Read The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions Online
Authors: Inna Segal
Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth
skepticism began to seep into my mind. It sounded like wishful thinking;
after all, I had two small children and had not even traveled out of state by
myself. I began to question my own sanity and thought I’d made the whole
thing up. The only person I told was Paul.
To my surprise, Paul, who can be very skeptical, felt confident that what
the angel had predicted would occur.
This was a Saturday morning and by the evening, I had pretty much for-
gotten about the Angel incident. We were having dinner with a friend, when
at about 9 PM, the phone rang. I was contemplating whether I should answer
it, convinced that it was my mother calling. When, for some peculiar reason
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the call did not go to an answering machine, I picked up the receiver and
said, “Hello.” The female voice on the other end told me that I was speaking
to a journalist from Woman’s Day, the largest selling women’s magazine in
Australia. I couldn’t believe my ears. Could it be possible that the angel was
right? I discovered that the journalist was based in Sydney. Another syn-
chronicity was that for the first time in five years, Paul and I were going to
Sydney the following week.
After a chat about healing, she and I decided to meet in Sydney. As I
was about to hang up, she said, “By the way, do you work with angels?”
I was truly stunned.
The following Saturday, I was interviewed. Afterward, the journalist told
me she had intuitive abilities and asked if she could give me a message.
I agreed, and she proceeded to tell me that while speaking to me on the
phone, she kept getting a message “TV, TV, TV.”
“You are going to be on TV,” she said. I immediately thought of the angel.
Things certainly became interesting. Within a few weeks, I appeared on
a major television show and guided people through a self-healing process.
Over 40,000 people went to my website and downloaded the self-healing
exercise I had shared. Within days, numerous people contacted me and told
me that they had been praying for some help and were guided to turn on
the television while I was on. Many had experienced amazing healings dur-
ing the program and then used the self-healing process to help their family
or deepen their own healing.
My television appearance and the article in Woman’s Day opened the
doors to travel out of state and eventually overseas. Soon after, I was a
guest on a number of other shows, and I eventually became segment pre-
senter and host. This created amazing opportunities for sharing the
message of self-healing, love, and the importance of developing your intu-
ition. I am incredibly grateful to the angel for appearing to me that day,
strengthening my faith and guiding me on my journey.
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The Secret of Life Wellness
Finding Your Legacy
The great thing about discovering your soul’s passion is that you can explore it until you
create your legacy.
When I interviewed Paulo Coelho, bestselling author of
The Alchemist
, he shared,
“Every human being on earth has their duty here, his or her experience, the sharing of
their legacy. We need to participate in the sharing of this legacy. Writing is the way, I
found, my way, of sharing my understanding of the present moment. I do that with
love. I do that with some pain also, because the process of opening your soul is a little
bit delicate. But I do that, and when I look at the result and see that somehow I can be
understood, that gives me the sensation that I am not alone and that I am able to share
my soul. And I think that when man does not feel alone, and feels part of humankind,
he feels somehow fulfilled.”17
I believe that we all know exactly what we love to do. Think about it for a moment:
Why are you interested in the things that fascinate you? Why is it that what inspires
you and makes your heart quiver is not the same as what makes your friend’s heart
sing? The problem is that so many of us have been told that we can’t listen to our soul’s
voice, that we bury our heart’s desires and forget that we are capable of being creative,
passionate, and ingenious. We then begin to hide behind the belief that we don’t know
what to do. Whenever I hear this, I always ask people, “What if you knew exactly what
to do?”
Simply Start
Sometimes, even after a lot of exploration and self-discovery, when you have finally
realized what you really want to do, the hardest part is to simply start. Paulo Coelho
wanted to write since his childhood; however, he kept meeting obstacles and putting
off his dream of writing a book till he went on a pilgrimage to Santiago.
He says, “When I finished the journey, I sat down and said, either I will keep post-
poning for the rest of my life, waiting for the right time to do it, or I will quit
everything, take all the risks, and start writing. Even though it was late in my life,
I decided it was time to do this, not because at that moment I thought I could even
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publish a book, but I understood that I would be defeated in the purpose of the
meaning of my life if I could not at least search for my dreams. If I would finish a book
was not as important as if I would at least start it.”18
The truth is that you will never know when you go in search of your dream
whether you will be seen as a success, based on other people’s standards. What you will
know is that you had the faith and the courage to give things a go.
Processes for Discovering Your Soul Purpose
Below are several processes that can help you to discover your soul purpose. It might be
helpful if you do them regularly over a year to receive more clarity about your soul purpose.
