Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

In Too Deep (22 page)

He turned to look at his brother, a smile spreading on his face.
“We’re officially together.”

Adam nodded.
“I heard about the mate thing from Tomahawk.” He shot Tom a look. “Nothing about sealing.”

Tom shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not a wolf.”

Brody rolled his eyes.
“That happened after we finally got home.”

So, what did happen? I know the story can’t be as insane as this joker claims.” Adam slid another glance at Tom before looking back at Brody.

I don’t know. It was kind of crazy. Dacia disappeared and attacked Fallon. Fallon stomped Dacia and took the blade, and then stopped me from tearing Dacia’s throat out.”

She stopped you? Mr. Can’t-Be-Beaten?”

Tom nodded enthusiastically.
“It was pretty damned impressive. She just grabbed his arm and told him to chill when he was about two seconds from shifting, and he did.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that.”

Holy shit.” Adam blinked at Brody.

He shrugged.
“Guess she couldn’t deny what was between us after that.”

Well, good for you.” Adam grinned.

He nodded and turned to the mage.
“For the record, Preston, your bullshit won’t get a rise out of me. But if you hurt her in any way, and she doesn’t deal with you first, you can bet your ass I will rip you apart myself.”

The bastard snorted.
“The big bad wolf routine doesn’t scare me. Now your little hellchild back there, she scares the fuck out of me. I still have the scar from the last time I got too hands on. And yet, I’m drawn to her like a moth to the flame.” He sighed and shook his head, but there was regret on his face.

Brody sat back in his seat.
“Then you best keep your hands to yourself and behave if you want the new mana-blade.”

Preston looked him over thoughtfully.
“Maybe I was wrong about you. I heard you were a broken man after losing your wife. You don’t seem so broken to me. Hell, you might just be what Fallon needs, which is good, because she’s too much to handle.” He let out a breath.

Brody didn’t know what to make of Preston.

“Isaac, that bastard, loves Fallon, but she wouldn’t let him top her.” Preston snorted a laugh. “The dumbfuck has some serious kinks, and Fallon wouldn’t play. So he went elsewhere throughout their entire relationship. She found out and left.”

Why the hell are you telling me this?”

Malachi has Isaac. I know for a fact Fallon worked the same wards into Isaac as she did Robert and Tremaine after that shitbag had them all together. However, Isaac is stupid and desperate enough to buy into all of Malachi’s promises.” The mage took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

Preston wasn’t what he seemed at first glance. Yeah, he was a dick, but he honestly seemed to care. He came on to Fallon but it wasn’t sincere, or maybe he just knew she’d never take him back.

“Look,” Preston said, “I know I fucked my chances with Fallon, but I don’t want to see her hurt. We were friends once, and knowing what I know now, I wish I had kept it that way.” He half laughed. “Of course, she’s not real forgiving. I doubt anything I could ever say or do will fix our friendship.”

Brody shook his head.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have been such an asshole to her.”

Preston laughed.
“You’re not too bad for a wolf. I really didn’t want to like you.” He sighed, and then called out, “Fallon, I’ll behave. At least your taste in men has improved.”

She walked back out, her
expression full of satisfaction. “Sure has. Let’s see the piece.”

He laid the drawing on the table. She moved to stand next to him and turned the paper for a better look.
“Those are the dimensions for the mana-blade,” he told her. “You can cover the blade with whatever you want.”

Please, tell me you aren’t going for another lameass sword in the stone theme. Or even worse, something to match Merlin.”

Hey, women love those pieces,” Preston said.

I don’t.” She insisted.

One dark brow rose.
“You’re not like any other woman on this planet, Fallon.”

Sword in the stone?” Tomahawk asked.

Preston stood, and pulled his shirt off to show his back. A boulder was drawn into the skin and was surrounded by lifelike roses. The blade was embedded into the rock and ran the length of his spine. An intricately etched pattern decorated the glowing blade. Christ, it was glowing with real light.

Fallon groaned.

Holy shit. That’s fucking amazing.” Adam blinked at the piece.

Tomahawk just nodded
with his mouth hanging open.

