Taming Travis [Wolves of Climax 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (8 page)

“I like your beast,” she said. Her voice was hushed, and she trailed her fingers faintly over his chest.

He closed his eyes briefly, savoring her touch and wishing she knew what she said. Patrick claimed she’d seen his wolf and was drawn to it, no fear whatsoever. He’d love to feel her hands through his fur. He needed that acceptance from her. It was the last obstacle keeping him from giving himself completely to the fragile little human. As her mate, he’d kill anything that dared threaten her. She’d never worry or want for anything. Already the feeling of purpose filled his veins, satisfying him like he never imagined possible. Travis had always planned and expected to remain unattached, especially since his alpha showed no interest in any one particular female. He was fine with that, but now his dark world had color.

“Let me kiss you again.” He leaned in, slowly, patiently. They had all night, and he wanted to show Cassidy his love through his actions. He wanted her to know he’d never harm her, not as a man or wolf.

“I’d like that.” She rose up on her toes, lightly bracing her hands on his shoulders. Everything felt right. He brushed his lips over hers, their breath mingling. Travis used all his power to maintain his restraint when all he wanted to do was sink into her heat, ride her hard and fast until she cried out in the night.

They kissed as they had earlier, their mouths molding, their tongues exploring. Every sound seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of them in their bubble of intimacy. With his pack just outside the walls he didn’t have to rely on his wolf senses for safety. He trusted them with his life. “You’ll have to teach me…how to make love.”

“I know for a fact you do it very well.” She smiled against his lips.

He stepped back, holding her at arm’s length. “Not like that. I want to go slow, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

She frowned as if he spoke a foreign language. “Have I ever complained? I like it when you guys get a little rough. I trust you, Travis. I know you’d never really hurt me.”

“You have no idea the things I’d like to do to you.”

“Show me.” She reached low and grabbed his erection in her fist, holding firm. He groaned, loving the feel of her sweet little hand around his cock. But she wouldn’t tempt him to take her hard tonight. He had to prove to himself as much as her that he could love her the way she deserved.

“When we get back home, I’ll show you, sweet thing. Guaranteed. Not tonight.”

He pulled her shirt up and off before bending forward to scoop her up into his arms, sweeping her off her feet. She squealed and wrapped an arm around his neck. The only place, besides the floor, he could place her was the oversized desk. He laid her down on her back.

“Come to me.” She held out her arms, beckoning him closer. Travis climbed up on the desk, hovering over her naked body. He loved her curves, the soft swell of her stomach and fullness of her breasts. Her beautiful blue eyes held him captive. He lowered his body over hers as he sought her lips. He fought to keep his fangs in check so he could savor her, taste her sweetness.

“That’s my girl,” he said as he parted her legs with his thigh. “You’re mine. Tell me you’re mine.”


He wanted to believe her, but she didn’t realize what she promised. She expected to unconditionally love a human male, not a freak, a shifter she didn’t even know existed. It would have to suffice for now.

Travis trailed kisses along her face and neck, nuzzling and suckling. Her skin was so soft and feminine. Rather than only focus on the promise of pleasure, he really looked at Cassidy. He noticed things he’d never cared to study before. Now things were different. He’d committed with that first kiss, no going back.

She had the cutest nose, slightly upturned. There was a slight smattering of freckles along her cheeks, barely visible. A beauty mark above her left breast was unique to her, like the soon-to-be mark on her neck would be as well. He gently lapped at her nipple, watching the tip firm into a tight bud. Her body was deliciously receptive. The little human had been willing to try anything and everything, forever with an open mind.

He guided his cock into her slick opening. Travis easily sank into her pussy, growling as her body accepted him, squeezing mercilessly. He halted, memorizing the sound of her breath, scent of her desire, and lust in her eyes. They held eye contact, a silent connection passing between them.

“Travis… I’m burning.” The need in her voice spurred him to take things to the next level. He began to thrust, slow at first. She wrapped her legs around his hips, locking her ankles. Occassionally she’d nudge him, expecting more. The little vixen refused to let him explore his softer side, not that it had been easy at all. Maybe it was good that Cassidy accepted him the way he was, rough edges and all.

