Taming Travis [Wolves of Climax 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (9 page)

Patrick shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

Garret worried about Patrick. His alpha senses picked up that the man cared about Cassidy, but he continually kept aloof. Travis had been no different until last week when he finally gave in to his true feelings for the human girl. Now only Patrick kept his distance. Garret recalled when Cassidy had seen Red’s wolf and ran her fingers through his fur. Since that day Patrick’s interest in her had been piqued, but not enough.

“So…what’re your thoughts on marking her?”

He tried to keep the conversation light. It would only take one wrong word to get Patrick’s hackles up. He’d been abused as a pup. When he first joined the Gregor Pack, Garret had his work cut out for him. It had been like pulling teeth to get the red wolf to trust him, to truly believe he’d never intentionally hurt him. But even now, decades later, Patrick tended to deny himself pleasure, not feeling worthy of happiness. It seemed the only one on his crew with his head on straight had been Matthew, but now even he was messed up thanks to his captivity.

“You’re the alpha, Garret.” He began to walk away. The mine was so noisy that he didn’t seem to hear when Garret called out after him.
Fucking shit.

He made his way to the office trailer to see if he could get a handle on the inspector situation. As soon as he pushed open the metal door and saw Cassie sitting at the desk, his anger melted around his boots. She managed to work some kind of spell on him, bringing him to his knees with just a word, touch, or batting of lashes.

“Hey, sweetheart. Everything okay in here?”

“It is now.” She stood up, adjusting her shirt before coming around to the front of the desk. “I haven’t seen you all morning.”

In fact, none of them had been intimate with Cassie since coming back from the forest. Matthew had to recuperate fully, and they all agreed to keep their distance from the human after the traumatizing few days she’d lived through. Some of them were more willing than others, but the most unhappy seemed to be Cassie herself. Her sexual heat was distracting at night, making all of them snappy and irritable with each other.

Now that a week had passed, he planned to enjoy her properly before the inspector arrived. His balls ached just by looking at her.

She folded herself into his arms, not concerned with the dust and grease on his jacket. He pulled her close, kissing her atop the head. “I love you,” he said, meaning every word.

She tilted her head back, gazing up at him with concern in her eyes. “Then why are you treating me like I have the plague? Did I do something wrong?”


* * * *


Cassidy had ignored it at first, but after a week she began to wonder if the men had lost all interest in her. She slept with them at night, spent most of her time around them during the day, and yet not a single advance. It may not have fazed her in a regular relationship, but these five men were beyond virile. They lived and breathed sex.

To make matters worse, Cassidy was pent up to the point she felt like a freak show. Just sitting down aroused her. They were always running around the cabin half naked, muscles bulging, their masculine scents dancing around her. She even resorted to flirting like a horny teenager, prancing around in her panties, hoping for one of them to take notice. Nothing.

“Why would you say that, baby?”

“Because you haven’t touched me once since we got back from the forest. Not you or any of your so-called ‘pack.’” Was she yesterday’s news? Did they feel trapped, hoping to find a way to get her out of Climax without looking like assholes?

He chuckled, the deeply masculine sound carrying all the way to her swollen clit. Garret combed his hand through her hair, forcing her head back slightly. His eyes were so dark, hypnotic.

“Do you have a problem with my pack now, little one? Or are you just complaining because you want to be fucked?”

Flashbacks of Garret’s domination of her body in the woods made her heart beat faster. She loved his untamed quality. He may be the owner of the mine and leader of her men, but there was a deadly air to the man. She wanted to be controlled by him, forced into blissful submission.

“I don’t want anything from anyone. I just want to know where I stand.”

His devilish smirk made her weak in the knees. She wanted to feel his goatee scrape her sensitive inner thighs as he ate her pussy. All she could think about was kink, and she knew it wouldn’t let up until she’d been satisfied.

“You want nothing?” He narrowed his eyes, stepping forward so she was forced to back up. “Nothing at all?”

God, I want everything.
Cassidy wanted to stop feeling in limbo with these men, she wanted to find her brother, and she wanted to feel productive and needed.


