Read Catch Me A Cowboy Online

Authors: Jacquie Underdown

Catch Me A Cowboy (29 page)

He undid his top button, pulled the zip down, and released his shaft from his underwear. Her scent was still all over him and it rocketed through his senses, amplifying the lust in his guts. He couldn't wait, he had to take her right now.

‘Are you on the pill?' he growled.

She nodded.

He thrust himself between her thighs, deep into her, and groaned to feel the pressure of her walls clenching around him. He pulled out a little then shoved inside again. Already it felt like he could burst, but knew he wouldn't, not after coming so soon. His body would grant him time to experience the pleasure.

His mouth closed over hers and her legs wrapped around his waist, those boots firmly around his hips. She was needy and not afraid to show it. He fucking loved that. He thrust harder, in, out, in, out, adoring the silky slide of his cock in that hot, tight crevice.

She groaned against his mouth then pulled back and nipped at his lower lip. He tasted blood, felt a sharp burst of pain. His stomach tightened, his cock grew even harder if that was at all possible. She sucked hard at his neck, then nipped at his earlobe. Her fingers dug into his back.
Did she know what that did to him? He looked at her face and saw the devilish glint in her eyes—she knew exactly what he liked.

Oh, fuck
. He pushed his hand under her arse and rolled her hips forward to meet his next thrust, the next, the next, harder into her, losing himself. The rumblings of an orgasm sounded in his loins.

‘Oh … fuck you all night long … tight little …' His words were a growl against her lips as he penetrated her mouth with his tongue, sucking and sliding.

Her body tightened under his hands; she bucked wildly against him, clenching around his shaft.
Oh hell.
He was not going to be able to hold on. Not when her scorching body was vibrating around him and those sounds coming from her mouth, desperate mewls and harsh breaths.

She threw her head back and moaned and Wil exploded into her, jerking as he pulsed his seed deep inside. His vision hazed, his heart thundered and flesh burned. ‘Emily,' he growled against her ear as the last remnants of come and pleasure pulsed.

He cupped her face and rested his forehead against hers, sucking in deep breaths.

‘I'm so sorry,' came the sound of a female voice behind him.

His head whipped around to see Billi.

Wil could not believe his ex-wife was standing in his kitchen while he had his dick still inside Emily. All the bliss he felt just seconds before as he came deep inside her, fled the moment he looked at Billi.
Bloody hell.

What the hell was she doing here?

His face was contorted with his quickening rage. ‘Get out of here,' he yelled, louder than he anticipated. Emily's breaths were rushed and her movements quick against him as she attempted to cover herself from the eyes of this intrusion.

‘I knocked,' said Billi, turning her head so she faced away from them. ‘No one answered. The door was open—'

‘Not quite the moment to be explaining yourself. I'll meet you in the living room.'

‘Right. Yes. Of course,' she said and strode from the kitchen.

Wil sighed. ‘I am so sorry about that.'

Emily's eyes were narrowed, her brow furrowed. It contradicted the gorgeous flush she had earned from their romp. ‘Who is she?'

He closed his eyes as he pulled out from her. ‘My ex-wife.'

‘Oh. Does she visit, unannounced, often?'

He pulled up his underwear and shook his head. ‘She hasn't stepped foot in this place for three years.'

Emily climbed off the bench and bent to pick up her knickers. ‘Pregnant.'

Wil nodded.

‘What's she doing here?'

Wil clasped the button on his jeans and yanked up the zip. ‘I don't know.' He went to her, placed both hands on her shoulders, and pressed a kiss to her lips. ‘Give me five minutes to find out what's going on.'

Emily nodded.

He strode out of the kitchen and found Billi sitting on the couch in the living room. Her head snapped up when she heard his footsteps. He was still shirtless. Barefoot.

‘I'm sorry,' she said. ‘I'm so embarrassed.'

‘What are you doing here?' he asked, taking a seat beside her.

She shook her head. ‘I guess it doesn't matter now.'

He breathed in deeply, trying to contain his anger. ‘Billi, don't jerk me around. Why are you here?'

