Taming Travis [Wolves of Climax 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (6 page)

Twenty minutes passed, and she was still holding on. Her breathing was labored, her body sweat-glistened. “Give up,” he said when he came up for breath.

“No. I want that kiss. You stop. Let me win.”

“Can’t do that. I’m not a cheater.”

The human was a trooper. He was already shocked she held off as long as she had. He’d never had to pleasure a woman for this long. They usually came in under five minutes under his ministrations.

He took a deep breath, getting ready for the long haul. If she was willing to hold off, he’d settle in for an extended feast. The only problem was he began to doubt his own ability to maintain control. The scent of sex competed with the rich burning wood in the room. Cassidy’s panting and moaning overpowered even the roar of the storm beyond the walls. It was only a matter of time until Travis’s wolf had had enough and lashed out in search of sex and blood. His fangs already pricked his gums, aching to lengthen.

“No! Yesss…” Cassidy detonated under his tongue. Her ass clamped down on his thumb as her pussy spasmed against his lips. Her orgasm went on and on and on, but he helped her ride it out, staying locked to her pussy. He wouldn’t deny his disappointment she’d lost the challenge, but she was only human and he’d subjected her to his arsenal of sexual tricks. It was probably for the best to not start kissing now anyway. It would only lead to disappointment.


* * * *


If Cassidy thought she was tired before her nap, she was sorely mistaken. Holding off an inevitable orgasm was beautifully torturous. But she’d lost her kiss. Travis and Patrick were the two men she felt she lacked a deeper connection with. The sex was great, but it wasn’t enough. That kiss…it could have changed everything.

Her pussy was still pulsing long after her orgasm. She sat up, wondering why Travis hadn’t mounted her by now. His cock looked painfully hard, a darker shade than the rest of his body.

“You won, aren’t you happy?” she asked.

He shrugged. “You lost a kiss, but what do I get for winning?”

“You get to fuck me.” She bit her lower lip as seductively as she could. Cassidy needed him to fill her, to relieve the ache sex could erase.

He pulled her up until she was sitting on the edge of the desk. The hard surface under her only further heightened her arousal, pressing against her swollen labia.

“I don’t want to fuck.”

Cassidy frowned. She may have been self-conscious since coming to Climax, but Travis couldn’t deny his needs when his erection was so prominently displayed. “You sure about that, cowboy?” She reached out to grab his cock, but he moved fast, shackling her wrists in the air. His grip wasn’t painful, but he wasn’t playing. There wasn’t even a smirk on his lips.

“I want to make love to you. How do I do that?”

Her breath caught in her throat. He was being serious, no hint of deceit or humor in his eyes. Why would he be asking her for sexual advice? He was much more experienced than her.

“You’ve suddenly forgotten?”

He lowered her wrists until he had them pinned to the desk at her sides. “I’ve never made love to a woman, Cassidy. I only know how to fuck.” Was that the static of rain on the roof or her blood flowing past her ears that suddenly deafened her?

Her entire body heated, knowing she’d be his first. This was everything she’d dreamt of. Nothing mattered but the here and now, her and him.

“I–I guess you’d have to start with a kiss.” She whispered the words, caught up in the intensity of his mood shift.

“I can do that.” He didn’t sound confident, and he never brought up being the winner of the contest. This was his choice. He wanted to kiss her.

She swallowed hard, feeling equal parts tension and anticipation. It did wicked things to her libido as she waited for him to make the next move. Travis took heavy breaths, his jaw clamped down hard. He moved slowly, methodically, breathing in her scent at her neckline. As he exhaled it cooled her moist skin and sparked her cells to life.


“Let me try this,” he said. After releasing her wrists, he gently laid a hand on each of her shoulders. The entire room was warm now, the fire crackling in the corner, but Travis’s hands scorched her skin. “You’re beautiful, darlin’.” He leaned in close, holding her steady, and brushed his lips against hers. It was exquisite bliss, but she wanted so much more. He was showing immeasurably more patience than she currently felt.

“More,” she murmured against his lips.

