Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

In Too Deep (21 page)

He rained kisses down her
throat as he crawled down her body even though she felt him getting good and hard already. Talk about short recovery time, and that was just sexy as hell, but infuriating when his mouth took possession of her nipple, and his hips moved out of reach. Not that she was complaining, because he was so good at that she was desperate for more.

Brody, please come back here,” she panted as his hand slipped between her thighs. She nearly came off the bed as he circled her sensitive nub with the pad of his finger, almost immediately bringing her to orgasm.

His breath skated over her skin as he chuckled into her bellybutton, and then he licked into her navel before nibbling a trail do
wn her body. He spread her wide and devoured her until she was screaming his name, holding on for dear life while he made love to her with his mouth.

He kept up the sensual torment until she was so lost to the pleasure she was in sensory overload and had to beg him to stop before she fell apart.
“Wait, wait… oh Goddess, Brody… wait.

Brody crawled back up her body to kiss along her collarbone.
“Ready for me, baby?” he asked in a low sexy purr.

Mmm, yeah.” She pulled his mouth to hers. “I really need you inside me. Now.”

In one long smooth stroke he pushed into her, finding her end, filling her completely.
“Oh Fallon, you feel amazing.” He started to drive in and out of her sending waves of pleasure through her. She moved with him, needing him to be a part of her.

With any other man, the intimacy would have scared the hell out of her, but everything fell into place with the steady rhythm of their bodies as she lost herself in his smoky blue gaze. There was no denying they were bound together, and he was home. Instead of fighting the connection, she opened herself to him
, taking everything he had to give as she drowned in his essence.

I love you,” she heard herself whisper.

Good, because I love you, Fallon,” he confessed just before they came together and clung to each other until they stopped trembling. He rolled to his side, bringing her with him. “I know this is fast, but I do, so damned much,” he whispered against her lips.

I know. I do too.” She felt so light, and so his. Not in a restricting, confining way, but like they belonged together, a part of each other. She didn’t care how cheesy it sounded.


* * * *


Huddled in the corner, he rocked back and forth. His arms were wrapped around his legs that were pulled to his chest. Isaac couldn’t hold himself together anymore. His connection to Fallon had been getting weaker and weaker since the morning she rode out of his life, but he could still feel a trace of her warmth, her livelihood. That had to mean something. Right?

They belonged together. Bound,
he felt it to his core, but she didn’t see their connection.

Why couldn’t Fallon see it? He needed her, she needed him. If only he could go back and make things right. If he hadn’t topped all those women, maybe he could have convinced her. Maybe if she hadn’t seen him with Silvia… Sharon… whoever
the fuck he took to ease his need for control, she would have stayed.

A bitter laugh exploded out of his mouth. He needed to be in control. She would be so happy if she would just submit. But no, she wanted all the control. He needed to show her how good it could be, but she wouldn’t let him. So he went to women who would submit, over and over again and she hadn’t known.

Why did he bring her home?

Suddenly, the thread tying him to Fallon snapped, and he couldn’t feel her. She was gone and he was lost without her. He screamed h
er name at the top of his lungs and flew to the bars keeping him caged.

Need to find her, need to get her back, make her see what she’s missing,” he muttered over and over again as he tried to squirm through the bars of the cell.

I told you Isaac.” That dark rank voice slithered into his mind. “I’ll help you get her back. You just need to trust me.”

He finally cracked. With nothing left, what did he stand to lose?
“Anything, I’ll do anything,” he wailed desperately. “I need Fallon.”

Then here is what we’re going to do….”

Chapter 12



Brody woke with a start, alone and clinging to her pillow which was a poor substitute for Fallon. She belonged in his arms. Then he heard the shower come on and a slow smile started. He sat up and stretched his arms over his head as he took a deep breath.

His stomach rumbled as he caught the
aroma of eggs, cheddar, and maple sausage. She mentioned a quiche last night, and boy did it smell good. His mouth was watering.

First, he was going to go climb in the shower with Fallon. He padded into the bathroom and froze when he saw her. Her back was to him, but he could see the water cascading
down her body as she rinsed her hair.

He stepped in behind her, sliding his hands over her hips.
“Good morning, beautiful.”

Leaning back into him, she murmured,
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”

You didn’t.” He wound his arms around her, pulling her against his body. She reached up to wind one arm around his neck as she tipped her head back. He took her mouth in a kiss and gliding one hand down, skimming his fingers through her slick heat, while reaching up to caress her breast.

Mmm, yes.” She pressed her ass against his length as she arched her back. “Better make it fast or breakfast will burn.”