He lowered his hand and cupped her mound through her jeans. The simple contact made her gasp out loud when she was so sensitized. She dropped her full weight so Garret had to support her weight in his palm. It wasn’t a problem for him, not with all those delicious muscles.

“You’re lying. What did I tell you about lying to me, Cassie?”

He was going to spank her for it. She could feel the moisture seeping from her panties. The heat from his hand managed to filter through the thick denim to her pussy.

“Don’t do it?”

“What happens when you’re naughty?”

She swallowed hard, salivated, her heart ready to explode from her chest. “I get punished?”

“Don’t play cute. You know exactly what happens. And do you know what I think?”

She shook her head.

“I think this is the perfect time for me to vent some of my stress on your cute little ass.”

Cassidy knew Garret was under stress. She’d received the fax about the inspector herself in the morning. There were so many loose ends to tie up since he’d let the mine go to ruin the past few weeks. She wanted to do as much as she could to help, but understood it would still take its toll on his body and mind.

It was the reason she never mentioned her half brother, her dilapidated house a couple miles up the road, or mentioned the criminals who’d taken Matthew. She would, but not yet.

“The yard’s full of workers.”

He shrugged, stepping back to remove his orange safety jacket. Then he tugged off his shirt, leaving him bare-chested. His navy pants hung low on his etched hips. “It makes no matter to me, Cassie. I’m the boss, remember?”

“But, they’ll hear. Or they’ll come in the office.”

“Then I guess they’ll get a little show.” He raised both her arms above her head. “Keep them there,” he said gruffly. Then he lifted her shirt up and off her body. She didn’t expect to get lucky today, so only wore a comfortable white cotton bra and panties. He didn’t comment, only raked his eyes along her exposed flesh.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I shouldn’t have lied.”

“Too late.” He twirled her around, his arms snaking around her waist to unbutton her jeans from behind. When he’d unzipped her pants, he pressed a palm to her back, forcing her over her own desk. “I’m just worried that you’re starting to enjoy these punishments too much.” He tugged her jeans over her hips, burning a streak on her skin before they were slipped off her legs.


He peeled one side of her panties down, rubbing circles over her ass. “No talking now. Just feel.” His hand lifted away and came back down in a firm smack, the meaty sound filling the small trailer.

Her pussy clenched. After each initial impact, the resulting burn heated her cunt, made her rabid for more. She wiggled her ass, perhaps a little too willingly. If he knew she enjoyed herself too much, he may stop altogether.
Smack, smack, smack.

The squeaky door to the trailer opened, a slice of natural light filling the dim room. She froze, knowing the position she was in. It could have been much, much worse.

“Well, will you look at that?” Travis’s voice registered strong for her. She’d been hurt he kept away from her after their unique bonding experience. “I thought we were supposed to keep our paws to ourselves this week, boss.”

“Week’s through, cowboy. Our little hellcat is raring to go. She nearly clawed my pants off.”

“Did not!”

Another man noisily entered the trailer. “Why’s her ass all red like that?” She turned her head to the side to see. Matthew was there in just a white wifebeater, his tousled brown hair partially slicked back. In just a week he’d filled out nicely. He no longer looked gaunt, and his bulk and muscle mass now matched his large frame. The man was gorgeous. They all were.

“Because she was bad.”

Matthew came over and kissed her tender flesh. “What she do?”

“She lied about wanting us when I could smell her lust like perfume in the air,” said Garret.

“Let me up.”

Travis joined them, running his hand up her spine until he reached the nape of her neck. He held her steady as he leaned over to whisper in her ear. “You have no idea how difficult it’s been watching you and not being able to have you. But it looks like our probation time is up, sweet thing.”

Last time they’d been together, he’d insisted on going nice and slow. He had savored her, remained gentle and attentive, making love to her for the first time. She expected the same treatment now, but was sorely mistaken.

“Excellent. I’ve been dreaming about initiating her into the pack,” said Matthew. “Have you told her anything?”