“After tonight, things will be different, little one. I don’t share my woman.”

He increased his pace, sliding in and out of her cunt. Each thrust brought him closer to the edge. His balls had already pulled up high against his body in preparation.



* * * *


Cassidy did love Travis. The fact she felt a flip in her stomach when he’d walk in a room, felt bereft when he was away, and couldn’t imagine leaving Climax never to see him again—were all signs she was hopelessly in love. She knew all about infatuation, but she was a woman, not a young girl. Her feelings for the cowboy were genuine, and now that he’d finally shown her some real emotion, her dreams were becoming reality.

But she could never choose one of her men over the other. Each was a unique piece to the whole. She’d come to accept being the woman for their “pack.” It was ideal for her, but was it so easy for them? Travis began to sound possessive, a jealous streak coming into play. As much as she wanted him, it worried her.

“No buts. From now on you’ll live with us, not in that shack of yours. We’ll take care of you, provide you with anything you need. You won’t need any other males.”

“So you will share me?”

He pulled his head back, looking down at her with narrowed eyes. “Share you with who exactly?”

“The other miners—Garret, Patrick, Evan, and Matthew.”

Travis exhaled, as if released a great weight of stress. “Yes, darlin’. With them I’ll share you, but not another soul.”

His dirty-blond hair fell down over his eyes. The man was gorgeous, a treat for her sight and libido. She clenched around his cock once he’d stopped moving completely. The pressure jolted him back into action. He began to work his hips again, thrusting deep inside her in smooth, delicious strokes. Travis was well endowed, the fullness satisfying on its own. Once his mad skills were added to his natural blessing, she was in unadulterated ecstasy.

“Stop being gentle,” she said.

Cassidy knew what he was trying to do without being told. He wanted to show her another side to him, but she’d already seen it. Travis had more layers than the superficial one she’d seen since arriving in Climax. He had so much more to offer her, and she loved him all the more for it.

“Why? Don’t you like this?”

“Yes, but it’s not you. I don’t want you trying to be anyone else. It’s you I want.”

He kissed just under her ear where all sounds were magnified. His breath turned into a whisper. “Before coming to Climax I lived a lonely life, unwanted by the people I’d grown to love. It hardened me, made me less of a man. I spent years wandering, in search of others like me. I’d nearly given up hope, expecting to exile myself in the northern forests for the rest of my days. It was Garret who rescued me, rescued us all. Now you. I was existing, had a place in the world. But now I’m living. You’ve opened me up to the point I feel I can take on any challenge. Anything to make you proud.”

“Oh, Travis…I don’t want to change you. You’re a man I’d be proud to give my heart to.” She hugged him and then ran a hand through his hair. Cassidy had never known the love and tenderness of a mother, but somehow knew how to comfort Travis. Together they’d find their way, find their place. She wouldn’t allow the past to continue to define them.

“Remember that,” he said.

“Make love to me. Make me forget everything except you and that big cock of yours.”

He didn’t need any time to get refocused. His erection still pulsed inside her, but as soon as he began to move, it swelled to its full thickness. “That, I can do.”

He began to fuck her, pumping hard enough to make the entire desk shift along the hardwood floors. She encouraged him by gripping his biceps with her nails, digging in enough to sting. Travis wasn’t unlike her, kinky and turned on by a little pain. They often played sex games, and she usually lost.

“Harder,” she demanded. “Hurt me.”

“Fuck, Cassidy, you’re asking for trouble.” The man growled, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling her head back as he rammed her even harder. She loved the roughness, the raw sexuality.


She’d love a spanking, any form of punishment to add to the eroticism, but they were both too close to play tonight. Cassidy was a breath away from climaxing. Every sensation was magnified, a pressure building and building deep in her core.

He kissed her, a brutal domination of her mouth. She could scarcely breathe, their passion was so strong. He slid an arm under her lower back to bring her closer to his body, his other hand gathering her wrists above her head. Travis fucked her tirelessly. A man possessed. Her lovers on the other side of that door would be getting an earful. She couldn’t contain all her gasps and moans, not when Travis managed to hit every sweet spot inside her walls. It reminded her of all the times Garret would watch but not participate. Knowing she had an audience turned her on even more. She couldn’t wait to have all five men in her bed at once.