Fast?” he murmured as he reached between them to guide his length into her. Her hands flattened on the wall and her breath caught as he pressed in. “Need you,” he groaned.

Her head dropped forward, her hips rocking as he thrust harder, faster. She was so tight, so hot, and so damned good he couldn’t last, especially when she started to come around him. He could do nothing but follow.

Brody turned and sat on the bench, pulling her with him.

That made my morning.” She turned to kiss him hard and fast. Then she climbed out of his lap and stepped out of the shower. “But I need to get breakfast out. Hurry up and come down.” Her smile faltered and he knew something was bothering her.

I’ll be right there,” he promised.

Okay.” She turned and dried off quickly before leaving the room.

swiftly washed his hair, and then dried off. His flannel and her little silk thong were missing. He had to grin as he hurried into a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt.

When he walked into the kitchen, he found her pulling
the quiche out of the oven. He couldn’t help staring at the nicest pair of legs he’d ever seen, and she looked really good in his shirt.

Breathing deep, he closed his eyes.
“Smells like heaven on a plate.” Her laugh made him smile.

We need to talk before breakfast,” she said quietly.

I’m listening.” Though, he wasn’t concerned.

Fallon folded her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes.
“I’d appreciate it if you took this seriously.”

I am, but I don’t think I have anything to worry about.”

You may change your tune after meeting Preston, but here goes nothing. He’s a prick, and he seems to know every questionable thing I’ve ever done. He’s going to tell you stuff and spin it worse than it is….”

Brody didn’t care. He didn’t have anything to worry about. He closed the distance and kissed her
before she could finish.

She pushed him back and shook her head.
“Just wait. I know you’re fine with everything about me. At least you think you are. I have no clue what he’s going to tell you, but I’ll explain everything he brings up. I don’t want to keep secrets from you. The thing is, there’s a lot of shit to cover and will take time.” She shrugged. “Remember, he’s a Silver Council Enforcer, and like Robert he’s one of the better ones. He just happens to be a prick. His job is to know everything about everyone he deals with. Unfortunately, he remembers

Okay,” he said simply. “What’s the worst thing he could possibly tell me?”

When I worked his last mana-blade, he pissed me off, and I overreacted.”

Brody interrupted.
“Whatever you did, I’m sure you weren’t overreacting.”

She winced.
“After I finished the blade, he took my free hand, and put it on his dick. I took the same mana-blade I just finished and stabbed him in the leg, about two inches from his balls.”

He felt his eyes widen. Not because he thought she was wrong, but damn.
“Okay, maybe you overreacted a little, but I bet he hasn’t touched you since.” Squeezing her hand, he added. “Honestly? He probably deserved worse. You were already turning him down, right?”

Her mouth fell open for a second, before she answered.
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t have to stab him with his own blade.”

Sounds like you had a good reason and he needs a serious ego check from time to time. You managed that once, you will again.”

Fallon nodded, a smile spreading on her lips.
“Okay then. Fix us a plate. I’m going to run up and get dressed.”

After we get back tonight, we should just bring your stuff into the house.”

Fallon froze, her eyes locking on his.
“Really?” she whispered.

Maybe that was too fast.
“We don’t have to if you aren’t ready,” he quickly added. “If this is too much, I understand.” They were mated and he just assumed that step made sense. As soon as he saw her surprise he realized he should have handled the question with a little finesse.

That’s not it. I guess I hadn’t really thought about moving in. I’ve just never lived with anyone.” She shrugged a little.

Really?” He laughed, and she scowled. “You’re sixty-four. I don’t understand how you never were involved enough to live with a man.”

Never felt right.”

He frowned, wondering if she thought they weren’t right.
“Okay. We can take our time.”

She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t. They weren’t you.” Backing toward the door she grinned. “We’ll move my stuff tonight.” She slipped outside in nothing but his flannel and her panties.

The phone rang, and he snagged
it on the way to grab two plates. The number was Inktastic’s but it was only 7:30. “Hey, Adam. Aren’t you in early?”

He didn’t wait, just started in.
“So, that asshole mage is here. It’s not even eight yet.”

That bad?” Brody chuckled.

Yeah, that bad.” He snapped. Adam was usually so laid back. “You’re going to want to put the hurt on him. This guy is a complete fuckwad.”

Got that impression. I’m coming in with Fallon and I’m staying for the tattoo.”

Should I kick his ass out?” Adam sounded surprised. “If you’re coming to protect her, I can just get rid of him now.”

Brody laughed.
“That’s not why I’m coming. Hell, Fallon will kick his ass if he pulls something. Besides, she’s doing the tattoo to protect him from a vampire’s gaze.”

What? Why? How?”