Garret exhaled in irritation. “Matthew, don’t start. We’re just having a little fun. Nothing more. Not with an inspector coming to stay in a few days.”

“Right.” Matthew licked up her side with the flat of his tongue, his hand lightly bracing the small of her back. “I can wait to make it official, but I have to have Cassidy before I leave this trailer.”

“Don’t worry, we all do.” Garret tugged her panties down her legs and then prodded her feet apart with his heavy, black boot. “She’s drenched,” he said.

She felt every minute touch as he massaged her inner labia, stroking, and distributing moisture toward her ass. He was a master with his fingers, knowing precisely how to touch her for maximum pleasure. When he began to impale a thumb into her asshole, his big hands cupping both cheeks from behind, she clenched down hard.

“Let me have at her first,” said Travis. “I want to taste her.”

Garret conceded, pulling away from her, his thumb popping free of her anal ring. They flipped her to her back, all three staring down at her like a huddle in a football game.

“I don’t want to fuck on a desk,” she complained. In actuality, she didn’t care where it happened, as long as they followed through. It would be ideal if they could wait until tonight and make love in their soft, private bed. But even Cassidy knew she’d never last the day with her body wound so tight.

“Picky now?” Travis took up residence between her legs. “It looks like the only suitable surface, sweet thing. Promise you won’t be complaining in a minute.”


Chapter Nine


Travis lowered his head, his tongue painting patterns along her inner thighs and the delicate areas around her pussy. He’d get her worked up before he tended her swollen folds. She was dark pink, glistening, and smelled like a woman in heat. The scent was intoxicating, impossible to resist. Garret had lifted their temporary ban on touching, so he was going to take full advantage of the situation.

She bucked her hips up. “You know what I like,” she said, her tone demanding. Oh, Travis knew exactly how she liked him to handle her pussy with his mouth and tongue, but he was purposely toying with her. He’d have her begging in no time.

“I thought you didn’t like the desk.” He lapped up her folds just once. “Maybe I should stop until we get you home tonight. Mine closes at six. By the time we pack up and—”

“Travis!” She reached for him, but he didn’t let her pull him forward. It was Matthew who stepped in, holding her arms against the desk, straight above her head. He gave her another tentative lick. This time she flew into a rage, writhing and twisting to the point Matthew had his work cut out for him keeping her immobile.

“You put on quite a show, Cassie. Maybe I should invite the rest of the mine to watch,” said Garret.

“You’re killing me. You’ve had me stir-crazy for a week now. Stop being cruel.”

“Punishment is usually considered cruel. I promise we can make you a lot more uncomfortable. We could bring you to a precipice so strong you’ll be screaming out our names just so we’ll fuck you proper.” Garret walked away, heading to the door. Was he leaving?

“Garret, don’t go. I won’t complain again.”

Travis loved the pleading note in her voice, the submission, the outright control her body had over her will. Garret turned his head in her direction. “That’s a start.”

Since Patrick was working in the pit and Evan was off settling a debt, it would be just the four of them today. Travis doubted Garret would break out the fangs if all the pack wasn’t present. But if he waited his whole life for the right woman, he could wait a few more days to make their union official.

He stood to the side of the desk, sliding her close. Garret held up one of her legs as she lay on her side, exposing her pussy at the perfect angle for Travis’s cock. He unzipped his pants and aimed at his target, forcing in with just one fluid stroke.

Cassidy cried out. “What happened to going slow?”

Travis scoffed. “We’re way past that now, sugar. You didn’t think you had me tamed now, did you?”

“Does it feel good, Cassie?” Garret smoothed his hand over her breasts as he supported her free leg over his shoulder.

“Yes! So good.” Her eyes were closing, her lips parted. He could feel her pussy pulsing around his cock already. She’d come fast today. Fast and hard.

Matthew stripped down to his boxer briefs, coming to stand side by side with him. He braced one knee on the desk, pulling his cock free and stroking it close to Cassidy’s head. “Open your eyes, little one.” When she did, she looked at the erection only inches away, and then up at Matthew’s face. “Will you suck me? I’ve been dying to see your lips around my cock all week.”

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