Read Life's Perfect Plan (The Life Series) Online

Authors: Sarah Goodman

Tags: #Contemporary

Life's Perfect Plan (The Life Series) (10 page)

“Beth, you’ve been hit harder than most pregnant women. Not only are you carrying three babies, but you are also mourning your husband’s death. Of course you are going to have so many emotions. It’s normal and it’s healthy. I would be worried if you didn’t have them. Now on another note, I know why you asked about my truck. Babe, you gotta kiss that hot car of yours goodbye. No way are you going to get three babies in that car. Just look at it this way, Jillian Michaels will have nothing on you by the time those babies are one!”
God, I just love this girl!

Friday night comes way too quickly. I am so nervous, my vomiting spells could happen any moment. I wear a pair of jeans, but due to my growing belly I use a rubber band to hold them up, wasn’t expecting to shop for maternity clothes this soon.
Merry Christmas to me!
I throw on a hunter green sweater with a scoop neck and my black ballet flats. I curl the ends of my hair and put my makeup on.

To make the time pass, I grab two tennis balls and play fetch with the dogs. I hear the roaring of a truck come to a standstill. Wondering what semi just pulled up, the dogs and I walk into the house. I go, open the door, standing there in all of his hotness glory is Dr. Alexander. “Whoa, you look good … I mean different … but a good different.” I stutter as I am trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. He is wearing a black long sleeved collared shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his mid-fore-arm, jeans, which hang just right on his lean hips, along with black boots.

“You don’t look too bad yourself! You look beautiful, Elizabeth!”

“Well, thank you, Doctor.”

“Please call me Jacob, or even Jake. Most of my friends call me Jake.”

“You got a deal Jacob! You ready?”

We walk out. I shut and lock the door. Parked in the driveway is an all-black and chrome Dodge Ram truck. It’s a hot truck with huge wheels. He helps me into the cab of the truck. I watch as he walks around the hood of the car. He opens the door and gets in with no issues. I guess when you have those long lean legs jumping into a truck is not a problem.

I buckle up as I sit back in the gray leather seat. “This is a really nice truck. I didn’t picture you with a truck. I thought more of a Mercedes or Porsche kind of man.”

“Nope, I have always been into trucks, plus you can’t put a surfboard on a Mercedes, just doesn’t look right if you catch my drift.”

“You surf?”

“Been surfing all my life, anything with water and I’m game. I have a jet ski, too. My father has a boat, he’s into fishing. Fishing is too slow for my taste.”

“Wow, umm I love the water, but I’ve never surfed.”

“Really? Well, then I will have to teach you … obviously once you have the babies.”

“I would like that. “ I say shyly and mess with my hair. On our drive to a quiet mom and pop Mexican restaurant I learn that we have a lot in common. We ended up at the same high school, but him being seven years older than me; we kind of missed each other. He loves dogs, even has a Bullmastiff, but it spends most of the time at his father’s house. He even showed me pictures of him on his phone like a proud father would. He’s a cute dog, huge, but cute. He’s all tan except his snout is black. I loved the picture of him with his dog cuddled on the couch. “What’s your dog’s name?”


“You named your dog Scooby? Scooby was a Great Dane.”

“Excuse me Miss who has dogs named after vitamins and cartoon characters, too.”

“I know, but I would just assume if you have a dog named Scooby that he is a Great Dane. I like the name, it seems fitting.

“Again, another misconception of you.” I say with a wink to him.

We each have one sibling, both of us being the babies in the family. We both love the outdoors and water. He’s not a fan of motorcycles and starting this new chapter in life neither am I.

We park at the arena and it’s a mob, Jacob grabs my hand and walks with me. I follow behind him, since I kept getting knocked around. We take the escalator up and walk into the sky box. I recognize the nurses and staff from his office. Smiling as we walk into the room, I see Ella and Chris. She comes up and hugs me, with Chris following behind her. I haven’t seen Chris since the memorial service. “You look real good, Beth. Congrats!” I tilt my head and kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks, Chris!”

