Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy) (18 page)


~ ~ ~


July 13, 1985, was Beth’s thirtieth birthday and Andy had a surprise party planned. That morning the guys were in the studio early. Beth brought coffee and cinnamon rolls out for them.

Andy grabbed her in a hug and said, “Guys, I know it

s short notice, but we’re gonna give it a rest today,” he told them. “I just decided that I’m taking my girl out for dinner. Dress fancy, Bethy
” he told her, nuzzling her neck.

The idea of an evening alone with Andy excited her, there had been few lately. With all the hours they

d been putting in on the album, she missed their alone time. She chose a short, sassy, red cocktail dress that she’d bought on a recent trip home to Florida to visit her family, and Kimmy.

“Aren’t you handsome,” she cooed seeing him dressed in a suit, waiting for her

“And you, my love, are dazzling,” he whispered in her ear, leaving a blaze of warm kisses on her neck.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked, pushing him
, or she wouldn’t want to leave.


s a surprise,” he said and pulled her back into his embrace. “Come on,” he said taking her hand in his.

Nathan let out a wolf whistle as Beth emerged to tell them all ‘bye’. The guys were going crazy with pent-up energy
the pool.

Andy had finally bought the ‘rock-star car’, a Jaguar convertible that Beth joked about over the years when they would drive his old truck. As they drove away the guys all yelled “Happy Birthday!”

“Top up or down?”  

referring to the car, right?” she asked and Andy roared with laughter. It was warm, but she told him, “D
own, d
efinitely down!”

They drove along quietly, Andy holding her hand in his lap. He finally pulled into the parking lot of Andelini’s, a quaint little Italian restaurant about fifteen miles away on the water. Beth knew she had picked well on the dress, and smiled

maître d

to a romantic, circular booth in the corner, and snuggled in. Andy ordered a bottle of Chianti, and escargot. Andelini

s was famous for their Traveling Minstrels and Flower Lady. No one dined there without a serenade and the purchase of a bouquet of flowers. It was one of Beth’s favorite places

Andy poured them each some of the wine, and took Beth’s hand as the Flower Lady appeared. She dressed in character, like an old world farm woman, big brimmed straw hat, apron, and a big basket of flowers. There were bouquets of pink roses, red roses, Calla Lilies, and daisies in her basket. Andy chose the Calla Lilies and she presented them to Beth with grand flair. Beth knew that he’d requested them, they were not a flower that was usually present in her baskets, and she smiled at his thoughtfulness.

When she left them Andy brought Beth’s hand to his lips;

Have I told you that you are beautiful for an old woman of thirty?”

Yes, but you can tell me again, I can

t hear it enough,” she laughed.

pulled her closer
and slid his
up her back,
to whisper in her ear,

You are so beautiful. My Bethy…” He brought her lips to his
, and said,
“Happy Birthday, my love

The escargot arrived and they enjoyed it with the wine. One of the minstrels came over and began to play. They roamed throughout the restaurant, playing. As they approached their table, Beth settled back to listen; the music was very pleasant.

They lingered over the meal and shared wonderful conversation. Beth noticed that the dining room was pretty much empty, she didn't think twice about it because it was a Wednesday evening. The waiter came and asked if they would like dessert, explaining that the selections were available on a dessert bar in an adjoining room. Andy took her hand in his as the waiter led them.

“I don’t need dessert, but they make the best tiramisu, so maybe a small piece,” she told Andy

When they entered the room everyone yelled,


Beth looked around; Mom and Pops, Phyllis, Kimmy and Lane were there
Dina and Nathan, Vince and Roddy, all the
guys and their families were there, too. There were balloons and gifts, and Vince made her favorite carrot cake. She loved that they were all there, dressed up and enjoying her special day.

Andy worked it out with Vince, who’d become good friends with the Andelini

s. He and Roddy made all the arrangements for everyone to come in town, and more of a surprise for Beth
they were
staying at the house.

So much for being alone with Andy,

she thought.


Beth opened gifts from everyone but Andy. He disappeared for a few minutes
. When he returned he had
a big box, about three feet square, and Beth tore into it. She learned early in their relationship not to be dainty opening gifts when Andy was around. Inside was another wrapped box, and she laughed at the box inside the box. Shooting a look in Andy’s direction, he shrugged his shoulders and laughed. Again she ripped paper, only to find another box inside. Now, everyone was laughing. She tore into the third box to find yet another, and started flinging paper everywhere. As she ripped the paper from the last box she found a small gift box. She lifted the lid expecting to find a piece of jewelry, but inside was a key. Puzzled, she looked to Andy.