Brody had to admit, the tattoo was stunning.

She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. “My work always looks good.”

Of course.” Preston grinned as he pulled his shirt back on. “You can cover the blade however you want, though I’d like to stick with the King Arthur theme. It works.”

You are such a cocky bastard.” She sighed and looked at Tomahawk. “Would you please put the transfer on him?”

I want one.” Tom nodded enthusiastically. “No, wait. Two tomahawks.”

She rolled her eyes.
“For now, just get the image on him. The ink is imbued with his own enchantments. If you can work something like that, we’ll talk about it.”

I’ll do what I can.”

Preston slapped Tom on the back.
“While you get this on me, I’ll tell you what you need to know to work the enchantments. I just can’t guarantee a shaman’s magic will work for the blade.”

Can I talk to you?” Fallon quietly asked Brody.

He hopped up.
“Sure.” He followed her back to her room and shut the door behind them.

Any questions?” she asked boldly.

Not a one.”

She grabbed him by the back of the neck and kissed him long and deep, until there was a knock on the door.
“We could send him away,” she whispered in his ear.

He laughed,
“Get the mage out of the way. I still have your motorcycle to finish today.”

Mmm. Sometime soon, you and I need to go for a nice long ride, head deep into the woods and camp out away from the whole world.”

He would like nothing better than
to have her all to himself for a few days. “I can just see you naked in the moonlight in a bed of wildflowers.”

Chapter 13



The day crawled by after Brody left Inktastic, but he had Fallon’s Harley ready. He wanted to spend the rest of the night with her, listening to her laugh. However, she had promised Jamie she’d help unpack and he had agreed to hang out with Slater.

Brody walked into Inktastic and saw his brother sitting at the front table, his feet up while he sketched in his book.
“Hey, what’s up?”

Adam looked up, his brow cocked.
“Just working on a design for Danika. You finish Fallon’s bike?”

I did. I can’t wait to show it to her.”

She has Dakota back there. Jolene and Jacob should be here soon.”

Brody strolled back to the room, and paused when he saw her. She stood to set the tattoo gun aside and smiled back at him. He loved the way her face lit up. Just a few more hours and he could have her all to himself.

He forced his gaze to Dakota. “Hey Kota, how’s Jolene and Jacob?”

Good. She’s down at the cafe, visiting with friends. She should be here almost anytime.”

I must have perfect timing then.” Brody grinned.

She dropped her gloves in the garbage and looked over her shoulder.
“I’m almost done.” She grabbed a tub of ointment and turned back to Dakota. “Tom mentioned you can’t heal yourself. So here, the ointment will cut the healing time down.” She handed him the tub.

Thanks.” Dakota looked down at his arm. “I can’t get over how real it looks.”

Brody stepped closer to take a look. There was an oval family portrait on Dakota’s inner forearm. He was in the back with his arms around Jolene
, who held Jacob. “All of Fallon’s work is this amazing.”

Already done?” Jolene called as she stepped into the room. She looked incredible as always. Jacob was swaddled in a royal blue blanket, and all Brody saw was a tuft of honey brown hair.

I am,” Dakota answered.

Hi, Jolene. Can I hold him?” Brody asked hopefully.

Of course.” She placed the baby in his arms. Jacob was sound asleep and so terribly precious.

Fallon said,
“Hey, Jolene. Come take a look.”

Jolene moved closer
and stared down at Dakota’s arm. “Oh wow, that is beautiful.” She beamed at Fallon. “Okay, I want one too. Not today of course, but when you have time.”

Fallon smiled back.
“Just call Adam to set up the appointment.”

Jacob woke up with a cooing sound and Brody looked down into
the baby’s dark brown eyes.

Why, hello there, buddy,” Brody murmured down at him. Jacob made another little noise.

Fallon leaned into Brody’s side.
“He really is adorable.”

Jacob heard her voice, reached out, and wound his chubby little hand in a lock of her hair. He pulled her closer.

Fallon went with his hand and giggled. “Here we go again.”

You should have seen Jacob when Dakota handed him to Fallon,” Tomahawk said from the door. “He loves her hair.”

