Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

In Too Deep (20 page)

Fallon tensed and swung her gaze to Brody before giving Robert a pointed look.
“I don’t have a werewolf’s appetite, but I do like to eat.”

Brody cocked his head, genuinely curious.
“You can shift?”

She turned back slowly
and nodded slightly. “Yeah, I would have flown back to the apartment Sunday night.” She stared back at him, ready for an argument. “If you hadn’t insisted on driving me back, that is.”

Fly?” He was truly intrigued. “You mean as a bird?”

Uh yeah.” The duh was implied.

Like all druids, she can take a few forms.” Jess explained when Fallon didn’t elaborate. “Hell, she used to run with our pack down in San Francisco. Her wolf form is faster and more beautiful than a natural wolf.”

You can?” Slater asked with a raised brow. “I hope you’ll join us for the hunt Thursday.”

Uh,” Fallon shuddered, “I’d run with you, but I don’t do raw meat. Even as a wolf.”

Brody nudged her shoulder.
“Don’t tell me you thought a few different forms would turn me off. I go furry, so why should it bother me that you go furry or feather?” He was excited about the prospect of running with her as a beast. He didn’t care what form she chose.

Fallon sighed.
“I shouldn’t have assumed.”

Jess shook her head, her eyes narrowed at Fallon.
“Isaac had a problem with her running with the wolves since she wouldn’t run with him.”

Isaac is so over and done with. Why does he have to come up at all?” Fallon said through clenched teeth, glaring back at Jess.

Robert cleared his throat.
“Well, no one has seen him since Sunday. I think Malachi has him.”

Fallon snorted.
“He probably slunk off with Sheila or some other bimbo.” She was unconcerned, but Brody would have caught Robert’s worry even without his hypersensitive senses.

Preston couldn’t find him in California, so he’s out here tracking Malachi and the other vampires. He caught a sign or two that they may have Isaac but he hasn’t pinpointed either of their whereabouts.”

Fallon froze, her eyes lasering in on Robert.
“You had to bring Preston into this?” She nearly growled her accusation. “You had to bring that pompous ass here?”

Brody almost laughed but held it back when he saw Jess staring at Robert with round eyes. Now what the hell was going on?

“He’s our best tracker, Fallon. You know that.” Robert assured her. He gave her a pleading look. “I know you can’t stand him, but hear me out. He wants another short mana-blade. Preston’s arrogant enough to think he doesn’t need the protection against Malachi and their gaze. Do you really want to leave it to chance? If you work the blade, you can work the same wards into him. Think about it.”

She took a deep breath and nodded, but didn’t say anything as she thought it over. Brody glanced at Jess, who stared at Robert as if he
’d said the most inappropriate thing. Slater seemed just as confused as he was.

Fallon finally looked at Brody, and rubbed the back of her neck.
“Preston and I have history. Sort of like you and Dacia.” She groaned. “He’s not obsessively possessive. He just thinks he’ll get back into my bed, and that’s not happening for any reason.”

I know.” Brody grinned back at her. “I’m not worried about some prick in your past. I’m only concerned with the present and future. I trust you.”

Her expression softened, but she turned back to Robert.
“Has Preston already called the shop to schedule?”

He asked me to call after I spoke with you.” Robert smirked. “He didn’t want you to be surprised when he showed up for a tattoo. He says he’s sorry.”

Yeah.” She snorted. “He’s been apologizing for years, and yet he still comes onto me like a dumbass.”

Maybe you should bring Brody with you. Maybe he’ll figure out you’re off the market faster.” Robert nodded toward him with a shrug.

Brody liked the sound of that, but he shrugged.
“Up to you, sugar. I know you can handle him yourself.”

All right.” She smiled back at him. “I’ll tell Adam to schedule him first thing, and you can come in with me. Feel free to slap him around if he’s doesn’t keep his mouth shut.”


* * * *


Fallon was amazed by Brody. He was totally accepting of Robert, let her handle her messes her way, and wasn’t the possessive asshole most weres turned into. For the first time, Fallon found herself trusting her heart to a man. She wanted to share everything with him, which she never had in the past.

As much as she would love to just get away with Brody and get to know everything about him, she knew she needed to deal with the current shitstorm

So, Robert.” She looked at her old friend. “Did Preston find something solid to lead him to believe Malachi actually has Isaac?”

Preston found a blood offer at Isaac’s, and Isaac was gone.” Robert smoothed his hands down his lapels. “He’s not in San Francisco. His trail disappears after that, just like what happens when the Dales take someone.”

Well shit.” Fallon sat back. Isaac was protected just like everyone else she had tattooed after she figured out how to work those wards. Malachi couldn’t force him to do anything. “I can’t imagine him going on his own.”

There was no sign of struggle,” Robert answered simply. “Preston won’t tell me what was on the blood offer. I know you want to think he isn’t all bad, Fallon, but I don’t think you realize everything Isaac was into.”

I know what he was into.” She sighed, and pushed a hand through her hair. “Look, I’m not stupid. I didn’t play those games, and he claimed having me was worth giving that shit up. Apparently he went behind my back and got that from others. Fine, whatever, I’m done with him. He can’t do anything to get me back, and I’m not walking into their trap to go after him. If they have him, it’s his own damned fault.”

Robert smiled weakly.
“Good. This time I would talk you out of going if Isaac was the only reason. I didn’t bother with Damon because I had hoped he was a better man than he was.”

Fallon shook her head.
“Okay, just stop. That was a long time ago. I knew the score, and I shouldn’t have been surprised when he left. How he left was what hurt.”

