Read Catch Me A Cowboy Online

Authors: Jacquie Underdown

Catch Me A Cowboy (24 page)

Felicity kissed his cheek and her tears wet his face. ‘Thank you for being my guest and allowing me to get to know you over the last month. You're a gorgeous woman and so kind. You will make someone very happy in your future, I'm certain of it.'

Felicity nodded and made her final exit from the barn. Wil was deflated. Like he couldn't hold his body up. Never did he anticipate the game would affect him like this, but it went against most people's nature. People don't like to fuck others around. People didn't like to lie to another's face. And humans were not polygamous, no matter how much certain sectors attempted to convince themselves that it was the natural biology of humans. It wasn't. Because people got hurt. Invariably. Wil understood then why these shows were so successful because they were never short of conflict and viewers ate that up.

Missy addressed the contestants. ‘We are now down to six women, all vying to win the heart of our cowboy. What a fantastic three weeks of dates you've experienced. Some of you have been whisked up into the ether in hot air balloons, others kayaking along pristine waters, and some experienced private concerts from Prissy Jones. You've all had extended time to get to know Wil in a one-on-one setting. There's been some deep emotions revealed and—' she held up two fingers, ‘—two kisses.'

Wil's heart thud like a bass drum again his ribs when those words came out of Missy's mouth. His eyes flickered to Emily. She met his gaze, her mouth gaping. A look of shock and betrayal crossed her features and then it was gone, replaced by a wall of stone. He knew that look anywhere; it was the one he saw every day in the mirror since his divorce.

His stomach knotted. His throat felt sick because he knew in that instant, he had lost her and it may well be impossible to get her back.

Chapter 32

Two kisses. Two freakin' kisses? That meant Wil kissed someone other than her. Emily couldn't believe her ears. She gave him permission to do what was required, what he felt was in accord with his integrity, but kissing transgressed unstated barriers. Maybe a week ago, she could have accepted it, but not after their amazing day spent together, then how he made her feel under that tree those few nights ago. Not after the way he whispered his sweet everythings in her ear.

So, she allowed herself to feel shock, regret and betrayal for only a moment before all her old defences shot up and surrounded her heart with their bullet proof protection.
I'm fine. I can move on from this
. Yes, she had enjoyed Wil's company, his touch, his kiss, his mind, his body, but that could all be undone. He'd facilitated the ease in which that would happen already.

She could convince herself that none of that was real—merely a product of this false reality where she was made to believe in things like fairies and the possibilities of true love. Both nonsense.

When filming was cut, Emily didn't hang around to talk to Wil like she had planned, like some of the other women were doing. No, instead, she stormed out of the barn and headed directly back to the contestants' quarters. When home, she went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. Standing there, she took the few moments of quiet she would be allowed before the other contestants got back. They were required to talk about the elimination tonight. It was the last thing Emily felt like doing.

Halfway through her first glass, chatter, laughter and footsteps floated up the hall and grew louder as the girls approached the kitchen. A camera was following them. It was all pleasant as they fixed themselves drinks, but once they were in the lounge together, the questions began.

‘Two kisses?' asked Tatiana.

‘So that means two girls are keeping secrets from the rest of us,' said Daniella.

Becky looked at Emily and she knew immediately that it was her that Wil had kissed. Her stomach pulled and squeezed, despite her declaration that this was not going to affect her adversely. Wil was just another guy proving what guys do best—looking after number one. Themselves. Her dad had taught her that lesson nice and young, that way she had no expectations, that way she could never be totally broken hearted.

Becky arched a brow and a smug grin flickered across her lips.

Tatiana squealed and pointed to Becky. ‘It was you? Why didn't you tell me?'

Becky shrugged a shoulder. ‘I don't kiss and tell.'

‘So who else?' asked Georgie.

All the girls shook their heads except for Emily. Eventually, the room of women turned to gaze at her. Their mouth's dropped open. ‘You?' asked Daniella. ‘I knew it. I knew you were hiding something. You've got to share what it was like. Damn it, I was hoping he was still being a gentleman, yet here he was with two on the go at once.'

