Read Slavery by Another Name Online

Authors: Douglas A. Blackmon

Slavery by Another Name (89 page)

Smith, Robert Crew. “The Coming of the Railroad.” Privately published compilation of family

historical material, n.d., Goodwater, Ala., Goodwater Public Library, Genealogy Section.

Teague, E. B. “Sketches of the History of Shelby County.” Typescript, 84 pp. SCHS.

Vandiver, Frank E. “Josiah Gorgas and the Brierfield Iron Works.” Alabama Review, January 1950.

——-. “The Shelby Iron Company in the Civil War: A Study of a Confederate Industry.” Alabama

Review, January 1948.

Wal ace, Reynolds E., Jr. “Recol ections of Wesley Chapel.” Copy of unpublished manuscript, 1996.

Author's col ection.

Walthal Family History. Typescript, 16 pp. SCHS. Washington, Booker T. “To the Colored Citizens of

Alabama,” Tuskegee Student, Feb. 28, 1895, p. 2, BTW Papers.

Wel s, Ida B. “The Convict Lease System”; “Lynch Law.” Chapters in The Reason Why the Colored

American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago, 1893.


Carter, Dan T. “Prisons, Politics and Business: The Convict Lease System in the Post–Civil War South.”

M.A. thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1964.

Day, James Sanders. “Diamonds in the Rough: A History of Alabama's Cahaba Coal Field.” Ph.D. diss.,

Auburn University, 2002.

Ful er, Justin. “History of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, 1852–1907.” Ph.D. diss.,

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hil , 1966.

Nolen, David L. “Wilson's Raid on the Coal and Iron Industry in Shelby County.” Thesis, University of

Alabama, Birmingham, Spring 1988.


Agreement Entered into by J. Craig Smith, President of the Board of Convict Inspectors of the State of

Alabama and Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Nov. 26, 1907. Author's col ection.

Annual Report, Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Company, Reports to Board of Directors, Dec. 19, 1892.

Let erbooks of Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad, 1893–1895, A. S. Wil iams Col ection, Eufaula

Athenaeum, Eufaula, Ala.

Mechanical Mining Handbook. Tennessee Coal and Iron Division, United States Steel Corp., 1956.

Author's col ection.

Pocket Companion Information and Tables for Engineers and Designers and Other Data Pertaining to

Structural Steel. Pit sburgh, Penn., and Chicago, Il .: Carnegie-Il inois Steel Corporation, 1936.

Birmingham, Ala.: Tennesse Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, 1936. San Francisco, Calif.: Columbia

Steel Company, 1936.

Rules and Regulations, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company. Ensley Works, May 1921. Author's

col ection.

Sixth Annual Report of the United States Steel Corporation, for the Fiscal Year ended Dec. 31, 1907.

Steel Making at Birmingham, Ala. Fairfield, Ala.: Published by Tennessee Coal & Iron Division of United

States Steel Corp., 1954. An of icial company history.

Story of Tennessee Coal, Iron Railroad Company. As told in Blast Furnace and Steel Plant, Aug. 1939.

Author's col ection.

“Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company.” U.S. Steel News, Aug. 1937. Author's col ection.

Wiebel, A. V. Biography of a Business. Tennessee Coal & Iron Division. United States Steel Corporation,



Administrative Correspondence, 1881–1897, Dawson Let er Books. Correspondence of the Inspectors of

the Penitentiary, Department of Corrections. ADAH.

Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Alabama Penitentiary, for the Year Ending Sept. 30, 1877.

Montgomery: Barret & Brown, 1878. ADAH.

Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Alabama Penitentiary, October 1, 1873, to September 30, 1874.

Montgomery: W. W. Screws, 1874. Author's col ection.

Bibb County Commission Minutes, BCCH.

Biennial Report of the Adjutant-General of Alabama, to Thos. G. Jones, Governor and Commander-in-

Chief. Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1894.

Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, 1880–1882. Montgomery: Barret & Brown,

1882. ADAH.

“Circular No. 3591, Re: Involuntary Servitude, Slavery, and Peonage.” Francis Biddle to Al United

States At orneys, Dec. 12, 1941, File 50-821, Record Group 60, Department of Justice, National


Commissioner of Labor. Twentieth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor 1905: Convict

Labor.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Of ice, 1906.