Consider Life’s Questions
To discover your soul purpose, pay attention to what is happening in your life. Take a
pen and paper or go to your computer, smartphone, or tablet and give yourself time to
answer the following questions. Be as honest with yourself as possible. The more you
are willing to discover the full picture, the more opportunities you have to grow.
You may even be surprised to discover things about yourself that you did not know.
What have been the strongest experiences in your life?
How did they affect you?
What did you learn from them?
How have you grown, transformed, or expanded from those experiences?
What is meaningful to you?
What service would you love to provide to others?
What do you love doing?
What do you keep doing even when it’s challenging?
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The Secret of Life Wellness
What inspires you?
What comes naturally to you?
Where does your life flow?
Where do you achieve success without great effort?
If you could describe your life with a song, what would it be?
If you could do a painting of your life, what would it look like?
What are the gaps in your life?
Imagine your life in five years’ time, if it develops in the same vein as it is now, what
would you regret or be happy about? What are the things you know you need to
change? Asking empowering questions helps you focus and move toward your life pur-
pose with ease and grace. When you ask a question, make sure that it expands rather
than limits you, because we always receive answers to our questions.
Notice Synchronicity
Notice when unplanned, yet related, events occur at the same time. This can be a clue
to your purpose in life, especially when things start to fall into place without much
effort and you start to feel joy, inspiration, and connection to your heart. Synchronicity
is a way for the universe to show you that you are on the right track. It is a sign to
infuse you with confidence and encourage you to keep going.
A simple statement you can repeat is: Divine Source, help me gently and easily let
go of all situations, beliefs, and challenge that block me from living my soul purpose
and opening the doors to the Divine design of my life. With the help of the Divine
Source, I now bring into my reality the true desires of my heart, which flow to me
under grace in perfect ways. Thank you.
Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter.
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Meditate for Divine Wisdom
Place your hands together in the prayer position and focus on five things you feel grate-
ful for in your life.
While still touching your thumbs, your hands and the tips of your fingers together,
slightly bend your fingers. Your hands should resemble the shape of a diamond. If pos-
sible, sit down in a meditative position and cross your legs. This position allows you to
experience prayer to the Divine Source with your soul rather than with words.
Hold your hands in this position in front of your forehead. Look through the open-
ing without blinking your eyes for as long as you can. Then place your hands just above
the level of your heart, while holding the same gesture.
Focus on your breathing. Each time you breathe out, focus on the sound “Hoooo.”
Hold the sound for as long as you feel comfortable and allow yourself to move into the
invisible world of infinite love, joy and possibilities. Do this for a few minutes.
Place your hands on your heart and allow your own sacred sound to come out. Let
your soul sing through you.
When you have completed this process, stand up and focus on your feet. Visualize
as golden, reddish rays move through your body and ground you into the earth. Feel
your feet on the ground as you reconnect with your mind, body, and soul. Focus your
intention of being connected with your whole self.
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Transform Your Life’s
As you learn to tune in and become conscious of your internal world, reclaim your
inner power, and develop your soul’s stamina, you have an opportunity to apply
what you have understood to your physical reality.
This part of the book explores how you can transform, invigorate, and heal your
relationship with yourself, other people, money, and your environment.
While you may decide that the theme of a particular chapter may not be relevant to
you, I still urge you to read that section. As you may learn important information that
can help you understand yourself, your partner, parents, children, or friends better.
Some of the processes could also be pertinent to your present situation, even though
the topic may not necessarily interest you.
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How You Can Attract a Loving
Partner into Your life
How do I attract a loving partner into my life? I have heard that you have to be
clear and ask for exactly what you want, so I have made a list of everything I
would like in a partner. However, the people I meet don’t seem to match my list,
and I’m beginning to feel extremely frustrated. I’m really tired of being alone
and I believe I am ready to meet the right person.
In this chapter, you are invited to look within and become conscious of your
positive qualities, which can help you attract a wonderful mate. I encourage you to
expand your ideas about love and share processes that can help you open your heart
to others.
To Attract Love, Be the Loving Partner
In order to attract a loving partner into your life, you must first be the loving partner
you are searching for. Many people desire to find someone who will save them from
themselves and make them happy. They judge and criticize themselves harshly and
then expect to meet a person who will see past all their unresolved issues, insecurities,
and limitations and love them unconditionally.
Unfortunately, feeling bad about yourself is not very attractive and often draws to
you the exact opposite of what you desire. Each person emanates an energetic field,
which attracts to them what they believe they deserve. If, deep down, a person feels
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deeply unlovable, they are likely to fail to find someone, or attract a person who will
prove their belief to them.
In fact, until you become more loving and complete within yourself, you are likely