He walked over to her, took her hand and led her to the door. When he opened it there was a red Mercedes 380SL convertible parked sideways with a big gold bow on top. She was so excited, and she drove them home in her new little car with the top down. When they got back to the house the partying continued until the wee hours of the morning. It was a special evening with all of her favorite people.



Rock and Roll Never Forgets






Chapter Sixteen



uly 3
1, 1985 ~
It took seven weeks with a couple of weekend breaks for the guys to go home, but recording was complete, eighteen songs, DONE! Next comes the culling, mixing, sweetening, and engineering to get it just right. After that
… my favorite part,
choose twelve or thirteen songs for
the album.



ings settled down a bit, and Beth and Andy were getting back to normal, whatever that was in their crazy lifestyle. They hoped to release the album in time for Christmas sales. It would be a push, but Roddy was working with marketing to get it in the works. The title track, “One for the Road” would be released in a few weeks.


You are there in the darkness,

lways there,

You are the lights in a sea of black,

This one

s for you

For all the nights you were there,

This one

s for you


~ ~ ~


By late September, “One for the Road” had made the top ten, where it stayed for several weeks. They released “Love Will Live”, Kimmy and Lane

s wedding song, as the flip side. Proceeds would go to Kimmy and Lane’s favorite charity. Anticipation over the new album was growing

The guys said this would be the last album for a year or two, they were burned out, and they were firm, no tour. They had been going fast and furious for more than a decade and they just wanted a break.

Nathan was taking Dina and Megan to New York City to work with Susan Marshall on a musical. It was the story of a rock and roll group and their life touring that he’d let simmer on the back burner for some time. He’d worked with Susan to tweak it, and they were just about ready.

Mark and Anna were settling into a new home in Kemah and wanted to enjoy it for a while. Maybe there would be another
baby on the way soon.

Both Scott Force and Dane Allen met with the guys and they were discussing a reunion album. Everyone believed it would come together, just not soon. The old and new members were game; the idea just needed time to stew a while. It was good they are talking again, especially Andy and Scott.


~ ~ ~


Beth and Andy were ready to open the doors to their home. They planned an album release party for late October. As preparations began, Beth allowed Vince to take charge.

Following that would be Christmas with a big celebration in Corpus Christi as well. Beth and Vince had their heads together planning and shopping for both for weeks. Together, they were in their glory.


November 9, 1985 ~
The album party was perfect! There were over one hundred and fifty in attendance. There were tents outside for the spillover. Both Dane and Scott were there so maybe that reunion will take place sooner than expected. Guests included record executives, and promoters that the guys have
worked with over the years. DJ
s and local dignitaries from Corpus Christie, Houston and Galveston joined us, and Phyllis came for the weekend, too. The morning host of “Good Morning Houston”
Kathy Rose, Andy, Nathan and Dina all went to
chool together so we invited her to come and she brought a small crew to tape some stuff for her morning show. It was fun, but I have to admit… Dina being there and having a personal relationship with Kathy h
elped make it more comfortable.


Almost as soon as the guests were out the door, Vince kicked into gear planning the Christmas celebration. He was a lifesaver, as Beth vowed to never again plan back-to-back gatherings.

Beth was taking a few days to go home to Florida for Thanksgiving while Andy and the guys hit the road for two weeks of TV and radio, to promote the album

s release. Kimmy was hosting Thanksgiving dinner and Andy would be flying in just in time to sit down for the bird


~ ~ ~


The house looked like a picture in a magazine with the Christmas decorating that Beth and Vince had tackled. Vince found a twelve-foot blue spruce and placed it in the center of the foyer with all white lights. Beth decorated it with hand-made ornaments. Some were very special treasures from Nana

s collection, ornaments filled with memories that Pappy had given her. Some were ornaments that she found in their travels at craft fairs and festivals when she was able to sneak off, with security close behind.

Many friends and family came in for the festivities. Some were friends from the band’s bar days when they were just getting started. Having them there was the guy’s way of saying thanks for helping them get started.

Andy gave Beth a beautiful pair of topaz earrings for her gift. They were very different, very unique.

They look just like Andy

s eyes,

she thought.


~ ~ ~


A new year arrived, once more and their lives continued to move forward on a busy path. In early February, Andy had a business trip planned to go to Los Angeles for few days to work out some appearances that the guys agreed to, and Dina was coming to spend a few days with Beth for some girl-time and shopping.


~ ~ ~


February 12, 1986 ~
Janice Joplin sang, “
Take a
nother little piece of my heart…

once again, I f
eel like

living it.
I feel my
heart break
one more time.