“Contract on Confession of Judgment Record, 1903–1913.” SCHS.

Convict Legislation and Rules, 1882–1883, Alabama Department of Corrections. ADAH.

Convict Record, Autauga County Probate Clerks Of ice, Prat vil e, Ala.

Convict Record, undated, Barbour County. Sherif R. B. Teal, Barbour County Courthouse, Clayton, Ala.

Convicts at Hard Labor for the County in the State of Alabama on the First Day of March 1883,

microfiche. ADAH.

Dawson, R. H. Diary of Reginald Heber Dawson, 1883–1906. ADAH.

Deed of Purchase by the Confederate States of America of Bibb County Iron Co., Sept. 7, 1863, BCC.

Docket of A. M. El iot , Justice of the Peace, 1878–1880, SCHS.

Feeding Accounts, 1908, Shelby County. SCHS.

Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1902, to August 31, 1904.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1904. ADAH.

First Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1894, to August 31, 1896.

Montgomery: Roemer Printing, 1896. ADAH.

First Biennial Report of the Inspectors of Convicts, October 1, 1884, to October 1, 1886. Montgomery:

Barret & Co., 1886. ADAH.

Fourth Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1900, to August 31, 1902.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1902. ADAH.

Hart, Hastings H. Social Problems of Alabama: A Study of the Social Institutions and Agencies of the

State of Alabama as Related to Its War Activities. Montgomery: Russel Sage Foundation, 1918.

Henry County Convict Record, Henry County Courthouse, Abbevil e, Ala.

History of the Penitentiary. Special Message of Gov. Cobb, 1882. ADAH.

Jail Record, May 1888 to December 1890, Shelby County. SCHS.

Jail Register, 1907, Shelby County. SCHS.

“Jef erson County Circuit Court Convict Docket, 1902–1903.” Birmingham Public Library Archives.

Je erson County Coroner's Record, Preliminary Investigation Reports, Record of B. L. Brasher, Coroner,

Of ice of Coroner/Medical Examiner, Jef erson County.

Kilby, Thomas E. “Message Relative to Convict Lease System.” Jan. 10, 1923.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1923. Author's col ection.

——-. “Message Relative to Feeding of Prisoners.” January 15, 1923.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1923. Author's col ection.

Kolb, R. F. Annual Report of Department of Agriculture and Industries for the Fiscal Year 1912–1913.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1913.

Land Atlas and Plat Book, Bibb County, Alabama. Rockford, Il .: Rockford Map Publishers, 1989.

Lee, A. Frank. “Historical Review of the Alabama Prison System.” Department of Corrections.

Montgomery, 1960. ADAH.

Message of Thos. E. Kilby, Governor, Relative to Feeding of Prisoners, Legislative Document No. 3,

Alabama Legislature, Jan. 15, 1923 (Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1923). Author's col ection.

Milner, John T. “Report to the Governor of Alabama on the Alabama Central Railroad.” Montgomery:

Advertiser Book and Job Steam Press Print, 1859. ADAH.

Minutes of the Board of Inspectors, 1883–1913, Department of Corrections. ADAH.

Minutes of the Shelby County Commission, Dec. 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884.

SCHS. Oates, W. H. Report of the State Prison Inspector of Alabama, for the Period of Two Years Ending

September 30th, 1916. Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1917. ADAH.

O cial Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Alabama, May 21–Sept. 3, 1901.

Wetumpka, Ala.: 1940.

Proceedings: Joint Commit ee of the Senate and House to Investigate the Convict Lease System of

Georgia. Vols. 1 and 2, 727 pp. GDAH.

Quadrennial Report of the Board of Control and Economy: Convict Department, 1919–1922.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1922. ADAH.

Quadrennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1906, to August 31, 1910.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1910. ADAH.

Quadrennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1910, to August 31, 1914.

Montgomery, 1914. ADAH.

Quadrennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, Sept. 1, 1914, to Aug. 31, 1918.

Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1918. ADAH.

Record of Incorporation, Bibb Steam Mil Company, Nov. 26, 1850. BCC.

Register of Prisoners Commit ed to the County Jail of Shelby County. SCHS.