He deepened the kiss, adding slightly more pressure. His hands shifted from her shoulders to her face, where he cupped her cheeks as if she may break. “Don’t rush me.” Travis parted her lips and tilted his head to the side, taking more. She closed her eyes and lost herself to the taste and feel of Travis, the intimacy, and the promise of a future.

It didn’t take long before they had worked up a frenzy, passionately kissing, tasting, exploring. He worked her mouth in the same way as her pussy, skillfully, thoroughly. For a man professing to be inexperienced, he was able to whisk her away to a realm of fairy tales and white knights. She forgot all about the burn in her pussy, too focused on the man in front of her.

He pulled back to take a breath, his chest rising and falling in deep waves.

“You survived,” she said.

“I did.”

He kissed her again.


* * * *


Garret and Evan split up. They’d been on the tails of three Rockford wolves for the past half hour. The heavy rain was blinding, making navigating along the slick forest floor at high speeds a perilous task. When Garret thought he was close enough to pounce, the wolf in front of him would swerve around an oak and out of his grasp.

He also worried about Travis. He’d gone off to find food, but didn’t return before Garret had picked up the scent of the enemy closing in on the river. Another crackle of thunder was followed by a streak of lightning which lit up the night sky.

These bastards had to have Matthew. If they were capable of kidnapping Cassie, they were the top suspects in Matthew’s disappearance. Was he held in one of the many caves along the base of the mountain range? Was he even alive at all? His pain and determination spurred him on. They’d managed to turn themselves around in their race through the forest, and now were practically back at the river where Garret had first picked up the enemy scent.

“Where are you?”

He was running blind, not knowing where Evan and Travis were. If they were near, they’d hear him.


The voice in his head deceived him. It sounded like Matthew. There had been several nights he would wake in a cold sweat after swearing he heard his missing pack mate in his head. It wasn’t real. Was it now?

He’d slowed his pace, not pursuing the Rockford wolves with the same vigor.
“Is that you?”
Garret fully expected to get silence in return, not an answer. Not from a ghost.

“Right behind you, boss.”

Garret stopped dead in his tracks. If this was someone’s idea of a joke, he’d make them regret it. He turned around, scanning the pitch-black forest. His heart raced. Then he saw the beast move. It was a large brown wolf with glowing eyes. Could it be him?

It was all he could think to say. If this wolf was indeed Matthew, he’d lost too much weight, his eyes harder than he remembered.

“We came looking for you. The Rockfords aren’t the ones who trapped me. It was loggers.”

Without considering the threat of wolves, Garret shifted back into his skin. This wolf would either tear him apart or prove he truly was the missing miner. As soon as the brown wolf began to change forms, he watched with rapt fascination.
Please be Matthew.

“Long time no see.”

It was him. He looked haggard and emaciated compared to the healthy, robust male he remembered, but it was Matthew. His throat clogged with emotion, his eyes becoming too foggy to see clearly. After all the searching, the hoping, the worrying, the heartache—Matthew had somehow returned to the pack. The five of them were like a single unit, the same body and soul. Ever since he went missing, Garret felt like he was missing not only a limb, but a vital organ. He could never describe the joy leaping in his heart.

He reached out and steadied the other man so he could get a good look. “I never stopped looking. Not a day.”

“I know.”

“But how?”

Matthew chuckled. “Your blue-eyed little human found me.”

“Cassie…” His thoughts drifted back to the mate he’d left behind.

“Any reason why she’s not marked?”

He didn’t want to have any sort of discussion unless it involved telling him where she was. If she’d been with Matthew, where was she now? “You come here with her?”

“She insisted. I left her when I scented Rockford wolves, told her to head back the way we came until I found her. We came to stop all of you from making a big mistake, starting a war without cause. They didn’t kidnap me and we didn’t take their man.”

His words seemed to blur into one another. All he focused on was the fact Cassie was alone. “She’s alone in the forest? Where’s Patrick?”

“I don’t know. He took another direction than me. Fuck! We have to find her.”