I don’t know why. It’s just hair.” He could hear the smile in her voice. Jacob tugged, and her head went down until she was eye to eye with him. She planted a little kiss on his nose. “Come on buddy. I have to get going, and you’re going to make Brody jealous.” She teased. “I promise you can play with my hair all you want next time I see you.” Jacob let go and Fallon stood up, tucking her hair behind her ears.

Fallon was great at everything, even babies. He could see her holding their child. Brody froze as he watched her. It was too soon to be thinking about their children. Besides, they needed to discuss that option before trying.

Male werewolves didn’t conceive easy, and females couldn’t at all. Jolene was a doctor who treated a lot of werewolves, and she had a theory. The embryo would die immediately if any of the altered lycanthropy gene was present. Some of Brody’s werewolf friends had been trying to get their wives pregnant for years, which didn’t happen often.

Jolene touched Fallon’s arm.
“We’re having a barbeque Friday, as a joint bachelor/bachelorette party for Adam and Danika. Please tell me you two are coming.”

We will.” Fallon answered immediately, and then turned to Brody with wide eyes. “Won’t we?”

wouldn’t miss it.” He took her hand and tugged her close. “Come on, Fallon, I have something of yours on my truck. I want you to follow me back to our house so you can make sure your bike running how you want.”

Already?” She tiptoed up and gave Brody a brief kiss, before waving at Dakota and Jolene. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”


* * * *


Everyone had told Fallon that Brody was an expert with motorcycles and she believed them. Still, her bike had been a mess just the other day and she wasn’t sure how he could have her motorcycle ready so soon.

Adam stood up and said,
“Later guys.”

Fallon waved over her shoulder and went straight through the doors before Brody
could get there.

Brody had parked right in front of the shop. Her bike was in the bed, looking brand new. He moved past her with a wink, and lifted the Harley out like it weighed nothing.

“You know,” She admitted, “I had serious doubts she would ever look this good again. I am seriously impressed right now.”

He held out her key chain and
she saw the house key. The fact Brody wanted her there always really sank in. She was overwhelmed with emotion, and threw her arms around his neck. She took his mouth in a kiss until she was breathless. “Thank you.”

He gave her a sheepish smile.
“So you won’t be surprised, I made the engine quieter. I know you don’t like your bike making a lot of noise.”

She laughed out loud and kissed him again.
“You rock. Now let’s go get the chili so I can be done with Jamie sooner, and then we can go home.” Their home.

Sounds good to me.” He pulled her helmet from the back of the truck and handed it to her. “If there’s anything wrong with her, let me know.”

Okay, baby.” She pulled her helmet down and climbed on. She felt good to be on her bike again. She winked at him and started for home.

He was right. The engine was quieter. Even the little catching sound the engine occasionally made was gone. The man was brilliant.


* * * *


Brody pulled into the long driveway leading back to Jamie’s cabin. Fallon beamed at him from her seat in the truck.
put that smile on her face and it made him feel really damned good.

You are my hero,” Fallon purred. “I mean, my bike is perfect, better than perfect. Thank you.”

Okay. Okay.” He laughed. “I’m glad you’re happy, that was my goal.”

So, you’re staying for dinner, and then you and Slater are going to go back to his place?” she asked casually.

Yeah. Jess told me she was kicking me out as soon as we ate.” Brody shook his head. “I can’t believe they’re living right next door to each other.” He pulled into the driveway.

Fallon shrugged.
“They’re tight. The only real difference between them is that Jess is clairvoyant, and Jamie is an empath.”

So, one knows what you’ll do and the other knows what you’re feeling?” He half laughed. Getting use to Jess and her warnings took a while, but he considered her a good friend now. On the other hand, he didn’t have a clue what to expect from Jamie.

He parked, shut off the truck and climbed out. Before Fallon could reach for the basket that held the crockpot dish, he took the handle with a wink. She just rolled her eyes and met him at the porch.

Jess and Jamie came out at the same time. Both wore combat boots, jeans, and t-shirts in different colors. Jess had her hair down like usual, while Jamie had her hair up in a ponytail.

