Sin City Uniform 01 - All Fired Up (19 page)

He felt more lube on his crack, but it had been warmed—the way Trent had promised from before. The unyielding object pressed against his opening again and with a pop, breached him by what couldn’t be more than an inch. Trent continued to poke it in, take it completely out then stab it in with a short thrust.

Trent repeated the same motions in rapid succession until Shawn’s entire world consisted of nothing other than his sensitized rim. Cries—keening, sounds Shawn knew he’d never made before—Trent’s actions forced them from his body as Shawn endured the erotic torture. The noises turned into pleas, and Trent was right. He was begging. He did it without shame from a place of nothing but pure need.

He cried out when the toy sank all the way into his passage until he felt Trent’s hand resting against his butt cheeks. There was no movement and he grunted, using his elbows to push against it, to encourage Trent to do something with it. Anything.

“Up on all fours again.”

“Trent, I’m seriously pleading with you here. Do
take that fucking thing out of me, I’m right at the edge.”

“Don’t you dare come yet.”

Trent grabbed the base of Shawn’s cock and squeezed. Hard.

Shawn had made it on all fours again, but when Trent had gripped him so tight, he almost fell back down. Maintaining his hold on Shawn’s dick, Trent maneuvered beneath him until he’d lined his mouth up with Shawn’s swollen erection. Wrapping one arm around Shawn’s waist, he yanked him down, swallowing around him, using his other hand to manipulate the dildo in him.

He rutted in Trent’s mouth, driven on by the toy he was being fucked with and Trent’s enthusiastic sucking. He was a ball of sensation driven by unbelievable need. His hardened length was wrapped by Trent’s soft lips and suckled by his hot tongue. Then he would push down Trent’s throat, the muscles squeezing his tip so good. His hole was slippery and stretched, each plunge of the dildo pegging his gland.

He couldn’t wait any more.

A loud yell sounded, wrenched from him as he came down Trent’s throat repeatedly, jerking, clamping his inner muscles around the unyielding object buried deep in his ass.

Trent had stilled, holding it there as he continued to suck him dry. His muscles shook, burned. His heart hammered in his chest as he fought a wave of dizziness.

The toy was oh so slowly removed, his passage closing around the large dildo as it exited his body. He could still barely breathe and didn’t have the energy to even move one bit. Trent still lay under him, finally releasing his flaccid member, letting it fall from his lips.

He nuzzled Shawn’s crotch, rubbing his nose in his pubic hair.

After a few minutes, Trent eased out from under him. He kissed the side of his neck and whispered in his ear.

“Stay right there, on your elbows, your ass open for me.”

He was spent, really sated. But what Trent had said made his dick twitch with interest.

It was unlikely he’d get it up again for round three, but there was still some life there.

The sound of the condom wrapper tearing alerted him that what he’d thought was originally going to happen was about to occur. Trent would fill him from behind with his long, thick cock. He was loose and ready to feel Trent inside him.

Trent’s first thrust was slow and deep, taking Trent all the way to the end of his insides.

He didn’t want to come again—he only wanted to experience Trent’s pleasure as he took it from Shawn’s body. To know that when his lover came, it was because they’d been joined together.

Trent moved, leisurely at first, then with more power. He angled himself differently with each plunge, seemingly lost in his own sensation. His pace quickened as he slammed more forcefully into Shawn, their skin slapping together. Shawn’s half-hard cock bobbed and as Trent’s moans increased, his fingers digging deeper in the flesh around Shawn’s hips, Shawn squeezed his passage around Trent’s dick. That was what did it.

Trent covered him like a cocoon, wrapping an arm around his stomach and pulling him flush to his body as he emptied his seed into the condom. He nipped at the skin on Shawn’s upper back, making unintelligible sounds as he rode out his climax. He stayed like that for several minutes, holding Shawn, resting his face on Shawn’s shoulder, placing light kisses here and there.