Before he let Matthew shift, he pulled him into a tight embrace. “Gods, I’ve dreamt of this moment.” Looking at his friend was surreal. He expected to wake up or watch Matthew’s image fade into a translucent mist, as if he never existed at all. “Stay with me. I won’t lose you again.”

His life suddenly shifted. There was no more need for him to worry or obsess over finding Matthew. The past month his fixation had defined him, and it felt odd to simply be able to live life. His mine had suffered, as had his relationship with Cassie. But as his worries for his pack mate eased, his feelings for the human girl grew and took precedence. He’d neglected her in his efforts to find Matthew, and now she was alone in this unfamiliar forest. It was unacceptable. His wolf clawed within him, desperate to retrieve what was his.

As alpha, he could read Matthew’s emotions, even in human form. He loved the girl, just as the rest of them did. It only confirmed to Garret that Cassie was fated to their pack from the gods. How else could all five of them fall so irrevocably in love with the same female?

Chapter Six


Travis had left the cabin to collect some sticks so he could skewer the rabbit he’d brought earlier. As much as she grimaced at the sight of it, she was starving, and Travis insisted she was going to eat. They’d had a breakthrough, a spiritual connection. As soon as he lowered those protective walls around his heart, she was able to see the man beneath the shield. He was just as she’d imagined, tender and vulnerable, and she vowed never to make him regret letting her in.

The door slammed open from the force of the wind. She could feel the spray from the fleeting rain before she turned around. Cassidy was anxious to continue what they’d started. Before he left, they’d kissed and touched, as if discovering each other for the first time. But no sex. She wanted to know what it felt like to make love to Travis, to add that necessary emotional element to their sex life.

Well, well, well.
We meet again.”

She turned around. It was that bastard, Corbin, from the other forest. “What? You? I thought you were dead.”

“Now why would you think that? Just because your boyfriends came to save the day?” He scoffed. “Don’t underestimate the strength of the Rockfords.”

She only wore an oversized T-shirt, no panties. The cabin felt too small, too warm. Corbin stepped in and shut the door behind him, choking out the roar of the storm. Where was Travis? He couldn’t have gone far.

“Where’s Travis? Did you do something to him?”

“You mean your little blond? My boys are leading him far from here. It’s just you and me, and we have some unfinished business.”

Her heart pounded in her chest. How could such a handsome man be so evil? What had she done for him to hate her so much?

“He’s not stupid, and not the only one out here with me.”

“I know, sweetheart. The entire Gregor Pack is out here, including the man they claim we stole from them. Did you know they kidnapped one of our men in retaliation for something we didn’t even do? Who are the real villains in Climax?”

He stepped closer, and she backed away, the heat from the woodstove searing her from behind. “They never took your man. He’s back in town. Patrick talked with him, and he’s alive and well. Go and see for yourself.”

“Cute, but I don’t fall for the sweet words of women.”

“It’s true!”

The energy in the room snapped around her. Any minute and he’d strike—maybe force her over the desk. The menacing gleam in his eyes promised hours of suffering.

“Maybe I’ll mark you just to piss them off. One thing for certain—you’ll be ruined in their eyes once I’m through with you.”

When he reached out to grab her arm, she screamed. The sound stunned her, as if right out of a horror movie. She supposed her life had been a nightmare lately, so removed from reality she expected to wake up back in the lower mainland, everything a figment of her imagination. But despite the danger and chaos, she wouldn’t trade her life if it meant losing her five miners.

She heard wolves howling outside, bringing her to a new level of fear. After her near-death encounters with the wolves, she wanted to get far, far away from the forests. Which was worse—being eaten alive or trapped alone with this madman?

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He ignored her now, more interested with the rustling and clawing just outside the door. When it flew open, nearly knocking Corbin off his feet, she was shocked and relieved to see Garret standing there. His dark hair was wet from the rain, his eyes fierce. And he was completely naked. He was the sight she’d secretly prayed for, the leader, her protector. Her body melted from the inside out, her bones feeling like rubber as relief cascaded through her. Many questions plagued her thoughts, like why were her men always running around without clothing. But right now she only focused on her rescue.

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