What did he do?” Brody asked quietly.

He deserved to know
. She turned toward him and opened her mouth but froze. She didn’t know what to say.

Jess exploded,
“Fallon was with him five years, and he was probably the most decent guy she had bothered with before you. The Dales took him the same time they took me. Fallon found out and came for us with Tremaine and Robert.”

Jess,” Fallon warned. She didn’t want to relive the whole thing. Any mention was bad enough, but with Robert in the room things would only get uncomfortable. Jess stopped though and nodded, letting Fallon take on the story.

Yeah, I went in there. Shit went wrong.” Fallon took a deep breath. “Those details aren’t important. Damon watched me kill several dark mages and Shadowstalkers. He also saw the aftermath of what I did to Tremaine, who had no control over the situation. I nearly killed him. Damon couldn’t handle what I was capable of. He called me a monster, told me I wasn’t any better than they were.”

Oh baby, I’m sorry,” Brody whispered, only he didn’t know the whole story.

Robert snorted.
“Yeah, Damon turned out to be a real jerk. He thinks magic is the devil’s work, and even though he was being raped by one of the Shadowstalkers when she killed the scumbag, she was the monster.”

Jess snarled,
“Asshole was humiliated and took it out on your girl.”

Fallon gave her another warning look.
“Let’s just drop him. Okay? We should get back to business. They most likely have Isaac who can’t be mind-controlled.” She took a breath and looked back to Robert. “Do you have any idea what they might have planned? Where they are?”

We can’t find them.” Robert turned to Slater. “We were hoping you might have an answer.”

Unfortunately no.” Slater shook his head. “We’ve been looking. There hasn’t been any activity. I promise you, we want them dealt with quickly. I’ll keep you posted.”

Good, if we find anything, we’ll let you know as well. Now, this hunt of yours, would you like Preston and I to keep an eye out while you do your thing?”

Slater nodded.
“Can’t hurt. We’ll be looking as well, but I don’t expect much to go down during a hunt.”


* * * *


After Brody took Fallon to the store and they had everything put away, they stood in his kitchen. Fallon turned to Brody with a wicked little grin that made his impossibly hard cock throb in anticipation.

Her voice went low and husky.
“You know, I’ve been waiting all day to get you alone.” She prowled toward him but stopped a few inches away. Her fingers trailed down his abs to his waistband. Brody wrapped his hands around her waist and leaned down for a slow sensual kiss.

God, he needed her so damned bad.
“Come on. I think I want you upstairs and naked before I get started,” he purred only to be interrupted by the phone.

They both sighed as he reached over to answer the call.

Can I talk to your woman?” Adam asked with a laugh. “I promise to make it fast.”

Brody frowned but handed the phone to her. She rolled her eyes
. “Adam, we’re kind of busy so get to the point.”

That just revved Brody up and he growled a little, causing his brother to chuckle.
“Right,” Adam said. “I was told to check with you about fitting Preston in tomorrow.”

Yeah, first thing tomorrow, say eight.”

All right.” Adam paused a moment before adding, “One more thing, Dakota has a small piece he wants you to do as well. Shouldn’t take long but he had an idea of a special ward for Jolene and Jacob.”

Tell him I’ll do it as a gift to them,” she answered warmly and Brody grinned.

I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Tomorrow then. And Brody will be there until I finish with Preston. Expect some bullshit from the mage. If he gives me too much, I won’t do his blade.” Brody couldn’t resist any longer. He kissed down the column of her throat, causing her breath to stutter.

I’ll have to hear that story tomorrow, but it sounds like Brody wants your attention.” Adam hung up and she set the phone down.

Brody wasted no time in picking Fallon up and carrying her up the stairs. This time he set her on her feet in front of the bed. Her hands were on his fly a second later as she wet her lips.

He pulled her shirt over her head but she dropped to her knees, opened his pants, and freed his cock. Her lips parted and slid over his length. “Oh God, Fallon, slow down,” he groaned.

She released him long enough to say,
“No. But this time, I will taste you as I swallow you down.”

Her tongue licked over his slit as she wrapped her hand around his shaft. He lost all ability to argue. It felt so damned good when she swirled her tongue, spreading the bead of precome over his crown
, all while she stroked his length. Her mouth closed over him, sucking him deep and he let out a ragged cry as his hips shot forward.

He was helpless to do anything but thrust into the heat of her wet
mouth. She hummed her approval and the sensation vibrated all the way up his spine. His hands tangled in her hair, and he tried to protest, tried to push her off, but she tugged his sack just so, adding to the building pleasure until he couldn’t quite catch his breath. He spiraled over the edge so hard his vision grayed out.

When he could finally see, she shoved him onto the bed and pulled his pants and socks off. He could only lie there, watching while he relearned to breathe.

She stood up and slowly removed her bra. Then she unbuttoned her jeans, and shimmied them down. Her thumbs hooked under the little scrap of crimson silk she called underwear, and slid them down her thighs to fall to the floor. Fallon was better than any fantasy.


* * * *


Fallon climbed up next to him and trailed her fingers down each ridge of muscle. “You are so incredibly sexy when you give in to me.” She closed her eyes and licked her lips tasting him. “And you taste so good, Brody. So damned good.”

Mmm, so do you, sugar.” He rolled on top of her, kissing her lips. She could feel his beast roll through him, as if his wolf was trying to rub against her. The sensation was metaphysical but incredible and unlike anything she ever felt before. She pushed her body into him, pulling him down harder because she couldn’t get enough.

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