Finally, he rolled to his side, bringing Shawn with him. As soon as he’d done that, his softened dick slid from Shawn’s ass, and he reached between them to grab the condom. They lay silent for a while, Shawn resting in Trent’s arms, his back to Trent’s chest. To be lying together, skin to skin, peaceful in the afterglow of their lovemaking—was all that Shawn wanted. There was so much waiting for them, so much more to look forward to. Their life together was only beginning.

Chapter Eleven

The previous two weeks had bordered on perfect. The only thing that had prevented absolute perfection were the days he and Trent couldn’t be together because of their job responsibilities. They’d fallen into a routine where Shawn would stay at Trent’s home when he had to be at the firehouse so that he could see him the moment he came back. Of course, once he was there, Trent didn’t want him to leave. Other than a couple of nights they’d spent at Shawn’s place, he’d practically moved in at Trent’s.

Shawn sat in the break room at work, grinning to himself. He took a sip of his coffee, hoping that anyone who might spot him in there wouldn’t think he’d turned into a complete lunatic. His smile couldn’t be helped. When he got off his shift that night, he’d be on his way to Trent’s where he’d been told a new toy had arrived in the mail. Trent refused to tell him what it was, so of course, it was all he could think about. They would have the next couple of days to play with whatever it was.

“You’re disgusting.”

He choked on his coffee, almost dropping it at the sound of Vicki’s voice. He had a brief moment of panic where he wondered if he’d spoken his thoughts out loud.

“What do you mean?”

She pulled out a chair and sat down, stretching her legs out, crossing her arms in front of her.

“Hmmph. You’re like the cat that ate the canary every day around here. It’s disgusting.” She looked around to see if anyone was close enough to hear them. “Aren’t you glad you took my advice, Everly?”

“Very. Things are better than I ever could have imagined.”

She arched her eyebrows. “I’m glad. But please, no blow-by-blow descriptions.”

He’d just taken another sip and choked again.

“Dammit, Vicki. Are you trying to kill me?”

She snorted. “What sort of plans do you and lover boy have scheduled for your days off? You’d better take advantage, since they don’t always fall at the same time.”

“Yeah, no kidding. Not sure.” He cleared his throat. “I’m headed over there tonight after work. He’s been back from the station since noon, so I know he’ll have cooked up something special.”

“You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

He smiled. “I know. He’s a wonderful man.”

“I meant the cooking. I don’t care about the rest of it.”

He pursed his lips at her.

Darren stuck his head in the room. “Hey, everyone. The lieutenant has some sort of important announcement.”

People rose to their feet with a scrape of chairs and some disgruntled mumblings to head to the briefing room.

Vicki regarded him. “Citizens Group?”

He sighed in resignation. “Most likely.”

The information he’d given the detectives had been enough to work with that they’d been able to at least track down the man who’d been arrested. Upon questioning him, they’d uncovered ties that he had with a few extreme religious cults. None of them were locally based however, so they’d had to team with the FBI to speak with the out-of-state groups.

LVMPD still believed he was involved somehow, but they hadn’t been able to locate the woman he’d been accused of attacking and who’d told Shawn about the man in the trailer.

The other interesting bit of info had been when the detectives had questioned the man Shawn had saved. He claimed he never took sleeping pills but did accept coffee from a woman who’d been by the trailer a few times to chat with him. Based on that, the detectives were certain that Shawn had been justified in his suspicions about the mystery woman.

When they entered the room, he noted that it was even more crowded than usual. He saw some of his fellow foot patrol officers who worked other shifts. They were there in their street clothes, so they must’ve been called in specifically for the meeting. Lieutenant Campos strolled in and made his way to the front of the room. He was trailed by two of the lead investigators on the team that had been formed to deal with the Citizen’s Against Immorality Group.

The lieutenant began, “I’m going to speak briefly before turning everything over to our investigators. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that. We all know why they’re here. I want to reiterate that this is a very sensitive situation, but we need to all be on our toes. Thanks to Officer Everly’s astute observations, we were able to locate one viable suspect who we hope can lead us to others involved with this heinous group of people.”

He turned to the other two men, nodding. “Gentlemen.”