I’m escorted to a seat in between Ella and Jacob. The room’s huge. I never knew that this is what was up here. They have flat screen TV’s along the wall. The back wall has a table that has trays of food, and drinks. The chairs are really comfortable, too.

“Do you want anything to drink or eat?” Jacob asks.

“Oh, no I am good, thank you though.”

“So, what is your favorite song of Chris Daughtry?” Jacob’s question catches me off guard?


“Elizabeth, for real you don’t know who Chris Daughtry is?”

“I know he was from American Idol, that’s about it. I really don’t watch TV or listen to music.”

“How can you not listen to music? It’s a staple into relaxing and entertainment. Don’t you have an iPod or even listen to the radio in your car?”

I blush with embarrassment. “No, I don’t own an iPod. I am always thinking and rethinking. It’s a really bad fault of mine. If the radio is on I’m not paying attention.” I blush harder with embarrassment. “I daydream a lot, it takes my focus away.”

He grabs my hand, folding his fingers with mine. “I hope to one day hear about those dreams of yours. Maybe I could make some come true.” He brings the hand he is holding and gives sweet gentle kisses on each finger. Then places my hand back in my lap. “Well, I hope you enjoy it, he sings rock. You ok with that?”

I try to control my breathing, why for the love of God do I have to endure fifty thousand emotions running through my body? I take in a deep breath and reply. “Yeah, as long as you think it’s ok for the babies.”

“It doesn’t get as loud in here as it does down there. They should be fine. I’m here to protect.” He says into my ear and places his right hand on the top of my belly. I just turn and smile at him.

The concert is awesome, I’m having a blast. Jacob is a huge fan of Chris Daughtry. Daughtry is starting to sing, “
Start of Something Good
.” I stare at the TV this time as he sings his heart out to this song. I listen to the words, they have so much meaning to what’s in my life right now. The song is almost over when Jacob notices that this song is resonating with me. He grabs my hand again and threads his fingers through. Our fingers lock together like magnets. The electricity is so strong I feel like it will jolt my heart out of my chest. Jacob leans over and whispers in my ear, “Maybe this song will hold meaning to us both.” I nod and smile at him. Daughtry sings a few more songs.

I really like him and need to go get his CD or an iPod, something to listen to his music. The stage is black, then Chris is standing at the microphone. There is little light on the stage. He tells the audience the importance of this song. I need to pee so badly, but Jacob tells me to wait if I can that I will like this song. Daughtry starts singing about how he can’t wait to see their faces hold their hands, take them for walks and waiting for them. I realize he is singing about his babies. I look at the TV and you can just see the love that this man is singing for his children. I start to cry, for the beauty of this song and that my children’s father will never be able to express his anticipation for the birth of his children.

As I wipe my eyes, Jacob leans over and places his other hand on my belly. “If your babies have half your beauty and love, they will be the most blessed children on this earth.”

I try to gulp, but I can’t. I feel like something is stuck in my throat. I say thank you and get up to go to the restroom. I hear steps approaching me in the hallway.

“Beth, wait up.” I hear Ella shout out. “Ella, I just need to pee, seriously I am Okay.”

“I saw you crying, why?”

“Why do you think? My husband’s ashes are probably still floating on the top of the ocean and here I am a couple months later at a concert and holding hands with my doctor. Do you hear how absurd this sounds, or is it just me? Because I feel like I am coming off the chain here. What in the hell kind of woman does this? Ella, I like him and I shouldn’t. He makes me happy, we had a great time at dinner and he is helping me get through this pregnancy emotionally and professionally. Then hearing that song and knowing my babies will never know what their father thought of them, it j … just breaks my heart.” I sob into the sleeve of my sweater. “Damn it, I didn’t want to do this.” I stomp my feet, lift my head up and wipe the running mascara away from my eyes. Ella puts both hands on my shoulder. Gives me her sweet, sympathetic smile.

