in the bed this morning.

"Why don't you skip the dishes, and go throw on a bathing suit, and I'll take you up to the pond? It's hot enough today, and the water will feel good."

An arrow of excitement shot through Selena. He coached it as a question, but his words were an order. They were going to the pond, and she needed to go get ready. Now. She held his eyes. "Yes, okay."

He pushed back from his chair, and lifted her from hers. "Let's go."

Thirty minutes later, after a quick bath and change of clothes, Selena jumped up into the old farm truck beside Travis. It had an old-fashioned bench seat, and he put her in the middle, right next to him. His hand went to her thigh and held her there as he drove down the dirt farm road.

Selena watched the scenery go by with a heightened sense of anticipation curling through her tummy. "I thought we would ride the h-horse."

Travis briefly took his eyes off the road and glanced down at her. "Yeah, I thought of that." He paused and looked back at the road. "But let's just say I don't want to take any chances with you getting sore."

Selena registered the provocative meaning of his words and a barrage of images hit her brain. She put her hand on top of the one gently caressing her thigh, and touched him sensuously.

Lust slammed through Travis at the delicate touch of her hand, and he wondered how he was even able to keep driving. They were in the middle of nowhere, and he badly wanted to pull over and take her in his arms. He gritted his teeth and kept driving.

Five minutes later, they pulled into a shady copse of mesquite trees, overlooking a pond that sparkled as clear as glass. The floor was rocky, and Selena could see parts of the pond all the way to the bottom. A small flowing stream emptied into it.

Selena was enchanted. "It's beautiful," she said with awe in her voice.

Travis watched her, as she looked at the pond. "Yes, beautiful." His voice was almost hoarse.

Selena turned to him. He was speaking of her and not the pond. She lifted her hand to his face and turned in his arms. "You are beautiful, Travis." Her words were low, and after she said them, shyness consumed her. She couldn't hold his gaze and her eyes dropped from his.

Travis felt her magic all the way to his soul. At that moment, he knew he was roped and tied. Serenity engulfed him, and he lifted her hand and placed a kiss of approval and thanksgiving on her palm.

He turned her hand in his and tugged her from the truck.

A few minutes later, they were sitting on a blanket spread out in the shade, with a small ice chest full of drinks and snacks beside them.

"Let's go swimming." His voice was rough, but he was dying to find out which swimsuit she had on under her shorts and top. He had bought her three, in different styles. A one piece, a two-piece, and a string bikini so tiny his hands had literally shaken when he had clicked on the
add to

He was wearing cut offs already, and pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground. Selena glanced at the half naked man watching her and waiting. His hands were clenching and unclenching at his sides, his biceps bulging. Her insides trembled.

She moved to one side of the blanket and delicately turned her back to him. She toed the Converse off her feet, and lifted her blouse from her head.

Travis sucked in his breath when he saw the little red string tied behind her back.

Surely God couldn't be this good to him. What had he ever done in his godforsaken life that he now deserved this manna from heaven?

His guts clenched in need when she wriggled out of her shorts. He walked up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, and turned her in his arms. She fit so perfectly, the top of her head coming a few inches below his chin. She was so tiny, and felt so good. His hands moved from her shoulders to her butt and squeezed.

She shivered in his arms.

"Baby, you are so fine. I don't know what the hell I did to deserve you, but I'm not going to argue." His voice was low and modulated. He tilted her face and kissed her softly on the lips, then pushed her a little away from him so he could see her in the string bikini. She was pure feminine curves and sweetness, and he looked his fill, his hands holding her in a possessive grip.

Selena gave him a shaky smile as arousal pulsed through her system. "I have some--something to tell y-you." Her words were hesitant.

Panic hit Travis. Shit. Last time she had something to tell him, it nearly killed him.

He didn't want anything to spoil this piece of heaven he was experiencing. He braced himself. "What is it?"

Selena's tongue darted out and she licked her lips and tried to speak. Modesty and shyness engulfed her. "I'm okay now."

Travis was expecting something bad, so he was a little slow on the uptake. But it didn't sound like anything was wrong. "Good, Angel. I'm glad."

Selena knew by his reaction that he didn't catch her drift. She tried again. "I know that I--that I t-told you Saturday, and it's only Friday, but--"

Her breath caught as his hands tightened on her.

Pure spirals of lust hit Travis from all sides. Jesus Christ, could this day get any better?

She continued her hesitant explanation. "I w-was afraid to tell you Fri--Friday, j-just in case--you k-know."

"Yeah, Angel, good thinking. I would have been fit to be tied, huh?" His hands stroked her arms in a continuous motion, up and down.

"S-so today, it is l-like a little honey--honeymoon, is it not?" The softly spoken suggestion went straight to his groin.

"Yeah, absolutely, and the swimming can wait." He lifted her chin and gave her a kiss filled with carnal demand. His tongue went deep and tangled with hers.

Selena stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck, while he erotically assaulted her senses. He took her mouth with the full arrogance and assuredness of a man intent on mating.

He dropped to his knees, and brought her with him, their bodies aligned the whole time. "You look good in this swimsuit. You're amazingly hot. I knew you would be."

Selena moaned in his arms.

He wasn't through seducing her with his words. "I knew you were a woman from the moment I laid eyes on you. I wanted to sink into you then, and I've wanted you like that every second since. And now the waiting is over." His hands went to her back and he pulled the string that released her top. Her breasts spilled free, and he lifted the tiny triangles of material over her head and tossed them away.

Travis looked at the bounty in front of him. His forehead came to rest on hers as he took her breasts in his hands and pushed them up. He caressed them gently, and his mouth fell to her cleavage to pay homage. His hands shook, and he silently thanked whatever deity listened, for the release she had given him the day before.

He wouldn't have been able to make it two minutes without losing control. His blood pumped through his system, hard and fast.

Selena was drowning in a tide of desire. Her hands clung to him, holding his head to her chest as he licked and sucked at her nipples. Her hips squirmed against him.

She felt no fear, just an intense curiosity and an arousal so deep it had her shaking. She was so glad it was him.
God, thank God, thank
God, thank you God

She wanted to be in his arms more than anything in the world, and it shocked her completely how fast she had fallen in love with him. She wanted him to love her back, but for now, a deep feminine instinct in her core told her this was enough. It might not be love, but the possession he blatantly felt for her was compelling, and highly satisfying to the feminine need she had.

Travis raised his head and ran his mouth over the silky skin of a smooth shoulder.

"I want you so much." His hands clenched into her buttocks. "I want to be in you, baby, now. I don't think I can wait."

His lips trailed over her collarbone and up her neck. Selena hung in his arms as need pulsed through her veins. His lips found and settled on her mouth, and his tongue plunged deep while his hands went to her hips and pushed the bottoms down and off.

She gasped and trembled in his arms.

He laid her down on the blanket and watched her while he opened his fly and took off his shorts.

Selena's breath caught and held as she saw his erection in full daylight for the first time. It pulsed between them, jutting forward, a testament to his need for her. Her lips parted but no words came out.

Travis's eyes narrowed on her. Her body was slender, amazingly slender. Her stomach was concave, and her breasts were small white mounds with pink nipples hardened by desire. He had seen countless naked women in his life, but none came close in comparison. She had no fault that he could see, her perfection magnified by the sun streaming through the leaves of the trees.

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