Read Under the Cowboy's Control Online

Authors: Lynda Chance

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Western

Under the Cowboy's Control (14 page)

He studied her slim hips and felt his erection swell, in anticipation of sliding into her small, wet channel. She was so tiny. She was going to be so tight. Sweat broke out on his brow.

Selena stood completely frozen, like a deer caught in headlights. If she was perfectly still, and made not one move, maybe the predator would go away.

Travis stood in the doorway, fighting himself. He fisted his hands at his sides, and dark slashes of red slashed his cheekbones as he felt himself swell even bigger and press against his jeans. He took deep breaths of oxygen to calm himself down, but somewhere deep inside his brain a temptation took hold of him that told him he could handle just a few kisses.

His mind fought to turn and leave; his body fought to take the few steps toward her.

His body won.

He took two steps toward her.

Selena sucked in a breath and started frantically shaking her head. "T-Travis, please, no. You have to w-wait one m-more day."

He kept prowling toward her. "I know, Angel." He kept his words soothing and low, so she wouldn't bolt. "I'm going to wait. It'll be okay. I just need something to get me through the night. Just a touch. Just a kiss. I promise."

Selena held herself still in front of the chest of drawers, her arms covering her breasts. He reached her and stood an inch in front of her, looking down into her eyes. Their gazes held, their breathing roughened, and Travis reached out and put his hands on her naked waist.

Selena gasped. The small sound jerked through Travis, but didn't stop him. He held her gaze, while his hands moved and firmly took her hands in his. Selena closed her eyes and held her breath as Travis slowly pulled her arms away from her chest. She opened her eyes and he was still looking at her face.

Travis fisted her wrists in his hands and held them away from her body. She trembled as he slowly lowered his eyes to her chest.

Selena felt the reverberations go through his body. The hands that held hers tightened. A low growl sounded from his diaphragm, and he took a step closer, the one that had his body touching hers.

He lowered his mouth to hers, and opened her lips with his. His tongue went deep as he started stroking her, mimicking the sex act. His erection pressed against her stomach. He put her arms around his neck and lowered his hands until he had a breast captured in each one. He squeezed slightly, his thumbs rasping over her nipples.

Lightning speared through her.

His mouth continued to drink from hers for long endless moments. He lifted his lips from hers, and dropped his head to her breast. He licked a nipple, and fierce excitement screamed through her body. He moved his mouth away from her nipple to the soft, white flesh of the breast he had captured and began to suck there, his thumbs still rubbing her nipples.

Selena felt the fire slide from her nipples down to the softness between her thighs.

She began to rotate her hips against him.

He lifted his head from her breast and put his mouth to her ear, as one hand continued to stoke her nipple, and his other hand slid to her thighs. He cupped her through her panties and pressed against her, and her mind completely closed down.

He growled softly in her ear, "You're mine. Just mine. I'm never going to share, and I'm never going to let you go."

At the deep, sensual threat, Selena shattered into a thousand pieces in his arms.


Travis glanced at Selena once again before pinning his eyes back to the road. She sat demurely in her seat, the buckle strapping her in. She twisted the new rings on her finger, back and forth. Her foot tapped a nervous little beat, and her eyes were glued out the window. She was deep in thought and looked troubled about something as well as nervous.

The ceremony in Laredo had only taken about twenty minutes, start to finish.

The drive back to the ranch was taking forever. It was only about two in the afternoon, but Travis knew he wasn't going to be able to wait to take her to bed. It had taken every bit of patience he had to sit through lunch in a restaurant while she picked at her food and nervously watched him through her eyelashes.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly. The night before was coming back to haunt him. He still couldn't believe she came in his arms from a few light caresses. He thought he had died and gone to heaven. She was so responsive. He was ready for more. Past ready.

He slid his eyes to her once again.

She was dressed today in a pair of new white jeans, and a short sleeve floral blouse. Flat, gold sandals were on her feet. It was the closest thing to nice clothes that came in the boxes he had purchased for her. It didn't matter, because he was in Wranglers and a short sleeve button down. It didn't matter because she looked beautiful no matter what she wore.
It didn't matter
because the clothes were coming off the second they made it home.