“Report of Persons Sentenced to Hard Labor for Shelby County.” December 1913. SCHS.

Report of the State Prison Inspector of Alabama, for the Period of Two Years Ending September 30th,

1916. Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1917.

Report of the State Prison Inspector of Alabama, for the Period of Two Years Ending September 30,

1920. Montgomery: Brown Printing, 1920. ADAH.

Report of the State Prison Inspector of Alabama, for the Period of Two Years Ending September 30th,

1926. Birmingham: Birmingham Printing, 1926. ADAH.

Report of the State Prison Inspector of Alabama, for the Period of Two Years Ending September 30th,

1928. Birmingham: Birmingham Printing, 1928. Author's col ection.

Report of the State Prison Inspector of Alabama, for the Period of Two Years Ending September 30th,

1930. Montgomery: Wilson Printing Co., 1930. Author's col ection.

Schedule of Convicts Obtained by Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co. from Shelby County, 2nd Quarter

1904. SCHS.

Second Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1886: Convict Labor.Washington, D.C.: U.S.

Government Printing Of ice, 1887.

Second Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1896, to August 31, 1898.

Montgomery: Roemer Printing, 1898. ADAH.

Second Biennial Report of the Inspectors of Convicts, Oct. 1, 1886, to Sept. 30, 1888. Montgomery: W.

D. Brown, 1888. ADAH.

Shelby County Pol Tax Book, 1890. SCHS.

Shelby County Record of Prisoners, April 11, 1878, to October 11, 1878, SCHS. Shelby County Record

of Prisoners, April 18, 1879, to October 1, 1888.SCHS.

Shelby County Record of Prisoners, Aug. 17, 1884, to May 16, 1886.SCHS.

Shelby County Record of Prisoners, Oct. 19, 1890, to Aug. 20, 1906.SCHS.

Shelby County Sherif 's Of ice, Loose Papers File, Columbiana, Ala., SCHS.

Sherif 's Feeding Account, 1899–1907, Shelby County. SCHS.

Sherif 's Feeding Accounts, 1907, Shelby County. SCHS.

Sherif 's Prisoners Register, 1908, Shelby County. SCHS.

Sixth Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1904, to August 31, 1906.

Montgomery, 1906. ADAH.

Tal apoosa County Probate Clerk's Records, Dadevil e, Ala.

Testimony Taken by the Joint Special Commit ee of the Session of 1880–81 to Enquire into the

Condition and Treatment of Convicts of the State, Testimony of Jno. D. Goode. Montgomery, Ala.,

1881. ADAH.

Third Biennial Report of the Board of Inspectors of Convicts, September 1, 1898, to August 31, 1900.

Montgomery: A. Roemer, 1900. ADAH.

Third Biennial Report of the Inspectors of Convicts, Oct. 1, 1888, to Sept. 30, 1890. Montgomery:

Brown Printing, 1890. ADAH.

The War of Rebel ion: A Compilation of the O cial Records of the Union and Confederate

Armies.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Of ice, 1880–1901.

Wilcox County Probate Clerk's Records, Camden, Ala.


Atlanta Constitution

Atlanta Journal

Augusta Chronicle

Birmingham Age-Herald

Birmingham Daily News

Centrevil e Press

Cleveland Gazet e

Dadevil e Spot Cash

Galveston Daily News

Jacksonvil e Florida Times-Union

Montgomery Advertiser

Montgomery Daily Dispatch

New York Evening Post

New York Herald

New York Times

New York World

Prat vil e Progress

Shelby Sentinel

Sunday Mississippian

Tal apoosa Voice

Wal Street Journal

Wilcox Progressive Era

Photography Credits

Courtesy of Birmingham Public Library and



Courtesy of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research

1 (top)

Center, University of Texas at Austin

Courtesy of Birmingham Public Library and

1 (bot om)


2 (top)

Courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ6-1848

Courtesy of the Alabama Department of History

2 (bot om)

and Archives

Courtesy of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research

3 (top left)

Center, University of Texas at Austin

3 (top right) Author's col ection

Courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ6Z-

3 (bot om)


Courtesy of the Alabama Department of History

4(top left)

and Archives

Courtesy of the Alabama Department of History

4 (top right) and


Courtesy of the Alabama Department of History

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and Archives

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