Sin City Uniform 01 - All Fired Up (13 page)

“Not yet. I’m tasting you, remember?”

Trent swallowed. He remembered. Somehow he’d thought they’d be in bed when it happened, not in his yard.

“Stand up and face away from me.”

If any of my neighbors see us…

It was unusual for him to allow a man to guide the action in the bedroom, to let someone else take command of his body. But Shawn was too sexy, made everything so erotic.

He couldn’t say no.

Rising out of the water, he did as Shawn had instructed. He almost fell forward when Shawn grasped his cheeks forcefully, parting them. A groan escaped him when Shawn blew on his hole. He felt himself clench, his shaft swollen with his need, twitching with each hot breath on his pucker.

“Shawn, please…”

The hardened point of Shawn’s tongue nudged his opening, probing, seeking entrance.

He relaxed into the sensation and Shawn breached him.

. So good.”

Over and over Shawn pushed in. If he hadn’t held onto him so well, Trent was sure he would’ve fallen forward. He rutted into air as Shawn licked at his insides, keeping his rim stretched with his hot, wet tongue. Clenching his fists at his sides, he didn’t dare touch his dick in any way. He’d shoot immediately.

Shawn pulled out, but kept one hand on his hip.

“Don’t move. I wanna stretch you more.”

Shawn let go and Trent heard some shuffling around, the water splashing. His backside was parted again and the cool liquid of the lube made him jump. He was grateful. He’d been too close. One of Shawn’s fingers invaded his passage, sliding in to the first knuckle. Shawn twisted it around and the urge to touch himself was almost unbearable.


A moan was Shawn’s only answer and it ramped up the heat of the moment to know

Shawn was as turned on as he was. Shawn added another digit and in addition to the swirl, he scissored them. He used his other hand to steady Trent, holding onto his hip to keep him from pitching forward as his thrusts became more forceful.

His cock leaked—a tiny string of pre-cum trailing off the end of his tip. Shawn dug deeper, reaching his gland and stroking it gently, causing sparks of electricity to shoot up his spine and to the end of his dick. It was too much, yet not enough. Right as he thought Shawn had finished finger fucking him, he added a third one and twisted his hand as he thrust in and out.

“Now. Inside me now.”

He turned in time to see Shawn scoot up onto the edge of the Jacuzzi where he’d obviously padded the surface with the soft towels. Shawn had removed the condom from the packet and it lay in the palm of his hand.

“Put it on me.”

He sucked in a breath and plucked the rubber from where it lay in Shawn’s hand. After rolling it on his lover, he leaned in for a kiss. He was hungry for him, for their connection. As soon as Shawn was covered, he positioned himself over him and allowed Shawn to guide his cock to his entrance. He sank down on Shawn’s thick column of flesh, impaling himself to the hilt.

Remaining still, he gazed down at Shawn. There was a look of awe in his eyes.

“This good for you?”

Shawn nodded shakily, his lips parted.

“Been years. Really good. You too?”

“Yes.” Trent gave him a peck on his nose. “Wonderful.”

“Lower us into the water.”

Trent smiled. “Could get messy.”

“That okay?”

In answer, he grasped Shawn’s ass cheeks and lifted him keeping them connected. Once he had Shawn settled on the tub’s ledge, he placed one hand at the small of his back to keep him from being hurt as he rode him. He used the other to brace himself against the edge of the Jacuzzi. Slowly, he moved on and off Shawn’s cock.

The water sloshed with each motion, gradually creating waves that poured over the side onto the patio. He didn’t give a shit, he was in heaven. The angle he needed to peg himself was difficult to achieve, but if he leaned back slightly, Shawn’s dick would glance over his gland. He clutched the edge and grasped Shawn’s shoulder to keep his balance.

Their shared moans filled the air. As much as he wanted to be quiet since they were outside, he wasn’t sure it would be possible. Not when Shawn felt so incredible filling him, joining with him. Shawn’s fingers curled around his aching member, jacking it. Trent made more space by arching his back to peg himself even more.


Unable to continue, he released on a strangled cry, clamping down on Shawn’s cock so hard, he almost expelled him from his body.