Andy left on Thursday for L.A., Dina came on Friday and stayed through Wednesday. They shared a wonderful weekend of shopping and chatter. Beth had a routine doctor’s appointment Friday
and was sitting in the waiting area flipping through the
magazine that just came out that day. She leafed through the pages, and as she turned one more page she saw it…

Whoosh… It felt as though it sucked the life from her body. Quickly, she got up and left, feeling like she couldn

t catch her breath. She got in her car and drove, not really even knowing what direction she was going. It seemed she drove for
hours, and a
million miles before she stopped. She pulled into a
Holiday Inn
and stopped the car. She sat
for a while looking around, trying to get her bearings. Finally, she
got out of the car and
checked in
. She
went to the room to lie down
, and
stretched across the bed, knowing that at any moment her head would explode

found the magazine in her purse. She must have
walked out of the doctor’s office with
She opened it again, and a flood of tears came as she flipped through the first couple of pages. Andy had been in L.A. for a week. He asked Beth to join him, but she had things she wanted to do, and some things she needed to take care of. Mostly, she looked forward to the girl time with Dina.


What the hell? I asked myself that question over and over as I looked
at the picture again. It was Claire Ferguson and Andy with a caption that read


Claire Ferguson and Andy Stevens leaving The Lagoon Bistro in L.A.”


After a while, she picked up the phone and dialed.

Roddy, it’s me,” she said when he answered.

Where in the hell are you?” h
e yelled quick, and frantic, “I’
ve been worried sick

It was dark, she glanced at the clock; it read
:02. “Not sure really, I just drove and when I got tired I stopped,” she mumbled.

Tell me where, I

ll be there as quick as I can. The doctor’s office called, said you signed in for your appointment, but when they called you back you weren’t there and they couldn’
t reach you! What happened? Why’
d you leave?” Roddy was yelling all these things at her

She didn’t reply and he began again; “I’ve been calling the house all day and there’s no answer. Needa told me she hadn’t seen or heard from you since this morning
Andy called me when he couldn’t reach you, he’s worried to death. When I talked to the woman at the doctor’s office I thought maybe you

d been kidnapped or something! I didn’t know what to do, or think!”

Had to go, Roddy; had to
get out of there, fast, couldn’
t breathe,” she said, and the mumbling continued. “Didn’t want to talk,” she said in broken sentences.

What? What happened?

Seen the newest
? It just came out today, page six, bottom left corner… It

s a small picture, but it’s there, plain as day,” she rambled on.

No! What is small? What are you talking about?

he asked, panic in his voice.

The picture of Andy and Claire.”

What picture, Beth?


The one taken in L.A. this week of them leaving a restaurant.”


s a picture of them Roddy,” she said and the tears came in a mad rush

Tell me where you are!” he was shouting.

No. Not now, I need to rest, I’m tired. I

ll call you in the morning. I promise. I just need some sleep. I

m just so tired,” she said again and hung up. She already felt worn out, but Roddy’s questions wore her down. She knew she didn’t have that kind of energy.

She didn

t sleep. She tried to watch TV for a while, but kept picking up that damn magazine, staring at the picture


What? When?

I knew the




to that list of questions, but why, why, why?


Finally, she did doze off. When she woke in the morning she went down to the front desk, picked up a toothbrush and toothpaste, grabbed a cup of coffee and went back to the room. She showered and put the same clothes back on. She grabbed her things to go check out; when she opened the door Roddy was standing there.

Thank God,” he said grabbing her.

Roddy. How

d you find me?” she asked him as he hurried her back into the room.

I had security trace your credit card.” He wrapped her in his arms.

Beth, it

s not what you think.”

“Oh Roddy, it never is, is it? I’
m tired.” She sat down on the edge of the bed as he paced. “I live each day waiting to see those pictures, waiting to get those phone calls, waiting to see it on TV and I

m just so damned tired. I thought I was past that, but I’m not. I tried to be, I really did. I want to be, but I’m always waiting and wondering.”

“Beth, I talked to Andy last night. I called him after I spoke with you and asked him what in the hell was going on.” Roddy sat down beside her, draping a loving arm around her shoulder.

“He met Tedd Marcus at the Bistro, and ran into Claire and Tony. They were having dinner and stopped by to tell Andy they are expecting a baby. What that picture didn

t show, didn

t tell, was that Tony was there too. The magazine conveniently cropped Tony out of the picture. They’ve reconciled and Andy saw them at the restaurant and stayed after the meeting to congratulate them.” 

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