That comment hit Emily in the heart of all places and she lost her breath. She felt like such an idiot to have ever believed him. What else was he doing in private with Becky?

‘Was it a full on French kiss?' asked Tatiana, looking from Emily to Becky. Emily held her breath until Becky answered, wanting to stupidly know the answer to this as well. Just how far did Wil go with her?

‘No. But it was so sweet. He's not the type to take it too fast, so it was a gentleman's kiss.'

Emily sighed with relief to hear that. Though it was still a kiss, it wasn't open-mouthed, which made it feel less like a betrayal. Sort of. But their lips still touched. He got close to her. Smelled her scent. Emily closed her eyes and drew some deep breaths to ease the tension in her body. When she opened her eyes, the girls were all looking at her.

Tatiana pressed a hand to her hip and cocked her head to the side. ‘Well?'

‘Um … just a quick peck,' said Emily, not willing to show to the other women just how foolish she had been.

Becky narrowed her eyes at Emily. ‘It was more than a peck, Emily Wolfe. I can tell. You've been pale from the moment you heard he'd kissed someone else. What, did you think you would be the only one?'

Emily forced a smile on her face. She shook her head. ‘Of course I didn't. This a dating show, isn't it? I'm not that naive.' Her voice cracked when she said that and she had to rein in her emotions before they exploded in front of the cameras and the other girls. ‘But our kiss wasn't anything special.'
Yet to me it was everything. Because I'm an idiot who let herself think Wil was different, despite the fact that he had signed up for this show.
‘Excuse me,' Emily said, placing her glass on the coffee table. ‘But I'm not feeling well.' She shook her head as she stood and cleared her throat. ‘I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good night.' And she walked out.

When back in her room, she grabbed her toiletries and pyjamas and showered quickly. She wanted to change into comfortable clothes, climb into bed and brood. But she was also curious to see if Wil had texted or rang. She wanted to see that he had tried to contact her, but also didn't want him to have contacted her. She was scared of what he might say and hopeful that there was a perfectly good reason for him to kiss Becky. To kiss Becky.
God, I'd punch him fair in the face if he was here right now

She went to her luggage and rummaged under her clothes for her mobile. She pulled it out and switched it on. As she waited for it to boot up, her stomach squirmed. Her throat had that tight, sickly sensation.

Her phone vibrated and her breaths stalled for a moment while she debated if she should see who it was. Taking a deep inhalation, she clicked into her messages. Wil's name popped up. She thumbed the screen to open it and read the text quickly.

WIL: I'm sorry.

Her heart sank to her stomach when she read that. Because an apology implied guilt. She continued reading, anger burning a path through her veins like scalding water.

WIL: I'm sorry. She kissed me before I could stop it.

Emily sighed. So they really did kiss. This confirmed it. She groaned to the ceiling at how ridiculous an excuse that was. Before he could stop it? What a cruel joke.

She angrily pressed reply and punched a message back.

EMILY: Sounds utterly plausible.

A message vibrated back quickly.

WIL: I know. It sounds horrible. We need to talk in person. Meet me in 5 minutes. Please!

EMILY: Best we just keep it professional from here on out.

WIL: Don't do that. I deserve to give you an explanation for what happened.

EMILY: You don't have to explain yourself. This is a game. For your enjoyment. So enjoy yourself.

She switched off her phone.
And I'm the idiot who signed up to make that possible.

Chapter 33

Wil was in the kitchen with his mother. She was at the stove cooking bacon and eggs. He was setting the table. He hadn't smiled since what happened with Becky, and especially since Emily was told about it.

‘I've lost her,' he said, placing forks beside plates. ‘How can I expect her to understand what happened?'

‘If she cares enough, she'll understand, Wil. But you need to talk to her. Face-to-face. Without all the stress and intrusion of the cameras and the other women.'

‘I know I do. But I can't just head on over to the contestants' quarters and seek her out. There are rules. And she won't answer my texts.' Wil started on the knives, growing more despondent with each second that passed. ‘And, besides, I'm starting to think that it's when she cares the most that she pulls away the hardest. You should have seen her face. One minute she was open and receptive, then the next, stone. She's been hurt before. That was a practised defence. No doubt about it.'