Shawn let go on a long moan, pulsing inside him. It stimulated him more, forcing more cum out of him. The heat of the water and their urgent coupling had him dizzy, breathless.

Shawn sighed. “Baby, hold me. I need you.”

He opened his eyes and leaned forward, his heart clutching at the vulnerability in Shawn’s expression. He wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close, kissing his head, the side of his face. Shawn nuzzled into his neck, his hot breath fanning his skin. He’d never had anyone call him baby before. He decided he liked it.

They stayed in one another’s arms as long as they could. When Shawn finally slipped free of his body, he grabbed for the condom. Shawn got to it first and they both laughed.

“How’s your knee?”

“Fine. My tailbone however…”

As soon as Shawn winced, Trent leaped off him, sending another large wave of water sloshing onto the patio.

“I didn’t mean for you to—”

“I’m taking over. Grab my hand.”

He easily yanked Shawn up with one arm then pulled him close again, cradling him, stroking his lower back.

“I’m sorry. You should’ve said something.”

“Not a chance. I didn’t want you to stop.”

“Don’t do that again.”

“I can’t fuck you again?”

Not a half hour before he would have likely said he didn’t want to be fucked again, or at least only on rare occasions. But he no longer felt that way. Not with Shawn. He’d made it a nut busting rollercoaster ride.

“Fucking me is a definite yes. You being hurt while fucking me is a definite no.”

“I told you, I’m—”

“Fine. I know. I just can’t stomach you being hurt in any way.”

Shawn stared at him, a look of contemplation on his face.

“You’re very serious about that, aren’t you?”

“I’ve told you that before.”

“I know. It just really hit me somehow when you said it this time.”

“Well, it’s true. I really care about you.”

Trent wasn’t used to a lot of things that he’d been experiencing with Shawn. However, openly sharing his feelings—especially when things were still so new—had to top everything else. Shawn appeared completely at ease with his words.

“I’m glad to hear that, since I really care about you too.”

They kept their eyes locked on one another, no more words needed. Somehow, he was able to let himself be vulnerable with Shawn. It was also new for him, but it was okay. He was finding out that there were plenty of things that were okay with Shawn in his life.

“I’m taking you inside now. I want you to rest.”

Shawn’s amused smirk didn’t escape his notice. He was aware that Shawn thought he was bossy, but he’d also noticed that his lover seemed to enjoy it most of the time. As much as he liked taking care of him, he was certain Shawn craved being taken care of sometimes.

Even if it was only in the bedroom, Trent believed it was a significant part of their dynamic together.

“Come lie with me.”

He went to grasp Shawn’s hand but he pulled it back. Right as Trent was about to say something, Shawn wrapped his arms around his neck.

“My knee is bothering me. I might need you to carry me.”

Yes. He would carry Shawn anytime.

* * * *

He still had to make sure to keep his knee wrapped, but at least he was back on duty.

Their weekend together had been incredible—sex, driving to the mountains, more sex, eating at a UFO-themed diner, sex, a movie night, sex and finally, sex. His balls had actually ached in protest by Monday morning.

It was another Tuesday night—a week since he’d made a fool of himself by crashing to the ground in front of everyone. It was a maneuver he hoped never to repeat again. Trent would be off his shift by noon the next day and they’d already made plans to grab a quick lunch together before Shawn had to report back to the station.

“How’s that knee?”

He was brought back to the present by Vicki’s question. It was the longest he’d been on it since it had been injured. He had to admit it was bothering him somewhat and he’d noticed he’d fallen into a limp over the past hour.

“It’s fine.”

“Uh-huh. Don’t make it worse by pushing yourself too soon.”

Shawn harrumphed. “As if you should talk.”

“Do as I say, not as I do.”


He halted in order to focus on some type of disturbance a couple of yards ahead.

Something was clearly wrong. People were pointing, covering their mouths, some running away, yelling. He caught Vicki’s eye and they ran toward the chaos.

They could smell it right away, even before they got closer. Thick clouds of smoke, blacker than the backdrop of the night, poured onto the Strip. It came from the construction site of a new casino in the process of being built. Several older businesses had been torn down to create space for the new contender on the Boulevard.