One of them stepped forward. “I think most of you know me here as Detective Isaacson. Along with my partner, Detective Lewis, we’re heading the team that is handling this investigation. There have been some recent developments in the case that we aren’t at liberty to disclose at this time, but we do need your help with something. We’re about to hand out a composite picture of the mystery woman we’ve been trying to locate. Now, I’m sure most of you have seen it already, but please take another look, keep it with you while you’re out there. It’s vital that we pick her up as soon as possible.

“The other thing I’d like to bring up—and the reason why we called you all in here today—is that we believe someone is leaking information to the press. There’s been more than one story that has cited anonymous sources from the police department. That wouldn’t be such an issue except that certain facts that no one would have known any other way were published. Let’s be perfectly clear so that there’s no question. Anyone caught giving classified information…really,
information to the media will be terminated immediately, with possible charges, depending on the nature of the information.”

Both he and Vicki exchanged glances. Who would be dumb enough to do such a thing?

After a few more general announcements from the lieutenant, they readied themselves to head out on the street to face another night. Once they were outside, on their beat, the gloom of the briefing lifted somewhat. The evening was pleasantly warm, not hot. The impending fall had taken the sharp edge off the heat.

He strolled along with Vicki at his side, the possibility of locating the mystery woman never leaving the forefront of his mind. He didn’t need a composite drawing. He’d never forget her face. There had been no new killing, no new arson attempts recently. While it was a good thing, it also kept everyone on high alert as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

His mind wandered again to Trent, as it often did. Since Trent was at home, undoubtedly planning some sort of wicked interlude to go along with whatever had arrived in the mail, Shawn wouldn’t have to go to extra lengths if emergency services were called out. There hadn’t been any more problems since Trent had returned to work, and he meant to keep it that way. Even though Trent had told him that he would’ve left Vegas if things hadn’t worked out between them, left his job, he didn’t want that for his lover. He wanted Trent to get everything—his career and love. He wanted the same thing for himself.

Tires screeched and cars swerved as a young woman ran into the Boulevard traffic. One car wasn’t able to stop in time and slammed into her. Screams rang out, several people rushing to her aid, the rest of the crowds gathering to watch. He sprinted behind Vicki to help her control the chaos and tend to the victim. Something about the whole scenario nagged at him. It was too reminiscent of the hotel fire, the motel attacker.

He stopped where he was, his gaze traveling around the area, alert to anything that might seem out of place. There wasn’t anything he could pinpoint, but his gut still told him that something was off. He picked up his pace again, anxious to get to where the crowds had all been drawn, to back up Vicki.

As he passed a large hedge outside one of the casinos, the mystery woman stepped out in front of him. He froze, too stunned to speak. She glared at him, hatred shining in her eyes.

He mentally shook himself then lunged for her. Someone grabbed and yanked him back. The defensive training he’d learned kicked in, but before he could do anything, the woman yelled out.

“We have your lover!”

He frowned. What the hell was she talking about? It was ridiculous. He’d spoken to Trent…

Over three hours ago.

His gut clenched, his heart rate accelerating as he fought down the fear over his lover’s safety.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do, Officer Everly.”

He spun around to face the man who’d grabbed his arm initially. It was one of the goons who’d razzed him about Trent when they first got together—the one from the break room. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember the guy’s name, and he was dressed in street clothes.

“What’s all this about?”

He couldn’t reconcile what the mystery woman and a fellow officer were doing together.

“It’s about sick deviants like you and your so-called boyfriend, Trent Marshall. I told my mother all about you two. How you’re flaunting your perversion to everyone, the police force, the fire stations.”

“You’re absolutely insane. I don’t believe for a moment you have Trent.” He racked his brain for something to catch them in their lie. “Especially since he’s at the station right now. “

The woman spoke up. “That would be difficult, since we sent some of our people to his house to get him earlier. I was told he was in the middle of preparing a lovely meal. It’s so sad that you won’t be able to enjoy it with him.” Her hate-filled stare returned. “Or any of the other sick things both of you freaks do.”

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