‘Then you have something more in common.'

Wil did manage a small smile. ‘You have this ability to turn things, even emotional luggage, into a positive.'

Mum picked bacon out of the pan with tongs and placed it on paper towel. ‘That's my superpower.'

Wil laughed.

‘Along with making miserable people laugh again.'

Wil looked at his mum. ‘Thank you.'

Mum shrugged and grinned, then turned back to the task at hand. The sound of the front door opening, followed by voices and footsteps echoed through to the kitchen. Dad stepped into the room, followed by Wil's sister Cheree, Wil's niece Rochelle, and nephew Jai.

‘Wil,' said Dad. ‘Good to see you, son.'

‘Hi,' Wil said, then greeted his niece and nephew with a kiss on each of their heads. When he straightened, he said hello to his sister.

Cheree, who was nearly eight months pregnant, took a seat at the kitchen table. ‘What's wrong with you, sad sack? The gameshow not working out how you hoped?'

Mum placed a tray of bacon in the centre of the table. ‘He's having some trouble with that girl he likes.'

Dad took a seat at the head of the table. Jai and Rochelle found chairs opposite their mother. ‘Who? Emily?'

Wil nodded. ‘It's a long story.'

‘We just saw her,' said Cheree, rubbing her stomach.

Wil's eyes widened. ‘Where?'

‘She was walking along the fence line a distance from the cottage.'

‘Would she still be there?' he asked quickly.

Dad shrugged. ‘I guess so. She was quite a distance. I see her there a fair bit. She seems to like morning walks.'

‘She's gorgeous,' said Cheree. ‘Ridiculously gorgeous.'

‘Can you go back and get her for me? Please. Bring her here? I need to talk to her.'

Dad's brow furrowed. ‘What? Why?'

‘I screwed up. Big time. And I need to explain what happened. She's not answering my texts and she's really angry.'

Cheree rolled her eyes. ‘What did you do?'

He lowered his head and groaned. Running hands through his hair, he said, ‘I kissed another contestant—'

‘You what?' Cheree shrieked.

‘It's not like that. I didn't have time to stop her. But Emily thinks it was a proper, intentional kiss.'

Cheree shook her head, her lips drawn into a straight line, eyes narrowed.

Wil gestured a hand at her. ‘See, that's what I'm up against. That's how Emily sees it too. But I swear—'

Dad pushed his chair back and stood, faster than he had in the last few months. His ribs were obviously healing well. ‘I'll get her.'

‘Thank you,' said Wil as his dad donned his hat and left the kitchen.

Wil paced the length of the kitchen as he waited for the crush of gravel under tyres to sound. Less than ten minutes later, he heard the truck pull up. He rushed out the front and stood on the porch looking into the cab of the ute to see if Emily was there.

She was. He sighed with relief and his shoulders rolled forwards. She was scowling, but he was expecting that. How Dad managed to convince her was beyond him, but he didn't care at this point, just grateful whatever he said or did, worked.

Emily pushed the car door open and stepped out. She was wearing short denim shorts that accentuated the length of her strong, exquisite legs, cowboy boots that drove him wild, and a long-sleeved white shirt.

He marched to her. ‘Emily.'

Hurt filled her eyes as she looked up at him and his chest ached to see it there, knowing it was because of him. He had a lot of explaining to do.

‘I'm glad you came. Thank you. I really need to talk to you. Come with me, there's a chair where we can sit and have some privacy.'

Dad tipped his hat at Emily and made his way inside.

Emily still hadn't said anything but walked alongside Wil towards a tree off to the side of the house that had a two-seater swing chair under it. They sat beside each other, not touching. Her hands were folded in her lap, arms held in tight to her body.

Resting both his feet on the ground, he bent forwards with elbows on his knees. ‘I am so sorry you had to hear that from Missy in such a way that offered no explanation as to the reality of the moment between me and Becky.'

Emily crossed her arms. ‘I'm sorry too.' Her voice was soft, emotionless.

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