Read Persian Fire Online

Authors: Tom Holland

Tags: #Non Fiction, #History

Persian Fire (83 page)

soldiers, 69-70,71-2,72-3,76; food supplies,

287-8; Immortals, 275 Solon, 106-7, 114, 117.298 sorcerers, 43 Spain, 230

Sparta, xix, xx; acropolis, 79; alliance with Aristagoras, 157—8; ambassadors of Darius killed, 178-9, 203,224; and Argos, 73,74-5,77, 129; army, 76; battle with Samos, 89; brutality of. 66; Carneia, 188, 257, 388; children, treatment of, 81-5; class svstem, 71—3; coming of age in, 88; competition, 83—4; cowards, 340—1; and Croesus, 76—7; and Cyrus, 63,65,77; defeat of Argos, 77; demands reparations for

the death of Leonidas, 331-2; discipline and conformity, 71-2, 80, 82, 84, 86-7; education, 84; factions, 181-2; food, 88; food served by Pausanias after Platea, 355; foot-soldiers, 69-70; geography. 67; Gerousia, 81,95, 181; honouring Themistocles, 334; Hyacinthia, 339; internal divisions, 224; isolation, 78; kings and the Ephorate (magistracy), 95-6, 181; kings and gods, 94-5; law, 81; and I.ycurgus, 70-2; military training, 84, 85-6; model of heroism and virtue, 367; moderation, 96; mourning, 341-2; origins, 67-8; pederasty, 85; physical fitness, 83, 84; and the Pisistratids, 129; refusal to join congress, 366; religion, 69, 70—1,79-80; reputation, 63, 65, 66; seeking allies against Xerxes, 245-7; slaves, 88-9; soldiers and weapons, 69—70, 71-2; subjection of Messenia, 68,86; team games, 113; and Tegea, 74; temples, 79-80; warfare, 75-6; women and motherhood, 87,
see also
Cleomenes, King of Sparta; Xerxes: invasion ofGreece

steppes, 18, 61

Sunium,219, 220,365

Susa, 43,57,58-9,60, 287

Sybaris, 232

Syracuse, 232-3, 247,329

Syria, 152; invasion by the Medes, 6

Syrian Gates, 284

Taygetos mountains, 67,68

Tegea, 74, 75, 99-100, 334; battle of Plataea, 352

Tempe, 248, 249, 255

temples, 43,79-80; of Aphrodite, 332-3; of

Artemis, 265; at Delphi, 90-4; at Eleusis, 137; of Athena Polias, 253,300.385; in Athens, 103, 111, 116,117-18, 122,219-20; in Babylon, 49; of Cybele, 143; in Jerusalem, 147; of Panionium, 357; Parthenon, 368; of Poseidon, 219-20,332; rebuilding burned temples, 366, 367; in Sparta, 79; of Zeus, 122, 124, 139,214

Thales, 150

Thebes, 90, 98,209, 263, 330, 339,346; and Athens, 128, 137,138-9

Themistocles, 193, 214-15, 226, 388-9; and Athenian seapower, 217-18,220, 221-3; as attorney, 166; background, 164-5; commanding the Greek fleet, 226, 267, 268-9, 277,281; evacuation from Athens, 299-302; Greek fleet at Salamis, 309, 313,315; heroic appearance, 165, 387; honoured by Sparta, 334; hoping for victory over Persian fleet, 303; influencing Athenians lor elction, 165—6; and Miltiades, 171; new port at Piraeus, 166,217; news of the burning of Attica, 303—4; ostracism, 364; preparations for Persian invasion, 247-8, 252, 253-5; removed from command of the fleet, 335; Sicinnus sent to Xerxes, 331

Thermopylae, xviii, 90,255. 262. 269-70.326, 367 map, 290; storm. 272-3

Thermopylae, battle of: attack by the Medes, 274-5, 367; storm over the Greek camp, 276; sea battle at Artemisium, 276—81; Xerxes in the royal tent, 282-8, 293; Elphialtes tells of the trail to Thermopylae, 288; Hydarnes leads the Immortals to the Greek camp, 289,291; Immortals attack the Phocians, 291; evacuation of the camp, 292—3; Greeks attacked and defeated by the Persian army, 293-4; evacuation of the Greek fleet, 294-5