I’m not really sure how. It’s just something she does with the wards. Vampires can enthrall you if you look into their eyes. With her wards, they can’t.”

Alrighty then.” Adam sounded impressed. “That reminds me, what the hell did Dacia do yesterday? Between Tomahawk and Dakota I have no clue what to think.”

We’ll talk later. Just know that Fallon put Dacia in her place, and she’ll be leaving me alone now.”

Hallelujah,” Adam sang. “Must be nice having Dacia off your back, and a crazy sexy woman to defend your honor.”


* * * *


Fallon was fine. She didn’t care about Brody’s past, so why should he care about hers. That was all well and good in theory, but as soon as they walked through the doors of Inktastic her doubts came rolling back.

What the hell would Preston say? How bad was he going to make her look?

Adam sat back in the chair facing the front of the shop. His blue eyes flashed and his jaw was tight. Preston sat across from Adam, tapping his fingers on the table between them.

Brody came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist, just in time for Tomahawk to walk out from his room. He wore a devilish grin.
“Mmm, Brody looks good on you, Fallon.”

Doesn’t he though?” She smiled back and felt Brody chuckle against her neck.

Preston spun his chair to face her. His jet black
hair was tousled as usual, and his eyes were pale blue. The prick was sinfully attractive, even in jeans and a t-shirt. However, the man’s personality had killed any desire she had ever felt for him.

The snarky smile fell clean off his face as he gaped at how Brody still held her close.

“Preston.” Her tone was frosty.

His lip curled in a sneer.
“You dump a weretiger who is a legendary sex god for this goody-goody puppy dog?” He shifted his gaze over Brody before shaking his head. “I remember you being adventurous in bed, but he seems so—bland.”

Like you know how to please a woman?” Fallon snorted. “And Isaac cheated on me. You should remember how well that goes over.” She stepped away from Brody and walked over to the far side of the table, to stand next to Adam. Brody followed and took the seat next to his brother.

Preston rolled the chair away from the table and sat back.
“I didn’t cheat. I wanted you and Natalia both at the same time. We didn’t start without you, and I didn’t touch her. She still wants a taste of you, Fallon. The goal was a threesome.”

I don’t share.”

Mathis and Paavo weren’t sharing?” he fired back.

Placing her hands on her hips, she stared back.
“There were extenuating circumstances, and they were a package deal. One I never tried again, in case you don’t remember.” She was bleeding to death because she took a bullet to keep them from being taken in by the Silver Council. Their magic worked through sexual release, so yeah, things got interesting, but they saved her life.

She waited for any reaction from Brody,
but there was none. She was so rewarding him later.

Preston glared at Brody.
“You can’t keep a woman like Fallon. She’s never happy with any man for long. She always runs when things get too deep.”

Brody rolled his eyes.

Fallon laughed out loud. “Things never got deep with you. Two drunken nights because you’re fun to drink with and you’re sexy, I’ll give you that. Then you opened your mouth and it all flew out the window because you’re too damned full of yourself.”

Maybe you should give me another try. You sure as hell enjoyed yourself when I did finally get you in bed.”

Funny. As I recall, I did all the work and got myself off. You were too drunk to do much more than lie there.”

He shot to his feet, his eyes narrowed.
“You’re the one lying to yourself. Hooking up with a werewolf, just days after showing up. You never could keep your legs closed.”

That stung, but he was wrong.
“Yeah, well my bed’s full.” She shrugged. “So if you have any inclination of getting back in my bed, you’re shit out of luck. Then again, you have been for over a decade now, so that’s nothing new. Get the fuck over yourself. You’re not all that.”

She looked Preston over and decided to lay all her cards out.
“One, Brody and I mated and sealed the bond.” The look of surprise on Preston’s face was downright comical. “Two, you’re such a prick I honestly don’t know how I managed to put up with your bullshit the first two times. No wonder I didn’t go back for thirds.”

Bitch,” he snarled.

Right back at you.” She crossed her arms. “So, here’s the deal. You want this blade. You know what I’m capable of. You should also know that I’m a very busy woman and in high demand. If I don’t do this, it won’t hurt me in the slightest. Get off your high horse, come back to reality, keep your hands to yourself and your mouth shut, and I’ll do the piece. Otherwise, you won’t get one. You know Gabriel won’t work on you after last time you came in, and I don’t know anyone else who can work one.”

Preston just stared at her, probably thinking over what she said.

“Go ahead. Take your time, because I’m not playing games.” She stood up, turned around and strode back to her room.


* * * *


Brody watched her stalk off to her station. He was tempted to go with her, but first, he needed to say a few things.

Before he could say
a single word, Adam nudged him. “So what the hell happened yesterday?”

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