He pulled the truck up to the front of the house instead of the back. "Wait there," he growled.

Travis walked around the truck and opened the door for his new bride. He reached his arms in and lifted her out. He carried her all the way to the front door and pushed it open. He kicked it closed with his boot and carried her through the living room and down the short hallway to his bedroom.

bedroom. He had made her transfer all her stuff that morning, while he watched with a deep, possessive satisfaction.

He strode over to the bed, and dropped her there. She scrambled to her knees and faced him, her breathing tortured.

Selena watched in horror as Travis started unbuttoning his shirt. She had something to tell him that couldn't wait. She should have told him in the truck, but she didn't know how to say it. She still didn't. But she was out of time. Her insides churned, and she hated for a moment her complete innocence. She didn't know how to handle this problem.

"T-Travis. Wait." Her voice shook.

He paused, a harsh look coming over his features. "Wait?" He gritted his teeth.


A dark blush rose up her face. "R-Remember S-Sunday? When I--When I w-was f-feeling b-bad?"

"Yeah, so?" The last button came undone.

"Well, this is only Thurs--Thursday." Her voice was soft, her eyes troubled.

Travis studied her face and the puzzle of what she was trying to tell him finally hit him with a punch so hard he thought he might double over. "You're still bleeding?"

The question was rough, forceful.

Embarrassment had her lowering her eyes. "Yes."

He answered her instantly, his voice deep. "It's fine. I don't care." He reached out for her.

She stiffened. Deep violet pools of color looked up at him in a face gone white. Her voice shook. "P-Please, Travis, I don't think--"

"When? How much longer do I have to wait?"

"Saturday. I should be f-fine on Saturday," she answered him.

Travis watched her holding herself so still and wondered how he was going to make it until Saturday. He would, because he refused to traumatize her, and he could tell that having to accommodate him for the first time during her period would upset her. Jesus Christ, but that was six days of bleeding a month. He couldn't go without her for six days a month.

Her sexual education needed to begin, and soon.

He took a deep breath and silently counted to ten. When he was calmer, he reached out and threaded his hand through her hair and brought her face to his. He brushed her lips lightly and gave her a grim excuse for a smile. "Okay."

He shoved his hat on his head and walked from the room.

Chapter Eight

That evening, after supper, Travis worked for about an hour on the books. He looked at the huge number in black staring up at him. Intense satisfaction went through him. Man, it was easy doing the books when you were in the black. And in the black in a big way. Finding oil on the ranch had been an accident, but three years later, the black stuff still gushed up, and the money still rolled in. It was like icing on the cake. Now he had investments all over South Texas.

He stood and stretched and went to find Selena. She wasn't in the kitchen, and he knew she hadn't gone back to the bedrooms, so he left the house and went to find her in the implement barn.

The sun was setting, a deep red glow in the west, and he quickened his stride. He needed his eyes to adjust to the dimness while there was still a bit of light left in the barn.

He pushed open the barn door and went inside. "Selena?" He hissed her name in a questioning whisper.

Her answer was an even lighter whisper back. "I'm here, Travis."

He sauntered to the back of the barn, where she sat in her shorts and coffee-dyed t-shirt. Her hand stroked the mother cat and praised her softly. She looked up at Travis and gave him a soft smile of welcome.

Travis sank first to his knees, and then to his butt, beside her. "How're they doing?"

He picked up a piece of straw and stuck it in his mouth.

"Fine. Getting so big. The babies have not sprayed yet, I do not think." Selena took her hand back slowly from the cat to not alarm any little skunks and wrapped her arms around her drawn up knees and turned her head to look at him.

"Well, be careful or we'll be bathing you in tomato juice."

She smiled softly and continued to study him. She reached up and took the straw from his lips. "You are so handsome." A look crossed her face that told him the comment had slipped out, taking her unawares.

He chuckled softly. "You think so?"