Thespiae, 263, 292

Thessaly, 209, 248-9, 255,330,336,353 Thrace, 153,161,178, 330,360; Persian garrison, 362

Thracians, 211 Thucydides, 78 Tigris, 40,42 Timonassa, 119 Trachis, 263,284, 289 trade, 45

travel pass
173 tributes, 58, 61-2 triremes, 229, 235 Troezen, 297, 298 Trojan War, 261

Troy, 65, 103, 157, 261,262; visit of Xerxes, 241-2 Turkey, 183, 297, 363 tyrants, 114, 149-50, 151 Tyre, 229, 233, 234 Tyrrhastiades, 291

Ukraine, 151 universal order, 56, 60 Ur, 19, 43 Uruk, 19

Vahyazdata,51,52,53 visions and dreams, 8

West, 230,232; and East, 233; map, 231 whipping, 86—7

Xanthippus, 215, 216,301-2,357,362,365; admiral

of the fleet, 335 Xenophon,20

Xerxes, xv, xvi, xvii—xviii, xx—xxi, xxv; accession ceremonies, 207; and Ahura Mazda, 238, 361; army, 236, 237; bravery, 206; choice of Darius as heir, 206; cosmopolitan empire, 327; crossing the Hellespont, 212,213, 225, 242^1; and the eclipse, 240, 241; fleet, 229; food and cookery, 286^7; gardens and parks, 239, 312-13;

355-6; king by the will of Ahura Mazda, 208; 'King of Lands', 328; military power, 236-8; and Nemesis, 356; and the Phoenicians, 233—4; physical appearance, 206; and the plane tree, 239, 240; power over nature, 213; religion, 241; revolt in Babvlon, 361; roval luxury, 285—7; royal tent on the battlefield, 282, 283, 285; sculpture of subject people offering treasure, 211; seapower, 235; suppression of Egyptian rebellion, 207-8; transporting the army, 211—12; visit to Troy, 241—2,
see also
Xerxes, invasion of Greece Xerxes, invasion of Greece; Persian plans, 209-10; Persian preparations, 225—6, 233—5; warning to Sparta, 223—4; Greek preparations, 225-8, 244-59; Persian march to Europe, 240-4; Greeks march to Thessaly, 248-9; Greek defence: map, 256; Greek fleet waits at Euboea, 264-8, 271; Greeks wait at Thermopylae, 262-1, 268,269-73; first sea battle, 266; Persian army arrives at Thermopylae, 269—70; battle at Thermopylae, 274-6, 282-95; sea battle at Artemisium, 276-9; evacuation from Athens, 299-302; destruction of Athens, 303-6; advice and plans after the destruction of Athens, 307-13, 315; disagreements among leaders of the Greek fleet at Salamis, 309,310-11; Persian troops threaten to blackade the Greek fleet, 310—11; preparation to ambush the Greek fleet, 311-13; amnesty offered to Themistocles, 315; blockade of the Greek fleet at Salamis, 311-13,315-18; battle of Salamis, 320-5,396; council after the battle, 328; Mardonius proposes to 'complete the enslavement of the Greeks', 329—30; Xerxes leads his troops to Thessaly, 330; Mardonius proposes terms to Athens, 336-7; Second fall of Athens, 338; Sparta marches to fight Mardonius, 339; Mardonius waits for the Greek forces, 339-40; Greek forces march to meet Mardonius, 340-4; battle of Plataea, 344-9,352-3, 397; Pausanias finds Xerxes' tent, 354-5; battle of Mycale, 368; Xerxes leaves Sardis for Susa, 358

Yahweh, 147

Zagros, 1, 4-5, 274; Aryans, 375; Assyrians, 5; battle of Medes and Persians 550 BC, 10; Bisitun, 37; cattle, 5; climate, 12-13; horse-breeding, 5, 29; kingdom of Anshan, 9,12

Zeus, 92,94,251,355,369

ziggurats, 43

Zoroaster, 34, 35,36,149,377, 379-S0


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