“Beth, Jacob is a great man and you deserve a little greatness in your life right now. He likes you, and that is pretty awesome considering you are a single woman pregnant with three babies. Not a lot of men would go for that. Grant would want you to be happy. He would want his babies to have a happy mom. In time, those babies will know what a great man Grant was because you will be there to tell them. They will know all about him. Take it slow and see where this goes with Jacob. If anything at the end of all this, you will be saying thanks for his services as your doctor. Just breathe, honey, and take it nice and slow. You know better than anyone that life is way too short, so enjoy each day! I love you, now give me a hug!”

I hug her with all my strength, I am the luckiest woman to have this woman in my life. She is my anchor, rock, wall, and savior. I’m a soon to be mom with three babies because of her and her love for me. Once I finally pee, I am back upstairs sitting next to Jacob enjoying the encore of the concert.

After the concert he takes me home, and we talk some more. He really does put me at ease. Once he drops me off at my house he walks me up to my door.

“When do you leave for your parent’s?”

“Christmas Eve, then I come back the day before New Year’s Eve.”

“How long is the flight?” “

“Just over an hour, it’s not bad. I just hope the airport isn’t a madhouse.”

“Will you promise to call me, so I know you got there safe and sound?”

“Sure I will.” I say with glee.

“Are you doing anything for New Years?”

“No, I’m really not in the state to drink and bring in the New Year.”

“I’m not talking about drinking or partying. I was going to take my father’s boat out. Along the coast many people light off the fireworks, plus it’s quiet. I was wondering if you want to join me? I have to work Christmas, but not New Year’s.”

“Jacob, you know that I lost my husband two months ago.”

“Beth, I completely understand what you are going through. I just thought you’d like to get out if you didn’t have plans. I don’t mean anything serious by it. I understand if you say no.”

“Jacob let me think about it, ok?”

“Sounds good, Elizabeth. I had a great time tonight, thank you for coming along.”

“Thank you Jacob, I had a great time, too! I will see you soon.” With that he leans in and gives me a hug good-bye.

“Goodnight, Elizabeth.”




Valentine’s Day is upon us. I loathe this holiday this year. Not a great day when you are a widow and extremely pregnant. I look like I could burst any day, and I still have the other half of my pregnancy.

Today is the day I find out the sex of my babies. Well at least I hope, last month they didn’t cooperate at all. There is a possibility I am carrying at least one boy, the tech thought she saw a penis on Baby C. So we will see, crossing my fingers. Kate is going with me again. I want my girls to be with me for this special day, then we are going to lunch, after that SUV shopping. It is time to part ways with my hot, red Camaro, mainly because driving stick is getting way to uncomfortable and squatting this low I’m afraid a hand might fall out and motion me to stop!

Once I am at Kate’s, I walk into the house, and it smells to high heaven of Menthol and Eucalyptus. “Why does it smell like a nursing home in here?”

“Beth, please help!!” I hear Kate, shout from upstairs.

“I’m a coming!!” As I wobble up the stairs. “What is this?” I fumble the words while my hand is covered in greasy goo from the banister.

“My lovely children decided to get into VICKS and massage themselves and the walls.”

“Mommyyyyyy, my eyeballs are on fiiiiirrrrre!” Julia starts to scream.

“Good God Julia STOP rubbing your eyes, you have this shi …, I mean cream all in your hands. Nicole naked NOW, and get in the bath. Julia, please stop your eyes are starting to swell.”

I feel like I am at a tennis match watching Kate bounce from kid to kid. She is running between bathtub and hallway. Walking into the bathroom I sit myself on the toilet to help Nicole get naked and into the bathtub. “Aunt Beppy how do the babies come out?” As she is taking her small greasy hand and rubbing my belly.

“UH … Nicole it’s magic the doctor says bippty boppity boo and they pop out. Now bippity boppity boo you need to get in that bath before your momma turns you into a mouse.” She gives me her sweet smile, and bounces into the bathtub while pretending she is a mouse.

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