, yes, I do."

He silently studied her as she came to her knees in front of him. He sat, with his knees bent, and his legs spread wide. She came between his legs and put her hands on his shoulders, and aligned her body with his. His hands came to rest on her hips. "What do you want, Angel?"

"Last night, when we k-kissed, the way you made me feel--" Her words were hesitant, her fingers playing in his hair.

A rush of heat hit Travis. "You want that again? You want me to make you come again, baby?"

She trembled and leaned her mouth against his ear and whispered, "I want you to show me how to do it to you."

His hands tightened almost painfully on her. She swayed in his arms and spoke again. "There is a way, yes?"

"Yeah, there's a way." Or three or four, but he wasn't going to scare her off now. He was already about to explode just from thinking about it. Any of it.

Selena lifted her head and looked into his eyes. "It is not wrong? We are married, yes?"

Travis cleared his throat and tried to get the words out. "No. It's not wrong, and yes, you better believe we're married. Nothing is wrong between us. As long as you want to, and I want to, then our marriage license says we can do whatever we want." He moved his hands from her hips to the swell of her breasts and back again. "And baby, I want to."

"I want this, too. But I wish to wait until Saturday for--"

"Shh." He put a gentle finger over her lips. "We'll wait until Saturday. But we can touch and kiss all you want, okay?"

"Yes, okay." She leaned into him and put her mouth to his. She slowly moved her lips back and forth.

Travis let Selena kiss him for a few seconds. And then a few seconds more. He didn't want this to end too soon. When she hesitantly tried to deepen the kiss, he stood and picked her up in his arms and carried her to a dark corner of the barn and gently laid her on a small pile of hay. They needed somewhere soft, away from the skittish skunks, and he didn't want to chance taking her back to the house. He didn't want to give her any time to change her mind.

Selena felt Travis lay beside her and take her in his arms. Their mouths found each other unerringly in the dark barn. She experienced a deep sense of rightness, that what they did was okay, and she didn't need to worry anymore. Her hands reached up and she threaded her fingers through his thick, dark hair. They kissed for several minutes, and soon they were straining against each other.

Travis hadn't made out like this since high school. He was going to respect her wishes, and not go inside her panties. But the shorts had to come off. And the top.

Her lungs were starved for oxygen and she turned her head from his mouth and took a deep breath. When their mouths broke apart, he spoke. "Did you mean it, Angel?" He brought her mouth back to his and took another deep kiss. He lifted his head. "Please tell me you meant what you said."

"Yes, yes, Travis. Show me what to do." Selena panted the words.

Travis reached down and lifted her shirt over her head. Primal satisfaction ran through him when he saw she wasn't wearing a bra. The little witch had planned this. He looked at her pale breasts in the darkness and noticed a deep purple bruise on one of them. He touched the spot gently with his fingers. "Did I hurt you?"

"No. No, it does not hurt, Travis. I liked it. I liked you leaving your mark on me." Her fingers ran down to his shoulders. "Take off your shirt." Her hands were already pushing the shirt off his shoulders.

Travis reached down and lifted his shirt off and then placed it behind her back, to protect her silky skin from the hay. Her hands ran down the planes of his chest, and followed the furrow of hair that became a trail that led inside his jeans. Her finger slowly moved up and down that arrow of hair.

His erection swelled and strained uncomfortably against his fly. But he didn't want to shock her yet. He needed her more than willing, he needed her to want this as much as he did. He reached for the snap on her shorts. It came undone, and he was sliding the zipper down when her hand came up to stop him.

"It's okay, Angel. Just your shorts. We're going to leave your panties on, I promise."

He gritted his teeth and prayed he was telling her the truth.

She slowly let go and he slid the shorts down her legs, and off. He could see her slim body, outlined in the darkness, naked, except for her panties. His breath hissed out.

He reached for her mouth again and started the slow seduction all over again. Her hands were on his chest, touching him, stroking him, making him go crazy. He let go of her lips and moved his mouth to her breast, licking and sucking her nipple.

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