“Come on, sweet thing. Don’t hold off on me tonight. I know you’re close.”

She was close. Her mind only focused on the pleasure, the nearness of her orgasm. As much as she wanted to hover in the beautiful euphoria, she didn’t want Travis to suffer after being such a sweetheart. She relaxed her muscles and let the wash of liquid heat take control, sweeping her over the edge. It was blinding the way her orgasm scattered through her body, spreading heat and tranquility to every cell. By the time Travis had met his peak, she was boneless, completely sated, and ready to sleep for a week.

Their cramped, wooden makeshift bed wasn’t exactly stellar, but Travis tucked her against him in the crook of his arm. She wouldn’t have traded it for anything. The steady beat of his heart was her lullaby, soothing her, reminding her she no longer had to go through life alone. They’d heal each other, make a new beginning with memories nobody could steal.

As she drifted off to sleep, content and sated, she couldn’t seem to rid herself of an underlying feeling of dread. Every time she thought she’d found happiness in the past, it always slapped her in the face. From relationships to birth family, to jobs and friendships—it seemed fate was determined to keep her from finding peace. Now that she had her Gregor miners, she was terrified some outside source would snatch them away from her.

Chapter Eight


Garret climbed down from the loader and adjusted his hardhat to keep the glare of the sun out of his eyes. The past week had been free from rain and generally mild, both good conditions for mining. He had to get the Gregor Mine back on track after losing focus the last month. Matthew was back, Cassidy was theirs, and he had to start considering the future.

First he had to get the mine back at full operation. Then he’d have to start thinking about marking Cassidy. Evan constantly nagged him to make the mating official, but now even Travis was on his back. He didn’t feel any differently. Cassidy was his soul mate, without a doubt in his mind, but he was terrified of revealing their world to her. She was pure innocence, a fragile human with no clue about the paranormal creatures that came out at night. He could even hear the cowboy’s thoughts. He, too, worried she’d run back to the lower mainland to get away from them once the truth was revealed. But it had to be done. There was no way Garret would continually live a lie with the woman he loved.

“Bad news, boss.” Patrick walked toward him, a sheet of white paper in his hand.

“What now?”

“Inspector called. They’re coming up at the end of the week. Apparently someone called us in, said our machines weren’t up to code and the staff didn’t have their WHMIS cards renewed.”

“I just wonder who could have made a call like that.” Garret didn’t need another headache. He took off his hardhat, pulled his right arm back, and whipped it far into the pit. He watched it glide through the air before tumbling down the rock face.
I should have killed those fucking Rockfords when I had the chance.

“Does that help?” Patrick had one eyebrow raised, not threatened by Garret’s violent shift in mood.

“Surprisingly, yes.” He snatched the sheet of paper from his friend and scanned it. Some fool named Sam Tanner was coming in to oversee production an entire week. Where the fuck would he live during his stay? Was Garret supposed to play host as well? With no motels in Climax, he suspected as much.

“What they should really be looking into are the loggers. There has to be a way for us to report what they were up to. Gods know how many hikers they’re responsible for killing—”

“Killing with
, Red. We don’t need any more heat than we’ve already gotten in the last month. We’ll deal with them ourselves in due time.”

“What about Cassidy?”

Garret went on the defensive. “What about her?” he snapped, before realizing he was speaking with one of his pack.

“She has no training, no certification to be on the jobsite. Plus, I’m guessing he’ll be staying in your trailer?”

He growled, not happy about sharing his private domain. Cassidy had been staying in his trailer before they found Matthew, which was fine by him, but a stranger was another thing entirely.

“She’ll have to stay at the cabin until he leaves.” He knew she’d hate that, which pissed him off. Cassidy loved being near them, being close to all the action at the mine, and he looked forward to all his quick visits to the office trailer. She was the highlight of his days. She’d learned a lot the past week, even working the dispatch effectively.

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