Jamie looked him up and down like he was on auction. He felt the heat in his
face. Fallon was standing right there, so Brody was increasingly uncomfortable with the way her friend was stripping him with her eyes.

Oh my God.” Jamie grinned. “Introduce me to your hot stud, and please tell me he has a brother.”

Fallon threw her head back and laughed.
“This is Brody Dean, and don’t get any ideas. If Jess didn’t already tell you, he’s mine. And yes, he has a brother, but he’s getting married soon.” She turned back to him and winked. “Brody, this is Jamie. She’s a sweetheart, but she loves to ogle gorgeous men. And you, my dear, are simply scrumptious.”

Holy shit.” Jamie turned to Jess. “You told me they sealed, and you told me they had chemistry, but hot damn, put them together and you have napalm.” She marched right up to Brody and held out her hand. He shifted the basket to his other hand and shook hers. “I’m just glad to see her truly happy. You obviously love each other.”

He grinned.
“I do. Thank you.” Jamie just might be bolder than Jess.

Jamie turned to Fallon and gave her a hug.
“Aw, he’s such a teddy bear. A really big, masculine one, and I want one of my own.” Brody had to wonder what gave her that impression.

Good luck with that, but you’ll have to find your own.” Fallon nodded to the basket in Brody’s hand. “So you want some of this chili, right?”

Of course I do. You know I can grub on it for days.” Jamie threaded an arm through one of Jess’ and one of Fallon’s, pulling them toward the house. “Besides, I want to get stuff unpacked, like,

Brody followed right behind Fallon.

As soon as the door closed, Slater smiled at Fallon. “Welcome to the pack.” He raised a mojito toward her.

She took the glass and drank half down.
“Thanks.” She gave Brody a long look, but there was a shadow in her eyes. He wondered what she was thinking. She mentioned Isaac wanting to make her a werecat. Brody thought he made it clear he wanted Fallon as is, but she didn’t seem to believe. He was going to have to prove to her that she was everything he wanted and more.

He set the chili up next to all the toppings,
pitcher of mojitos, and the tortillas. The spices rolled through his senses as he opened the lid, making his mouth water.

Oh, sugar, this smells so good.” Brody winked at Fallon.

Hope you like your chili spicy,” Jess teased.

Don’t complain,” she fired right back. “You’re the one who asked for my special chili.”

I wasn’t.” Jess snagged a plate to serve herself. “Just figured your man might need a warning.”

Jamie told Brody.
“You better get your fill before you go. There won’t be leftovers after Jess and I get done with it.”

There won’t.” Fallon laughed, humor dancing in her eyes as she slid up next to him at the counter. “They’ll finish the chili off before we get halfway through unpacking. Guaranteed.”

He looked at the crockpot, at the twins, and back at Fallon with a raised brow.
“That’s an awful lot of chili.”

Not for them.” Fallon laughed.


* * * *


Dacia felt like a caged animal inside her own home. Hayden was still sitting outside in his damn SUV waiting for her to do something wrong. What the fuck did he think she was going to do? Buy a sniper rifle and shoot Fallon? Dacia had already conceded. She steered clear. What else did she have to do to prove that she wasn’t going to pull another stupid move?

It wasn’t like
she could take Fallon, who was clearly Brody’s perfect match. Dacia needed to get her mind off him. Hayden seemed like the perfect distraction, but he was still treating her like a damned criminal.

At least Malachi hadn’t come back. Maybe he figured out she wasn’t going to help him. The Shadowstalker gave her the creeps worse than her father ever did.

She couldn’t call Bridget because she was busy with Clint, of all people.

That brought her back to Hayden. If she could seduce him he could keep his eyes on her all he wanted. They’d both benefit from a little horizontal action.

He was already watching the house, so she stood up from her chair and started for the stairs. She paused in front of the window to unbutton her blouse, and let the silk slide down her arms and onto the floor. Turning, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall as she walked into her room and made sure Hayden had a good view.

The phone rang. She reached over to look at the display,
it was Hayden. “Hello, Sheriff,” she purred.

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