She rubbed her hand over her swollen belly and frowned. ‘I guess you heard that Gerry and I have separated.'

He nodded.

‘It's for the best. We weren't working out. We never really have. Not like …' She looked him in the eyes. ‘Not like you and I did. I was so stupid to leave you, Wil.'

‘Yeah, well, a bit late for regrets.'

She nodded and sighed. ‘I know. But I still do. I regret everything. We were so happy. We could have had a good life together.'

‘Again, a bit late to be telling me this.'

She swept a hand through her hair. ‘Are you serious about that woman in there?'

‘That's none of your business. It's bad enough you broke into my house unannounced and saw that.'

She lowered her head and shook it. ‘Yes. It didn't feel good to see you intimate with another woman.'

He did laugh this time. Sardonically. ‘What, did you think I was going to remain celibate my entire life because you decided another man was more suited to your needs?'

‘Of course not.' She hesitated for a moment. ‘Is she one of the contestants for this show you're doing?'

‘Again, none of your business. Look, I'm sorry you came all the way out here, but you really have to leave. I've got a guest and I'm being rude ignoring her so I can chat with my ex-wife.'

She winced when he said the words
, but he had no sympathy. He had done more than wince when she cheated on him then demanded he fund her and Gerry's future life together.

Billi nodded and pushed up from the couch. ‘Fine.'

He stood too. ‘Look, I'm sorry about your current circumstances, but it's got nothing to do with me anymore. Your life is your life. You made your bed.'

Tears formed in her eyes and his stomach clenched. He didn't mean to make her cry.
Damn it
. But was it his responsibility to help her out? Was it his responsibility to feel empathy for her? No. It wasn't. She couldn't come into his life after all this time and demand it of him.

He sighed deeply, his shoulders rolling forwards. ‘Billi, please, I have to ask that you leave. And you can't come back here.'

Her eyes widened.

‘I know that sounds harsh, but, honestly, you have no idea what pain you've caused me over the years and I find it hard to even look at you. I won't have you coming back here and trying to dig your claws in again.'

‘Claws?' she shrieked.

He wasn't getting into a fight. This woman played no part in his life anymore. There was no reason whatsoever for her to be standing in his living room. ‘Just leave. I'm sorry, but you've got to go.' He pointed to the door.

She nodded, pulling her shoulders back. ‘Fuck you, Wil Parker. I wish I never met you.'

He didn't acknowledge that.

She stormed away and he didn't relax until he heard the front door slam.

He went to the door and locked it, which he would remember to do from now on, though he didn't anticipate she'd be back.

Emily was still in the kitchen, leaning back against the bench. She offered a strained smile when he entered the room. ‘Everything okay?'

He nodded. ‘Fine.'

She stepped closer and looked up at him. ‘Are you okay?'

‘Yeah. I'm good.' And he genuinely was. He knew, in the past, that visit would have shaken him to the core, but he was shown that he was well and truly over Billi.

Emily wrapped her arms around him and he cuddled her, breathing in her warmth and comfort. Emily was his future. He knew that now with every part of his soul. He kissed her lips and smiled as he looked into her beautiful eyes, for no other reason than because he was happy.

Chapter 36

‘I am falling for Wil so damn hard, I can barely breathe.'

Xanthi's squeal sounded through the mobile. Emily had to pull it away from her ear. ‘Oh. My. God. Are you serious?'

‘So serious. I spent last night alone with him and it was more than I could ever have imagined.'

‘You slept with him?' Her words were fast and urgent.


‘How was he?'


‘Did he talk dirty again?'

Emily smiled and shifted the mobile to her other ear. ‘Ah-ha. And boy do I love that filthy mouth of his.'

‘Ooooooh. I want a dirty talking cowboy.'

Emily laughed. ‘You've got a husband. Let me have something here.'

‘So you are
about him?'

‘Yes. I am.'

‘I'm so happy for you! So what's next?'

Emily leant back against the tree, letting the darkness of the night enclose her. ‘Today we had a group lunch, then this afternoon was another elimination. We're down to five girls. Next week, we're to have a super-date then another elimination. After that, we meet his family.' She giggled. ‘But I've already done that.'