It wasn’t nearly as grand as some of the other hotels, but it was at least twenty stories high. It was midway through its construction, so there were large sections that were still in the skeletal stage. An open area in front of it remained unpaved—no doubt it would eventually be filled with fountains and other statements of grandeur. The sign at the front of the property proclaimed it to be the new home of Dark Fantasy, a vampire horror-themed venue.

Both he and Vicki worked to keep the crowds back. Sirens screamed in the distance and Shawn was certain there’d be more than one company called to battle the blaze. Already large flames curled around the edges of the building as if trying to embrace it. An older woman grabbed his arm.

“There’s a man in that trailer. He stays there overnight to keep watch. I sometimes bring him coffee.”

Shawn trained his gaze where the woman pointed. He could vaguely see the outline of the rectangular structure she was referring to. It was much too close to the fire.

“Why do you think he’s still in there?”

He couldn’t imagine the guy not noticing such a thing happening right next to him.

She looked sheepish. “He takes sleeping pills. Otherwise he says the noise on the Strip keeps him awake.”

Awesome security system.

He turned to Vicki, but she cut him off before he could speak.

“Go ahead. Darren and Parker just pulled up, they can help me with crowd control.”

He nodded then took off at a fast clip, mindful of the uneven ground. He’d almost expected her to insist that she go in his place because of his knee, but they were alike in the sense that he never would have insinuated she couldn’t handle herself in a situation. He knew she would never make that decision for him either.

The smoke was much thicker the closer he got. He pulled the neck of his undershirt up so that it covered his mouth and nose. Right as he reached the door of the watchman’s trailer, several loud pops exploded above the roar of the now-raging fire. Glass shattered around him and he knew it was imperative that he be quick. The place was locked up tight. He didn’t have time to fuck around, so he took out his baton and bashed the flimsy handle of the door.

After minimal effort, he broke his way in. Sure enough, the loud snores of the security guard could be heard over the conflagration right outside. The structure was small and awkward. He wormed his way in, anxious to get them both out of there. As soon as he’d opened the trailer to the outside elements, it had begun filling with smoke.

It proved fruitless to wake the seemingly unconscious man, so he had no choice but to drag him out. Fortunately, he was slightly built and not very big. Still, it was unwieldy extracting them both from the crowded space as he coughed and sputtered. As soon as he’d exited, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.

He whipped around and saw that it was Lee. He was in full gear, mask in place, so he gestured for Shawn to go back to the street. Shawn nodded in understanding and Lee picked up the still sleeping watchman and tossed him over his shoulder. They made their way through the tangle of hoses and other firefighters working their way toward the burning hotel.

As they reached the edge of the property, he spotted Trent next to his captain. They appeared to be involved in a heated discussion. Trent had his mask and tank in his arms, but wasn’t in the process of putting them on. He didn’t want to interfere with Trent while he was on the job, so he searched through the crowds to locate Vicki. She wasn’t immediately visible, so he reached for his radio to contact her. He coughed loudly, the smoke still getting to him a bit.

“What the fuck did you think you were doing?”

He jumped at the sound of Trent’s loud voice. Trent was right in his face and looked infuriated. He grabbed Shawn by the arms and shook him.

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

What had always been a sexy growl was instead filled with anger. It was nothing like the Trent he knew. He stood speechless, not sure what to do or say. His Captain clapped his hand on Trent’s shoulder and he shook it off.

Oh shit.

Trent was in big trouble, he could see it on his boss’s face. Shawn tried to diffuse things until they could have a rational conversation away from work.

“I’m okay. Everything’s fine.”

Trent let Shawn go, dropping his hands to his sides. His face was still twisted in rage, but there was also hurt there, as if he was a wounded animal.

“Everything’s not fine. Not fine, don’t you understand? I can’t do this.” He shook his head—wouldn’t stop. “I won’t do this, not again. I’m done.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

It hit him right then what Trent was saying. He meant that
were done. Trent was actually breaking up with him in the middle of a crowd in front of their peers during a major fire. He couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t respond. Trent wouldn’t even meet his eyes.

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