‘Sounds like fun. Who would have guessed you were going to find an amazing man on
Catch Me a Cowboy

‘I know. Go figure.'

‘A “thank you” would suffice.'

Emily laughed. ‘Thank you, Xanthi, for kicking my butt and making me take the leap.'

‘You're very welcome.'

They said their goodbyes and Emily snuck back into the cottage. Inside was still, quiet, with only a few girls left. The end of this show was on the horizon, and Emily thought if she reached out far enough she may be able to touch the outskirts of it, feel the bright, warm edges found there. But some hidden place inside her, pulled her back, covered her eyes. A whispered mumble said that she wasn't ready to see what was there yet. She dutifully obeyed. No use getting ahead of herself.

She crept down the darkened hall to her room and closed the door quietly behind her before flicking on a light. Blissful emotions still surged through her body from last night's encounter with Wil. He was the most delectable lover she'd ever had. No one compared to Wil—his size, body and a certain other appendage, but also the reverence in his touch, as though he worshipped at her alter, wanted to please her sexually, emotionally, spiritually. And in doing so, she ached to give him what he needed in return.

Emily sat on the end of her bed and opened messages on her phone before she hid it away in her luggage.

She smiled as she typed a message to Wil.

EMILY: Goodnight. xx

WIL: Goodnight, gorgeous. Here's hoping I dream about you.

Noon the next day, Emily's tummy was fluttering with excitement as she climbed into the passenger side of Wil's helicopter. He sat in the pilot's seat, handed her a headset, then put on his own. He wore beige pants and a white long sleeve shirt.

She'd flown in a helicopter before, but never had her lover been the pilot. It thrilled her to see him in this commanding position and she never thought him sexier than she did right now.

Who would have thought that this cowboy from the country would bring her to her knees?

‘Where are we going today?' she asked.

He winked and smiled. ‘Secret. Now buckle up, baby, coz we're about to take off.'

Emily locked the straps over her shoulders and waist. Wil started the chopper and they floated into the air. She watched the hectares of lush green farmland from the window as they soared above it all.

A cameraman sat in the back and a Go-pro was set up above the front window, but she could ignore the intrusion now—Wil was the centre of her focus. Only him.

They flew for thirty minutes across the rural landscape until the lush green transformed into long stretches of highway and bundles of houses. Wil detoured over the top of the Melbourne Cricket Ground, over the Docklands, and above the city.

‘I do love my hometown,' she said, grinning as she saw it from a bird's perspective.

They landed shortly afterwards at the airport. A driver was waiting to collect them. She sat in the back of a lush Mercedes with Wil, cuddled in his arms. They kissed and whispered and she barely noticed the city whipping past until they stopped outside the Comedy Theatre.

Emily grinned as she looked at Wil. ‘What are we doing?'

He pointed up to the billboard perched on the roof of the building, lit up in neon lights. Frank N Furter, Riff Raff, and the rest of the production stared down at her.

The Rocky Horror Show

Wil laughed. He reached into his small bag at his feet and pulled out a pink feather boa. He wrapped it around her shoulders and kissed her lips. ‘Yep.'

Excitement stormed through Emily's cells. She'd not seen this musical yet though she'd tried many times, but work always intruded. Had Xanthi included it on her application that this was her favourite?

She squealed and jumped out of the car to join the crowd heading into the theatre. They had wine in the foyer while they waited for the musical to start, then were ushered to the front row. Emily's eyes glossed as she took her seat. How far in advance had Wil planned this to get them these seats? Did he know right from the beginning that she'd still be here by this stage?

They sat together in the dim room filled with people dressed in suspenders, feather boas and wigs. The lights went out and the spotlight focused on the woman standing before the curtain on the stage. Emily turned to Wil and kissed his cheek. ‘Thank you so much. This is perfect.'

He kissed her forehead and smiled. ‘I'm glad you like it.'

The opening theme music started and Emily was lost in the performance until the very end.

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